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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6058168 No.6058168 [Reply] [Original]

Types Of Engineering

Can we get a thread going about which type of engineering you went into and why?

I went to Chemical Engineering and am realizing I have no interest in Chemistry, I've always felt like Mechanical Engineering was the most interesting can someone tell me if that's true or did i choose the right path?

>> No.6058198

You chose the right place, bwo. However. If there's nuclear engineering, you should've gone there.

>> No.6058213

I'm not really thinking of pursuing engineering, but I'd be interested to hear what each field of engineering is like.

>> No.6058217


But Mechanical Eng. I feel, has much more respect to it's title.

>> No.6058219

No it doesn't. It carries the image of a stereotypical sixties-nineties engineer working on some details on a bench. You don't want your potential bitches to think you're a mecheng. Now, chemical engineer sounds pretty cool and smart to people. Besides, some of them really do cool work, if I am not mistaken.

>> No.6058221

>Besides, some of them really do cool work, if I am not mistaken.
Some of them do boring as fuck plant work, too.
If you want the one with he most cachet, go petroleum or drilling engineering. You'll be swimming in both bitches and money.

>> No.6058239

You are most likely going to be called a "Process Engineer" on the job. And luckily, you don't need to have a deep knowledge of chemistry just to have a job with a six-figure salary.

Electrical here, not much focus on computer engineering. Just trying to get a job with refining company such as ExxonMobil and Shell for the nice salary.

>> No.6058281

I'm a mechatronics student because I'm indecisive and couldn't decide between computer, mechanical or electrical engineering. Also it's pretty much the only discipline of engineering where you can build something start to finish (i.e. designing, wiring and programming).

>> No.6058290

Nuclear engineering master race reporting in

>> No.6058292

How you doing?

>> No.6058297

There is such thing? Sounds like some retrofuturistic area of science. The one with giant robots and everything.

>> No.6058300
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I graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering.

My emphasis was in RF/Electromagnetics

My physics and chemistry classes really shaped what type of engineering I wanted to do.

After the 2nd year I felt that electricity and magnetism was far more interesting then statics, fluids, thermodyanmics, biology, organic/inorganic chemistry.

That crossed off the list:

Biomedical engineering
Mechanical engineering
Civic engineering
Chemical engineering

Left with electrical engineering or computer engineering. I wanted to spend the majority of my time with hardware so I went with EE.

I've been working approximately ~1.5 years at a satellite communications company.

>> No.6058305

pretty good, senior year but looking at that super senior year next year because I switched in from mechanical during sophomore year and had to take some extra shit. Hoping to do some shit with materials modification through irradiation, not sure where I want to work though.

>> No.6058308



It's basically just combined mechanical, electrical and computer engineering. Sometimes we do robotics (for Co-op last summer I worked at a company that made robots that traversed pipelines), but lots of the time projects end up being things like CD players, etc.

>> No.6058323

Why wouldn't you all just go to experimental physics? Isn't it like a million times more cool?

>> No.6058337

Do you have any tips on getting an rf/antenna/microwave job, it seems that the only ones I see being posted all require 5+ years experience

>> No.6058342

I disagree with the picture. Electrical engineering can be an incredibly theoretical subject when you consider it encompasses subjects like semiconductor physics and photonics. I know plenty of photonics guys doing work with physicists in quantum optics.

>> No.6058346

Experimental physics isn't a field, it's an approach to a field. And no, having worked a research fellowship, I'd rather do large design projects than go in-and-out of the lab, write up reports and publish them when enough shit's stacked up.

>> No.6058347

MechE because my department offered Mech, Aero and Mat Engineering with the same exact classes for the first two years.
I started as Aero and switched to Mech to get a better job. I just want to keep working at different places learning new shit til I die.
Wish I went EE though, MechE is dead

>> No.6058355


Look for new hire positions or recent college gradudate positions only. Go to your university's career fairs.

>> No.6058357

But you're missing that cool part in laboratory.

>> No.6058359

Have you ever worked at a lab?

>> No.6058369

No, but am looking forward to it. We should do some gyroscope lab practicals this year. I mean gyroscopes man! That is so fucking awesome, gyroscopes rock!

>> No.6058370

Mining Engineering masterrace

>tfw no nuclear engineering degrees offered in Australia

>> No.6058372

Marine Engineering here

>> No.6058374

Any sniper engineering degrees you got there, mate?

>> No.6058431
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Electrical Engineering. Solid State devices and Microcontrollers. I chose it for all the possibilities and things that can be accomplished with circuits.

>> No.6058435


I went into Mechanical Engineering for the versatility and applications to weapon design. I'm now pursuing Aerospace Engineering for my Master's for the same reasons plus the fact that military aircraft and weapon systems are just about the coolest things I can think of.

>> No.6058443

Objects of death are the coolest things? That's exactly why philosophy should be taught at engfacs.

>> No.6058448

mining engineering here as well, shit can be pretty crazy. this past week I was close to 3 kilometers below ground.

>> No.6058450
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>Actually being this retarded

I bet pic related is you. Shouldn't you be occupying Wall Street or something?

