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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 242 KB, 1358x946, Bill Nye hates his replacement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5919751 No.5919751 [Reply] [Original]

To those of you who complain about "pop scientists", I issue a challenge.

Find someone who meets the following qualifications:

1. has a highly accomplished research career

2. can talk to the public and motivate young people to go into science(ie no charismaless autists like Ed Witten)

>> No.5919755

90% (if not more) of the researchers.

>> No.5919762

Why would a reseach scientist care about motivating high schoolers?

>> No.5919797


Presumably if he's a research scientist then he is motivated to advance science. To do so, you need scientists. To get scientists, you need non-scientists who are motivated to study science.

Clear enough?

>> No.5919833

I actually find "boring" people more interesting to listen to. I'm not charismatic at all myself, so maybe that's a factor.

>> No.5919869

Leonard Susskind

>> No.5919868

OP has a point

>> No.5919873

Gerard 't Hooft

>> No.5919879
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>> No.5919886

anyone here that works in physics research, advise the best places that discuss the "industry" either from working for it or from the perspective of the companies.

>> No.5919888


The actual researchers are not covered by the media much, so pop /sci/ is all they know. I'm not sure if it's a good thing. Pop sci gets people interested, ,but I think once they find out they have to do a lot of challenging courses, they give up and switch majors.

Everyone would love to do physics for the coolness factor, but they find out it's not all that flashy at all, it's mostly spending 4 years in the lecture and lab doing vector calc and PDE's.

It's just a level of dedication that most people do not have. Imo, let the economy fix it, give STEM majors the good jobs and plenty of people will be interested. Hell, I'm an engineer and I wouldn't mind giving some engineering jobs to other STEM majors. It's sad that physics/math/etc people are seen as useless and unemployable.

>> No.5919894

Walter Lewin
A number of my professors
Jacob Barnett
Sheldon Cooper

>> No.5919896

Feynman and Dirac, though both are, of course, zombies.

>> No.5919902

Richard Feynman. No, he's not the same branch of pop science as Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku, Bill Nye, Jim Al-Khalili, Lawrence Krauss and Brian Greene

>> No.5919911

Maybe not Dirac, since he was just weird and didn't talk to anyone.

>> No.5919917
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>> No.5919925
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Paul Sereno, paleontologist at the University of Chicago. (Took a course with him, actually, but had to drop it.)
Pic related. Watch your fingers, prof!

>> No.5919931

>Presumably if he's a research scientist then he is motivated to advance science
Can't he just be motivated to DO science?

>> No.5919934
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>> No.5919937

Because he's more than just a research scientist. He cares about his country, and the fact that his country has a pretty low researcher percentile is not very good.

>> No.5919938

>Find someone who meets the following qualifications:
>1. has a highly accomplished research career
>2. can talk to the public and motivate young people to go into science

Daniela Titan

>> No.5919942


Daniela Titan has a research career? She seems like she reads Wikipedia and then puts it in layman's terms.

>> No.5919945

I'm sure there are a few that do research for no other reason than the enjoyment of the day-to-day tasks involved.

Most scientists like to publish, and that almost always requires the help of grad students/lab assistants or other scientists.

Most of those scientists also like it when others discover new things, giving them the opportunity to explore further. That always requires other scientists.

>> No.5919946

I thought so too, but I've read notes from a lecture series he gave (in New Zealand - it's fantastic) and his hosts sing praise of his powerful lecturing technique.

>> No.5919951

She has a PhD in theoretical physics.

>> No.5919958


No she doesn't.

>> No.5919964

>She has a PhD in theoretical physics.
If she has, she has written no published papers.

>> No.5919967

>Presumably if he's a research scientist then he is motivated to advance science.

>I have clearly never worked in a lab

>> No.5919966

Feynman (as annoying as his fans are), Brian Greene, Neumann

>> No.5919999

I'm not going to believe this until you show me some proof.

>> No.5920026

>Walter Lewin

MAH NIGGAH, those MIT lectures are gold.

>> No.5920168


You are a fucking liar.

>> No.5920178
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>> No.5920183

To those of you who complain about "American serial killers", I issue a challenge.

