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File: 249 KB, 1600x1083, dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5970861 No.5970861[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why dosent africa have an aerospace industry?

>> No.5970866

I know what youre trying to do here and I'm not going to answer your question. You alone should be able to answer if your intelligence wasn't that of an african negro.

>> No.5970871
File: 9 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does. Please see: Rooivalk attack helicopter

>> No.5970876

>Go to Google
>Type "african ae"
>African Aerospace comes up as the first option

Shouldn't you be shitposting in /pol/?

>> No.5970891

south africa is in the netherlands when is the last time u looked at a map??

>> No.5970893

Stormfront detected

>> No.5970904

Why did they give the country back to the niggers again?

>> No.5970910

Saudi Arabia has a space program


Whatever this has to do with stormfront?

>> No.5970914
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>> No.5970916
File: 42 KB, 325x247, yotsuba sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5970923
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>> No.5970979

Saudi Arabia is in asia.

>> No.5971357

Is this post racist or not? I can't decide.

>> No.5971382

Ok then :
I wish you could speak french. This is hilarious (you can just watch, but it's less funny).

Congo AE forever !

>> No.5971384

Ahah, I just came in this thread to post this video.

>> No.5971385
File: 40 KB, 311x475, guns_germs_and_steel-jared_diamond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.5971386

>that final shot

>> No.5971394

Probably the same reason USA don't have a proper healthcare system.

>> No.5971400

What's improper about it?

>> No.5971410

>India after colonialism
Major world superpower
>Africa after colonialism
Shit pit

Checkmate, athiests.

>> No.5971444

The fact that if you do not have money to pay necessary medications, you die.

Meanwhile in the first world the government cares for you health.

>> No.5971451

What about colonialism?

>> No.5971454
File: 60 KB, 608x580, 1332257540790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on dirait un sketch de Groland

>> No.5971461

1) The USA is literally the definition of first world.
2) Medicine costs money. Who else would pay for it if not the person consuming it?

>> No.5971469

GG&S is all about how white people are the devil and everything wrong with Africa is their fault.

>> No.5971483
File: 596 KB, 1440x1385, zimbabwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at before/after pictures of Rhodesia is a good way to destroy any sympathy you might have. The White Man didn't force them to reenact The Lord of The Flies after they gained independence.

>> No.5971488

This is white peoples' fault, obviously.

>> No.5971490

No it isn't.

>> No.5971492

>1) The USA is literally the definition of first world.
Only if you use the cold war definition of "USA and allies"

If you use the modern use of the term, IE "Highly developed and at the forefront of the world", then the USA is very obviously not a part of that. You're 2nd world, much like Russia or Brazil.

>> No.5971496

>If you use the modern use of the term, IE "Highly developed and at the forefront of the world", then the USA is very obviously not a part of that.
We both know that isn't true.

>> No.5971562

Taxpayers, just like in most first world countries.

Even if the tax for healthchare was ten times greater than what you would spend in a year of having to pay your doctor (complete exaggeration) that tax is going to pay for the health of 300 million people, so it's objetively 30 million times better.

It also stops medicine from being seen as a business, which is bad for the patients. Profit from treating someone is valued above healing someone.

>> No.5971572

>The USA is literally the definition of first world.

Old world (Europe)
New world (Americas)
Third world (bongo bongo land)

>> No.5971590

guys....it's turning into /pol/....

>> No.5971597

Check your privilege.

>> No.5971621

>Even if the tax for healthchare was ten times greater than what you would spend in a year of having to pay your doctor (complete exaggeration) that tax is going to pay for the health of 300 million people, so it's objetively 30 million times better.
That doesn't make sense. The vast majority of those 300 million already receive proper health coverage.

Furthermore, you can't stop critically sick Bill Gates from spending $100 million on a treatment to save his life and just because that treatment exists doesn't mean a person who flips burgers at McDonalds deserves the same treatment if e gets sick. Healthcare prices are inflated because there are rich people willing to pay for the best of the best treatment. It's absurd to think we can give the best of the best medical care to everyone.

>> No.5971624

>guys....it's turning into /pol/....
>turning into /pol/...
>turning into
What are you talking about? This was /pol7 from the start if you didn't notice.

>> No.5971637

In case you aren't joking, the definition are:
First World = NATO and it's allies
Second World = USSR/Russia and it's allies
Third World = every other nation

>> No.5971644

I disagree.

>> No.5971649

>It's absurd to think we can give the best of the best medical care to everyone.

But it's going to be an improvement. Every other first world country finds no problem with this kind of charity to get free health in exchange, be it catching a cold or heart surgery you wouldn't afford otherwise.

>> No.5971658

But the threatment you are giving is worse and costs more.

Not only is the system worse on almost all stats presented in that graph, the govenrnment is actually spending the larges amount on it.

>> No.5971677

Dawkins didn't say that, it was Darwin, right?

>> No.5971684

It wasn't Darwin. It was some dude in 1961, an antropologist or sociologist I think. The pics attributing that quote to Darwin are fakes. Look it up.

Say what you will about Chuck, but he was quite progressive for his time.

>> No.5971686

Andrea Dworkin said it.

>> No.5971712

>But it's going to be an improvement.
So long as it is efficient enough, I agree.

>> No.5971719

Usa might be the biggest superpower and the "keeper of peace" with their military industrial complex but they dont have any social security. if you get sick in the states and havent payed alot of money to a insurance fund you are fucked financially.. maybe for life.. if you can afford the operation/medicines.. in the civilized world if shit hits the fan with your health you can drop everything and rely on the healthcare what your taxes have bought.. you could be a bum on the street and get the best treatment available in my country. that comes from the basic understanding if this guy dies he doesent pay taxes. if he gets better and gets a job. he will.. only two things are a must. Death and taxes.. id choose taxes.

>> No.5971733

Same here (EU citizen).
So...USA suck. Nothing new.
(same for chinese FYI)
And it doesn't really belong to /sci/

>> No.5971739


>> No.5971764 [DELETED] 

But you have to admit, America isn't Switzerland.

>> No.5971770

what's wrong with Switzerland, motha fucka' ?
We are driving our business on our own for centuries now.

>> No.5971772

But you have to admit, America isn't Switzerland. Whatever healthcare the US government provides will undoubtedly inferior in some way to what relatively small European governments provide their people.

>> No.5971781

Arf ok.
We are cowards and racists, but we assume it.
Don't make fun of Switzerland.

>> No.5971808

In its 2000 assessment of world health systems, the World Health Organization found that France provided the "best overall health care" in the world.

>no economic growth
>10% unemployment
>... :(

>> No.5971849

>completely ignoring the thousands of charitable organizations in the U.S. that raise money for that purpose, because they choose to, not because the government forces them to.

>> No.5971858

but it isn't charity if the government forces everyone to pay for it through taxation, is it. there are thousands of charitable organizations in the U.S., helping people get the treatment they need. don't assume that if the nanny state isn't forcing something on us, it isn't getting done.