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File: 27 KB, 280x390, Neanderthal_280_470743a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5923357 No.5923357 [Reply] [Original]

So if neanderthals were alive today, would they be able to live in society like common people?

>> No.5923380


We have no way of knowing that. It's possible.

>> No.5923386

>inb4 someone claims neanderthals were smarter than humans
>inb4 muh skull size

>> No.5923388

We are whats left of them.

>> No.5923601

Look at the average black, do they appear to be "living in society like common people"?

>> No.5923602
File: 48 KB, 540x405, funny-pope-clothes-dinosaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> would they be able to live in society like common people?
One thing's for sure. Some faggot from /sci/ would be posting the average IQs of Neanderthals vs Homo sapiens
> inb4 "no Homo" sapiens

>> No.5923615


>Which is smarter a nigger or a neanderthal?

All day long

>> No.5923617

Due to the length of their neck and vocal chords, Neanderthals wouldn't even be able to speak our languages.

>> No.5923618

But sub saharan africans are pure Sapiens, the rest of us aren't.

>tfw Sapiens is actually a plague that wiped out the more intelligent hominids and the only way they manage to advance is thanks to Neanderthal and Erectus genes.

>> No.5923623

Africans are pure homo sapiens.
Caucasians are the ones that interbred with Neanderthal.

>> No.5923625
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>> No.5923627
File: 7 KB, 641x492, blackiq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is possible.
If you look at the IQ statistics of Africans vs Europeans, there is a pretty large gap.
Then consider that Africans, are as far as we know, are homo sapiens with some homo heidelbergensis DNA. While Europeans are homo sapiens with some neanderthal DNA.
This could suggest that neanderthals were more intelligent than the homo sapiens or the homo heidelbergensis.

>inb4 back to /pol/

>> No.5923629

And then Caucasians evolved further and become Aryans mostly because they bred with Nordic aliens

>> No.5923630

>still believing this

>> No.5923631

Thats all societal. Its also due to the fact poor blacks are scared of other poor blacks. They don't even like themselves.

IQ is a made up statistic designed by the french anyway.

In a totally foreign society where black/white are raised equally, there would be no differences.

>> No.5923632
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>> No.5923636


If a white boy and a black boy were raised completely separately from societal cues/impulses, they would perform the same intellectually.

This is fucking textbook.

Put them into a degrading, hateful, mistrusting society and intelligence and capability change. Negative capability is a real thing.

Obviously, racism and bigotry are self-fulfilling prophecies. If you hate someone and put them down, they may start believing it. They may also focus solely on that because they can't focus on other things.

>> No.5923642

IQ is 85% genetic

>"b-but das raysis"

>> No.5923646

why not actually read sciency articles instead of spouting bullshit. even when environmental effects are accounted for there is still a gap.

>> No.5923647

IQ isn't actually real.

>> No.5923648


/sci/ has really gone down hill.

Maybe you need the IQ test.


>> No.5923652

>Common people
Strong and smart people exist within our societies and are honored for their achievements. It seems reasonable enough to assume Neanderthals would as well.

The biggest difference could be in their appearance, and the biggest question mark is how a homo species would integrate into sapiens society when they looked so different.

>> No.5923653


lol. sciency article.

Why don't you look up the fact we traded with African nations to take their defeated tribes away from the stronger tribes and created a false dilemma. The first free slave owner was black in America. We took away his rights after he died because "oh hes a foreigner blah blah."

Africans were stigmatized because we wanted sugar plantations. Tons and tons of sugar plantations. And the only way to get that to work effectively was to enslave a massive group of people as fast as possible.

They aren't any less capable of intelligence. All of humanity originated in Africa, so you're just insulting yourself.

>> No.5923658

>All of humanity originated in Africa, so you're just insulting yourself.
America originated from England. Yet America has far surpassed England in technology, military, population, land, and in pretty much every respect you can imagine.

Find another cliché to spout.

>> No.5923660
File: 59 KB, 640x423, 1354211787111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If a white boy and a black boy were raised completely separately from societal cues/impulses, they would perform the same intellectually.

Really? You've got proof of this because it sounds like you just made it up.

How come blacks are stupider in every country? It's not just America. Look at black immigrants anywhere in Europe or just look at the entire African continent...

