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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 58 KB, 677x549, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5916280 No.5916280 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain the answer to this?

>> No.5916283

Wait until you enter 1st grade of primary school. There you will learn addition and subtraction of natural numbers.

>> No.5916286

I think it's G, honestly.

For every ball inside the circle in column 1, and every ball inside the circle in column 2, is a ball in column 3. But every ball outside the circle in those columns "cancels out" a ball on the inside. So in row 2, there is one on the inside and 3 on the outside, so one pair "cancels out" and it becomes two on the outside.

Think of it like a basic math equation: every one on the inside is a positive and outside is a negative.

1 + 1 = 2
1 - 3 = -2
2 - 2 = 0

NOTE: I just noticed this also works with columns and doing it vertically, so I'm fairly sure it's G. The location of the balls is just there to trick you.

>> No.5916288

everyone on here lies about their IQ, OP. i seriously don't you'll get a legitimate explanation

>> No.5916289

they often decide these test the same up and down as left and right so there's more ways to arrive at a universally correct answer

that's a clue to find the developers intended answer

>> No.5916297
File: 49 KB, 658x534, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what about this?

>> No.5916306

I'm even less sure about that one, as a matter of fact I think I'm probably wrong anyway, but I would bet that one is E. The solution is simple: there are three "colors" (black, white, gray) and either 3, 2, or 1 of each color in each 9x9 box, with no color sharing the same number in each one. There are also three of each quantity of each color throughout the whole thing except for one. So for instance, there are three boxes with 3 whites, 3 with 2 whites, and only 2 with one white. Same with the other two colors (3 boxes with 1 black, 3 boxes with two black and only 2 boxes with three blacks: 3 boxes with three gray, three boxes with 1 gray and only 2 boxes with 2 grays). After that, just use process of elimination: only E has the right quantities. The vertical/horizontal quality and positioning of the colors is irrelevant, just the number in each box. But again, this one I am not so sure of.

>> No.5916318


The answer is G

>> No.5916321


Why are there dozens of rabbit buttholes in the background?

>> No.5916326

I lol'd hard when i saw that.

>> No.5916328
File: 229 KB, 1200x1600, LOOOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are 7 circles inside circles and 7 of them outside,so its G so you dont mess up the balance

>> No.5916335

Cognac ? Champagne ? WTF ?

And ok it's G, but your explanation is really poor and you could have been tricked by an harder question.
is a better explanation

>> No.5916343
File: 28 KB, 800x600, Blue hills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cognac is a town in France -.-

>> No.5916351

It's F.

Ignore white blocks and see the remaining 3 colors as bars. In each row and in each column, you will find 3,2,1 of one color, 3,2,2 of another, and 3,1,1 of the third. These alternative from row to row and column to column.

First row
black: 3,1,1
dark gray: 2,3,2 = 3,2,2
light gray: 1,2,3 = 3,2,1

next row is a permutation so
dark grey: 3,1,1
light grey: 3,2,2
blak: 3,2,1


It works across columns as well. That leaves E or F.
Each row and each column contains 2 horizontal bars of 3 and 1 vertical bar, so that only leaves F to complete the pattern.

>> No.5916354

Actually, I am French.
I was confused to see Cognac and Champagne on the same bottle, since it's two different beverage, that's all. (and it's also locations, cognac-> town , champagne-> part of a region)

But I checked, "Champagne" is a referring here to the 'cru'. My bad.

We don't drink that much cognac, it's for exportation :)

>> No.5916359

How did you come up with this?

>> No.5916361

The 3 last ones are the hardest. I almost ran out of time trying to figure them out.

>> No.5916363

i want a link to this

>> No.5916365


>> No.5916370
File: 228 KB, 1160x840, Capture d'écran - 22072013 - 03:34:27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. Let's put an end to this.
I'm >>5916354, I drank some champagne and I did your test :

(If anyone interested, sauce : http://pastebin.com/Vg0En1E4 , not revelant but I lol'd at "neuron")
Answers :
1D 2F 3B 4G 5A 6H 7B 8E 9H 10A
11C 12F 13B 14D 15H 16E 17F 18C 19E 20D
21G 22A 23B 24H 25B 26A 27H 28G 29E 30A
31D 32E 33G 34G 35C 36F 37H 38F 39B

I think I scored 100% (pic related)
I can provide explanations, but I speak engrish, you're warned

Last ones were really more harder, cause I can find different possible explanations and had to guess what they wanted us to answer
(Always the same with tests...)

>> No.5916375

It has 3 different frequencies, and as such you can't ignore all 3 frequencies. The white squares position themselves such that the joined ones always move to a particular rotation for each line. As such, B and H are removed from the pool.

The black squares add up such that the top row = 5, the next row = 6, and the final row should = 7.

Didn't figure out the two grey ones. I chose F, and averaged 115 IQ

>> No.5916380

I think 145 is the highest on that test. I got 143 on my first try. On my second attempt I got 145 too (I had missed one on my first attempt).

>> No.5916381

You're right, I didn't notice that F also works, and works better considering the vertical/horizontal nature of bars. Thank you.