>> No.6058456

software engineering...

i-im an engineer too guys... i swear :/

>> No.6058457

Like it doesn't.

>> No.6058466

Ha-ha. You're not even gay. Pathetic. Get out of this thread now.

>> No.6058468

What do you 'engineer'?

>> No.6058472


>> No.6058471

So hey engineers wanna help me with continuum mechanics? Should be babby tier for you homo-- err I mean bros.

>> No.6058476

> Scientist gonnabe asks for engineer gonnabes for help
That is so pathetic I can't look at this.

>> No.6058481


>Not spending five seconds to discover that the picture is a Patriot anti-missile battery

Yep, it kills innocent people by defending them. Thanks for proving my point. You fucks don't know the first thing about the things you so passionately despise. No wonder nobody takes you seriously.

>> No.6058485


I'm a chem E student, but since our school is in close proximity to oil operations, there is a huge emphasis on petroleum engineering. My real passion was physics, but I guess chem E is close enough. I actually do like chem E, it's like a hybrid field between chemist and applied math.

Not many people know what a chem E is still, I guess it is because it is still a relatively new field. I get a lot of praise just for being a chem E, I guess this would happen to any math/physics/other engineering student. People automatically attribute you to smart because of your field of study. This is short sighted imo.

So people either think I'm a certified genius or a glorified plumber.

My luck with woman has been depressing, so I might just go into reservoir/drilling/completions engineering and live out on the oil patch making mad stacks and drinking my sorrow away, knowing that money is the only thing that I have to live for.

>> No.6058490

>implying it can't be used for evil purposes
>implying we know everything about military

>> No.6058497

> tfw petroleum engineering
> tfw 6 figs starting

Me gusta

>> No.6058500


>implying pillows can't be used for evil purposes (like killing someone by smothering them)

>Ban pillows! They kill innocent people! Ban cars! They kill innocent people! The potential for something to be used for evil purposes invalidates any other uses!

And you wonder why we make fun of people like you. Military =/= evil. Weapons =/= evil. It may make your fedora fly off your head in shock, but it's true. You can enjoy your patchouli incense and fantasies of a utopia where everyone holds hands and sings kumbaya. I'll continue designing the next generation air-to-air missile for the USAF for my Master's thesis and enjoy every minute of it. Please at least try to form a coherent argument next time. Someone might actually take you seriously!

>> No.6058503

Except we really don't know the first things about military. We basically don't even know who are these guys. Of course, if you believe in your government, then go ahead, by all means, and ["help to", let's be real here] design something that we'll be used to kill. No one will be laughing at that point.

>> No.6058505

Scientist gonnabe? I'm already a scientist, not a gonnabe, just haven't had to do this shit before.

>> No.6058509

Than it's outta this universe pathetic. Start to think yourself, will you.

>> No.6058508

EE second year
I like this field because I believe that it's incredibly versatile, with one able to collaborate with all the different eng fields to make a product.

>> No.6058513


Jesus H Christ kid, give it up. You have yet to present any sort of argument. You have some misplaced hatred of the miltary but you have absolutely no understanding of anything remotely pertaining to this situation. Maybe spend some time in the real world instead of your liberal arts classes.

>> No.6058516

AKA you don't actually know the answers to any of my questions but have an inflated sense of self importance?

>> No.6058517

> Of course, if you believe in your government, then go ahead
why wouldn't I?
I like my government using modern weapons.
They kill enemies of the state and not afraid of anything.
There's things that I don't like that my government does, but using robots or missiles is not one of them.
Who says we don't have ethics classes?
My school has a specific engineering ethics class. It's about not stealing shit from your company and muckraking, not about killing talibans.
If people want to stop being bombed they should listen to us. We have the bombs.

Why would I give a shit if the stuff I design is used to kill? I want to build more modern weapons so that our military continues to smash everyone elses.

If you want to change something you are going to have to change the crazy budget situation, not the engineers who design shit. It will just make the people who do do that shit more valuable.

>> No.6058518

>studying Mech E.
"Hurr, I alaways wanted to be a mechanic and work on cars"

>> No.6058522

>giving a fuck what others think about you
Enjoy designing your tanks in Chem. E

>> No.6058524

I like that pic, you should have solid state physics in the upper right.

>> No.6058528


Mah nigga. Couldn't have put it better myself. >>6058435 here.

>> No.6058544

a general question about going into the engineering field - would a math degree go anywhere in getting a job in engineering or will it be "go back and get a masters in engineering of some kind"?

>> No.6058550

Well yeah, I'm freshman. But I will actually make a contribution, unlike you.

>> No.6058691

Temper temper

Depends what your math was focussed on. There's a bachelor at my uni called "Mathematics and Technology" which also does a lot of the practical engineering aspect of mathematics. I think if you're a theoretician, you won't have a lot of luck. On the other hand, for e.g. the oil & gas industry you constantly use mathematical modelling, which as a mathematician, I assume you're good at

>> No.6058695

I know this joke is ~30 years too late but:

What is the difference between a mechanical engineer and a civil engineer?