>> No.5923663



>> No.5923664

>How come blacks are stupider in every country? It's not just America. Look at black immigrants anywhere in Europe or just look at the entire African continent...

1. Blacks are stigmatized in every country

2. American test scores are fucking horrible, even when it comes to whites.

3. The African continent is a third world country. Show me a first world country thats majority black. It doesn't exist.

>> No.5923665

>"The African continent is a third world country."

>> No.5923668

We can play the race game, if you want.

How come whites are stupider in every country when compared to asians? It's not just America. Look at China, Korea, and Japan. Look at white immigrants anywhere in Asia or just look at the entire Chinese continent...

>> No.5923669

>he Third World was normally seen to include many countries with colonial pasts in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.

>> No.5923673


You know Hitler used racist science, too. It doesn't work. Because there are groups (like Asians) that far exceed the IQ of whites, as well. Its fucking societal and has everything to do with family, school, and career structure in those countries, including values.

But if you really think IQ is racial, you can enjoy living in the 1940s.

>> No.5923689

>there are groups (like Asians) that far exceed the IQ of whites
>"b-but if whites and black were raised in the same environment, they would be have the same IQ!"

I was raised in a city with a moderate Asian population. In school, the Asians always got the highest grades.
They lived in the same neighborhoods, they went to the same schools, their families didn't "threaten them into getting good grades."
They were just naturally smarter.

>> No.5923700

The only Aryans are Indo-Iranians.

>> No.5923698

Asians have a culture that encourages persistence. They don't (generally) give up on difficult problems or questions, they will keep attempting it until they arrive at some sort of answer. Whites (generally) don't encourage persistence to this extent, and blacks (generally) don't encourage it at all, because they don't come from families with generations of educated people to instill that in their children.

Not saying IQ is bullshit, but it is far more cultural than it is racially impacted.

>> No.5923705

>Asians have a culture that encourages persistence.
What I'm saying is, my Asian friends, growing up, had the exact same "culture" as any other American.
Their families weren't FOB, they didn't buy squid at the fish markets, they were average Americans.
And if you are trying to say that Asian-Americans never integrate themselves into American society, then YOU are the racist.

>> No.5923710
File: 30 KB, 577x435, 1354677350271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Not true. And if they are stigmatized there's no evidence it's any more than Chinese or Indian immigrants

2. I said it's not just America. Can you read?

3. Yeah it's third world because it's full of blacks. You proved my point when you said

>Show me a first world country thats majority black. It doesn't exist.

>> No.5923713

>And if you are trying to say that Asian-Americans never integrate themselves into American society, then YOU are the racist.
What are you even talking about?

>> No.5923716

So you are saying that it is black people's fault they are unintelligent, because they have a culture that encourages dropping out of school and committing crime?

>> No.5923718
File: 102 KB, 822x314, thatfeelwhen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subtle pol ruses 101

>> No.5923721

>What I'm saying is, my Asian friends, growing up, had the exact same "culture" as any other American.
Yeah nah.

I'm Asian and white people here in the UK say to me quite often that I am 'integrated' and have the 'same culture' as them.

It's not true. I discovered this very quickly when dating white girls. There is an astonishing culture difference that isn't really evident at a superficial level.

I've spoken about this with my asian friends and they think exactly the same thing.

>> No.5923722

To some extent. If you look at the role models the media feeds them and the type of degeneracy that is promoted to blacks, though, it's really easy to put the rest of the pieces together. Also, reading and being smart and using proper grammar and basically excelling in any area of academics is seen as a "white" behavior, so there's that barrier for them to overcome too.

>> No.5923724
File: 480 KB, 493x342, retardalert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homo sapiens is the same thing as Homo neanderthalensis
>what is a species

>> No.5923727

>Also, reading and being smart and using proper grammar and basically excelling in any area of academics is seen as a "white" behavior.

>Blacks don't use proper grammar or learn how to read because that is for white people.
The fact that they believe this is evidence enough that they are unintelligent.

>> No.5923726

Take into account how malnutrition makes the problem worse in Africa.

>> No.5923730

Its basically a humans fault if they are unintelligent. Its much harder for a black person to gain the kind of intelligence a white person has due to the cultural values/societal judgments placed on them.

