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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 259 KB, 500x487, afsafa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6018722 No.6018722 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6018724

It's not?
It's best to use a mix.

I usually try to stay with my more logical side though because my emotional side wants to firebomb half the state and murder like 12 people

>> No.6018729

When I was diagnosed with autism.

>> No.6018732

blow me.

>> No.6018735

How about 75% logic and 25% emotion. I guess it's impossible NOT to have any emotions.

>> No.6018739

If you think purely logically how do you motivate yourself? There's no logical purpose to anything. The "original purpose" has to be completely made up by the individual, to have a reason to roll out of bed in the morning. Then you build logic on top of that.

>> No.6018740

10th grade

>> No.6018753

You took the sense of the word logically too literally.

>> No.6018756

Ah, ok so we are talking about a spectrum of logic. How literally should I take it?

>> No.6018762

"Better" to think "logically"

ohh boy here we go. A post by someone who thinks he is some wunderkind logic thinker and still uses terms such as "better".

Pls explain what better means

>> No.6018768

Damn it, I lost from not choosing my words carefully. I'm not going to lie but I get too caught up with my own thoughts. I guess I shouldn't think like an autistic fuck.

>> No.6018774

Is it better to be an unhappy INTJ than a well-adjusted ESFP?

Who's really enjoying life more? The whole point of your personality type is that you think yours is the best, because you value what your strengths are.

An INTJ thinks their type is the best because they believe rational thinking and logic are above all else, whereas an ESFP thinks that we're alive for the sake of enjoying life.

Obviously being irrational and overly emotional is worse than thinking about things logically, but people with FP types rather than TJ types are not irrational and ridiculous unless they're poorly adjusted or downright stupid.

>> No.6018772

well the pic you posted was pretty cool still
and relevant

>> No.6018785

i did not, i was born blessed with rational emotions.

>> No.6018801

I wish I could think logically.

>> No.6018815

I wish I could convey my emotions better.

>> No.6018883

Who is that in the top half of your picture?

>> No.6018908


>> No.6018927


that's korhal fleet commander hannah solo you twat

>> No.6018929


you can't think emotionally

emotional "thought" is an instinctive reaction, thus not really a thought at all. the reason some (a lot) of women are called bitches is because they choose to use the same brain circuitry as a fucking dog.

>> No.6018934

>emotional thought is an instinctive reaction

how do poker players go on tilt for hours at a time?

>> No.6018935

dat fedora

>> No.6018939

An intelligent system will act the same way no matter what purpose it is given, even the lack of purpose. The best way to accomplish any goal is to first become infinitely powerful, but that takes forever so the goal isn't even relevant.

>> No.6018942

your response seems pretty emotional
therefore your no smarter than a dog
>your own logic

>> No.6018949

what if the two like...fucked.?

>> No.6018950

The argument is invalid. Emotions form the basis of all logic. How else would you assign values to intangibles like the desire to live, personal growth, correct or incorrect, positive or negative?

You can be the most logical, rational being in the solar system, and you will still reference your emotions on a moment to moment basis. The conflict has never been logic vs emotion, but logic vs illogic.

>> No.6018957

What's the difference between the two?
inb4 "hurr durr doesn't know PERSONALITY types!"

>> No.6018959


j stands for judging, p stands for perceiving.

>> No.6018961

I would say this is not completely true. We have emotions and sensations. Sensations are positive feelings you get from things like sex, food, cool clothes. These all respond to survival value in some way. I think emotions must be defined as being rooted in other people, and thus secondary. Ignore me if you think I'm wrong. The difference comes with a buffer of reality; do you know you can deal with the harsh reality of nature, or, do you need to have worth to other people so they can take care of you?

>> No.6018967

>I think emotions must be defined as being rooted in other people, and thus secondary.

therefore an isolated person has no emotions?


>> No.6018968

tep kok

>> No.6018969


Logic only shows us what 'necessarily' follows from some point or goal.

But no point or goal is necessary.

For instance, logically it is necessary to use bricks to build a brick house. But there is no logical reason to build a brick house.

There is no necessity for a human to do or pursue anything in life, not even to continue living.

So logic never has a starting point unless we jump into one via emotion, faith, brute desire, lust, etc...

>> No.6018984

Would you consider liking having your dick (or your pusssy) sucked (licked) an emotion?

>> No.6018990


exactly, if pure logical thought was considered thinking, then computers could think.

