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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5910736 No.5910736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5910739

But he thought about the entire context of the problem as well as the implications of the discovery rationally. A small, safe, synaptic jump is all you need.

>> No.5910951

Except he didn't. He made his discoveries by intuition and he was too mathematically impaired to write down his theory without the help of mathematicians.

>> No.5910960

Except he did. His intuition was rational and developed based on rational observation, thought process, and reasoning.

>> No.5911979 [DELETED] 

>His intuition was rational

Intuition is the opposite of rationality.

>> No.5911993

this quote probably saved my life

>> No.5912000

Not always, You can make very rational decisions based on intuition, but you might not know why you made them.

You can also make terrible decisions based on intuition. It depends if the situation calls on it.

>> No.5912004

Don't be stupid. An intuition can be rational or irrational, it just depends whether there is concious reasoning.

>> No.5912007

like, you know, proofs are originally nothing more than thought experiments?

and any, even highly formal thought, is just a realization of a pre-conscious (hence irrational) thinking?

>> No.5912010

Yeah, he made them by plagiarizing

>> No.5912015

Once Jacob Barnett's theories are fully realized, it will prove Einstein to be the hack he truly was.

>> No.5912019

Einstein quotes aren't that great, IMHO.

>> No.5912026


You have no idea what you're talking about, stop posting

>> No.5912940

Nice projection - did you fail the history course in middle school?

>> No.5912958

You don't know what projection means. Stop posting.

>> No.5914277 [DELETED] 

She identified the projection correctly.

>> No.5914279

the bumpspammer always comes every day at around 5:30-6:30 CST. and always says 'she' when referring to fellow anons

>> No.5914285


that's a meme

"Science is a girl thing"

There is no bumpspammer.

>> No.5914294

that person clearly did it by posting uselessly with a 16 hour bump

if science is such a girl thing why are there so many prominent male scientists?

>> No.5914307
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>dat tired old argument referring to time periods when women couldn't even leave the house without being babysat

>> No.5914581

what? what does everyone on here have against Einstein? or are you just an edgy teen trying to look cool since you hate Einstein?

>> No.5914605

There are very few instances where newfriends bring me joy. This is one of them.

>> No.5914610

btw we are born with full knowledge of the world in the geometry of our bodies which the Demiurg provided to us and indeed we not learn but remember something we already knew.

Not even joking plebs

>> No.5914965

Please scientifically verify this.

>> No.5914987
File: 1.08 MB, 945x945, Shafi_Goldwasser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turing Award

Where is your god now?

>> No.5915008


Fuck bumpspamming.

>> No.5915010

wow, one woman. you really impressed me

>> No.5915246

There were two girls who won a google science award posted on here. Plus nearly 50% of science competition winners are girls so really theyre not too bad. We just need to get more girls interested at a young age.Plus you are missing the point of the entire meme...

>> No.5915250


That's easily the most jewish name I've ever seen.

>> No.5915253


reed the rulz agin

>> No.5915287

She probably has more testosterone than I do.

>> No.5915348


>> No.5916160 [DELETED] 

This is a science board. Philosophy belongs on /lit/.

>> No.5917519 [DELETED] 

What did she do?

>> No.5917537
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>> No.5919135

Philosophy is a science.

>> No.5920549 [DELETED] 

No, it does not use the scientific method.

>> No.5920553

Define scientific method.

>> No.5920583

no but science is a philosophy

>> No.5921229

It does. Read through each step and you will see that philosophy conforms to all of them.

>> No.5921270

No it only does two steps and it does them out of order, first it creates a hypothesis, then it selects some real world observations that support that hypothesis, but there is no further objective analytical peer review because there are no falsifiable real world philosophy experiments that can be repeated and adjusted using objective standardized physical phenomena.

>> No.5922264 [DELETED] 

Science is the opposite of philosophy.

>> No.5922266

>Define scientific method.
A method of describing reality exclusively using empirical observation.

>> No.5922269

>Philosophy is a science.
No, the scientific method is a branch of philosophy.

>> No.5922287

>It does. Read through each step and you will see that philosophy conforms to all of them.
Which area of philosophy? Ontology? epistemology? metaphysics? Philosophy describes what science doesn't or can't, and it discusses second level linguistics above the empirical events that science describes.

Take a philosophical field like Ethics. Science can describe an event. It can say a titanium blade seems to have punctured the left lung – it can discuss the material event and scrutinise every physical detail. Philosophy is looking at the event and asking "Is that act something we should tolerate as a social ideal?" "Is the inter-subjective moral view towards the act more right than the individual?" "Is ending a life noble it it benefits a great many people?"

