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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 435x502, muh planeocaust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6028955 No.6028955[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So that thermite was found at ground zero, we can assume explosives were used to bring down the towers. And thus, the towers were wired beforehand.

Was the plane impact sufficient in detonating the explosives? Or was there a remote detonator used?

>> No.6028957

just because /pol/ is next to /sci/ in the board order doesn't mean you have to spill over

>> No.6028965

I don't see anything political about the properties of thermite.

>> No.6028969

1) Thermite doesn't "detonate". It requires pretty high temperatures to be ignited. You would most definitely need a detonator of some sort.
2) The argument is that thermite is used to destroy steel columns, this isn't something you can just do sloppily by placing the thermite near the columns it actually has to be placed on said columns (there's demonstrations for why this is the case available).
3) If you randomly destroyed some columns it would not cause the type of collapse you see.

In all your thermite would have to be planted on the columns with the intention to destroy them and detonated using some remote detonator to trigger all of the columns at the same time.

That's pretty much all the /sci/ence you can squeeze out of your post, now kindly fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.6028971

detonators would have been used to control the demolition, as there is no reason whatsoever that a major fire at the top of the building would rapidly ignite in a progressive order, the charges placed on structural columns further down the building.

an improper demolition would have resulted in less shock and far too much evidence, both of which would have led to immediate suspicion and a proper investigation.

>> No.6028974

/sci/ here, kindly fuck off back to your arrogant little world where you get to control the flow of information, and more pointedly, the flow of purposeful questions into one of the most important events in our modern history.

>> No.6028976

2000 jews self-ignited.

it's a common phenomena, it's only rarely reported.

>> No.6028979

/sci/ here, it's been over a decade. If you really cared that much you would have at least bothered to read NIST's official reports and pointed out the obvious holes in it in regards to fire temperatures and building 7. Fact is no one really cares, not even you.

>> No.6028982

try actually reading the entire posts next time, will ya?

>> No.6028991

You can assume a lot of things, doesn't make it true. You don't 'find' thermite. You find aluminium oxide and steel. Guess what happens when an aluminium plane crashes into a steel tower and burns?

>> No.6029000

I don't know what you were trying to imply.

>> No.6029008

planes didn't crash into WTC building 7.

>> No.6029011

>So that thermite was found at ground zero, we can assume explosives were used to bring down the towers. And thus, the towers were wired beforehand.

Thermite is a really shit explosive, and if used, it makes a very obvious residue (you get alumium oxide and iron mix, solidified into a lower container or pond). So you premise is false.

What you are doing is not science because you don't have any falsifiability, it is pseudo-scientific bullshit.

>> No.6029016

How astute of you, they did, however share a foundation and it was damaged by the collapse of two giant towers moments earlier.

>> No.6029018

>really shit explosive
It's not used as an explosive, that's retarded.

>(you get alumium oxide and iron mix, solidified into a lower container or pond)
This was actually found, still red hot days later even.

>What you are doing is not science because you don't have any falsifiability, it is pseudo-scientific bullshit.
I'm not that guy but it does have falsifiability, hence why research papers have been published on it. Now to claim that it had specific motives or that specific individuals did it, that's where you enter unfalsifiable claims.

>> No.6029035

>This was actually found, still red hot days later even.
Bullshit, it was not. Thermite makes a really specific residue.

>but it does have falsifiability,
The specific theory may, but the idea doesn't , every single premise of this crap has been thoroughly refuted, but the claimants still spout more bullshit and won't change their mind.

>> No.6029041

>So that thermite was found at ground zero

>sci post with made up claim
>everyone jumps to conclusions without validating the claim
op is a lying faggot who made up stuff and people who reply are idiots

>> No.6029048

Already pointed out, genius

>> No.6029052

I'm not OP.

>le totally legit pop-sci article

Here is a research paper

Please sage, this thread is retarded. It happened over a decade ago and the only reason most people pretend to give a fuck is to sound smart.

>> No.6029063

/nsa/ here. You're not the one who call the shots.

>> No.6029065

/dni/ here, you're fired Steve.

>> No.6029071 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 500x325, Israeli-Mossad-Motto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews did 9/11

>> No.6029090

I watched a youtube video where a guy used thermite to make clean cuts on metal beams and it worked because he didn't just set the thermite on the beam, he attached tubes with a slice on them to the beams and packed the tubes with thermite, and they made clean cuts.

You people who buy the story the government feeds us are a bit different from the "crazy conspiracy theorists" in that you don't test, experiment, hypothesize, etc. You just scream that they are wrong.

>> No.6029093

Here's the video.

It's rectangular metal charges packed with thermate or thermite, but whatever


>> No.6029106

Super, except the cuts we see in the photos don't match the jagged cuts his device produces. This is because they were cut after the collapse with thermic lances. Ground zero wasn't a neat pile a couple of feet high, it was a tangled mess of steel and concrete that went deep into the ground.Just look at the photos of ground zero after the cleanup, you had debris almost that deep and several stories above ground too.

