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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 41 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6027387 No.6027387 [Reply] [Original]

Explain this shit, /sci/.

I was approached by a cute white girl at a party whom I thought was interested in me and we chatted for a good while. Then..
>So anon, what are you studying?
>Math, you?
>Oh.. biomedical
>she turns 2pi radians and walks away
>I see her and her friends laughing at me

What in the actual fuck? I thought women got wet over guys who have 300k starting any job they want.

>> No.6027391
File: 34 KB, 640x427, counting%2Bmoney[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if you look like this

>> No.6027394

> have 300k starting any job they want.

In people mind, math student = nerdy students
You must admit that's not toally false. Just look at this board.

>> No.6027415

this girl is studying biomedical, though. At my uni, that's generally regarded as the hardest major.

>> No.6027417

>she turns 2pi radians and walks away
>2pi radians
>walks away

>> No.6027419

and ?

The fact that math studs are peceived like nerdy people is not only linked to the difficulty of the field.

>> No.6027424

That's not contradictory. They could have been in the middle of the room

Maybe she just did a pirouette for "fun"

But in that case, it's maybe better for OP to not having get laid

>> No.6027429

I like ponies. Me too! OMG WE SHOULD TOTALLY MARRY!

>> No.6027432

>2pi radians

>> No.6027436

All right, I loled.

>> No.6027456

maybe she was so fat that by the time she stopped rotating, the gravitational drag had shifted the position of the poor sod, so she could walk away by going straight and not meet the dude

>> No.6027467

You should have said "quantum methematics"

>> No.6027480

Next time try talking it up more. "Im studying "This" to become a "This". Nothing wrong with sugar coating it. Also try asking her to tell you more about what it is she is studying. Women love to talk about themselves and really will if you give them a chance.
Also women only get wet when you tell them that your making 300k not that you plan to make 300k a year.

Another pro tip, if your at a party act like your having allot of fun. Women see this and want to have fun also.

If you sit in the corner screaming Math at every woman that passes you, chances of getting laid = 0.

Your career path only pays off when your done , you are making money and can buy women shiny things. Women like shiny things.

>> No.6027483

So depressingly true.

>> No.6027487

High school senior year

What should I study?

I'm good at math and shit

>> No.6027496

>studies math
>doesn't know 2PI radians is 360 degrees

you wot m8?

>> No.6027511

You morons are fucking joking...right?

>> No.6027515

They are not. People don't stay on /sci/ because /sci/ is shit, hence why people don't know about le epic /sci/ maymay.

>> No.6027525

The whole "turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away" shit isn't just specific to /sci/ though

>> No.6027544

everyone knows people that study maths are autists

>> No.6027566

"300 K starting" actually refers to the temperature of the room you work in.

>> No.6027579

A few days ago
>Waiting for a meeting with a professor
>Go sit at a table in the math faculty
>Two girls, one guy are near me
>More girls than guys
>Math faculty

>> No.6027587

He's partly right. It's almost like befriending wild animals--look like you are non-threatning ('thinks too much"), offer some food (jewelry, dinners, gifts) and repeat until the animal is conditioned to your presence. Soon enough you can what you want from the animal (company, petting, cuddling etc).


>> No.6027611


how is a biomedical major tough? the competition may rough but the content itself is the babbiest of all the sciences

>> No.6027620


genuinely hilarious. I lol'd

>> No.6027760


>I was approached by a cute white girl at a party

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.6027791


implying your mother actually lets you leave your basement bunker

>> No.6027837


>Whom I thought was interested in me

Your hypothesis was invalid.

Here's an axiom for you:

9) Everybody is inherently self interested

Add it to the ones you already know and then social interactions will make a lot more sense. To interest a pretty girl you have to improve her life in some respect.

>> No.6027843

>2pi radians


>> No.6027956

yeah, it's fucking obnoxious, but you're dodging a bullet there. She wouldn't have been very bright. But I kind of resent the fact that people don't realize that math pays well.

>> No.6027967

mfw 300k is a pretty nice temperature.