And if you look at super smart black people, they disassociate themselves from the rest of their race. Its almost like blacks are afraid of other blacks. Blacks pray on one another more often than anyone else.

Their culture isn't fostering to intellect. Its more like a gang affiliation. "Street smarts" are honored which isn't really "intelligence" at all.

Whites are getting there, in America especially, our test scores are going way down and our IQ is dropping.

>> No.5923732

No, thats cultural. And the culture itself is unintelligent, but not the black human.

Also, AAVE is ... Interesting. Its actually a dialect now.


They found that if they wrote tests in AAVE, black students actually did a lot better.

>> No.5923734

>Their culture isn't fostering to intellect
And that is white people's fault?
Or are you confirming that they are not smart enough realize when they need to change their behavior?

>> No.5923735

Yes, wanting to distance themselves from the people who took them from their homelands and treated them as subhumans for generations and, in many causes, completely erased their identities and made them lose their heritage is surely a sign of stupidity.

You fail to put things into context. And slavery was still a very recent practice. They've had generations of uneducated parents teaching their children not to trust white people because of what they did to their fathers, and their fathers' fathers, and so on, so of course when they're taught this from an early age they're going to want to be as non-white as possible. And unfortunately being non-educated often falls under this. The role models chosen for them by the owners of record companies and the messages they promote just reinforces this.

It's not that they aren't capable, it's that they don't want to act "white".

>> No.5923737

No, I didn't say its white peoples fault, but white people can be pretty fucking judgmental of themselves and blacks can feel persecuted even if they aren't.

Also, I don't think any of them like the behavior.

>> No.5923742
File: 38 KB, 242x325, 1335353134769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/tards are spamming /lit/
>Go to /sci/
>/pol/tards are spamming /sci/

>> No.5923743

>Yes, wanting to distance themselves from the people who took them from their homelands and treated them as subhumans for generations and, in many causes, completely erased their identities and made them lose their heritage is surely a sign of stupidity.
>the people who took them from their homelands

The people who took them from their homelands died hundred of years ago. Any grudge they currently hold against whites would have to be based on some other resentment.

>> No.5923745

>And that is white people's fault?
Who owns the record companies and television networks?

Is it your average white person's fault? No. Are very wealthy white people the ones promoting this behavior to blacks through the mainstream media? Yes.

>> No.5923746
File: 38 KB, 640x360, Shingeki no Kyojin - 10 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a giant /pol/ thread about Racial IQ.

Its fucking pseudoscience bullshit.

But I'm glad you're smart. I like you.

>> No.5923752

Racial mistrust and stigmas run deep. As evidenced by the fact that you are still clinging to the false notion that they are inherently less intelligent.

>> No.5923751

Probably the fact tons of whites are ignorant racists and still act like bigoted morons to them.

>> No.5923754

>Its fucking pseudoscience bullshit.
I know. I went over there and started telling all the whites to deal with the fact Asians have higher IQ and are genetically superior.
Most of them just started spasming and saying bullshit about how we "modernized" Asian culture. They got so buttowned.

>> No.5923757
File: 601 KB, 824x706, 1373333282624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Monkey Trouble's race has a higher IQ than humans?

>> No.5923758
File: 254 KB, 500x565, 5151511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too soon, Anon.
2 soon ;-;

>> No.5923762

>you are still clinging to the false notion that they are inherently less intelligent
I cling to the notion that they are less intelligent, because they behave less intelligently, and have no intent to change their behavior.
White people shouldn't have to pander to them simply because they don't know how to behave in a society.
It is their responsibility to adapt themselves to society's standards. It's not society's responsibility to lower it's standards so that they can fit in.

>> No.5923765

>It is their responsibility to adapt themselves to society's standards. It's not society's responsibility to lower it's standards so that they can fit in.


But that doesn't mean they are incapable of the same intelligence whites are.

>> No.5923764

Plenty of African Americans do not behave less intelligently and have a lot of intent to change the stigma.

>> No.5923774

>Plenty of African Americans
Sure, but it is nowhere near a majority.

>But that doesn't mean they are incapable of the same intelligence whites are.
No it doesn't necessarily mean that. But when combined with the other evidence discussed, it certainly implies that they are genetically less intelligent.

