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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6061617 No.6061617 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6061619

>government gets shutdown
>website has to be taken down

>> No.6062040

It was nice knowing America.

When and where did it all go wrong?

>> No.6062054

It went wrong when the country was founded by greedy merchants who didn't like competition.

>> No.6062125

Maybe we'll all get obliterated by a stealthy asteroid while no one is looking at the screens and watching for asteroids.

>> No.6062134
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>> No.6062186
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It's the same thing as everywhere else.
Too much power in too few hands. Power cliques, vested interests.

Because the people whose interests the current unstable system serves, have gotten their will written into law.

What they do may be lawful, but it ain't just.

>> No.6062193

> founded by greedy merchants who didn't like competition.
> thomas jefferson
> andrew jackson

>> No.6062199
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>the house, president and senate still get paid
What the fuck do they care, go home to giant mansions in the knowledge they are getting paid despite being the cause of this.
Yet they are still for the "people" and feel the "pain" of those going without pay.

You think any of them know what its like to spend a winter on the streets? Fuck they can be as incompetent as they want in the safe knowledge their pensions are more than the average person earns in a life time.

>> No.6062212
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>NASA Mission Control will continue supporting astronauts serving on the Space Station.

>> No.6062216

The house and senate are required to be paid by the 27th amendment.

>> No.6062227

>The house and senate are required to be paid by the 27th amendment.
>Hey lets make it so congress can't change their salaries midterm!
You fucked up guys.

>> No.6062238

That was my point. You see personal in certain sectors giving their paychecks away to share in "Americas pain", stupid concept I know but do you think any of the house or senante would donate their paycheck during this shut down to charity to "share in the pain".

The house, senate and president should be paid peanuts and should have no pension.

If you take money out of the government, you are left with people who want to be there for the right reasons with no other engenders and immune to bribes.

Not to mention

>president loses pay
>president loses pension
>tonight on CNN the president has passed a new bill getting rid of homelessness

In a country with a majority of lower class/middle class/working class it can not be run by people with no concept of this.

>> No.6062244

Yeah, but if public servants aren't paid then only people with enough money to live off of can run for office.

However, their political party could fund their living expenses.

>> No.6062248
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>in speech class today
>we're working on our outline
>i'm getting my sources together
>most of them being from nasa.gov and noaa.gov (doing speech on climate change)
>go to sites
>tell professor
>she laughs and offers to move my due date back

thx congress ;)

>> No.6062255

wow...just wow.
they can't even afford to keep the website up?
that's fucking retarded

>> No.6062253


>Having female teachers
I shiggy.

>> No.6062261

Why would they want to run from office if they practically swear an oath of poverty for life?

Similar to Bheids priesthood, leaders were sworn to live a life of poverty even after they stepped down.

Most leaders dropped out and the new leaders completely got rid of all corruption and pretty much became close to a Utopian version of priesthood (atleast as close as priesthoods can).

Sure as fuck beats the current model of pouring millions into one guy to go around shouting "change, change!, change"

>> No.6062270

I can't tell you how much worse that would be.

>> No.6062275

>missing the point of the thread

>> No.6062278


psh it's only a speech class m8

>> No.6062281

>Having any classes with females

>> No.6062285


u must b engineering student

>> No.6062290

Females just drag you down, that's why I assist to a men's college.

>> No.6062297

I suppose not everyone wants to be ruled by someone who doesn't see enough value in having money and property to have any of their own.

>> No.6062390

Holy fucking shit. Why te dock is everyone so casual about this. This is seriouse shit.

Fuck, is it gonna get worse? I don't wanna ask /pol/ because tey always hunk it's about to happen.

>> No.6062395

>speech in climate change

Everyone heard it a thousand times, we dot give a shit, it will affect our grand kids, not us.

>> No.6062404

>tfw a female won't let you do sex to it

>> No.6062471

The problem with all countries is you're forced to abide by society's rules and subject yourself to the leader even if you don't agree with it.

In naturally-occurring power structures in groups, if people don't agree, they get the fuck out. One can't easily do that at the national scale.

>> No.6062488

I know. Unfortunately the people who keep the system in imbalance have forgotten that there are two ways to regain the balance.

Currently, the elite grows ever more prosperous while the masses get poorer. As the imbalance grows, the more violent the inevitable re-balancing will be.

>> No.6062512


>implying people don't care about their grandkids
>implying many biologic immortals aren't already alive

>> No.6062517

noaa is down?! where the cock am i going to get my 99.9% accurate weather now?! sure as fuck not from weatherbug.

cock tits, damn you congress!

>> No.6062584

You can get 100% accurate weather by going outside.

>> No.6062624

Yep. Asteroids are just gonna fly towards us unannounced. No one at the controls to spot them. No time to do anything about it now. This is the end.

>> No.6062626

can at least get mesoanalysis and look at the radar

>> No.6062629

i like to know the humidity, barometer, UV, and air pollution information.

>> No.6062636


>> No.6062640

Fair enough, I was just pulling your leg.

>> No.6062642


Any staff that are seen as unnecessary are fired. This includes IT staff.

>> No.6062653

>dat one reply to the article

>> No.6062726


le "freedumz market" cant cater for theoretical physics and math, its time you ameriburgers understood this. libertarianism is an outdated, childish religion

>> No.6062727


>> No.6062781

elect a black president they said
everything will be right they said

>> No.6062785

if libertarism is outdated what about representative democracy?

>> No.6062794

>implying climate change is real

Geologists and paleontologists are aware that global temperature shifts have been going on since the Earth was young. You're an idiot if you think burning fossil fuels actually has an impact on anything, do you have any fucking clue how much carbon dioxide is released when a volcano erupts?

>> No.6062810


doesn't work, when theres people out there who would rather spend money on wars and banks

>> No.6062814

135 volcanic erruptions per year equals one year of human emmisions. every 10 to 30 years humans emit the equivilant of a supervolcano that normally errupts every 75000 years.

>> No.6062817


Back to your shithole please

>> No.6062821
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calm down folks there are still a few sub-domains online:


pic unrelated

>> No.6062827
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>being this egocentric
spot the neckbeard, everyone

>> No.6062828

what worries me about that graph is most people will be happy with option [2]

>> No.6062853
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don't worry the Rocky Mountain Institute will save us.

>> No.6062866

That pic is so retarded. perfect example of ignoring anything that you don't want in your vision of the future, even if its worse than the alternatives.

>> No.6062867
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just epik

>> No.6062904

What worries me is that the same picture is always used, but somehow we're always positioned right before everything goes crazy

>> No.6063370

That's because you're getting used to the shit as it happens incrimentally.

>> No.6063384

why don't we buy the servers?

>> No.6063391

I was thinking we should buy the domain but stupid .gov
nasa.com redirects to satellite images
nasa.net is up for grabs though

>> No.6063404

Wow, they must be quite retarded to shut down a website that is basically free to keep online.

And those are the people supposed to get us into space.