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5952587 No.5952587 [Reply] [Original]

Saw the article on "lab-grown meat" yesterday, talked to people about it. This pretty much sums up the general population's opinion.

This is why humanity is FUCKED. We deserve it. I hate every one of you.

>> No.5952590

>people saying that or insect meat will never catch on because "people don't want weird things!"
Yeah sure wait for the prices on meat to raise and then we'll see.

>> No.5952592
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>This is why humanity is FUCKED. We deserve it. I hate every one of you.

>> No.5952593

you sure do like to mix with a lot of retarded people.

most people just says it depends on the taste/texture/nutritional value of it.

>> No.5952594
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>This is why humanity is FUCKED. We deserve it. I hate every one of you.

>> No.5952597

I'd love to think that, but several of the people I talked to are actually people I considered to be above-average intelligence.

And the state of the world confirms it. How many people walk into a McDonald's every day versus their local farmer's market? It's probably in the neighborhood of 100:1.

>> No.5952598

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see the necessity of it. I think more of the potential for regenerative medicine.

>> No.5952599

wat. are you grouping local farmer's market with lab grown meat while McDonald with natural meat?

>> No.5952601

>I don't see the necessity of it
Then you aren't looking very hard. Factory farming is raping the planet HARD and it's very close to becoming completely unsustainable.

>> No.5952602

I really hope it becomes viable. Meat can be made healthier, too.

>> No.5952606

>are you grouping local farmer's market with lab grown meat while McDonald with natural meat?

he's saying that if you eat McDonald's you'll eat anything

>> No.5952607

You are aware that not all animals are risen this way and that those same people would also prefer animal risen in open fields and given proper food rather than the bin risen ones provided in your pic, right?

When they say they would prefer real animals to lab-grown one, they most certainly refer to the one risen in the open.

>> No.5952608

I'm saying that probably 99% of the population eats the factory-farmed, inbred, hormone-pumped, corn fed atrocity shown in the bottom row of the OP pic. And that same 99% thinks that lab-grown meat is "gross" or "unnatural."

>> No.5952610

Hamburgers are beef retard How can anyone take you seriously?

>> No.5952611

That's a terrible example. Set up a scenario where you reverse the prices and then well see.

>> No.5952612
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forgot pic

>> No.5952614

>Hamburgers are beef
Or... are they?

>> No.5952615

Yeah, right. That's why everyone buys their meat from the local farm down the road, and McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, In n Out, Carls Jr, KFC, Taco Bell, Chic-Fil-A, Arby's, Fatburger, Sonic, and Hardee's are all teetering on the brink of going out of business because no one eats there any more. Right?

>> No.5952616

>Hamburgers are beef
Barely. Mostly ammonia and corn these days.

>> No.5952617

All you're saying is that the *reason* we're fucked is that people are too cheap to give a shit what they eat. That doesn't change the fact that we're fucked.

>> No.5952619

What the fuck are you talking about?
If the demand on meat because so high that it's a massive problem, people will turn to industrial-grown meat if it's cheaper to produce.

>> No.5952622

Well, I do buy my meat from my local farm down the road.

>> No.5952623

Your English is hard to understand, but I'm missing the connection... why is lab-grown meat going to be cheaper than the shit that's destroying the planet? The reason it's destroying the planet is exactly because it's very profitable. There is no demand that will drive down the price of lab-grown meat. This is the whole problem.

>> No.5952626

Well it's probably obvious from the fact that I started this thread, but so do I. All that means is that we'll be able to say "I told you so" when the whole pie of shit collapses on itself and we go right down the drain with everyone else. Great.

>> No.5952627

If it's not gonna be cheaper, why do you care that people won't adopt it?
What exactly is your problem?

>> No.5952630

Just go find another thread. This one isn't for you.

>> No.5952634

Great argument shithead.
Either it uses up less ressource than raising animals, in which case it will be cheaper and get adopted, or it doesn't, in which case it's not a solution.

>> No.5952635

Would have no problem whatsoever eating these burgers. Bet they would taste great. If it means that we need less farmland for grain to feed animals fucking awesome. More room to grow more tasty vegetables like potatoes to make chips with my burger. Then all your vegetarian fedora wearing faggots can suck a gigantic dick and whine about something else when I'm hoeing down on a science burger. I fucking love science.

