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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6070622 No.6070622 [Reply] [Original]

Who put the laws of physics and the universe or how were they born, like for example why when an object break the sound barrier (from transonic to supersonic speed), it cause the production of steam and like how natural selection cause genetic mutation to organism like for example how the did the flying fish evolved ? why they grew wings ? and don't tell me bullshit like ''will'' or something, I want to know the ''thing'' that ''triggers'' all these actions.

>> No.6070633


>> No.6070638

So what you are basically asking is what caused the big bang?

>> No.6070646

God obviously. Or magic. Or both.

>> No.6070647

Who put the laws of physics and the universe or how were they born...

Everybody wants to know this question, but nobody fucking knows. I can already tell the answer you've come up with...God had to of done it. Not saying God coulddnt have but dont make the mistake that it "has" to be the only way. There exactly the title of your post "Unknown" . To my belief, who put the universe and laws in place... no thing or no one, the universe or whatever greater reality (multiverse) has most likely been here and always will be. How was God born? Let's make it a lot more simpler and say the universe needed no creator because it is the universe.

>> No.6070648

the universe is a fractal; infinite repetition in infinite dimentions of spacetime; circularly recurring to its origins and its end; the laws of quantum physics and the motion of solar systems; they are the same; governed by the rules of mathematics; probabilistic and deterministic at the same time; logic transcending the planes of existance from the smallest to the largest scale; reversing their roles as they are the same; spacetime is infinite; fractally infinte and compact; the flow of time creates hypertime, supertime and metatime ad infinitum; manifold embedded into ambient manifold; the universe becoming visible through the emergence of consciousness reflecting itself; creating symmetry and retrospectively causing the universe to exist; mind and nature eternally unified in an oscillatory imbalance;

>> No.6070660

I agree, the birth of these laws really keep my head busy

>> No.6070664

Yep, the tiny little ''thing'' that triggers every actions in the universe

>> No.6070665
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>> No.6070666

>Who put the laws of physics and the universe or how were they born

>> No.6070668

Define the meaning of ''nature'' how does it work ? and who put ''nature'' in the first place ? what is that force that cause everything to have a ''will'' to do evolve into something that it desire or so ?

>> No.6070674

>who put ''nature'' in the first place

nature is the ultimate answer

deal with it

>> No.6070677

I can't deal with it, how ''nature'' was born in the first place ? before the big bang there wasn't a thing called ''nature'', I need a scientific explanation of ''nature'' and not fancy words

>> No.6070681

http://www.naderashchi.com/sevenlaws.html, here's your answer OP

>> No.6070687

>I need a scientific explanation of ''nature'' and not fancy words
So don't fucking ask "who" did something because such question is retarded and loaded with the idea that there would be somebody who did such a thing..

Check e.g. http://www.nature.com/news/theoretical-physics-the-origins-of-space-and-time-1.13613 for recent ideas, follow the citations for more in-depth shit..

>> No.6070693
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Thanks you for your contribution, and there's no need to be upset

>> No.6070705

Really, you are asking questions that NO ONE has the answer to...NO ONE knows what happened before the big bang, maybe the universe has cycles.

I can't deal with it
no, really deal with it...
How do you know there wasn't nature before the big bang? And what are you talking about "will" in evolution, organisms don't "will" themselves to change, its really the unconscious behavior of life and death that takes place over millions of years. This is the mistake people make all the time, the universe doesn't care if "you" can't understand or cant fathom, infinity or no creator for the universe. The laws of reality don't conform to what you "think" makes sense. What if science found out that the universe poped into existence from "NOTHING", and that was simply "how things were". You'd say no that's impossible things can't come from nothing.Maybe to your tiny existence and perceptions it makes no sense and can't be fathomed, but again the universe doesn't need to "make sense" to you or to anything.There is only what can be scientifically proven and our senses can not be trusted.

>> No.6070719

So don't fucking ask "who" did something because such question is retarded and loaded with the idea that there would be somebody who did such a thing..

Agreed. "who" is loaded with assumption, a opinion on how something "has to be". Get your assumptions out of your head, lose them all. "who" already means you've come up with a answer your looking for... but you won't find it. No where in all the science, is there any kind of shred of 'who" made this all happen. Open up to the idea that the universe needs no creator and in the end there will be something that will and has always been around.

>> No.6070726

I totally agree with you, there alot of things that we don't know about the universe yet, everything is possible, i've read about this

At first I was like no way in hell, but it ''CAN" be possible, why not ?

>> No.6070734

Iluvatar song.

>> No.6071638

The correct term is "anthropic principle".

>> No.6072556

The universe arises from quantum uncertainty.

>> No.6072579


>> No.6073496

Quantum uncertainty has never been observed.

>> No.6073501
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Did it hurt? To live all those years, without any touch with the outside world?

>> No.6073519

I was thinking about a simmilar question like that. And i came to the conclusion, that its something we are not able to comprehend, prove without fail and observe.

We are caught in the dimension we are in, and its impossible with 100% certainty to know what we would see if we would observe our dimension from one above us. That is dimensions as in 1d, 2d, 3d, anything inside a certain dimension cannot observe as much as someone from a higher dimension.

>> No.6074630

No, it did not.

>> No.6075567

>Everything vibrates
>What is basic thermodynamics
>What is absolute zero

>> No.6076289

Absolute zero is not absolute. Negative temperature is possible.

>> No.6076298

You are a fucking idiot

>> No.6076309
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>assuming a "who" to start with
>concluding it must be a "who"

Nice circular logic son
Why are you so fucking retarded?

>> No.6076348

>What is quantum mechanics