>> No.6029109

This is one guy testing in his backyard.

Get 10 engineers together to perfect it and perhaps we'll get some matching cuts?

>> No.6029112

That's great, the cuts could also have been made by invisible government lasers but the mundane explanation is that they were made as part of the clearing of ground zero.

>> No.6029120

If that's the only reason the cuts exist you'd think a fireman, or a worker who made the cuts would come out and state that's why it's there?

>> No.6029123
File: 40 KB, 400x260, 911-girders_1477789i_thumb%5B1%5D[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6029124
File: 39 KB, 398x600, cut[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, they're making the exact same 45 degree cut found in the debris.

>> No.6029128
File: 105 KB, 612x816, 1254496566418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what do you guys think

>> No.6029129

Fantastic. They're cutting steel. Who would've thunk that they'd have to for cleanup

However, the theory that thermite was used to cut the steel would not exist had not there been evidence of cuts prior to cleanup.

Shouldn't you be getting programmed by the news right about now?

>> No.6029132

What evidence? Thermite residues don't really count because thermic lances generate similar products.

>> No.6029134
File: 328 KB, 702x159, google_never_lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He used thermate in the video.

Also, google search prediction never lies, that's why they stopped predicting searches with the term "nigger" in them.

>> No.6029135

>tampering with evidence

>> No.6029137

It is possible there was thermite in the steel being used to construct the building.
Seriously it was a really bad event, why are there always people who cannot accept that and find the need to blame some other source?

The aviation fuel was transferred into the internal columns of the building , these internal columns held the building up. The internal non insulated columns were heated to cause fatigue in the steel so that its ability to hold the mass above it was reduced. When the steel gave way a chain re-action occurred brining the entire structure to the ground.

The forces involved in this would have been so large that once the first part fell there was no going back. Imagine a fat cunt jumping on top of a building but that fat cunt weights 1000's of tonnes.

No building is designed to withstand that sort of force.

People who still think this is impossible really need to get their heads checked. Take this shit back to /x.

Not everything is a conspiracy some people just got brainwashed into thinking flying aircraft into a building was their way to a greater place. In fact you could even go as far to say they used the same line of thinking as you when you posted this post.

>> No.6029141

>turn on the news
>initializing pre-programmed feelings and thoughts
>extracting daily package
>Program complete

>> No.6029144
File: 496 KB, 500x278, tumblr_m126a33lCX1qkdphc[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6029145

There actually have been buildings hit by airplanes in the past and they didn't come crumbling to the ground in a pancake collapse reaching terminal velocity.

>> No.6029146

>9/11 is overrated
Well, that's at least one thing I agree on.

>> No.6029149
File: 300 KB, 1400x950, wtc2collapse[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The planes were much smaller, travelling at lower speeds and the buildings had much greater tolerances.

Also, your terminal velocity claim is as laughable as it is laughably easy to disprove. Note the debris massively overtaking the collapsing portion.

>> No.6029150


why has nobody responded yet?!

>> No.6029151

Yes, it is over rated.

That's because the us government tried to pass such a colossal lie that they have to put on acts all the time on tv to program people's feelings.

>> No.6029153

Even if there was a conspiracy behind 9/11, why would they blow up the building after they managed to get a bunch of towelheads to hijack airplanes? To get a little more dramatic?
The best plans are always the simpler ones where there are less variables and less things that may go wrong. Especially for a big conspiracy like that, rigging the building to blow up and collapse after the plane hit means involving more people who might talk or fuck up at some point and for what? Making things a little more dramatic?

>> No.6029155

>sits in parents basement
>smokes weed
> governments out to get me man
>ignores science
>omfg man did you see that they did it
> provides no proof
>basis theory on feelings and karma
You a fu k up your a joke , you a clown take your pants down get fucked you fucking fuckwit. Go watch more scooby do and solve crimes ya muppet.

>> No.6029156

It's an interpolated video. The cameraman wasn't pointing a phantom at the impact, it was a normal camera, 90% of the frame you're seeing are faked. The plane appears to pass behind the tower because the interpolation software is dealing with 2D, shitty video and doesn't know which plane to draw in front. The plane doesn't neatly slice through unharmed (as evidence by us not seeing it emerge from the other side, unscathed). It causes warping and damage to the facade as it disintegrates.

Arguing that only supersonic projectiles can pass through harder materials makes no sense, supersonic has nothing to do with penetrating power, it's a velocity based on the speed of sound in air at sea level. There's a world of difference between a plane and a bullet and large pieces of metal behave differently to small ones (which is why we can build a man sized walking robot but we won't be able to build a Gundam just by scaling it up with the same proportions). Just look at the damage a ship can do when it crashes.

