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6055288 No.6055288 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific cure for depression?
Currently depressed and SSRI's don't help.

>> No.6055291


>> No.6055296

I've heard sports and goal oriented stuff help. I mean, set up goals and try to achieve them. Even modest goals.

>> No.6055297
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>> No.6055318

> Is there a scientific cure for depression?
if there was you wouldn't be taking SSRI's.
Go tell your psychiatrist and get on a different type of anti-depressant

>> No.6055350
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It's small steps

1.- Be in the sun as much as you can. Sleep at night, and keep a regular schedule on that.
2.- Avoid the internet, but if you can't, there are some depression sites like llttf.com (free). Meet people in real life and try to know them as well as you can.
3.- Accept your purposelessness and the fact that you and everything will die (even if it isn't true). This is important, because it'll lead you to stop worrying and it will get your body defenses up.

Worked for me wonders. But not because someone writes something down you'll automatically accept it. I just hope the day you realise you've been happy for a month straight you'll remember this post.

Just remember, not because something is scientific will it be better. Besides, humans are complex and have autonomy, it's very difficult to study them

>> No.6055381

Setting, working towards, and accomplishing goals works wonders. I dont know what you care about, but some generic ones are getting /fit/ (set a weight goal, a weightlifting goal, or a mile time goal), getting /fa/, getting a gf (I will ask out x girls/week), doing a difficult hike, or just masturbating five times a day. Maybe start speed running video games, I dont fucking know.

Other things that might help are lsd or shrooms, getting more sun, or , selling all your possessions and living as a hermit for a few years.

>> No.6055398

Coffee and a to-do list

>> No.6055410
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On the other hand, I'd advise you to try to trip on entheogens (DMT, mushrooms). It has shown recovery from such ailments. BUT if you are on drugs now, I wouldn't risk it.

Tell your psychiatrist to get you out of such weird drugs, with time. It'll take some months. You have to notice that such drugs are way more dangerous to you than any psychedelic natural drugs (not the industrialized ones).

One month after getting out of that, get some mushrooms (I assume there's something to get such substances like the silk road website). Try to get some trustable person to help you with that.

Here you have instructions to take mushrooms : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrj1X6TzEXo
You should get some people you trust to stay in the house with you, and just that.

My experience is that you can get the same thing without mushrooms, and maybe just with breathing exercises ( Stan Grof have made a process to get to the same effects as LSD by only breathing, but needs training ). BUT, you can always get the substances. It's hard to put on a task like training meditation when you're down, I know.

tl;dr: get out of lab drugs, get mushrooms.

>> No.6055428

Working out.

>> No.6055441


>> No.6055605

join a soccer team

>> No.6055641

true, endorphines are the best drug to fight depression
do 20 min of running everyday, get exhausted, but not too muh

>> No.6055686

Remember to add some cement with that latte... It'll help you harden the f*ck up, you purse carrying Nancy!

>> No.6056716

Honestly? Stop being depressed.

Attitude effects behavior and behavior effects attitude. You've got to break the cycle at some point and just stop doing depressive things (because you can more directly effect your behaviors than you can your attitudes) and letting yourself think depressive thoughts.

Drugs are useful for jumpstarting the process in many, but they are not a cure--just a treatment. A more holistic (not in the bullshit energy-crystal sense, but in the addressing as many causative factors as possible sense) approach is required to "cure" depression, and if your condition were an organically caused neurochemical imbalance, you'll have to stay on guard for lapsing back into depression for the rest of your life. This isn't to say you can't live a happy life, just that you have to be more aware of your mood and that if allowed to be unchecked can cause relapse.

>> No.6056766
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If he proceeded to "just stop being depressed" it would be good, but that instruction won't work on him. If that case was so, psychologist would be begging for money in the streets.

Since that's not the case, please, state the same in a way a person with depression can act upon. I had depression, and now I'm a happy guy. If the OP and me are somewhat alike, that could mean he can cure it.