One build the weapons, the other builds the targets

>> No.6058699

>what's the difference between a civil and mechanical engineer?
one sucks dick and the other takes it up the ass


>> No.6058701

i have to chose between the two? How will i ever!

>> No.6058704

Environmental engineering student here

Come at me bros

>> No.6058706


>> No.6058716

Started as Mechanical, went two years in and interned. Realized it was fucking dumb.

Changed to Chemical and I'm currently a senior going to graduate in May.

Thought I hated chemistry but then I took Organic and everything clicked. All that shit makes perfect sense.

>> No.6058745

Nanotech masterrace reporting in.

>> No.6059405

>started as mechanical
Realized i was fucking dumb
Changed to chemical to save my GPA and I might graduate in May.
I'll take O Chem over Thermo
>not taking both
because I'm a pussy who doesn't study and its easier...much easier and babby than any thing dished out in Aero/Nuke/Mech E.

>> No.6059420

>Objects of death are the coolest things?

You mean "Objects of FREEDOM"

>> No.6059428

software engineer here

>> No.6059431

i fucking hate chemistry.

it's all so convoluted and there are seemingly impractical rules covered with it.

physics and math so much better.

>> No.6059433
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Enviro engineering and microbiology, because
>bacteria fucking everywhere

>> No.6059491
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Aerospace engineering, things moving through fluids are fucking awesome.

>> No.6059666

>be chemeng student
>when normalfag non-uni students ask what I am they've always acted impressed

>two girls who did law at my same uni were both impressed by me doing chem eng

>go to open day at prestigious company
>the stereotypical person who works there got an economics degree from oxbridge
>one of the employees asks me what subject I'm doing
>he acts impressed when I tell him

wtf are these niggers on? I know how /sci/ is mostly pseudo-intellectuals who would rather be known as smart rather than actually work for it. Pick chemical engineering if you want to falsely impress people.

>> No.6059706

What's /sci/ opinion on Nuclear Engineering?

>> No.6059737

Im pursuing a degree in Aerospace engineering. What can I expect (inb4 insane math and physics classes.)

>> No.6059741

computational partial differential equations
aluminum...lots of aluminum

>> No.6059755

Lol you're retarded. The thermo Chem e's take here is way more difficult and in depth and Chem eng is considered harder.
It's okay to be jealous shitter.

>> No.6059761

Should I go for nuclear/chem? What is the future for aerospace?

>> No.6059767

planes will continue to fly.
nasa will continue to be less relevant.
everything else is up in the air. (pun most certainly intended)

>> No.6059770

Okay. Thanks anon :)

>> No.6059803

>I went to Chemical Engineering
>I have no interest in Chemistry

You didn't realize this before while you had chemistry in HS?

>> No.6059871


Insane math and physics classes, fluids, thermodynamics, heat transfer, stress analysis, control systems, and design. It's hard but oh so worth it. >>6058435 here. It's a course well worth pursuing, but be ready to work your balls off.

>> No.6059958


i'm with this kid, how's nuclear engineering?

>> No.6059985


You use very little chemistry as a chemical engineer. It is more mechanical engineering than anything else.

>> No.6060001

I don't know what shit college you go to, but we don't let Mech's design the plant or the reactors.

When you get past your babby classes you'll see why Reaction engineering and unit operations is important.

>> No.6060260

I'm interested in going into engineering. I'm in grade 12 right now. When you apply for engineering do they only base your admission average on the required classes for engineering? Do you decide what field you want to go into, or do you see where the courses you take in university direct you into a certain field? What courses do you take if you are accepted into engineering? Which fields of engineering could you make the most money? I'm Canadian, and interested in maybe moving to Norway or Sweden one day.

>> No.6060268

no, the first one, engineering classes?, petroleum and nuclear according to /sci/

>> No.6060269

>went into chem eng
>always felt like mech eng was the most interesting

>> No.6060422


Don't study petroleum engineering unless you find sedimentary rocks and fluid flow really, really, really interesting.

>> No.6060485

> implying they are not

>> No.6060489

fluid flow is awesome
don't know much about sedimentary rocks though

>> No.6060495

c-c-civil engineer, 3rd year here

>> No.6060508


>implying I implied that they're not


We mostly study how fluids flow through reservoir (sedimentary) rocks. The characteristics of the rock and the composition of the fluid (oil) in the rock determine the characteristics of the reservoir that you have. This is mostly taught as petrophysics and properties of petroleum fluids (similar to Thermo II).

After you learn the theory you begin to learn the engineering side of things such as production methods, characterizing reservoirs, how to read well logs, and applications. Basically how everything works.

>> No.6060534

I went into physics because I can do math.

Seriously, engineers can't into math. I was so disturbed by the amount of sloppy crap I saw in my engineering classes.

>> No.6060555

oh look, someone who thinks he's better than others. I bet you're a pleasure to be around.

>> No.6060574


I'm doing a doctorate in nuclear engineering!

.. Don't do nuclear engineering. This anon doesn't know what he's talking about.

I did my undergrad in chemical engineering. Either stay there or switch to MechE.