>> No.5952641

It uses vastly fewer natural resources (land, livestock, energy), but it costs vastly more to produce. Do you need it explained further?

>> No.5952645
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AWESOME post 6/5.

Here have this!

>> No.5952646

>Do you need it explained further?
Yes, does the money go into witchcraft?
And no, initial investments are not an argument.

>> No.5952647


I guarantee that once the price of this technology is competitive with the meat on the shelf at the grocery store, people will switch. I also guarantee that any opposition will probably be funded by the meat industry because they know they are in trouble.

>> No.5952651

>the meat industry
>implying it won't be the same making and distributing that

>> No.5952648

I'm a vegetarian but I agree with most of what you said. In fact, I'd eat this meat as well. Cruelty free meat. Seems like a win/win to me. Most people won't be sold on this idea, though. To unnatural.

>> No.5952660
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>meat industry
What industry do you think is making this meat you dipshit.

>> No.5952663

Look, bro, the first burger cost $330000. A Big Mac costs $2. You say initial investment isn't an argument, but if the public opinion is that this stuff is gross and unhealthy, it will NEVER reach the stage of mass production where it's affordable. Natural resources aren't the only thing that drives cost. The guy in the lab coat developing this stuff needs to get paid, too. And all the fancy machinery that makes stem cell cloning work isn't cheap, either. No one is going to pay for all that unless they believe they can turn a profit down the road.

>> No.5952665

The meat industry isn't in any trouble, except maybe with environmental activists. The meat industry is one of the most profitable industries in the world and they don't give a shit about environmental activists' crying.

>> No.5952668

Because meat isn't that expensive right now.
People spend less than a third of their income on food, whereas they spent almost all of it 100 years ago.
Have the price of food triple, and I guarantee you people will start looking for alternatives to traditional meat.

>> No.5952671

Nah, the government would just step in with "food programs" to continue feeding everyone the same shit. The meat producers would lobby for it.

>> No.5952673

Changes happen gradually. How would you imagine the general public to ease into eating insects? Through some intermediary crocoduck-type meat? I think not.

>> No.5952677

Meh, they'll come around, they always do. Just let the free market guide them into it.

>> No.5952707

>How would you ease the general public into it?
I wouldn't, the prices tripling would.
Until they do, you're trying to solve a non-issue.

Also, you don't need the general public to take a tech to maturity, only early adopters. Otherwise no new tech ever would develop, duh.

>> No.5952715

Artificial meat is awesome and I welcome it, but to say "durr killing animals hurr my temple herp" and show pictures of delicious pigs getting slaughtered is just ridiculous.

People who object to artificial meat are also ridiculous.

Why can't people just be mature?

>> No.5952743

> pictures of reality
> just ridiculous
> Why can't people just be mature?

You're just another loyal customer, and are exactly the problem with the world.

>> No.5952746

people on 4chan are the stupidest fuckers i have ever encountered in my entire life. First of all, fucking muscle cells grown in a lab would be enormously more expensive than raising livestock. This was all done for research. secondly, why do people on this website believe everything is fucking true without using a simple google? Your all stupid, fat, and have no excuse as to why you dont go to the gym.

>> No.5952744

Why would lab grown meat be any better?

It's like nuclear technology, it improves other things and breaks even on everything else (no plans for all the radioactive waste).

>> No.5952745
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>Languages: LISP (fluently)

>> No.5952759

[citation needed]

>> No.5952763

There are many other reasons to be a vegetarian.

>> No.5952765
File: 13 KB, 464x264, _69060085_meat_comp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would lab grown meat be any better?
You know, you could always just read about it.
This is from the actual BBC article mentioned in OP.

>> No.5952776

Probably, but since my primary reason is animal cruelty, this is actually the perfect solution. I would be a little hesitant, though, just because I haven't eaten meat in nearly 20 years and I feel healthier than anyone I know. But that wasn't why I started.

>> No.5952773

It would cost a couple hundred thousand dollars to make one hamburger.

A couple million if you had to set up the lab first.

