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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3 KB, 279x279, lilly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6040933 No.6040933 [Reply] [Original]

What scientists do you think are underrated /sci/? Do you think that their research will aid future discoveries?

>> No.6040942

Norman Borlaug!

saved a billion people and you've never heard of him

>> No.6040947

Well fuck you cut the grass under my feet.

>> No.6040981

I really, really hope your pic is meant to be related, OP.

>> No.6041018
File: 52 KB, 280x396, haber_postcard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fritz Haber.

He saved over a billion lives.

>> No.6041027

he was my second choice :)

>> No.6041028

>mfw people interpret OP's question as "who saved the most lives"

some meathead on a soviet sub saved the whole planet by vetoing a called-for nuclear strike (it turned out to be based on a false alarm). that doesn't make him a fucking scientist

the most under-rated scientist is Gerhard Gentzen. he didn't save a single fuckin life, but he completely changed the course of pure math, and nobody here has ever even heard of him. bonus: starved to death in The Hague after WWII

>> No.6041036


This is a good list:


>> No.6041040

Peter Mitchell.

>> No.6041042

I like Norman Borlaug
and no one knows him.

I mean the only "underground" scientists I know are Nyquist, Bode, and Kalman. Do you guys know these?
They aren't that important except to their particular field

>> No.6041055

If by "underground" you mean "obscure", this is piss easy, go to any random university, browse the list of prof's in any STEM field, pick a random name, if it's not "Hawking" or "Chomsky" then you win!

If by "underground" you mean "a maverick who plays outside the rules", then the site you're looking for is called vixra.org

>> No.6041061

what kind of rules are they breaking?
I can't think of many that are worth breaking in science.

>> No.6041072

OP here. I like the look of classic black and white bitmaps so I created some OC. It's John Lilly.

>> No.6041152
File: 149 KB, 300x358, miriam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly, you just stuck glasses on Miriam.

>> No.6041160

Is tesla considered under rated or over rated?

>> No.6041167

Tesla is considered underrated by those who overrate him.

>> No.6041168


under by the general fuckhead public, over by the general fuckhead internet public

>> No.6041174

*as in that's how rated I think he is by those groups

>> No.6041182

He's just rated.

>Thank you, rated Tesla!
>and much electricity comes into my life

>> No.6041192

one thing that pisses me off is bioethics

>> No.6041203

This guy right here.