OP is probably talking about the phenomena at which /sci/entists are prone to methodically weight options before making a decision rather than spontaneously decide with what feels right.

a great example of this is during WWII, when the 12 scientists starved to death to protect the worlds first seed bank. they had more than enough seeds to feed themselves to survive the siege but chose to save the tens of thousands of rare and extinct seeds rather than themselves. after WWII 90% of the grain planted across Russia came from that seed bank.
read about it http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/1992-05-13/news/9202080144_1_vavilov-institute-food-crops-leningrad

>> No.6018992


sensation /=/ emotion
however the want of such a sensation is a emotion... lust

>> No.6019005

I just had the best roast beef and cheese sandwich! Too bad all the stores are closed so I cannot get any more...

>> No.6019022
File: 246 KB, 635x513, 326cde998092ec0e1564dc6504c847a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't trust these shit ok? This is /sci/, not /soc/
>think logically
>think emotionally
If you tend to think logically, one day you meet something illogical and you are pissed, then do you think you think emotionally?

>> No.6019045

Moderation is the way of life OP. If you never act on your emotions you'll just turn into a depressed fuck with a superiority complex. You're not a better person for never being impulsive.

>> No.6019049

When I freed myself from religion and became truly euphoric.

>> No.6019052

>If you think purely logically how do you motivate yourself?

Money. Was this supposed to be a hard question?

>> No.6019057

>But there is no logical reason to build a brick house.

There are dozens of logical reasons to build a brick house. When comparing the merits of brick against other materials you find it is relatively strong and cheap for starters.

>> No.6019065


What do you need money for? To live? What logical purpose is there for you to live?

>> No.6019067

>Myers-bullshit test
I'm sorry OP, astrology isn't tolerated on /sci/.

>> No.6019069


>> No.6019073

Meta bullshit. I am here and things are the way they are. All I know is I need money to fulfill both my basic biological needs and my more advanced needs. If I fulfill those needs I am comfortable. Comfortable feels good so that is why I am motivated to get money.

>> No.6019080

Not that guy, but what're "more advanced needs?" Entertainment? I thought you were above emotions.

>> No.6019081


>> No.6019082

>entirely motivated by feelings

>> No.6019083

You do realize that all types think their type is the best?

>> No.6019084

>The whole point of your personality type
is to provide astrology thrills to undegrads while feeling superior and more rational than "those plebs who actually believe in astrology".

>> No.6019086

That was my point. Everyone is initially motivated by emotions in some form to set their trajectory in life. Logic is then used to serve those goals.

>> No.6019114

>implying your notion of logic and reason is not filled with emotion

Sorry, but we are emotional animals. It's almost impossible for us to cut it off.

>> No.6019123

Honestly I think it is for me personally. I've long been a sensitive person so emotional judgment came easy but exercising reason in a way I never have before (being very honest with myself about what I want and if how I'm going about getting it will result in what I want, no unfounded optimism etc) has been so effective it makes me want to do it more.

>> No.6019152

The moment I thought about that question.

>> No.6019155

MBTI is /x/ territory

>> No.6019156

What if emotion is just hard wired logic/estimation.

>> No.6019158

The hard wiring part is the problem - nowadays, at least, when its original functions of saving us from the possible lion in the grass makes us do and believe very stupid things.

>> No.6019160

I reasoned into using intuition

>> No.6019162

A system run on motivation will fail without motivation.
A system run without motivation will not fail without motivation.

Does a car need motivation to turn on? Does a computer need motivation to turn on?

>> No.6019166

When did you realize people accept you better when you can do both?

>> No.6019329

Not realizing Myers-Briggs is no better than Astrology.

Shiggy Diggy.

>> No.6019449

A person had to decide to turn those machines on. A person had a purpose in turning those machines on. A person had to decide that purpose prior to building and turning those machines one. That purpose may have been something completely logical like getting to work. But, the original purpose for getting up and going to work every day still has an emotional basis. Goals and motivations begin with a subjective, typically emotional basis. All actions thereafter proceed logically in service of those goals.

Logical analysis consists of a sequence of predicates
<span class="math">P:\rightarrow\{True,False\}[\math
A logical conclusion is reached by composing a sequence of predicates. You can't compose predicates without an initial value that is true by definition,
<span class="math">A\in\{True,False\}[\math]
These are the axioms for logical analysis. If you apply logic to your life you have to pick the axioms, the axioms are subjective values. Axioms are by definition arbitrary. People select axioms for life that optimize their feeling of well being and happiness. Hence, emotion is necessary for humans to do anything.