>> No.6060581

Don't listen to this loser. I have a fresh view of the world, I'm the best advisor.

>> No.6060584

Mech eng here, mechanical is definitely the most interesting.

>> No.6060595

I'm electrical engineering.

Well, more so Engineering Physics with both electronic and computer applications (and will probably do mechanical for the lulz if I can afford it), and Math double major.

But, I'm going to essentially be EE because I enjoy electronics and circuitry. Advice?

>> No.6060597
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Computer engineer here. I watched way too much cybperpunk as a kid. It made people who knew programming and electronics look like the coolest bad ass guys ever. I started teaching myself programming and electronics from a young age and found I was quite talented in it. It made sense to go into computer engineering after highschool.

>> No.6060617

Any success?

>> No.6060625
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Biomedical Engineer here! 3rd year in and I'm glad I chose this career

>> No.6060656

Matsci/eng reporting in. I wanted to know more about the fundamental nature of matter in a way that related to contemporary technology (i.e. more practical than physics). Loved it so far, in for the PhD now.

>> No.6060682

> I wanted to know more about the fundamental nature of matter
See that's what happens when you stop teaching religion in the science classes.

>> No.6060739
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triple integrals

>> No.6060759

>Can we get a thread going about which type of engineering you went into and why?


Why? Well, it wasn't like I wanted it, quite frankly I only had a vague idea about what it is at first. I ended up there because muh shit grades. Turns out it's pretty cool and I've taken a liking to it. Inb4 Stockholm syndrome.

Think of it like this, it's a kind of applied mathematics used to automate all kinds of things. It's childhood sweetheart was mechanics, but when it grew up, it began to suck the electric dick, since that was generally a better way to implement the various control algorithms. It's basically a branch of EE that specializes in automation at this point.

>> No.6060760

I fell in love with control theory my senior year of MechE.
I'm thinking of applying to a new school in EE.

>> No.6060763

I'm thinking of applying to a new GRAD school in EE.
Anyone have advice for switching majors from mechanical to electrical for the next degree?

>> No.6060768

If you want concentrated control theory, look for a place that has a dedicated department to it. The keywords to look for are control systems and automation.

>> No.6060783

Automatization/control (subset of EE) because muh complex analysis.

>> No.6060804


Is the pay good? I've thinking about getting into this field.

>> No.6060820

>muh pay
You should balance what you like and payment.

>> No.6060824

No idea, partly because I don't know what you consider good pay and partly because I'm still learning this stuff and haven't seen what it's like in the field firsthand. It's mostly used anywhere where there's a lot of stuff hooked up to SCADA systems. If you know people who work in such places, perhaps they'll be able to tell you what bank they make. I have a suspicion that in order to get a high paying job in this field, it takes time and initially you'll probably do stuff like babysit computers all day.

>> No.6060825


I already have. Programming + electrical shit = a good time. That's why I'm asking. Pay is just a bonus which I'm curious about.

>> No.6060829


I've heard from control bros that they make at least 60k starting (assuming competence) because they have to know how to program as well as engineer. It sounded like you were in the business which is why I asked.

>> No.6060831

Genetic engineering
a.k.a Intelligent Design

>> No.6060883

Same here, ma nigga

>> No.6060934

>supporting us foreign policy
i bet you voted bush

>> No.6060938

>not understanding sarcasm

>> No.6060943

>actually being a lolbertardian
>muh freedumz

the arguement was about americas use of these weapons, in terms of international politics. no one gives a shit about your gun debate

>> No.6060948

So is Industrial Engineering looked down on or is it just not as popular?

>> No.6060975

Probably the latter. Sounds like it's very broad and it's location on the engi spectrum is closer to the economics end.

>> No.6060978

Metallurgical enginnering here,

>> No.6060983

Can I haz golden toothpick?

>> No.6060992

No. Go use wooden ones

>> No.6060991

I went into a physics degree and seem to be coming out with CFD qualifications.

>> No.6061000

Same here

>> No.6061016

Aerospace Engineering, I like planes. More so, I understand them.

>> No.6061059


What's your opinion about it? I'm just starting. I thought it was the most interesting and enjoyable engineering field that was available to me. Stem cells and shit.

>> No.6061066
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>impotent rage and posterior perturbation

>> No.6061078

The problem is that they have to be circles, even though EE spans vertically more than horizontally.

>> No.6061077

/pol/s that way===>>>>

>> No.6061079

>why wouldn't I?

historically, this sort of thing hasn't really worked out

>> No.6061080


>> No.6061081

I thought genetic engineering was banned after the Eugenics Wars of the 90's?

>> No.6061085

Is there any infograph and site stating about the advantages and disadvantages of certain courses?
I'm going to choose between Architecture Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Astrophysics.
or pussy out and go with Poli Sci

>> No.6061090

EE major. I find Comp E really fun, but it's not nearly challenging enough for me. I also hate robotics and Comp E seems to touch on that more than I'd like (it doesn't make sense to me either). What I'm hoping to go into is semiconductor IC design specializing in signal processing. Sine the EE and Comp E programs are joined in one department at my school, I have many, many Comp E friends. The thing I find interesting about EE is how huge it is. It can go from highly practical power management to theoretical photonics circuitry and quantum mechanics. Being an electrical engineer is just so broad a qualifier.