Certain drugs are easier to intake that the training process other ways need, for example "stop thinking depressing things".

The drugs the psychiatrist is giving him/her are far worse than mushrooms. You can trip on mushrooms just once in your life, while on the other hand you have to get a treatment to get out of SSRIs.

>> No.6056773

Depression often comes from biochemical disorders. Most doctors are too lazy/uninformed so they give u SSRIs. They mostly have more nagatives than positives.

One should try to find the disbalance and cure it with high concentration vitamins or minerals.

Something as simple as Fructose malabsorption can cause depression and its fully known how.

>> No.6056783

1. Get Wellbutrin
2. Be social
3. Play sports

This helped me

>> No.6056802

>If he proceeded to "just stop being depressed" it would be good, but that instruction won't work on him. If that case was so, psychologist would be begging for money in the streets.

At no point did I claim it was an easy process, but it is a simple process. Hell, a lot of stuff in life is simple but not easy, look at weight loss. You want to lose weight? Burn more calories than you consume. A really, really simple thing, but actually achieving that turns out to be rather difficult because there are factors that go into altering behaviors like that--hence there is a large market for the support industry of assisting with weight loss.

Likewise for depression, the solutions are simple in concept but difficult in execution. Notice how I mentioned not letting yourself get away with depressive/negative thoughts? Largely, you'll need help in identifying just what are negative/depressive thoughts. You'll need someone to give you guidance in adjusting to more healthful coping mechanisms. You'll need just general support. The mental health industry is by no means in trouble because at the basic level the way to deal with depression is simple.

>> No.6056811

Not browsing 4chan helps immensely.

>> No.6056868

During my years as a young teenager I had serious depressions, including suicidal thoughts. However, during a few months two years ago my dark thoughts and depressed view on life took a giant turn. Can you guess what helped for me? Of course you can't; if you could you would probably not be depressed at all. But here's what changed it all: I started thinking over my whole life. Not just what my life had been until back then, but what my whole life eventually could turn out to be. I put my life in perspective. I understood that everything that made me sad and depressed was just minor banalities that didn't really matter at all. Instead I started to concentrate on those few, but very important things in my life that made me happy every now and then. At the same time I found my true values in life, which for me personally were my best friends, playing music and being in bands, exercising and working out, the satisfaction of getting good grades at my schoolwork, and of course the enjoyment of helping others. Then I asked myself "What can I possibly do to become the best at these things?". By this I knew exactly what my "purpose" (maybe a strong word, but I don't know what the fuck else to call it) in life was, and therefore what to concentrate on. If I wanted to be happy I had to concentrate on becoming the best I could be at these things which again would lead me to become more and more happy the better I became at being a good friend, being a good bandmate, getting in shape, getting good grades by working hard with my subjects in school, and of course becoming better at helping people so I could feel good myself.

Now, don't get my wrong here. I'm not telling you to toady to your friends or start slaving at the piano or become a fucking nerd or doing some kind of charity work 24 hours a day. Just start thinking positive. It works, trust me.

>> No.6056874

Diet, exercise, and going outside to get some sunlight seriously helped me. I used to "fill the void" by meeting hot, single moms off of online dating sites and banging them. Then I eventually met my wife (who has no kids), got married and started a life together. Voila! No depression.

>> No.6056878

>I used to "fill the void" by meeting hot, single moms off of online dating sites and banging them
This gave me a boner, more info please.

>> No.6056885

Nice one, sir.

Getting psychic, social and physical healths to balanced is very important thing in life, in order to feel relaxed.

>> No.6056899

The problem with clinical psychiatry is an individual's state of mind varies widely not only based on personality, but environment, outlook, experience and literally thousands of factors. How we think and feel may be influenced by chemistry, but it works both ways. For example, good sex life or strong family reinforcement can be just as effective in altering that chemistry as any prescribed drug. Generally, I would recommend avoiding drugs in general in all but the most desperate of cases. (suicidal, ptsd, schizophrenic, etc.) Some people are just naturally depressive. Your task should not be to "cure" your condition, you ARE your condition. Start by learning to accept and express yourself. People change as they grow, but where that goes is entirely dependent on you.