>> No.5923775

You are really failing to see how our culture is basically set up to perpetuate their behavior. I don't want to say too much for fear you'll label me a tinfoil, but really man, look at the role models you grew up with as a white person and look at the role models black people are growing up with. Black people don't have a Superman, they don't have an Einstein, they don't have a Lennon. Today they have a Lil' Wayne, they have Nikki Minaj, they have Rihanna. Luckily they also have an Obama right now, and going back they have Malcolm X and Luther King, but positive black role models in the mainstream media today are few and far between. There is a definite correlation.

>> No.5923779
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>> No.5923783

You're the retard. A species is a group of genetically similar organisms that are able to procreate to produce fertile offspring.

>> No.5923781

No, it implies that they don't have a familial history of educated individuals promoting education to their children. They didn't have it in Africa because they lived in tribal societies, and a long history of promoting academics doesn't magically crop up when they're brought kicking and screaming to America and the Western World.

>> No.5923785

>look at the role models you grew up with as a white person and look at the role models black people are growing up with
The role models are a result of black culture. Not the other way around.
No one is creating these role models to control blacks and black culture.

>> No.5923791

please tell me this is some horrible satire.
i can't imagine anyone would have such a retarded knowledge of history.
how can these simpletons breathe?

>> No.5923793

>No one is creating these role models to control blacks and black culture.
You're an idiot if you think rappers are propelled to the forefront by their own talent. That goes for the pop music industry at large as well. It's a top-down industry, not the other way around.

>> No.5923796

>Jews, Asians, white people in general, Indians have never faced persecution in the past

>> No.5923798

>You're an idiot if you think rappers are propelled to the forefront by their own talent.
That's not what I'm implying at all.
They are propelled to the forefront because that is what the black community will listen to.

>It's a top-down industry, not the other way around.
It is an industry that panders to it's target audience, not one that controls it's audience.

>> No.5923805

More like its what the black community is told is popular.

Just like how rednecks listen to country stars.

>> No.5923808

industry and politics very frequently targets consumers according to race/religion/culture.

probably the greatest example is industry heavily targeting blacks for smoking/drinking/drugs. As a minority they've less control over industry regulation so they're easy targets, and the economic disparity that results from a communal history as second class citizens makes them even more vulnerable.

the entire concept of white and black are political / industrial inventions because humans need to be easily categorized and expected to conform to group identity to make it easier for authority to control society.

if we were each identified entirely as individuals that would complicate matters quite a bit. Some people who don't know any better buy into the mythos, analogous to intelligent design, in fact more blacks than whites.

>> No.5923807

Really? What about Ashkenazi Jews? By far the most intelligent ethic group on the planet. Representing less than 0.2 percent of the World's population and having been over half the World chess champions and over a quarter of Nobel Prize winners. Is that solely due to their culture and upbringing?

>> No.5923811


Its funny, too, because the out of africa theory is basically proof that humanity began in Africa. So it means Africans are the reason for the "high IQ" of asians. And everyone else.

Its all just a false paradigm.

>> No.5923812

>african immigrants in US
Top out in my engineering classes at Ga Tech suprisingly, but this is just anecdotal evidence.

>> No.5923819

You're not getting it man.

Humanity is Africans.

We are a tropical species, that came from Africa.

If these Jews are so smart, and IQ is genetic, then it doesn't make sense, because they have the same genes as the Africans.

>> No.5923820

IQ has nothing to do with grades or how much history you know

>> No.5923818

Look up rote learning.
Kids who study more tend to make better grades...Guess which cultures encourage studying more than others? See a trend...a correlation? Or is this the only statistic inference that you'd be blind to, to support whatever unusual beliefs you may hold?

>> No.5923828

The out of Africa theory also says that the groups that migrated from Africa encountered and interbred with other groups such as the neanderthals.

>> No.5923829

Breaking news, continent is now analogous with country

>> No.5923831

The only difference in those Jews and Africans is a skin mutation that causes their flesh to be white.
Thats it.

>> No.5923832

I think he just meant all the countries in Africa.

>> No.5923835

As shown by the classic USA vs Europe debates.

>> No.5923838

You are fucking retarded. what about the genes that code proteins to break down alcohol? what about the protection against diabetes people out of Africa have that Africans dont have? what about blue eyes?