Originally I was trying to decide between Chem E and EE (didn't know about BME at the time... Now I'm glad I didn't), but, when I realized that I knew less about EE, I decided to go in that direction. I love it. It's challenging, but not overwhelming. The subjects are fascinating and cool. The only problem is that, if you're EE, you better like the subject and not just be trying to get a good degree for a good job. It's like being a doctor; it takes so much time and effort that you can't fake your way through the degree.

>> No.6061100

Don't do something for job aspects, do something because you enjoy it more. Seriously, you can spend 30 years of your life making money then relax when decrepid, or have fun, make a bit and enjoy your whole life.

>> No.6061113

> I also hate robotics

>> No.6061124

Plus, when you love what you do, you'll be /willing/ to work overtime, give up some of your weekends, and do stuff that, otherwise, you'd hate to do. You'll take initiative and seek out challenges. You'll be a better employee. Even if you don't make as much money, you'll be better at your job if you enjoy your field than if you don't. If you ask anyone, they'd rather live modestly and be happy than be rich and miserable.

Of course, the story changes if/when you get married and decide to have kids, but live your life for yourself until that point.

>> No.6061134
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>the average high school kid going into fad engineering


>the average fad engineering graduate


>> No.6061132

I don't even know. I just don't like it. It's a lot of work, and, in the end, I don't even care about it. I'm just like, "whoopdie fuckin do! It walks a retarded zombie. yay." I get that other people enjoy it, but it's not for me.

>> No.6061156

Utility uber ales? Mah nigga.

Perhaps if you into industrial robots, you might have more respect for robotics as a whole.

>be controlfag
>tfw everyone I try to explain it to asks me about robots
>tfw trying to explain it's not exactly the same
>tfw seeing blank expressions and dismissal in people's eyes

>> No.6061160

>implying you don't deserve permanent disappointment

>> No.6061166

>buttmad because he lost his job due to automation

>> No.6061170

There is a joke that engineers are drop out physic majors.

>> No.6061189

It's true too.

>> No.6061202

It's not a lack of respect, really. Just a lack of interest. I dont find much enjoyment in making big things move. Maybe it's because I had a traumatic experience with LabView. Maybe I'm afraid of the Terminator apocalypse. Idk. I don't mind control engineering much (I def prefer design, though), but robots are just effort without reward.

>> No.6061211

And physics majors are dropout math majors, who are dropout philosophy majors who are just plain dropouts.

>> No.6061215

I know that feeling.
Within robotics I cannot get into artificial intelligence or path planning.
I like the sensor modelling, dynamic modelling, control theory, and those particle/kalman filters.

>> No.6061219

meh not at my school.
physics drop outs go to physics education or science journalism.
math drop outs go to business
engineers drop out to business or cs
business or cs dropout to psychology

>> No.6061226


Nobody drops into engineering, there are way too many prereqs. That's one of the main reasons why relatively few engineers graduate.

>> No.6061233

how much programming (c/avr) does an electrical engineer do generally speaking?

this is important.

>> No.6061269

EE is sort of a big category. The amount and kind of programming done depends on what you're doing. Generally speaking the programming relates to circuit simulations, number crunching in real time and the like. Embedded systems stuff mostly.

>> No.6061272
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>> No.6061408

Switched to nuclear engineering mechanical basically because nuclear sounded cooler, plus it's way more interesting. Want to do stuff with material modification through irradiation or plasma surface modification of materials.

>> No.6061421

I think it's cool. The course load is very broad, with classes from materials science, to statics and dynamics, to thermal-hydraulics, to neutrons, etc. Just be prepared for a lot of lab courses, like at least 5, at least at my school (nucl labs not shit like chem, phys, etc.).

>> No.6061429


>> No.6061549

Kind of torn between nuclear and aerospace at the moment, was originally just going to get my EASA licence but I've rediscovered my interest in physics and maths and don't want to end up overseeing mechanics replenishing oil for the rest of my life.

>> No.6061585

>network admin
top kekstung

>> No.6061586

so Chem E isn't below anything but it's kinda in it's own little world of hating fun, huh.

>> No.6061588
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>be 4th year physics undergrad
>want to apply for the STFC grad scheme
>three offers for physicists and a gazillion offers for engineers

Goddamn engineers takin' our jobs.

>> No.6061602

also, any advice?

>> No.6061614

>applied science


>> No.6061627

Well, what are you thinking of pursuing, Anon?

>> No.6061662
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>tfw pure chemist

>> No.6061753


Highest degree earned?
Academia or industry?

>> No.6061757

I hope you're getting a PhD...

A lot of chemists I know go back and get a Chem E degree instead...