>> No.6056904


I didn't start online dating with the intention of singling out single moms, but it seemed to me that there were a TON of single moms on there so I reasoned that it was easier for them to use online dating due to their busy schedules. My first experience with just happened to set up my game plan for any future "dates" I'd have with them, and it went thusly:

She was too busy to meet me for the first couple of days we chatted, then when she could finally land a babysitter I had something I had to do for my job so I couldn't see her. She was a little disappointed and I could tell she really wanted to meet me so I offered to head over to her place the next night, after she put her little girl to sleep because I know she didn't want to introduce her daughter to strange men right away, and I'd bring something to eat so we could have a "date" at her place. She agreed, I brought over Italian food and lo and behold it was hard for her to turn down sex because her bedroom was less than 15' from where we were sitting. I banged her out a few more times after that, and then she started trying to hold out on sex to see if I wanted her for anything other than that, and I did, but that kind of spoiled the mood.

After that I found myself LOOKING for single moms online and making it so that things worked out like it did with that other mom. Sometimes it did, sometimes I ended up having to actually go out on a date and spend more money than I wanted to. More often than not if I got invited over to their place though it was going down.

>> No.6056923

1. Find out what is making you depressed
2. Fix it

You are no longer depressed.

>> No.6056929

Stop watching the news

>> No.6056981

>The problem with clinical psychiatry
Nah mate, the problem with clinical psychiatry is that they are trained for 8 years as medical doctors and then they train to fuck around with the mind. This predisposes them to approach mental disorders as though they were diseases.

Also, fucking never, ever talk to a general practitioner about mental issues. They know precisely fuckall about how to diagnose or treat them.

>> No.6057005

As soon as they hear the word anxiety they'll literally prescribe you a benzo, there and then, most likely Valium.

>> No.6057022

It's very personal, but this is how i cured mine:

Took some time off

Smoked some pot and started thinking really deep about my problems and how to fix them and why i thought the way i did.

(Most important here is to be relaxed in to be in a safe environment.)

Problem solved.

Don't start with those SSRI shit, you just put everything under the carpet that way. Be natural

>> No.6057101


>2. Fix it

What if there's no possible way to fix it? And you can't overcome your self preservation instinct to kill yourself, and life seems like some sort of purgatory.

>> No.6058526
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what if you've been screwing your life up your life for 8 years and you have became total outcast. You are so emotionally fucked up that you have no more options left than humiliating dependency (being relatives or welfare), no firends, meaningfull relationships nor prospects for both and you are 27...

>> No.6058547

the life of everyone posting on /b/ right now.

>> No.6058907


>> No.6058927


if you are depressed its because youre choosing to believe something

you have to understand that everything is true. depression and happiness.

if you believe you should be depressed, you will simply will be. somewhere in your mind you have negative emotions about something that you believe to be true, you feel they are true and your natural response is to feel bad about it. or negative about it.

heres a little mind hack that kind of set me straight-

"man and women will always, in every single case, man and women will always choose what they PERCEIVE to be the choice that is closest to pleasure and furthest from pain."

look at the procrastinator

the reason he doesn't do anything becuase he has a belief that NOT DOING anything is less painful than doing something.

if he believes doing something is too hard, or that he'll just fail, or that there is no point- he is basically saying that doing something is more painful than not doing it...so therefore he does nothing instead because he BELIEVES its less painful.

sadness, depression, happiness, joy....its all just a simple choice.

life is meaningless...because you are the one who gives it meaning and everything is true

that is unconditional love from god, or from the creator, or from the cosmos, whatever you want to call it.

this matrix of life you are in supports everything you do, good or bad.

>> No.6058952

Would masturbating before a big test help ease the nervousness?

>> No.6058964

you should write a book

>> No.6059039


>> No.6059040

not op but thanks! this widens my eye a bit

>> No.6059080
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read this