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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 6 KB, 280x180, geoengineered sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6049490 No.6049490 [Reply] [Original]



Is the entire scientific community retarded? Geo-engineering? Spraying sulphates into the air and dumping iron into the oceans in a vain attempt to control the weather? Wow, well played, humans, well played. Let me know when you're done with your fuckeries so I can go outside again.
Oh wait, you will destroy the Earth first, I nearly forgot.

Anyone got opinions on this?

>> No.6049496

Follow the money.

>> No.6049501

Its all tori

>> No.6049507


>> No.6049508


>> No.6049515

The earths magnetic field is a torus, if we fuck it up it will influence our magnetic fields, which are also tori.

>> No.6049520

Yeah, fucking british conservatives putting sulphates in our skies.

>> No.6049524


Aye, I guess both are true.

>> No.6049529
File: 54 KB, 800x600, hello-yes-this-is-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be done. If it is possible create an artificial reef, i don't see how this isn't the same kind of thing.

On the plus side, it looks like it will take ages just to hit 2 degrees.

>> No.6049534

I don't understand this kind of logic actually.

Science has made things better generally speaking, so whats the problem?

The UN has no money. Earphones from 1960.

>> No.6049555

The problem is that humans are trying to engineer the global climate to ATTEMPT to slow down "Global Warming" (whether that is even a thing is rather disputable). I can only see this ending in a barren, poisoned and inhabitable world.

>> No.6049598

>Anyone got opinions on this?
Yes, I agree that it's utterly fucking retarded.

The only form of geoengineering I could agree with is a space based mirror/occluder mechanism, that way precise regulation of climate becomes possible down to the regional level. If too much occlusion starts to nucleate an ice age you could put the mirroring on max, the occluder on min, and rapidly clear the ice expanses.

>> No.6049606

we had a guy from Oxford university who came to our university to give a talk on global geoengineering to stop global warming.

I called him out repeatedly on his crap science, basing everything on models that cant even handle cloud cover constantly and constantly have to be revised for example.. in order to justify the preemptive and purposeful changing of the environment on the global scale..

I brought up other good intention examples like australia's cane toads, and finished it off by declaring that his incredible arrogance was probably a greater threat to the world than climate change.

even with the fact that most of the people who were there were solid greenies, i laid out the facts in a presentable manner such that i got a lot of support from the audience, at least as much as that they agreed that

a) nobody knows the exact cause or extent of global warming and

b) therefore, humanity should wait before geoengineering anything until we are far more certain of the effects.

was NOT popular with the bitch who invited him there, dont think i'll be getting a research position in her group any time soon.

>> No.6049614
File: 11 KB, 277x182, unregulated capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great Filter, here we come.

>> No.6049617

it isn't very disputable at all in the scientific community.
mostly just /sci/ disputes it.

>> No.6049741
File: 611 KB, 960x1299, 2009-09-22-caveman_science_fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back and live in a cave if you're scared of technology.

>> No.6049749

Was it a sortof more "political" talk to convince students of the well-foundedness of the approach?

Or was it a scientific talk, to actually teach you about the science of geoengineering? In which case you're way out of line.

>> No.6049752

>seriously believing this is the best we can do
Yeah, okay

>not believing its all a lie

People who actually think we are doing the best we can do... well... maybe for people like them.

>> No.6049761

Good job anon, we need people like you to save us all from the stupidity of some.

>> No.6049787

I am happy there are bright minds like you in the Uni's. It all seems to be just one big power and money project as so many others and it is the most dangerous one save for the Manhattan Project, and we saw how that ended...

>> No.6049800

>implying a /sci/ nerd has the balls to stand up for logic in a crowded theater

>> No.6049813


The artic ice cap is growing at a tremendous rate with respect to the RECORD LOW it experienced last year. It's still the 6TH LOWEST its ever been.

>>Anyone got opinions on this?

It's solving the symptoms, but not the disease.

If we start geoengineering, we can't stop, if we stop suddenly, warming suddenly rebounds in a very short amount of time, which would be bad.

>> No.6049863

Right, but I think that "Global Warming" has been utterly overhyped by the "experts", yes the Earth is getting warmer, yes humans may just be partially responisble for that, but the universe is constantly changing and us trying to stop it from doing so by attempting to control a planet's climate is a little insane, in my opinion.

>> No.6049867

proof or leave, good sir.

>> No.6049875

Modern batteries were discovered by a uni researcher playing with dead frogs. He was using steel and bronze pins, which when overlaped caused the frog to spasm.

>> No.6049890
File: 10 KB, 500x335, Solar_vs_Temp_basic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The negatives outweigh the positives:
>>yes humans may just be partially responisble
As far as we can tell, humans are responsible

I am going to preempt any arguments you have about it being this sun with this:

>>us trying to stop it from doing so by attempting to control a planet's climate is a little insane,
I'll admit geoengineering is insane, but we are already modifying the planet's climate by putting more carbon into the atmosphere and we need to stop NOW.

>> No.6049893

> need to stop
Step one. Stop using ethanol in gas. The mpg loses offset the greenness
Step two. Instead of corn grow switchgrass. It grows twice as much in half the time.
Step three. Bury the switchgrass. Need to take carbon out of the cycle.

>> No.6049910

Again you're trying to solve the symptoms and not the disease.

>> No.6049914

The point is we're responsible, bruv.

>> No.6049922

>we need to stop NOW.
You're advocating genocide based on your ideology.

>> No.6049930

Wrong. Disease is we take carbon from ground and add it to atmosphere.

How is taking carbon fron atmosphere and adding it to the ground anything other than a cure.

>> No.6049939

There is no universal right or wrong. The fossil fuels we're using was once part of the active CO2 cycle.

And had we not been changing the climate through deforestation and agriculture, we would almost certainly have an ice age at our hands right now.

And no, an ice age is not just "oh a bit colder weather" an ice age is a catastrophic global glaciation event. Human civilization could very likely be wiped out by it, and at the very least set back thousands of years. Compared to that, global warming is absolutely nothing and much, much easier to adapt to. It can even be beneficial as wetter and warmer weather expands arable and habitable land area.

>> No.6049941

we can't do that at a high enough rate.

>> No.6049942

Too broad.

There is no right or wrong. So we need tokeep things simple. The complaint Iis we are adding to much carbon to the armosphere. The solution would be to remove carbon from the atmosphere.

Wether this leaves us hot or cold or dead, is not relevant.

>> No.6049944

Its doable. It wouldn't cost more than we are already spending in corn subsidies

>> No.6049976

>Wether this leaves us hot or cold or dead, is not relevant.
I suspected that you were an idiot, thanks for confirming.

>> No.6049986

So you're calling out the entire scientific profession and all of its governing bodies as useless? A - what are you doing here? B - if you are not a climate scientist, you're view is fucking worthless.

>> No.6050004

Just too far ahead of you mate.

>> No.6050013

beep boop am i kawai

>> No.6050918


>you're view

Well done, sir. Well done.

>> No.6050927