>> No.6029157

What was their reasoning?

Well, Israel hates Muslims and the US government sucks Israel's chode.

The US government are muderer's, they are behind the slaughters of many innocent people everyday in muslim countries, what's a few thousand of their own to them?

The only person to provide proof backing my claims that wasn't just some shit article written by a dumb fuck using pictures the media gave out was I

I don't smoke weed, I don't give a fuck if any government is out to get me, and I also don't live in my parents basement.

Nice try at shaming me though, that's usually what happens when someone starts to lose a debate.

>> No.6029160

So you watch scooby doo and solve crimes then?

>that's usually what happens when someone losing a debate.

See >>6029141
Faggot fuck off back to /x

>> No.6029162

>The US government are muderer's, they are behind the slaughters of many innocent people everyday in muslim countries, what's a few thousand of their own to them?
If you're going to commit a conspiracy, you simplify as much as possible and involve as few as possible. Potentially, crashing a plane takes one agent who is only potentially discovered once they hijack the plane, rigging a building to collapse using explosives is tricky, requires dozens of people and you can get caught at any time during the preparation. It would be like Nixon stealing the entire Democratic National Committee headquaters using dozens of helicopters for later perusal.

>> No.6029165

You don't even live in the US, why so upset? You love corrupt American government through your crystal ball television?

Lots of people are working to solve this crime.

>> No.6029166

...How does one commit a conspiracy?


I've read reports online that months before 9/11 truck loads of people would come into the building at night, as they were doing "maintenance".

>> No.6029167

>Nice try at shaming me though, that's usually what happens when someone starts to lose a debate.

>> No.6029169
File: 14 KB, 267x300, contention-cat-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reciprocating.

>> No.6029171

Buildings require maintenance and in such an expensive set of offices it's cheaper to pay the extra to do it at night than to close during the day.

>> No.6029172

Engineers already solved it.

Government pisses me off as much as the next person. But when scientific facts are called into dispute there better be decent evidence to back it up. People who have the intention of blaming the gov then working the "evidence" around their argument while completely ignoring the rest of the science and fact's makes for flawed theory's. bad science pisses me off.

>> No.6029173


>first to engage in activity

What are you? Israel?

>> No.6029176

Thermite Composition:
Aluminium Oxide
Iron Oxide
Intense Heat to begin reaction.

Plane hulls are made of Aluminium, which will immediately form an oxidized layer on any uncoated surface.

Jet Fuel burns with enough energy to start a thermite reaction, which sustains itself afterwards.

WTC towers were built in the 70s, so there is bound to be iron rust around somewhere.

tldr; thermite isn't really evidence of anything in and of itself.

>> No.6029178

Not to mention that there was aluminium present in the towers and that you don't need iron oxide, calcium sulphate (plaster) will also burn with aluminium.

>> No.6029185

/sci/ should work out a structured guideline on debate on /sci/

>> No.6029183
File: 47 KB, 420x420, fuck this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ really pisses me off..

Too many fat pseudo-intellectual tween closet homosexuals from California. I'm out.

>> No.6029196

Sorry, we have this nasty habit of letting reality and facts get in the way of a good old fashioned government witch hunt.

>> No.6029197

>Nice try at shaming me though, that's usually what happens when someone starts to lose a debate.

>> No.6029207

You did not present any facts nor evidence beyond pseudo-intellectual theories in your own mind.

>> No.6029212

Hey, this is still 4chan, the closest to a nice debate you'll get will still look like people throwing crap at each other.

>> No.6029214

>You did not present any facts nor evidence beyond pseudo-intellectual theories in your own mind.

>So that thermite was found at ground zero, we can assume explosives were used to bring down the towers. And thus, the towers were wired beforehand.

>> No.6029215

Here is one from MIT


Enjoy try reading it you may learn something.

>> No.6029216

oh my they found rust and aluminum in the wreckage of a building?

>> No.6029219

>Largest collection of pseudo-intellectual self fart sniffers in the country

You really think I'd find anything MIT fags say to be credible?

>> No.6029223

>Nice try at shaming me though, that's usually what happens when someone starts to lose a debate.

>> No.6029228

No, you bought an Alfa Romeo.

>> No.6029225

I found rust and aluminum in my car. Did someone thermite me?

>> No.6029233

If you find spherical metal balls or iron, like those found at ground zero, perhaps.

Otherwise, no.

Try building your car's frame out of aluminum, it holds up much better to the salt on the roads in the winter.

>> No.6029235

No but unfortunately sponge bob square pants hasn't dedicated a show to this problem so I guess you are shit outa luck.

Pretty sure scooby doo never had a problem of this magnitude either.

>> No.6029237

You've got the heat from a fire and the pressure of thousands of tons crushing down at great speeds, effectively you've got a hammer forge. Just about any shapes could potentially be produced.

>> No.6029244

Yes, but..