Find someone who meets the following qualifications:

1. has killed a bunch of people

2. is an American citizen

Checkmate, athiests

>> No.5920192

I love "pop scientists". http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzl8GEjZbjgtVj0ppupdBbg reawakened my interest in biology. If it weren't for Michio Kaku or Feynman's lectures on physics I probably wouldn't be studying physics right now. I think that you can be a boss in math but if you don't understand the key concepts in physics you're never gonna be a good theoretical physicist. The public has to be informed better than it is today because with most people it really comes down to believing what scientists say or not. It really shouldn't be like this so pop sci ftw, school never got me interested in science

>> No.5920193

Perhaps in america, it is awful in europe my first year was boring and difficult as hell. A lot of people quit because of that

>> No.5920201

Gotta love Brian Greene

>> No.5920204

What about that other african american scientiest who is into time travel?

>> No.5920222

Why are Feynman fans boring I never heard that before? Feynman's lectures on physics are gold

>> No.5920223


Ronald Mallett

All I remember from watching his documentary was how incredibly sad it was.

>> No.5920226

Craig venter

Unlike all physicists he actually accomplishes things that are useful. All physicists do is plug and chug shit into invented equations.

>> No.5920230
File: 44 KB, 1694x460, Screen Shot 2013-07-23 at 10.52.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there were more "pop mathematicians". I got so annoyed in my first year studying physics some professors are so boring and bad at explaining. Example: Good luck solving this bitches (pic related) - Explanation: look up wedge product.

>> No.5920235

That's because math is shit and offers nothing in return. The only thing it really offers is glory when you get an A on a test. That's all math will ever be to people and the fact it relies on glory to keep people going on is a reason why mathematics is trash

>> No.5920233

>Pop Mathematicians

I like it, I like it a lot.

>> No.5920248
File: 274 KB, 452x396, JimGates_NatureofExistence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the guy! In my head I confused him with Sylvester James Gates, but you are right. I remember small fragments of that documentary.

A propos dead fathers. Does Kurzweil count as a semi-legit scientiest?

>> No.5920246

>some professors are so boring and bad at explaining

If you don't understand first year contents without explanation, you are wrong in university. Don't blame the professors. The problem is your own stupidity, as evidenced by your post. Do you really think there's anything hard in your picture? All you need is the fucking definition. If you cannot even grasp the concept of applying definitions, there is no hope for you. Drop out and collect your welfare money.

>> No.5920253

>Does Kurzweil count as a semi-legit scientiest?

No. His quasi-religious crackpottery and his commercial cult are pretty anti-scientific.

>> No.5920255

Not the guy. You have a point but this doesn't mean teaching methods can't be improved or there wasn't a benefit to better teaching.

>> No.5920258

>implying you can solve this sweetheart

Idiot I wasn't saying I cannot solve it. I was making a point that some lectures are money thrown out because if all I have to do is study math by myself I don't need I professor giving me lectures at all do I.

>> No.5920261

That's not what I've meant.
I mean the field he actually works in. Actually, I don't know what he does. Is it computer science? I'm to lazy to google.

>> No.5920265

> if all I have to do is study math by myself I don't need I professor giving me lectures at all do I.

Makes sense.

>> No.5920264

Brian Greene was a ridiculous child prodigy.

I think Steven Weinberg could make a great pop science writer if he cared to do it.

>> No.5920271
File: 33 KB, 400x388, facebookfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exterior calculus is first year physics where you live?

>> No.5920277

ctrl+f Brian Cox

>0 results

he is pop science with a legitimate background

>> No.5920282

>I wasn't saying I cannot solve it.
Apparently you can't solve it. Why else would you post it, begging /sci/ to do your first year homework?

>I was making a point that some lectures are money thrown out
What does this have to do with the picture?

>if all I have to do is study math by myself I don't need I professor giving me lectures at all do I.
Lectures are not the only service you get for the money and nobody forces you to attend them.

>> No.5920291 [DELETED] 

Studying in switzerland

>> No.5920292

layman here

pop scientists that I enjoy

brian cox
richard feynman

>> No.5920295


<3 Brian Cox

>> No.5920299

I'm the guy you're responding to: I don't really like him, actually I think he's annoying as fuck. But he definitely does fit OP's criteria.

>> No.5920300

I've never heard him speak, source?

>> No.5920302

There are a few pop mathematicians. For a plane flight recently I read a pop math book called something like "the great unsolved problems in mathematics." There was also a lot of pop math made about Wiles.