>> No.6028011


>> No.6028014

I thought this was a serious thread until I saw 2pi

>> No.6028034

The thing you have to understand, OP, is that she actually was interested. See, she is the type of girl that likes to control her man through her intellect and as she looked around the party you looked like the most likely candidate for someone dumber than her. Then when you said math she figured she made a mistake and walked away.

If only she could have known the math you were talking about is somewhere below the level of trigonometry, she would have stuck around.

>> No.6028045

2 pi radians?
So she made a whole circle and turned right back to you? Nice.

>> No.6028050

Math people talk about retarded shit with other math people.

>> No.6028056
File: 100 KB, 1508x722, 360 degrees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She clearly moonwalked away, that's how fly she is.

Either that or she's retarded and did this.

>> No.6028065

She probably turned away because you're weird, not because of what your studying.

I study history (at Oxford, plan on doing gdl then becoming lawyer) and this has happened to me because I'm socially weird.

Girls at uni won't really care what you're studying or what your prospects are.

>> No.6028114

At my uni, the maths building is the largest building on campus, and humanities students fill our 2 largest lecture theaters all day every day.

>> No.6028119

Two words: Mystery Method. The guy just hack into those bitches brain and make them suck his dick anytime anywhere.

>> No.6028186

that's fucking genius

>> No.6028308

apparently they didn't learn les /v/ maymays

>> No.6028320

>Be gay
>"So, anon, what are you studying?"
>"Biochemistry. How about yourself?"
>"Wow, you must be really smart. I'm studying psychology"
Every fucking time. I mean there are others, I'm dating a physics and math major at the moment, but trust me "OMG, Anon you're so smart!" is much more annoying than "Whadda nerd!" rejections in the long run.

>> No.6028369

Don't you get it yet op or are you still wet behind the ears?
>I see her and her friends laughing at me
Because she's a little girl. You aren't describing mature adults. When you grow up too, you'll understand.

>> No.6028375

Math is shit compared to biomedical, she thinks you're stupid.

>> No.6028394

This. How can you not know that biomed students are one of the most arrogant bastards to walk this earth

>> No.6028451

i can confirm this. though i'd never look down on a math student that actually knows his shit.

here math and physics students are shit though, they are both easy unis to get in and finish and most people just finish them so they can become high school professors

>> No.6028460

Why would you give women attention?

>> No.6028477

It's called "doing the moonwalk".

>> No.6028482


>> No.6028535

It's pretty hot.

>> No.6028600

are you fucking kidding me?
do you know that biomedical is an abbreviated form of biomedical -engineering-?

Like, full on stress analysis matlab programming autocad design

>> No.6028708

autistic fags can't into abstraction, so generally dun like math. more likely to do engineering or physics or something in technology

>> No.6029339

Math majors don't pay that well...

>> No.6029348


This. I like this.

>> No.6029380
File: 461 KB, 1295x1267, 1362574411746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain why you would earn 300k.

>> No.6029406

maths students are often awkward, but if you had been talking well up until then and she buggered off just because you studied mathematics then she's an insecure bitch

>> No.6029412

because mathematics students are among the best placed to go into high-paying finance roles.

Quantitative developers with PHDs in mathematics do get salaries of around that much . 200k is more usual, but I have seen 250 or 300 k advertised.

>> No.6029417

>Einstein was autistic

This whole thread is pretty fucking retarded. I don't care how much money you make, some chicks will spit on you if they don't like you. If your reasoning to go to college and make 300k is to get a gold digging bitch, you've got a sad life ahead of you.

>> No.6029420

please don't extrapolate your shit university with a shit mathmeatics course to the world in general.

Mathematic is the greatest arena of talent.

shit uni or an unusual occurence


a lot of your post isn't really relevent to the OP. according to him they were talking normally and socialising like anyone else then as soon as she found out he studied maths she lost interest.
I doubt he started talking to her about rings and modules.

>> No.6029448

Not quite. Biomedical engineering is actually a seperate program in many uni's, and you take it together with one of the main engg programs.