>> No.5923839

Except there's distinct facial features, hormone levels, bone structure, and bone density between the two groups.

>> No.5923841

Indian here. We weren't 'oppressed' as such.

For the most part we just tagged along with the British making money off the Chinese and the Natives in Africa.

My great grandfather had two cars in Africa. Think about what that meant in 1919.

Even now, Indian friends of mine in Africa employ the natives as drivers and servants.

My great aunt who lives in Zimbabwe has a small militia of servants to do things round the house. She comes to the UK and asks why we live destitute, cooking for ourselves etc. instead of living in africa where you can pay someone a pittance in comparison for doing shit for you. Mind you, they treat them well in countries where having a stable, non life threatening job for life is still rare.

We even had relatives killed by their servants who stole £1m in gold. Shit was horrendous.

>> No.5923843

there are african jews
since when was jew a race?
jews are semitic, same as arabs.
european jews are mixed with europeans, african jews with africans, etc.
the "purest" jews alive today are probably the Palestinians who descended from those that did not exile but instead adopted the culture of invaders and continued life in their communities within the levant. After a while they lost their cultural identity even though they remained 'pure'.

>> No.5923845

>this whole thread


>> No.5923847

What is interbreeding between Sapiens and Neaderthalenis?

>> No.5923849

Its kinda funny you don't know what a genotype is vs a phenotype yet you're arguing about blue eyes.

>> No.5923850

Post asks about Neanderthal.
You fags argue about 'races'.
I hate you all.

>> No.5923851


No there isn't. And any scientific study that shows that is racist.

Thats called racist science. You are perceiving differences in race. Any differences you see are also present in whites. Maybe not as much, but they can exist.

>> No.5923852

Anon, pls.

>> No.5923855

But it is essentially the rate at which you can understand a concept.

>> No.5923856

What? In forensics they tell people's race all the time just from their skulls or certain bones, and its accepted that different racial groups/ethnic suprafamilies have varying hormone levels.

>> No.5923857

put that part in specifically to see if i get any comments to weed out retards. since people will only comment about that if they dont have anything to say about the alcohol/diabetes but still think they know shit.

>> No.5923862

>Anything at all that shows any difference between different races is racist.

>black have curly hair
>das raysis

>blacks are more athletic
>das raysis

>blacks have slightly differently shaped noses
>das raysis

>> No.5923863

lol. this is a troll right?

>> No.5923865

that's racist forensics.

>> No.5923867


of course we weren't oppressed in the same way Africans.

For one, most of the British relied on buying men of Indian warlords to control territory, so they had to be mindful of the sensibilities of the Indians they used to maintain control.

That being said, being colonized wasn't a good thing. India could have developed culturally and technologically if it were allowed to trade ideas and technology the same way japan and the qajar dynasty were.

as colonial servants we were institutionally discriminated against with the exception of a handful of distinguished indians.

we weren't allowed to start any businesses or industry of our own.

people frequently faced famine and tens of millions died over a century because agriculture was geared toward exporting for British interests, including war efforts abroad, even if there was a drought in some part one Indian state couldn't aid another.

My great grandfather was Parsi so he was allowed to own his own textile mill but that was a rare exception.

>> No.5923869


Anon, please fucking educate yourself. Thats not actually true.


>> No.5923872



>Initially there were a number of forensic studies in which they tried to separate individuals into different so-called races depending on what they were looking at in the bones - size and shapes of skulls mostly. And they thought they had it. But when any of these studies has been replicated, looking at individuals from a different area or a different time, the results, sadly, are little better than random assignment.

The company doing the forensic shit about assigning DNA to race was shut down, by the way.

>> No.5923874

They'll never live like common people.
They'll never do whatever common people do.
They'll never fail like common people.
They'll never watch their lives slide out of view,
and drink, and dance, and screw,
because there's nothing else to do.

>> No.5923876
File: 35 KB, 500x332, 62626262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>blacks have curly hair

Really, all of them do? Every single one? Then why do whites have curly hair?

>blacks are more athletic

Well no SHIT thats racist. Holy fuck.

>Blacks have slightly differently shaped noses

No one says that. They say
>Blacks have huge noses

To which I respond with this picture.