I'm not challenging the use of logic. I'm merely stating you can't use logic without axioms. If you drill any chain of predicates down to its axioms you will find an emotional basis for it.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.6019478

Randomly assigns people to 12 categories with no predictive power.
> Myers-Briggs
Post-hoc assigns people to 16 categories with trivial predictive power.

Myers-Briggs clearly wins.

>> No.6019497

>not knowing infant skin is very transparent to infrared waves
>not knowing earth receives IR waves in very different scales according to time of the year
>now knowing IR trigger certain DNA alleles and shut others

>> No.6019500

>trivial predictive power
>not Forer effect out the ass

>> No.6019501

dat mood disorder.
i'm working on it.

>> No.6019507

>An INTJ thinks their type is the best because they believe rational thinking and logic are above all else, whereas an ESFP thinks that we're alive for the sake of enjoying life.
>yfw im an INTJ who thinks we're alive for the point of enjoying life

>> No.6020759

ENTJ reporting. If it was what I'm good at, I'd be some CEO or some shit. But Meyers-Briggs is not what you are good at, it's what you prefer. You may prefer to be an extrovert, but you might be better at being an introvert.

So any feeling that your personality preference is somehow beneficial is wrong. At best it can help you address preferences that need work. It is utterly useless to compare to others.

>> No.6020772


>An INTJ thinks their type is the best because they believe rational thinking and logic are above all else

Not necessarily. We only think it's more appropriate than most people's simply because most don't bother using rational.


It's not about preferences. Myers Briggs outlines cognitive functions. They're quite different.

>> No.6020776
File: 211 KB, 500x512, donovan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define better.
I'm happy to FEEL my way through any scenario, just because I can critically analyze the situation doesn't mean I have to stop having emotions.
I swear, you fedoras are so silly.

>> No.6020854

Just saying it does not measure ability. All the questions are in the form of "do you prefer X or Y" or am I totally misunderstanding this?

>> No.6020856

It's Seven of Nine from Voyager.
You should watch Voyager, except for one episode which is the only episode struck from star trek canon.

>> No.6020858

Protip: You won't get anywhere in life by being the epitome of stoicism. Nobody wants to associate himself with a robot.

>> No.6020860

is there ANY science that supports that belief?

>> No.6020871

Good god, especially women. Nothing like men, they like to talk and like you to listen actively. And you like their pussy more then they do, many have a love-hate relationship, quite unlike men who have a love-love relationship with their dicks. They have to be turned on, and when turned on, really like to fuck, but again, not like men who are always on.

Oversimplified, sure. Protips are.

>> No.6020875

Use your emotions to determine what you want.

Use your logic to determine how to get it.

That's the way to do it, my friends.

>> No.6020877
File: 365 KB, 796x531, zenglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, why didn't I think of that?

>> No.6020945
File: 29 KB, 152x159, waitaminute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-how do you know this stuff?

>> No.6020948

When dealing with people, it's often better to rely on dem emotes.

>> No.6020965

I'm an oldfag. 43 years old, married, with two children, boys ages 10 and 8, soon to hit puberty and I'll have to make some kind of decision when they discover 4chan.

If you're a new adult, don't worry, women will not hesitate to demand you learn how to treat them.

>> No.6020967

WOW, lol.

I get you guys are nerds but emotion is part of being human. You cannot deny that and even with all the learning in the world you cannot unlearn emotion or teach yourself to not feel.

sorry, just embrace it

>> No.6020968

Dont make the mistake of letting them come here.

Internet filters up the ass, 4chan is the worst thing in my life

>> No.6020969

It depends on the context. Emotions can be useful heuristics when contextual constraints make rational calculation impossible or impractical.

Anyone who wishes system-1 cognition would simply disappear is deluded; we'd be completely dysfunctional without it.

>> No.6020972

Youtube is worse. Some intelligence can be found here. I had to ban youtube because they found creepypasta via
a minecraft videos and their favorite channel was Smosh. This argument about Meyers Briggs is like lightyears more advanced than the crap they watched on youtube.

>> No.6021289

when i was self-diagnosed

>> No.6021319

>The best way to accomplish any goal is to first become infinitely powerful

What the fuck am I reading.jpg

Do you need to become infinitely powerful to get out of bed in the morning?