Spherical. Iron. Balls.

millions of them.

>> No.6029248

Long before steel melts it becomes as malleable as tooth paste. Couple that with the enormous pressure and you've got an easy source for deformed metal spraying around. You're forgetting your phase diagram. These are pressures that would pulp you in microseconds.

>> No.6029259


What most mongoloids don't get is that steel doesn't have to melt or even become "like paste", with high temperature it can just lose lots of its strength.

Source: I'm a Civil Engineer

>> No.6029261

I like eating noodles

Source I am me

>> No.6029262

So your evidence of thermite is that there's melted steel that fell some distance as it cooled.

...when a whole 767-load of jet fuel is dumped and ignited, on top of all of the other flammable stuff inside, in a steel building, and then a collapse turns the whole thing into a blast furnace.

Yeah, that's some bulletproof logic.

>> No.6029268

You know what..

To prove you niggers wrong, I'm going to build my own Tower. I'm going to buy my own airline jet, and I'm going to crash it into the tower i built. You'll see then fgts.

>> No.6029271

Kickstart it

Ill toss in a quid

>> No.6029269

So your evidence there wasn't thermite is just retarded hunch?

Yeah, that's some sound scientific reasoning.

>> No.6029273

Based on principles of chemistry and physics. More importantly, what evidence do you have that excludes sources of iron and aluminium oxide apart from thermite?

>> No.6029274
File: 13 KB, 531x394, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok child.

here is a pic.

>> No.6029282

>thermite is just retarded hunch

>> No.6029284


>No units on vertical axis


>shit tier fahrenheit on horizontal axis

Nigga you dun fucked up

>> No.6029285


Can you die in a trench in case the DNA pool improves?

Percentage has no units.

>> No.6029287

okay- suppose the government did it, got planes to crash into WTC to blame it on al quida. Why would they need to demolish the building? People were scared enough after the 2nd hit, plenty of people died and I don't think theres any need to demolish the buildings after that.

>> No.6029295
File: 52 KB, 624x414, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wont read that you have to display it like this.

>> No.6029299


>> No.6029301


>> No.6029302
File: 89 KB, 386x279, 1360310777418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6029303

What evidence do you have of thermite being employed? The mere presence of certain compounds pointing to thermite is a massive fucking assumption

>> No.6029305

Yeah, but have you seen the post-apoc pictures and films of Manhattan under a cloud of smoke after the towers fell! It looked damn good on TV, just for the sake of it, it was worth it.
Maybe Hollywood was involved too, after all, they're all Jews there amirite?

>> No.6029314


>Jesus did it
>Jews Were behind it
>Government Planned it
>Sponge Bob Proved it
>Hollywood did the effects
>Mah Freedoms
GTFO --------------->/x

>> No.6029319

Why didn't Nixon make off with the entire Watergate complex like COBRA commander?

>> No.6029320

>iron rust shards
>aluminum shards

There's absolutely no reason why that stuff would be found in a crushed building

>> No.6029321

They really are all jews. look at disney now.

More jews than you can shake a shekel at.

>> No.6029327

You do not have the mental capacity to intellectually debate me, kid.

>> No.6029333

>Nice try at shaming me though, that's usually what happens when someone starts to lose a debate.

>> No.6029334

yes, he does, pleb.

>> No.6029338


ITT: >>6029183

>> No.6029341

>>Nice try at shaming me though, that's usually what happens when someone starts to lose a debate.

>> No.6029351

fuck off pol, can we get a mod to delete this thread??

>> No.6029353

Why? It's going swimmingly.

>> No.6029354

na it's just pleb

>> No.6029356

>Fat pseudo-intellectual closet homosexual college tween detected

>> No.6029359

>Nice try at shaming me though, that's usually what happens when someone starts to lose a debate.

>> No.6029370
File: 296 KB, 500x282, jessies dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thermite found in towers
>Walt and Jessie use thermite to break into the warehouse to steal meth
>Jr has pallsey because Skyler smoked thermite laced cigarettes when she was pregnant
>"Hello, Carol"


>> No.6029374

Somebody's upset...

You want some wah-burgers?

How about some french cries?

Later on we can go to the pub and get a weinekin.

You gon' cry boy?

You gon' cry?

>> No.6029379


See this:


>> No.6029381

>Nice try at shaming me though, that's usually what happens when someone starts to lose a debate.

>> No.6029382

was oxidised alumium found simply in the general WTC area or was it found specifically within the ruins of WTC building 7?

If it was found directly within the walls of the ruins of building seven then it absurd to imagine that it came from two planes lodged inside the twin towers , more than a hundred meters away and separated by building 6.

>> No.6029389

No idea but the towers would hardly have been devoid of aluminium.

>> No.6029391

..Dis nigga still cryin' like fo real?!1


>> No.6029392


Why does this matter and what is this?