>> No.5923877

they target medication ads toward certain races but the reason for that is because that's something people understand and identify with.

it doesn't matter what the biological merit of the category is. If people were aware of the actual phenotypes relevant that would be far, far more effective categorization.

People readily divide and identify each other and themselves according to race. It's the fact that it's already a familiar category that gives it utility more than anything else.

>> No.5923880

Please tell me this is a troll.
This has to be a troll.

>> No.5923883

>Really, all of them do? Every single one?
you have never been to Africa have you. yes, every since one. straight hair is a sight on having a non-black ancestor.

>Then why do whites have curly hair?
because no one ever said the don't?

>No one says that.
yes they do. its flatter.

>> No.5923885
File: 92 KB, 600x1000, 0uyOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skin is the only racial difference

>> No.5923886

How is it trolling?

Because someone is saying all blacks have curly hair no matter what and they have different shaped noses no matter what and I'm calling him out on it?

>> No.5923888

its like youve never seen a black person before.

>> No.5923890

That is racist science and cannot be regarded as actual evidence.

>> No.5923891
File: 58 KB, 400x490, 1190978563_2261111954595ugly_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5923894


Negritos are black.

>> No.5923895

The idea of the picture isn't "lol they ugly", it's that there's still facial features such as the nose that are distinct.

>> No.5923897
File: 24 KB, 634x424, Albino-Family-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those people are all varying degrees of ugly and have a horrible skin condition called albinism to begin with.

This guy looks just as different from any white guy as those black guys look from white guys.

>> No.5923898

>the nose

>> No.5923900

>the nose
>the same nose as the girl in the bottom right here >>5923885

>> No.5923901

and yet you can instantly tell this guy is not a black albino.

>> No.5923899
File: 30 KB, 500x680, dandria-forrest-albino-model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're being fucking racist though. The kid in the top center looks normal. The lady in the top left does as well. They're just ugly people. There are plenty of attractive black albinos

>> No.5923905
File: 17 KB, 394x599, 72727272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're picking and choosing "distinct" facial features that are only outstanding because they are ugly.

>> No.5923906

It's not a question of 'are they attractive', it's 'can you still tell the difference between whites and blacks when their skin tone is the same' and the answer is yes.

>> No.5923902

I guess somebody has to watch the man from Earth

>> No.5923903

You really are daft. I already said it has absolutely nothing to do with subjective notions of attraction.

Even in your own example I can tell she is black because of her facial features, it has nothing to do with "ugly" or "attractive"

>> No.5923907

Again, this man's nose, lips, and hair immediately know he is a black man, subjective concepts of "ugly" or "attractive" have nothing to do with this.

>> No.5923908
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 6126161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5923914

For the third time this woman's lips and nose tell me she is a black woman.

>> No.5923915

>broad nose
You can instantly tell that this person is of African descent.

>> No.5923911

all science is racist. if you look at sub Sahara Africa you see that they did not develop any form of it, its an entirely western concept, of course any result obtained using it will be skew. the only way to find trans-ethnic truth is using philosophical and moral arguments (which sub sahara africa has developed in parallel to the western world.).

>> No.5923917
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>> No.5923918
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>> No.5923922

Are you really posting someone who's had more plastic surgery than you can even begin to imagine?

>> No.5923923
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>> No.5923921

>after 30 plastic surgeries

>> No.5923925


Shes actually far closer to white than black. Mixed a bunch.

>> No.5923926

So much this!

>> No.5923927
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All this tells me is that you guys are incredible racists who literally stare at a nose and say

>das black

Okay, whats this?

Tell me where their facial features differ.

>> No.5923928

>inb4 "its diffrnt cause HE BLACK"

>> No.5923930

getting desperate now are we?

>> No.5923931

>curly hair
>bottom lip

>> No.5923932

>It's racist to recognize that people don't look the same

>> No.5923933

those are racist, pick non-racist features.

>> No.5923935

No, I'm just laughing at the pathetic attempts of people to classify race. If all skin color was the same, what would we classify people by, their eye color?


Its racist to claim that a black person has different facial features than a white person. A human can have any combination of facial features and still be black or white.