>> No.6061813


>> No.6061843

nuclear if you want money
aero if you want to be unemployed

>> No.6061846


>aero unemployed

toppest of lels

>> No.6061863

> airline industry
> nasa
> secure jobs

>> No.6061872


>not working for a defense contractor

>> No.6061873
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Civil Engineering at university -> Structural/Architectural Engineering as a job. Planning on mixing it up with some advanced geometrics because I work for a badass company that combines the technical know-how of being able to design structural glass, aluminium, steel & concrete with the aesthetic insight akin to that of the world's most renown architects.

Also, buildings are fucking awesome and bitches dig it when I tell them I'm architect. Seriously, I've fucked three girls in the last 2 weeks based entirely on the fact that I can talk about form and function of art and other bullshit. Talk about a bonus to doing the thing you love.

>> No.6061903

I'm a sophomore right now, currently pursuing a hardware-focused computer engineering degree. I really just can't decide. I like math and computers, and would prefer the degree to be hardware related if it deals with computers.

Pure math is hard to apply for a job unless you get a PhD or plan to teach. If you're going to do applied math then just go engineering.

>Computer engineering
>Electrical engineering
What is the difference between these two? Can an EE major do anything a CompE major can? My school splits computer engineering into software and hardware.

>Chemical engineering
Nothing wrong with it and it's a great degree. I had a great high school chem teacher that still influences me today, but the degree is credit-intensive and I like the math behind the chemistry more than its actual application. I could definitely do it pretty well though.

Nothing else particularly stands out to me.

>> No.6061930

Digital circuits, ASM, PICs, CPU, GPU -> CPE
Analog circuits, power engineering, signals, control theory -> EE

correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.6061958


Why do ChemE's hate fun?

>> No.6061988

I've always been more interested in nuke eng but ended up dropping into chem.E because of teh gradez, i have a MS and a great job but i might go back for a doctorate in NE, but i honestly dunno.. opnions?

>> No.6062001

I was an EE as an undergrad until I realized my department sucked (so did CPE) so I switched to Physics. Going to grad for computational science and engineering with a focus in high performance computing, computational fluid dynamics, and machine learning.

I do a lot of robotics related stuff as a hobby: AI, pathfinding, SLAM, computer vision, dynamic optimization, etc. I also made my own simple computer architecture and compiler tool chain.

I've always been a nerd. I was always interested in things and curious. I read a lot, and I figured out how to teach myself. (turns out all you have to do is look stuff up on Google/Wikipedia, think really hard, and then make yourself do something with it)

I read a lot of Asimov / other old scifi when I was younger, and it gave me an appreciation of the scope of the world's possibilities.

I always hated early chemistry (no discussion of WHY something is the case) but at the grad level I have respect for it. I've helped a couple of classmates on code for their chemistry/material science research (density functional theory for one of them, and something about semiconductors I didn't understand).

Do whatever makes you happy. You will be dead and in the ground before you know it. If you still want to do mechanical, do fucking mechanical engineering. Just make sure you learn something useful, that can pay off your student debt, and that you are really good/try really hard at what you do.

>> No.6062423
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>> No.6062439
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>EE not at all theoretical
>CS being theoretical in the slightest
>CS encompassing more area than CE or EE

Not sure if troll or just really ignorant on what cs really is

>> No.6062444

>only works with 1 fluid
top pleb

>> No.6062458

Chemistry is for people too stupid for physics and real math. Its basically physics for pussies.

>> No.6062484
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you and me both

>> No.6062486

I thought biomedical was one of the best?

>> No.6062487

Why aren't the imaginary engineers in the shit tier? Excel degrees are pretty fucking worthless.

>> No.6062506

First yr ChemEng at École Polytechnique de Montréal, classes are Calculus, Vectorial Algebra, Dynamics, Perfecting the French Language, and Intercultural Relations (so fkin gay, me & my friends skip it and chill at the student radio lounge)

>> No.6062519

>would a math degree [get] anywhere in getting a job in engineering or will it be "go back and get a masters in engineering of some kind

Maybe you'll get some narrow focused EE or CompE jobs but don't expect to hold them for too long. Go straight into an Engineering masters if you want to make a living in industry.

>> No.6062520

to be unemployed.

>> No.6062522

Is that a degree in itself or just a specialization of Material Science & Engineering?

>> No.6062533

>not going to mcgill

>> No.6062548
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Electrical Engineering.
1. I'm good at circuit analysis, and I enjoy doing DiY hardware things
2. Apparently at the school I'm going to, you only need 2 more math courses to get a math degree as well (just in case engineering jobs suck, I want to be a math teacher)

>> No.6062550

I'm working in the factory automation industry now, control systems for industrial robots mostly. It's a four day work week for $60k/year. I get to do a lot of travelling and am highly respected by my coworkers. I've put a lot of my money into setting up my own electronics lab for personal projects.

>> No.6062555

It use to be offered at my school before materials.
But now with the rise of ceramics and composites it's become obsolete/absorbed into materials

>> No.6062566

>triple integrals

>> No.6062570

It's rated as the most valuable major on forbes, as well as one of the lowest unemployment rates, if I remember correctly

>> No.6062572

Just biomedical B.S.?

Fucking how. What do you guys do?