>> No.5916382

the answers for that test are listed online

it's not even credible

>> No.5916388

Explain 38

>> No.5916398


>> No.5916404

Here is my way to think :

double arrows ( <-> ) means reflexion
single arrows means dilations (in the sense of the arrow)
and rotation

F is the only one that fits the 3 conditions

Is it clear.

maybe... It makes you feel better to say this ?
It's just a game, dude.

That's why I'm ok to give my thoughts, it's not only out of my hat

>> No.5916407

its gota be G

circles on inside mean negative
circles on outside mean positive

add left to right or up and down

>> No.5916412

Run forest.
You have jet lag ?
But correct answer and explanation, so thx :)

>> No.5916414

It's rotated *and* reflected, so the direction of rotation is not what you might initially think if you fixate on that part of it.

>> No.5916430

It's G

>> No.5916431

what is the x for?

>> No.5916435

Since you have no answer implying the same shape,
I assume it's just here to divide the pannel/board (?) :

No link between left-up and bottom right

>> No.5916438

Is this test the same every time or something?

>> No.5916440

So you can try and try and try until you have the solutions.

So yes, I guess you can find them on the web as >>5916382
But it doesn't give you explanations

>> No.5916443

Explain 27, 29, 33, 35, 37 and 39

>> No.5916446

27 : you supperpose first two images of the line.
If you have two times the same lione, it vanishes
Like ! |_ + |_| -> |

Next coming

>> No.5916450

29 : you "apply" the second shape to every side of the form on the left

>> No.5916455

33 : there are 3 "Spaghetti". You just make them rotate.
Don't be tricked by the fact it looks like "infinite" symbol, it's a side effect.
G is the only one possible

>> No.5916460

35 : "geometrical axis reflexion."

Sorry for my engrish, I hop you get the thing everytime -_-

>> No.5916466

so far so good

>> No.5916469

37 : you get the part for the squares, I think.
You read the picture like this
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Now the "balls" : each ball moves to the right each time. When it's on a black square, it's hidden, and next turn, it changes its color

>> No.5916472

39 :
Every symbol move to its right
and follow the pattern :
/_\ -> X -> O -> /_\ -> ...

>> No.5916493

is that the only way to spot the pattern?

>> No.5916512

I believe that's the way they want us to think.

But you know, old problem :
Give me the following numbers after 1,4,9,16,...
Obviously they want 25, but you can find tons of other "possible answers", from a mathematical point of view.

That's why I just see these tests like games.
I don"t really care of the score : what am I supposed to do with this ? A poster in my room ?

>> No.5916536

> 1,4,9,16,...
>Obviously they want 25, but you can find tons of other "possible answers", from a mathematical point of view.

I disagree with this. The pattern is obvious.

Can you give me a valid alternative answer that is not 25? Nope.

1, 4, 9, 16, 25
_3, 5, 7, 9
__2, 2, 2

>> No.5916544

I can
period of the sequence {binomial(m+n,n) mod n, m>=0},
gives you 25 OK, but after 72 and not 36

Just an example. I can find more complex ones
(for the 25)

>> No.5916548

Like sum of digits of n^2, beginning at 10
Gives you 1, 4, 9, 16, 16
Ok, it's fucked up, but you can... :)

>> No.5916568
File: 32 KB, 463x472, matrixd_22_extract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one seems harder

>> No.5916594

I know this guy :)
(I remember I'm >>5916335
and followings
so french.)

He was in my school long time ago
Actually I designed some of the tests with him !

And matrix D is not the hardest (given the results of the people)

>> No.5916622

gimme some codes so I can try them

>> No.5916623

easy, just superpose the 3 first colums to get the 4th

>> No.5916627


dot insdie = negative

dot outside = postive

Add the left and the middle to get the right.

>> No.5916629

No :)
It's "his baby", I just gave some help.
I have no "right"

Just exercise yourself on the ones you can, it is the goal of his website

>> No.5916634


Why wouldn't B work? If the goal is to 'balance' them out (7 and 7), would another circle with 1 out/1 in be alright (8 and 8)?

>> No.5916635

What school? What do you study and do?

>> No.5917057

Sorry, went to sleep. (jet lag...)

I did the "Grandes Ecoles", but met the guy in HS.

But I would like to stay anon from now :)

Anyway, that's a bump for those interested in this test, I saw another thread yesterday related to it.

>> No.5917063

try iqout. My mind is full of fuck after that shit. I dunno if it's generated on the spot, or if there are just many many different patterns in a database, but each time I try it I rarely get the same questions, and it's difficult to know when you got an answer correct or not.

>> No.5917067 [DELETED] 

How to learn French? I'm Irish and using duolingo

>> No.5917081

Urls from
are valid and correspond to one 'game' each time.

The questions are 'static', just randomly provided to you.

Website just stores your answers in an 35-length array 'A' (look at the adress when you click on a button).

It has a table T with the correct answer for every problem.
In the end, it just computes

And btw, the site is vulnerable to SQL injections :(