>> No.6021320

>A person had to decide to turn those machines on. A person had a purpose in turning those machines on. A person had to decide that purpose prior to building and turning those machines one. That purpose may have been something completely logical like getting to work. But, the original purpose for getting up and going to work every day still has an emotional basis. Goals and motivations begin with a subjective, typically emotional basis. All actions thereafter proceed logically in service of those goals.

You are missing the point.

Motivations do not have to be emotional in nature.

The "ultimate purpose" as you call it, may not even exist. Does a computer have an "ultimate purpose"? Then neither do humans.

Our brains are made of a bunch of neurons. Electrochemical activity happens. None of this implies that we work to fulfill some kind of "purpose".

Actually, my position is that of eliminative materialist persuasion: folk-psychological concepts such as belief, intention and motivation do not refer to any actual brain state and are therefore meaningless.

The entire process of "thinking" merely refers to the electrochemical activity that goes on in the human brain and has nothing to do with abstract mathematical symbolic manipulation.

>> No.6021326

>Electrochemical activity happens.

>> No.6021339


by electrochemical I'm not referring to electrochemistry (branch of chemistry dealing with chemical reactions that involve electrical currents and potentials) but to the combination of electrical activity and chemical reactions taking place in the brain.

>> No.6021341


Emotions are a folk-psychology label that must be removed for sake of clarity.

>> No.6021342

This thread seems retarded so I'm going to respond to the picture instead.

Neither one of them is intuitive - they are both clearly sensing. And I'm not sure I would classify Data as introverted, exactly. I don't think that dichotomy is even applicable for him.

So it would be more like:

Seven: ISTJ
Data: XSTP

>> No.6021357

Go lick a crab.

>> No.6021362


Meaningless statement.

>> No.6021361

>hey guys I vaguely mentioned "electrochemical reactions"
>that clarified things, didn't it?
How bout no.

>> No.6021365


Meaningless statement.

>> No.6021364


my thinking helps me out long term wise but sometimes I just hate myself the depression gets just terrible. sometimes I feel normal, sometimes down, just need a distraction to keep me busy. sometimes when you drive down the road just funny how it only takes a jerk of the wheel to hit the guy coming in your direction next lane over.

I hate myself.

>> No.6021366

Just like "isall electrochemical reactions"

>> No.6021369



that word doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.6021372


Wrong. If you had read my post then you'd know what it meant.

>> No.6021375

both logical and emotional thinking but only logical decisions

>> No.6021377

You use logical thinking on certain problems and emotional reasoning on others.

There is a reason God equipped us with both.

>> No.6021378

Yes I know what you mean.
You mean to remove any sort of descriptive power because "isall electrochemical reactions".

>eyh professor how come ice behaves like that?
"isall atoms and shit"
>eyh professor how did this species evolve?
"isall cells and stuff"

Nice going highschooler.

>> No.6021376


Your autism isn't an accurate gauge of reality.

>> No.6021380

Your face is a meaningless statement.

>> No.6021379


Meaningless statement.


Meaningless statement.

>> No.6021383


Wrong. One can label certain electrical activity in the brain.

Just not with folk-psychology labels like "emotions" or "intentions" or "motivations".

>> No.6021382

>how come this material has a higher Young modulus?
"I can't derive Youg modulus from first principle crystallography calculations, therefore the concept of a Young modulus is meaningless."

This is literally how uneducated you sound.

>> No.6021384

>One can label certain electrical activity in the brain.
Can you?
Prove it.

>> No.6021385


Young's modulus refers to bulk material behavior which is testable and reproducible. "Emotions" are not.

>> No.6021391

In other words you can't.

>> No.6021387


It's trivial. I won't do something that's so tri

>> No.6021389

>One can label certain electrical activity in the brain.
One such electrical activity is called emotion.

>> No.6021394

>"Emotions" are not.
But they are.

>> No.6021395


You might as well label star movements epicycles.

>> No.6021398


If emotions were merely behaviors, then they might be. But they're not. They have psychological aspects which are untestable and therefore unscientific.

>> No.6021403

>But they're not.

>> No.6021404


Precisely what?

>> No.6021412

It's all testable and repeatable.
>but baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw it relies on asking people question, they might be lying!
Doesn't matter, it's repeatable.

>> No.6021418


No it's not.

>> No.6021426

Without emotions we wouldn't want to do anything, including think.