>> No.5952781

>It still costs millions to have your entire DNA sequenced

>> No.5952789

This has already been discussed right here in this very thread... thanks for shitting up the place by bringing it up again in a much less intelligent way.

>> No.5952790

you know, this isn't going to happen.

And those figures are a fantasy. isolating bovine stem cells and making a viable meat that would be marketable and inexpensive is completely impossible.

The future won't be "lab grown meat", It'll be "meat flavored rice and beans" for dinner. Grow up.

>> No.5952799

I'm glad it was settled. We can all stop talking about the bullshit idea of lab grown meat now.

>> No.5952811

>I don't think this is going to happen
>I don't have any evidence
>I refute actual science presented by a reputable source

Ending that post with "grow up" was masterful.

2.6/10 would reply again maybe

>> No.5952816

Well the OP's post was actually about his disappointment with how lab meat isn't ever going to catch on. So I'm not sure why you felt the need to jump in and say "this is never going to catch on." Just a poor reader I guess.

>> No.5952823

I know /sci/ wants to live in a future somewhere between the 3rd Reich won WW2 and the rest is a "Star Trek" fantasy but that's not reality.

I'll put it simply, people will get poorer and not be able to afford meat meaning meat flavored veggie burgers will become the norm and rich people, even dickheads like you who think they are enlightened will never EVER pay a premium for a "steak" grown in a lab. It'll always be different and different is where this will fall apart.

>> No.5952827

Then why is the retarded asspie child that is /sci/ beating the war drums for "lab grown meat"?

Who gives a shit?

>> No.5952835

Well, once again, all I can do is point out that it's actually the major news media that is living in this Star Trek fantasy, because they are the ones writing articles about it. I'm sorry that it bothers you if /sci/ talks about it, but maybe your best solution would be to just return to /fit/?

>> No.5952840

Could you point out the posts that are beating the war drums? Maybe the author(s) could respond and apologize to you personally.

I see a couple of posts here that say they would eat it, and that one guy saying it will catch on if the price comes down...

>> No.5952844

Are these the same articles that say "Nuclear Fusion Energy is 50 years away"?

Seriously, /sci/ you find the oddest most bullshit ideas attractive just because they are "sciencey" no matter how stupid, impractical, impossible or harmful it is.

>> No.5952849

>I see a couple of posts here that say they would eat it, and that one guy saying it will catch on if the price comes down...
That's only because of pride. They'd choke down every tough, tasteless piece while watching their MLP marathons.

>> No.5952866

I see, so the idea of engineered meat is:
even though it's currently making headlines around the world
even though every new technology starts out being prohibitively expensive and gradually enters the mainstream
even though the headline being discussed is "lab meat eaten"
even though it reduces waste, saves energy, pollutes less, uses less land, and eliminates cruelty.

Well, I feel ashamed for having even thought about it.

>> No.5952869

You're not even coherent now.

>> No.5952944

>even though it's currently making headlines around the world
lol, that's because the media like to gin up shitty articles for slow news days on horrible ideas that make everyone cringe like "One day, your poor starving ass will only have access to lab grown meat! More at 11." everyone freaks out and reads the sensationalist article about nothing.

and all my points about "stupid, impractical, impossible and harmful" was for everything /sci/ takes interest in "in general"

>> No.5952948

I'm saying the slobs that say they will eat lab-grown meat would only do it out of pride, no matter how tough and disgusting lab-grown meat will be.

>> No.5952979

Yes, Season 3 was fucking awful.

>> No.5952989

It still tastes good, so I don't give a shit. Yes, I would even eat my own shit if it tasted good and didn't know it was my shit, anyone would.

>> No.5953062
File: 261 KB, 771x903, bio-meat-1749424-e1318687696891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone go and read bio-meat right now.

>> No.5953072

>how lab meat isn't ever going to catch on

of course its gonna catch on

i mean this vegan shit caught on

it will just take a decade to make it commercially available

>> No.5953084

I heard it tasted like shit because no fat.

>> No.5953123


Good, it'll be lean as fuck then.

>> No.5953129


To make lab grown meat viable they are probably going to have to use a shitload of chemicals.

>> No.5953169

>how to never get laid in your lifetime

>> No.5953174
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pick your poison