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5937910 No.5937910 [Reply] [Original]

I proved to myself that I should stop consuming things I don't naturally consume (so only air, sunlight, and perhaps rain) in order to ascend to a different "dimension" of existence.

But if I do that I'll be placed in a psychiatric ward where i'll be so bored that I can't handle it inside there so I'll eat to get out.

So what am I supposed to do to be able to stop consuming things without being put in a psychiatric ward?

>> No.5937929

I guess I should >>>/adv/ myself, I just thought that /sci/ would be the smartest board to ask.

>> No.5938218

Looks like adv was helpful, I wonder if there's anything more to gain from /sci/ducks' perspective

>> No.5938226
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you will starve to death you fuckheaded breatharian cunt

>> No.5938229

If you'd seriously consider depriving yourself of food "in order to ascend to a different dimension of existence", then you do belong in a psychiatric ward.

>> No.5938234


>> No.5938236

You don't find it funny that you'd say I belong in a psych ward for the presumable reason that you think what I said is wrong but you have no proof of it being wrong?

I didn't make this thread to debate whether I was right, just that, assuming I'm right, what should I do.

I'm seriously interested in how you can think i'm wrong without proving it, something I'm sure you can't do.

>> No.5938241
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>> No.5938258

Nutrients (food) is natural to consume... It would be unnatural to not eat. Because then you die.

>> No.5938270

>you have no proof of it being wrong?
There's plenty of proof that people die of starvation and dehydration all the time.

>> No.5938275

>you have no proof of it being wrong
Open any biology text book ever written.

>> No.5938316

but biology is just a theory (geuss)

>> No.5938345

I have to wonder why you guys post such easily refutable statements. It must be for some soon-to-be-eradicated sense of sadism, because I doubt it can fool anyone smart enough to get a computer/internet/and have a desire to read /sci/.

I said I was going to ascend to a different reality, when did I state or imply that the body I'm currently in will be in that different reality?

>> No.5938351

I enclose that statement with a "PERHAPS" [text-here]

>> No.5938357
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>I said I was going to ascend to a different reality, when did I state or imply that the body I'm currently in will be in that different reality?
TRANSLATION: i'm so gullible, retarded, and delusional, that i'm going to accidental an hero my whole self by starvation, and things are magically gonna get better in the magic fantasy land (that doesnt really exist) that my stupid cunt self thinks i'll 'ascend' to.

shit-lifers always hope for some sort of 'heaven'
has it ever occurred to you to stop being a little piece of bitch shit and actually get off your ass and better yourself??

>> No.5938361

>So what am I supposed to do to be able to stop consuming things without being put in a psychiatric ward?
You belong on a psychiatric ward, preferably in restraints.

>> No.5938375

Do it you faggot, I don't want your genes contaminating the pool.

>> No.5938383

How do you know I'm wrong though?

You still haven't provided anything to prove I'm wrong.

>> No.5938384
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>I proved to myself that I should stop consuming things I don't naturally consume >(so only air, sunlight, and perhaps rain) in order to ascend to a different >"dimension" of existence.

Proved (Verb): To establish the truth or validity of by presentation of argument or evidence.

>> No.5938387

i dont have to prove your fucktarded beliefs wrong.
maybe im a timetraveller or a wizard or some shit. how about you fucking prove me wrong??

if you just make up some bollocks and expect us to believe you, then you're clearly on the wrong board

>> No.5938395

Where did I say I expected you to believe me? Again with your delusions about what I stated or implied.

I'm just asking how to go about rectifying my problem assuming I'm right.

Also you don't have to prove me wrong but if you're going to assume I'm wrong then you're just as bad as you've tried to show me to be.

>> No.5938406

i dont 'assume' you're wrong, i know you're wrong because you're a fucknugget who thinks he can not eat, and yet somehow magically not starve to death

>> No.5938403

I'm you from the future, I'm here to tell you that you're being a faggot, you need to shut the fuck up, and you pussy out anyways and eat.

I have proven this to myself and you can't deny it.

>> No.5938429

This is getting ridiculous, the amount of times you (hopefully purposefully) misrepresent what I've stated.

I never said I wouldn't starve to the death of this body, just that I would ascend to a different dimension.

>> No.5938432

On second thought, I don't know if I should be hoping it's purposeful.

After all, "Don't attribute to malice what can be adequately explained [by a certain kind of mental capacity]"

>> No.5938436
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uhuh. any proof? any evidence whatsoever?
you just fucking made up up then?
huh, alright

>> No.5938441

Hi, I understand what your saying. Death isn't relevant to your process, it may be a by product but that's it.

I would like to understand why you think you will ascend to a different dimension, please present me your reasoning.

>> No.5938457


In case you have questions after this thread dies don't be afraid to e-mail me, my friend.

I posted an answer in adv, i'll link you to that if you don't mind