>> No.6021430


"want" is a folk-psychology concept that has no basis in physical reality.

>> No.6021438

>I can't see it or smell it, therefore it doesn't exist.
This same "logic" applies to the idea of logic you know. Our emotions are just chemical signals in the brain - desire for example is correlated with dopamine in the brain -and to say it doesn't exist...

>> No.6021458

>Our emotions are just chemical signals in the brain

So why not just call them chemical signals in the brain?

Why would you call bacterial infection "demonic possession" if there was a better, less misleading term for it?

>> No.6021466

>Makes a raging rant
>Doesn't realize the irony of his statement
Did /pol/'s background suddenly change, or this really being posted on /sci/?

>> No.6021470

>Lists a bunch of emotional stuff
>Biological needs
>Feels good

>> No.6021480

thinking logically is not always better. If you watched star trek you would know this.

>> No.6021484


See kids, this is what happens when you entertain equivocation. Everyone just talks past each other in a battle of terms.

>> No.6021486

>When did you realize it's better to think logically rather than emotionally?

About a year ago, when I was introduced to evolution. I realized that it was scientifically wrong to sympathize with my beta boyfriend. I dropped him immediately and went for a real alpha man instead.

>> No.6021489


Did you also realize that gay sex is immoral because it doesn't result in reproduction?

>> No.6021501

No such thing exists. "Morality" is a religious construct and is to be replaced by the objective value judgement of science and rationality.

>because it doesn't result in reproduction
This is the scientific reason why homosexuality is wrong. It is also the reason why I would never engage in lesbian sex.

>> No.6021503

>It is also the reason why I would never engage in lesbian sex.

Aside from the fact that you are male?

>> No.6021507


What does "scientific reason why it is wrong" mean, exactly? Lesbian sex does exist, I assure you.

>> No.6021513

I am not male.

>Lesbian sex does exist, I assure you.
A lot of deviances and degeneracies exist. They will be weeded out by evolution.

>> No.6021516

>I am not male.

So you are a hermaphrodite

>> No.6021525

No, I am not. Why are you pathetically denying the possibility of women on the /sci/ board? Aren't you a sad little loser?

>> No.6021530

>tries to take up the flag of consciousnessbot
>utterly fails by demonstrating constant unscientific assumptionmaking
Well your minute of glory was short lived.

>> No.6021529


define sad

>> No.6021535
File: 214 KB, 393x385, 1282006629864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these guys conflating 'moral' with 'evolution'

>> No.6021541


define "realizing"

>> No.6021543

>A lot of deviances and degeneracies exist.

Ok, so it exists and it's not immoral. So in what sense is it "wrong?"

>> No.6021539

"Sad" would be your physiological reaction after realizing that you are an evolutionary failure. It is characterized by increases in bilateral activity within the vicinity of the middle and posterior temporal cortex, lateral cerebellum, cerebellar vermis, midbrain, putamen, and caudate.

>> No.6021540


That was a joke

>> No.6021544

>I was just pretending

We all know you weren't.

>> No.6021547


who's "we"?

>> No.6021549

>this board

If you are really a woman, then YOU are sad.

>> No.6021548

Why should anyone take what you say seriously then?
Your anti-intellectualism belongs on >>>/b/ and >>>/v/

>> No.6021550

Get a dictionary. It isn't my job to teach you the English language.

>> No.6021551


That word doesn't mean what you think it means. Behaving retarded and autistic doesn't make you funny.

>> No.6021552

Males always have a tendency to think logically while females have a tendency to think emotionally
I never "realized" anything, it just happened

>> No.6021555



>> No.6021559

INTP here.
Everything is logical, if it were not logical, it would not be.
>inb4 hurrdurr emotions
Emotions are logical, just because you do not understand it does not make it illogical.

>> No.6021558

You must be wrong here. This is a science and math board, not a joke board.

>> No.6021560

If that's what you actually consider humorous, it's no surprise you don't get laid.

>> No.6021567
File: 49 KB, 400x505, 1366174361901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying emotions are scientific

top kek

>> No.6021569

/s4s/ has arrived to troll our sensitive sensibilities

>> No.6021572

You are totally misunderstanding this.

>> No.6021570

>top kek
What next, you're gonna start talking about comic books and video games?
Go away and take your disgusting anti-intellectualism with you.