>> No.6062587

I'm not sure if it's purely B.S. or it counts in higher degrees. I personally am in biochemistry because I plan to pursue a Ph.D. and research, but I considered biomedical engineering, I'm thinking I'm going to do biomedicine as a graduate degree

Most places would describe it as taking engineering concepts and applying them to medicine. Prosthesis is a big thing, as well as regenerative tissue (what interested me). There is also a lot to do with exploring implants

Forbes list btw http://www.forbes.com/sites/jennagoudreau/2012/05/15/best-top-most-valuable-college-majors-degrees/

>> No.6062591

Confused as to how they arbitrarily rank these things..
"At No. 1, biomedical engineering is the major that is most worth your tuition, time and effort. Biomedical engineers earn a median starting salary of $53,800, which grows an average of 82% to $97,800 by mid-career."

Interesting, but I don't know what jobs they do. I only hear of people doing biomedical to have a neater degree when doing med school

>Chemical not on the list

Filthy plebs. $75 to 80k starting for anyone that actually tried in school.

>> No.6062601

dude you sound exactly like me when I was in Grade 12 (which was like 4 months ago lel). I'm also Canadian, from Halifax, but I'm now living in Montréal doing my first yr of ChemEng. idk how i got accepted but yeah

>> No.6062622

another software engineer reporting in.

Electrical engineering also was seen as lower to other disciplines when it was introduced. Stay strong.

>> No.6062628

jussst fuckkkin killll yourseellllff maan...

>> No.6062631

lol the pic's title made me crack up for some reason

>> No.6062632

actually some dude on fb anodizes titanium toothpicks and other shit if you ask him to
>i'm assuming he's a dude btw

>> No.6062633


>mech E harder than chem E

HAHAHAHA, the only thing you shits do that is remotely challenging is FEA and CFD.

>> No.6062634

ChemEng here and i agree

>> No.6062637


THIS x 999999. People automatically assume I'm a fucking certified genius for being a chem E. Even bitches do it, but it hasn't helped me get laid.

>> No.6062656

I was told by a few McGillionaires that there's not much focus on application at McGill, mostly just theory. And I wanted to go to Polytechnique because it has a really good co-op program, I want to to study in French, and it's ranked the second best technical university in Canada, UofT is first.
Maybe I'd consider McGill if I was interested in sucking pretentious asian dick all day, Polytechnique is the most patrish

>> No.6062658

>>6062656 here

meant to link to >>6062533

>> No.6062669

> I always hated early chemistry (no discussion of WHY something is the case) but at the grad level I have respect for it
> I have respect for it
> Do whatever makes you happy. You will be dead and in the ground before you know it
Someone's got their Heisenberg awaken.

>> No.6062671

plebs starting out in chem e and not realizing that it's not really that chemistry based and more process based

if you like chemistry so much become a chemist

>> No.6062676

It's still chemistry based.

The reactors are the most important pieces of equipment. Without that, you're shit.

Not to mention a lot of the separation processes strongly depend on the chemistry and interactions dependent on the molecules...

No one's ever made the argument that it's as chemistry based as pure chemistry itself.

But if you look at all the other engineerings, yes, it's certainly the most chemical based.

>> No.6062690

I just finished a mechatronics degree and have been working in the field part time/full time over uni breaks for about two years. Working in industry (mining/energy for me) totally kills any motivation you have to study because you realise how irrelevant it all is and my grades got noticeably worse as I started enjoying my job more. And you will enjoy your job. All you'll take from your degree is the ability to think critically and the resourcefulness to find things out, whether technical mathematical or otherwise. The mathematical training helps but unless you are going into R&D or working for the military no one wants to pay you to reinvent the wheel and it will mostly be unique applications of existing solutions. In other words you will design at a pretty high level and there will be a lot of paper work due to increasing emphasis on health and safety.

What I'm trying to say is your discipline will not matter a whole lot. There's a big shift towards interdisciplinary responsibilities like management and safety and your discipline will only effect the designing and commissioning work you do as well as what areas you can manage contracts in. You can't go wrong unless you do something totally specialised like aerospace.

As a mechatronics student I was given the choice by my employer to join the electrical or mechanical team and I chose electrical because there was and is way less paper pushing/spreadsheet jockeying. There's also way less management potential so if you just want a fancy title and a nice pay cheque go civil or structural (some mechanical degrees will allow you to do this).

The best advice I can give is no matter what discipline you pick, do not be a dick about it. You will have to start at the bottom. Having a degree gets you the right to call yourself an engineer and some of the perks of being a professional like flexible work hours and benefits but it means nothing else. You need to know how to shut up and do what you're told.

>> No.6062765

>i'm assuming he's a dude btw
Considering we're talking about someone who anodizes toothpicks, upon request from random people on the internet, probably a safe assumption.

>> No.6062799

How much for a platinum toothpick??

>> No.6062802

I went into college unsure of whether I wanted to do chem E or computer engineering.
I went with computer engineering because the department at my school for EE/ECE is millions of miles better than the chem E department. In fact, my friend who graduated from chem E here had a big part in persuading me into computer engineering.
It seems like the job prospects for computer engineering are better...
but I'm not so sure. Does anyone have any input on this?