>> No.5923936
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>> No.5923937

yes it is, skin color and other "racial" (as well as sex) features only develop after birth depending on the environment the kid is raised in.

>> No.5923941

Dude, your trolling isn't funny.

Oops, my bad,
This guy thought it was funny.

>> No.5923939

Same brow, eye shape, eyebrows, forehead, jawline, ears, upper nose, same jowls (those little creases around your mouth).

You're reaching.

>> No.5923942

Oh my bad, he must be a northern european.

>> No.5923943

>If all skin color was the same, what would we classify people by, their eye color?
by origin (which is what race actually means, skin color is just a very easy way to refer to it because people from different origins have a specific skin color (unlike eye color.).)

>> No.5923948

>post a guy with mixed black and white ancestry

>point out he has same/similar features to other white guys

>> No.5923949

>same eyebrows

What are you talking about? The black guy's eyebrows are 2 or 3 times the thickness of the other guys'.

>> No.5923950

>your trolling isn't funny
>This guy thought it was funny.
you are retarded. here we have evidence directly posted by yourself that even when you have direct evidence that you are wrong (that i am not funny) you still feel the need to post your opinion that I am not funny.

>> No.5923954

>black guy's

Wow, focusing a lot on the black?

Why didn't you say
>The white guys are slimmer

Hmm. Maybe we're a little racist.

>> No.5923955

maybe you are a little retarded.

>> No.5923960

Maybe you're a fucking idiot who thinks because you've been spoonfed all your life
>blaks hav diffurnt fical feturess it etells us where dey come frummm
You think thats the way biology works.


Just because a fucking dog has different spots than another dog doesn't mean it came from a different litter.

Grow up and look out your window. Or you'll be classifying penis size as race next.

>> No.5923962

Facial features are a social construct.

>> No.5923971

>Just because a fucking dog has different spots than another dog doesn't mean it came from a different litter.

No, but being different breeds does. It would be idiotic to assume that the larger dog with a long nose could share parents with a pug.

Sometimes I honestly can't tell when someone's trolling or if they really are this willfully ignorant.

>> No.5923970
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>> No.5923987

Probably the same as what already happened in history, the species will interbreed with homo sapiens until they become extinct again.

>> No.5923995


JIDF pls go

>> No.5924043 [DELETED] 


>> No.5924055


I don't see why not.

>> No.5924072

Very likely. Humans didn't become very educated from one day to another themselves. Only society evolved so fast not our bodies.

>> No.5924077


Because the fact that we have managed to produce such widely varying dog types by selective breeding proves that people from southwest Africa are immutably stupid.

>> No.5924297


Ok, slavery and colonialism explain the lack of achievement of sub-Saharan Africans, what about before those events? Why do they have the lowest level of scientific progress?

>> No.5924334

>Africa has no natural resources
>Modern civilizations can only be achieved on the other 5 continents.

>> No.5924378
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they already do

>> No.5924389

Exactly, so obviously Neanderthals are much different than modern humans since they couldn't create fertile offspring if interbred.

>> No.5924435

As an Asian American who has "integrated".


You only see the outside.

>> No.5924444

boooo, what is this, reddit?

>> No.5924454

True, but they would be able to speak some languages with similar verbal structure to, say, Chinese and Japanese.

Though I sincerely doubt those would be the exact languages they'd be speaking. It would probably have a similar structure with more guttural, sharp sounds making it sound closer to what many perceive as fairly caveman-like.

>> No.5924523

>Posts a nigger
>Neanderthal DNA is present in the genome of every race... except Africans
>Niggers are the only pure humans
>Whites have the most neanderthal DNA of any race

>> No.5924531

They'd be like dwarves - lumpy, coarse, and uncreative, and regular humans would be like elves, tall, delicate, beautiful, and creative.

>> No.5924601

>Masters of Smithing


>> No.5924627

nigga don't know the difference between a homo neanderthalensis and a homo erectus

mang, nigga u dum

>> No.5924668

Because asians are genetically smarter than whites? Duh. I'm white but I'm not gonna blame that on society. There are statistical differences between the races, but what's important is to understand that this should have no effect on individuals.

>> No.5924669
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So for some reason black slaves haven't accomplished anything worthwhile in nearly two hundred years of freedom while white serfs have revolutionised the arts, science and technology in less that a hundred.