>> No.6021573

>using the phrase "top kek"

maximum autism

>> No.6021576

>Not recognising a troll

>> No.6021581


How the fuck is an INTP 'warm'? I'm one and while I can be generally nice to people most of the time I just don't give a fuck.

>> No.6021577

Emotions are physiological responses. They are observable on the levels of behaviour and biochemistry. Physiology is a branch of biology and utilizes the scientific method. But given the fact that you don't even know how a vagina looks like, it is not surprising that your knowledge of biology is very poor.

>> No.6021582

How is he trolling? Please explain; I don't see it. Going into a thread and screaming "I AM RETARDED" doesn't look like trolling to me. It doesn't deceive anyone and it doesn't make anyone mad.

>> No.6021583
File: 443 KB, 576x576, 1378051992799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying comic books and video games are for stupid people

>> No.6021584


Emotions are physiological responses in the same way that demonic possession is a physiological response. Twisting the meaning of words doesn't help your argument any.

>> No.6021590

None of the posts your quoting made any statement about emotions. Thanks for demonstrating that reading comprehension is another skill you're lacking. You provided more evidence to the hypothesis that several kinds of cognitive deficiencies are heavily correlated.

>> No.6021596

I can just feel that smug superiority complex condensing on the inside of my screen right now.
Do really think name-dropping a lot of random, stitched together terms will win you this discussion?
Are you so impotent that you seek to "win" discussions online, no matter the level of bullshit you let out?
Fedora level: Ultimate

>> No.6021593

>implyng they are not

You should grown out of them when graduating from elementary school.

>> No.6021599
File: 8 KB, 200x199, 1378398715265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6021597


Correlation implies nothing.

>> No.6021603


It's not my fault that you can't comprehend the terminology I employ. Maybe you should get a dictionary.

>> No.6021601

As someone who doesn't even know what the word "realize" means, you are not qualified to talk about the semantics of the English language. Don't come back until you reached the vocabulary of a preschooler.

>> No.6021602

The "topkek" was what did it for me. His apparently level of stupidity is not uncommon here but I only ever see people saying that phrase on /s4s/ and they are all trolls, to a man.
As to your second point, I never said he was a GOOD troll.

>> No.6021606


Realization is an illogical concept that doesn't exist.

>> No.6021607

Correlation implies causation. Do you even AGW?

>> No.6021609

For you that might be actually true, given your severe cognitive impairment.

>> No.6021612

>hey guise look using hard words makes me smart

This thread is very perplexing.

>> No.6021615


Correlation does not imply causation.


Define cognitive impairment

>> No.6021611

How does "top kek" make him a troll? "Top kek" is an expression of autism. It signifies the lack of insightful contribution and the incapability of creative thinking.

>> No.6021621

No, no, no. They might be both be correlated with a third variable but not each other.

>> No.6021629

>incapability of creative thinking


>> No.6021631




>> No.6021632

>Define cognitive impairment

No need for me to do that. You already did a very good job defining it ITT. There's almost no characterization of cognitive impairment you didn't present.

>> No.6021633

Damn, that was badly worded. I mean that there is a causal link between them and a third variable.

>> No.6021636

I have been le proven correct. Hi /s4s/

>> No.6021642


>> No.6021637



There you go again

>> No.6021638

One might expect you would have dropped the trip by now. But you didn't. What's your problem? Do you enjoy the verbal humiliation? Did you sexualize being utterly berated after you've been rejected too many times?

>> No.6021644


The picture in the OP is wrong.

INTJ: Machine

INTP: Man who made the machine

>> No.6021648

Correct, also Scorpio is in the house of Sagitarius so you should get ready for romantic relations.

>> No.6021651

>utterly berated

Ha ha ha. Thanks for the laugh

>> No.6021652


It sounds like you don't have a rational answer and your aversion to lesbianism is purely emotional.

>> No.6021659

What's the matter? Is the word too long for you?

>> No.6021663


"characterization of cognitive impairment" is a nonsensical phrase.

>> No.6021666

Guys, learn to be nice to each other.

Unless you want to sink to the level of /b/ and /pol/.

>> No.6021671

Why? Because you don't understand it? Work on your verbal skills. They are underdeveloped.

>> No.6021677


You don't even know what you are saying.

>> No.6021681

I know very well what I'm saying.

>> No.6021691


How can you say that when you are a philosophical zombie?