>> No.5920303

typical youtube pop-sci fan

>> No.5920309

I'm not sure what you want a source on. I'm more than willing to comply (praise be to the great JVN), but can you be more specific?

>> No.5920305

Dr James Grimes

>> No.5920319
File: 668 KB, 3120x1203, Foto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude what's your problem man?
>Apparently you can't solve it.
Pic related

>Why else would you post it, begging /sci/ to do your first year homework?
I wasn't begging for anyone to do my homework.

>What does this have to do with the picture?
I was giving an example of how annoying math homework can be when a professor doesn't give a shit about explaining.

>Lectures are not the only service you get for the money and nobody forces you to attend them.
Lectures are quite pointless if most of the students don't profit from them. What choice do I have if I want my degree?

I'm not feeding the trolls anymore so long sucker.

>> No.5920331

Studying in switzerland. Last thing we did were Atlas and maps. Is it called maps in english I don't know?

>> No.5920337

>Dude what's your problem man?
Did you mean that response to be at me?

>> No.5920340

>Pic related
Can you flip the paper around? The backside looks more interesting than your trivial scribblings.

>I was giving an example of how annoying math homework can be when a professor doesn't give a shit about explaining.
Your picture did not support that point, since it was only a simple application of a definition. This does not require any explanation by your professor.

>Lectures are quite pointless if most of the students don't profit from them.
Who cares? This is /sci/ and not your blog.

>What choice do I have if I want my degree?

>> No.5920373

u seem upset anon

>> No.5920379
File: 15 KB, 687x360, 1360529159852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most mad I've ever seen someone get over something so minor.

>> No.5920381
File: 43 KB, 231x363, HAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitposter wants to trick /sci/ into doing his homework
>/sci/ makes him so upset that he does his homework on his own

This is a great day for /sci/. Fucking lol'd.

>> No.5920392

Feynman and walter lewin fo' sho

>> No.5920400
File: 137 KB, 465x996, 1365273202628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5920399

stop bullshitting

>> No.5920597
File: 43 KB, 400x232, feynmanrichardphillips21352514641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that Feynman guy is going to do well at speaking.

>> No.5920614

Is that true?

>> No.5920658


Makes sense, when I took botany 4 years ago. The lecturers were so dull and boring I stopped attending after the second day. All the test were on the syllabus and I only showed up on the day.

>> No.5920711

Probably. It's based on estimates, but is almost certainly true.

>> No.5921247

How is it estimated?

>> No.5921272


obv not...
def just think about that for a sec... lolz.. totes made up

>> No.5921292


Every research scientist needs a constant supply of graduate students.

>> No.5921311

That japanese guy with white hair

>> No.5921316

Mancho Kikuo? The guy with the Spring theories?

>> No.5921451


physics/math/etc people can go work on wall street as quants

physics/math/etc people can work in software

STEM IS where the money is at. If you look at statistics it's the STEM majors who are making the most money on average.

>> No.5921505

not sure if bill nye would count as a highly accomplished research career, but he is a good motivational teacher. 5th grade, that show would make everyone of my students become little chemists.

>> No.5922524

Mckay was awesome.

>> No.5922547

This. I loved the lead Stargate scientists.

>tfw you will never craft life-saving solutions in a few hours against a technologically advanced alien race
>tfw they did it nearly every day...for years

>> No.5922590


If you don't find the information itself reason enough to pursue the subject, then fuck off. Cunts trying to make knowledge indirectly fun ruin it for those that find knowledge itself fun. Case in point: All the Euphoric cunts spawned by Mike Tyson and Kikkoman.

>> No.5922677

Fuck you.
I like Neil DeGrass Tyson, his passion...
And I like Richard Dawkins, and i like Lawrence Krauss. Anyone not liking them because they are popular are idiots. I like these people, they got me into science,which is why im a biologist now.

>> No.5923202

This is why I like real scientists such as Daniela Titan who present the knowledge in a form that is both accurate and fun.

>> No.5923204

>Daniela Titan
plz stop trolling the board by posting inane replies in 3 dozen threads twice daily,
every regular knows you're doing exactly that

>> No.5923205

>which is why im a biologist now

And this is why you are just a biologist.