>> No.5924673




>> No.5925178

>lol edgy racism
It's like this 2007

>> No.5925195

>comparing poor blacks to middle class whites in terms of test scores.
>saying the blacks are stupid for being poor despite the fact that our government subsidizes their poverty
>taking studies that demonstrate correlation not causation at face value and calling them "science"

Stupidity scale
racist>people who believe in race>people who recognize these are social issues not decided by less than 0.0001% genetic variance.

>> No.5925208

>Show me a first world country thats majority black. It doesn't exist.
Hmm, I wonder why?

>> No.5925247

not just the Russians, everyone who knows even a little history knows that in the time of slavery, white people where slaves to whites, blacks to whites, blacks to blacks, Asians to whites, whites to Asians, and any other combination you want. no educated person mentions slavery in an argument about race equality since all races experienced it.

>> No.5925249

"first world" is a western clasification, see >>5923911

>> No.5925255
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>mfw when people thinking intelligence isn't at least partly genetic
>mfw identical twin studies have proven this and more
>mfw no one cares about the Minnesota Twin Family Study b-becuz its r-raycist to a-assume people got different things becuz different genes!

>> No.5925272

If neanderthals were alive today, social rights activists would piss all over themselves and cry about the differences between us and them being "socially constructed."

>> No.5925280


that...isn't right...

>> No.5925305

Neanderthals are humans too, you speciesist shit! They have the exact same intelligence and behaviour as homo sapiens. Anything else would be a social construct. If you disagree, you are literally Hitler.

>> No.5925583

Because East Asians on average have higher IQs than your average White. People who accept race as a reality accept this. It isn't a controversial position for us.

>> No.5925587

>People who accept race as a reality accept this.

Not in my experience. Generally it's "they just work harder/they memorize stuff/they're not creative/hurr durr white master race durr."

>> No.5925593

>1. Blacks are stigmatized in every country

Black kids raised in White families have lower average IQ than Whites.
Asian kids raised in White families have higher average IQ than Whites.

>2. American test scores are fucking horrible, even when it comes to whites.

Test scores of Blacks are worse on average in every country.

>3. The African continent is a third world country. Show me a first world country thats majority black. It doesn't exist.

Of course it doesn't. Neither does a first world non White country besides Japan exist. Being dirt poor peasants or living in the slum, having a shit history didn't prevent Indians or the Burmese or other races from having higher average IQs than middle class Blacks.

>> No.5925595

>They aren't any less capable of intelligence.

Sure they aren't, it's just on average they are less capable.

>All of humanity originated in Africa, so you're just insulting yourself.

All of humanity also evolved from a common ancestor as a worm. Worms are less capable of intelligence than people like how Blacks on average are less capable of intelligence than every other race.

>> No.5925602

hur dur im gonna use the testimonies of the dumbest people ive met to criticize an ideology

>> No.5925606

is this liberal circlejerk or are you serious?

>> No.5925608


huh? What ideology?

>> No.5925611

This video seems relevant.

>able to speak some languages with similar verbal structure to, say, Chinese and Japanese.
the fuck

>> No.5925613

This actually might be somewhat accurate.
Though did you know that Neanderthal's brains were actually larger than those of homo sapiens?

>> No.5925623
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>The African continent is a third world country
>African continent is a country

Americlap here, and even our shitty educational system reiterates how the two are separate from like third grade.

Africa in a nutshell, folks.

>> No.5925629
File: 49 KB, 600x450, wat diamond_9317_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys talking about IQ and race?

What does that have to do with neanderthals?

Yes I believe they could function just fine. I mean, retarded people exist in society, and they wouldn't be as bad as them. I'm sure they could find a way to contribute to society and lead happy lives. They're probably just as smart as a regular human (which is part neanderthal anyway).
Let's not even talk about how IQ tests are meaningless. Neanderthal's had a larger cranial capacity, and therefore most likely larger brains. They could easily be smarter than a homo sapien, especially one born in this day and age.
Of course, we shouldn't blame the actions of one individual on an entire race or species, that would just be scientifically inaccurate.

>> No.5925637

>especially one born in this day and age

What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.5925640

it means one born now.

>> No.5925648


lel keke