>> No.6021692

>philosophical zombie
More pseudoscience mumbo-jumbo.
>>>/x/ you nasty bugger

>> No.6021694

The notion of "philosophical zombies" is redundant because every human is a "philosophical zombie". There are no magical souls. Back to >>>/x/ please.

>> No.6021695


How can you know things if you are a p-zombie?

>> No.6021704 [DELETED] 

Checkmate atheists.

>> No.6021716

Random faggot here.

These personality profiles are just ruses made so incompetent kiddos can waste their useless time discussing how "master race" they are on anonymous image boards. Post your pseudoscience elsewhere.

>> No.6021717

i scored
100% I, N, and T, but only 50% J
that means i'm a lukewarm android.

>> No.6021959

Knowledge is information stored in the brain. This is obviously physical and not metaphysical.

>> No.6021979



>> No.6021982 [DELETED] 


>> No.6022007

Someone please provide me a link to a good test

>> No.6022018


>> No.6022017


Prove that the knowledge is stored in the brain.

>> No.6022021

Take a biology class.

>> No.6022025

>pH test
looking for more of a myer briggs test

>> No.6022028

The only superior life forms are ENTJ.

>> No.6022037

>muh false dichotomy

>> No.6022033

There is no good Mike Myers test.

>> No.6022048

The official MBTI statement is that all results are binary. If you get a 50/50 result, then it's the test that failed to read you, rather than you having part of both. While they're only one letter apart, the entire underlying structure is reversed: INTP is Ti>Ne>Si>Fe while INTJ is Ni>Te>Fi>Se. (capital letters indicate Thinking, iNtuition, Sensing and Feeling, regular case letters indicate whether the function is extroverted/introverted).

Are your thought processes linear (Ti) or diffuse (Ni)?

While you are talking to people in the flesh, do you constantly analyse the situation (Te) or go with what feels natural (Ne)?

>> No.6022046
File: 760 KB, 680x736, Jerry&#039;s Bizzare Adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you like feeling good

>> No.6022050

well there has to be one or two that are less shit than the others, right?

>> No.6022053

Take this trash back to /x/

>> No.6022074


>Is it better to be an unhappy INTJ than a well-adjusted ESFP?

its better to be ENTP, best of both worlds.

>> No.6023277
File: 26 KB, 238x231, 1374491591434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw used to be INTJ
Then puberty hit
Feels Good man

>> No.6023660
File: 12 KB, 234x234, ISHYGDDT guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not thinking logically

>> No.6023677
File: 27 KB, 492x426, voiceofreason-spock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see it that way, it is really dependent on the situation.
If one takes logic in a pure form it is not very functional and is surprisingly similar to pure emotion in many respects (excluding programming computer codes which is very useful).

It makes a blurry circle in my opinion, and yes I am aware the definitions are distinct, but I rarely see such ridged boundaries ever being used because there is so much cross over. Heck logic can be listed as a subset of reasoning and reasoning a subset of emotion, but just because emotion can contain all of the above does not mean it is the best as it clearly can become too complex to work effectively often making contradictory outcomes, which at times are vital given that apparent (not real) paradoxes happen all the time in real life.

pure logic < logic
logic < logical reasoning
logical reasoning < reasoning
reasoning < emotional reasoning
emotional reasoning < emotion
emotion < pure emotion
pure emotion < ?insanity?
?insanity? < pure logic

As for Star Trek I think Data is the better pick.
Also funny story that got me so involved in this was after going back and watching the original Star Trek I thought Spock was awesome so I took a logic course to better understand how to use logic like he does. Only to painfully learn most of what he does that is so cool is logical reasoning not logic, this got me stuck in a logic course that was very dry and boring but still insightful. Basically I learned the hard way that I really wanted to study reason, not logic, as it is more practical for most of life.
So from my personal perspective for the majority of the time I think reasoning is best.
Also it was cool when Spock started acting illogical as logic had failed him so the only logical course was to use non-logical thinking, or so he explained (we all know the truth is he just wanted an excuse to break out in a funny song and dance number).

>> No.6023810


I try using my emotional side more often but then I hurt people because they don't see my logic as to why their emotions are inappropriate for a given situation.

>> No.6024778

Agreed, emotions are what motivates us to do certain actions, like love that helps us choose a partner and raise successful offsping, or fear that makes us avoid certain actions that would be dangerous.

>> No.6024856

you just shit on your own hands!

>> No.6024984

What do you mean?

>> No.6025278

ISTJ master race reporting.