I'm starting to feel like ECE isn't for me. But if the payoff would be more worth it I'd be willing to stick it through, maybe I'll even start enjoying it more (even though it can only get harder from here)

>> No.6062869

Quick question:
Is <div class="math">\frac{\overrightarrow{r_2}-\overrightarrow{r_1}}{|\overrightarrow{r_2}-\overrightarrow{r_1}|}=\frac{\overrightarrow{v_1}-\overrightarrow{v_2}}{|\overrightarrow{v_1}-\overrightarrow{v_2}|}</div>
Equivalent to
<div class="math">\frac{\overrightarrow{r_1}-\overrightarrow{r_2}}{|\overrightarrow{r_1}-\overrightarrow{r_2}|}=\frac{\overrightarrow{v_2}-\overrightarrow{v_1}}{|\overrightarrow{v_2}-\overrightarrow{v_1}|}</div>?
Please answer.

>> No.6062879

I hope to do Eng. at university
at this moment I'm doing A-levels in chemistry, biology and phsyics.
was thinking in doing chemical eng. or what my dad did, electrical engineering but either way I have a year before I choose what I do in university so I'd like some advice
I don't care about money as such but more of which is exciting.

>> No.6063010

Why don't you just go scientists niggas. If you're all "i dont care bout muh money till its awesome and shit".

>> No.6063069

>if you like chemistry so much become a chemist

Except there's no (legal) jobs

>> No.6063107


There is certainly some chemistry in it, but you won't get your fix of analytical chem, spectroscopy, etc..
My school only makes me take gen chem, organic chem, chemical pathways, and colloid and surface chemistry.

It's more about thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, transport phenomena (heat + mass + momentum transfer), phase equilibrium, separations, anything to do with processes.

>> No.6063394

Answer me. Please.

>> No.6063410

This. I really wanted to study Chemistry, but opted for Chemical Engineering. Unless you want to be a high school teacher.

>> No.6063450

>which is exciting

Proper engineering is boring and that's how engifags like it. Exciting stuff, like a surprise explosion, is not desirable.

>> No.6063460

I wanted to design aircraft, but I was worried aerospace would be too narrow a field to get a job in, so I opted for mechanical.

>> No.6063468

>biology tier

Crossed the line, man. Crossed the line.

>> No.6063477

> implying equations aren't exciting

>> No.6063510
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They can be, especially if you add a little something. See pic related.

>> No.6064621

Hurt designing shit manufactured to kill people is so cool guise XD

>> No.6064638

Freshman here in Open Option Engineering so I can pretty much choose which field I want to go into by the end of this semester. Persuade me which one to go into. Leaning towards Computer Science or Electrical but I'm not entirely sure.

>Computer (Science)

>> No.6064637

<span class="math">q=\exp(\theta\mathbf{\hat{n}}) [/spoiler]

>> No.6064663
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How hard is it to get a job in the Space industry? I am looking at SpaceX, Orbital Sciences, or Maybe NASA. Is Aerospace good or would MechE be better? SystemsE?

I have a few years to decide.

>> No.6064664

Chem E here. It sucks. I'm changing into Industrial - easy, high pay, no horrible chem labs. Organic Chemistry lab is the worst experience in the world. It fucking ruined a 4.0 that was obtained with physical chemistry, thermodynamics, quantum mech, and real analysis. ;_;

>> No.6064669

Aero - mechanical's shithead cousin.
Architectural - very static
Chemical - interesting but bogged down by chemistry classes & labs
Civil - pretty diverse
CS - very interesting, but people on /sci/ will shit on you
Electrical - Iron Man tier. It's good, but the material may be dry sometimes
Environmental - Neat, but kinda gay.
Mechanical - Very diverse and a bretty good choice.

>> No.6064686

Where do you live? Murrica or elsewhere?

>> No.6064687

>waaah I have a 3.8 now waaah

It's probably not that bad, isn't it?

>> No.6064706


it's funny how I always hear chemical engineering students complain about how much they hate chemistry

why don't you just do mech

>> No.6064725

I'm switching to industrial due to the fact that they have a lot more math relative to mechanical. Plus, dat management.

>> No.6064724

Chicks leak more from chemeng.

>> No.6064736


>> No.6064746

According to forbes, I believe that civil,chemical,cs,aerospace were the ones top paid, in order from most to least. The other ones are lower than aerospace.
But then again, that's if you trust forbes.
I would disagree on this on some points.
Aero is nice if you're into all the stuff that space organizations like NASA and JAXA are doing with unmanned stuff. Tons of funds and grants out there for aero students.
Environmental is slowly growing, but yeah, gay. Interesting but gay. They don't get enough respect for the things they do.
I think Civil/Chem/CS is the best choice. I wouldn't necessarily say mech is the best choice. It certainly isn't the worst though at all.

>> No.6065138

You're asking someone to give you serious advice on 3 different engineering fields and the space industry job situation. Throw in the meaning of life while you're at it. Odds are no one experienced enough to answer this browses /sci/.