Science just describes the material; philosophy treats those descriptions as 'abstractions' and discusses the abstractions instead.

>> No.5922302

>dat barack obama face

>> No.5923168

Science has nothing to do with baseless spiritualism drivel.

>> No.5923465

The scientific method is a branch of philosophy.

>Philosophy: baseless spiritualism drivel.
Do you even read?

>> No.5923468

Arthur C. Clarke said it better.

>The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.

>> No.5924265 [DELETED] 

>Do you even read?

I read science and math books. I don't have the time for pseudo-intellectual edgy teenager philosophy.

>> No.5924353

you cant handle it.
Right now.
That's Einstien gurl!

>> No.5924358

I am willing to bet you read

applied math books
applied science books

and not pure math or science books.

>> No.5924380

oh god I hope nobody posts that pic on facebook

>> No.5924391

This thread gave me cancer.

>> No.5924399

Nobody ever did. Every rational decision we make has some underlying emotion and instinct behind it

>> No.5924401

Prediction the procession of the perihelion of Mercury was nothing but a case of linearalising GR (weak field approximation), plugging in some numbers and solving some diffy qs!
That's almost mechanical - totally rational. Of course first deriving GR was much more of a leap.

>> No.5924409

>science competition
>anything more than route memorization to helps girls feel better about themselves

toppest lel

>> No.5924412
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>> No.5924418

>"Define the scientific method"
>"It's a method"

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.5924447

1. Observe some aspect of the universe.
2. Invent a tentative description, called a hypothesis, that is consistent with what you have observed.
3. Use the hypothesis to make predictions.
4. Test those predictions by experiments or further observations and modify the hypothesis in the light of your results.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until there are no discrepancies between theory and experiment and/or observation.

>> No.5925581 [DELETED] 

I wish more posters on /sci/ understood this.

>> No.5926540 [DELETED] 

quoted for truth

>> No.5926556

Wow, some posters did take the image seriously.
I guess there are autists in /sci/ after all.

>> No.5927427

I fucking love science.

>> No.5929096 [DELETED] 

The image is very serious. That's why OP called it truth.

>> No.5930822 [DELETED] 

Thank you. I didn't know this.

>> No.5932153

No, you mean quantum field theory.

>> No.5932156
File: 280 KB, 1190x906, 1368123481951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I am different because of muh original post

>> No.5933598 [DELETED] 

No, I didn't mean quantum field theory.

>> No.5934709 [DELETED] 

> #truth

The tripcode belongs in the name field, not in the comment.

>> No.5935858 [DELETED] 

Saved for reposting.

>> No.5937443 [DELETED] 

Is it true or a joke?

>> No.5939303 [DELETED] 

It is true.

>> No.5940535 [DELETED] 

Why not both?

>> No.5940542


The White Zone is for loading and unloading only.

>> No.5940561

No, the RED courtesy phone.

>> No.5942486 [DELETED] 

I do not understand.

>> No.5944367 [DELETED] 

You are making no sense.

>> No.5945603

No, waiting 22 hours to bump nonsense you don't understand that is about to expire and go away makes no sense.

>> No.5946483 [DELETED] 

Please explain. I want to learn.

>> No.5946500


Affirmative Action.

>> No.5946524
File: 77 KB, 606x499, Fig02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Einstein's brain was different


>> No.5946527

Go back to /r9k/

>> No.5946531


>> No.5946543

You can go complain about your lack of a bf there.

>> No.5946552

you lookin for a date

>> No.5946553

>being a tranny

>> No.5946562
File: 16 KB, 640x480, spike dies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I even know who you think you're talking to right now

>> No.5946568

What are you talking about? Am I really this interesting that you keep responding to me?

>> No.5946570

This board is a ghost town, broham.

>> No.5946573

Fine, then. So are you a tranny or not?

>> No.5946581

No. I don't even know why you brought that up. I was spoilering ironically

>> No.5947781 [DELETED] 

Why would you do that?

>> No.5949180 [DELETED] 

>Am I really this interesting that you keep responding to me?

Yes, you are.

>> No.5950959 [DELETED] 

>implying Einstein made any discoveries

He only summarized the thoughts of other people. The principles of relativity were known earlier. Einstein only gave a name to them.

>> No.5953236 [DELETED] 


Einstein is too overrated.

>> No.5954437


No, it's an admission that Relativity is not Rational.

>> No.5954457
File: 79 KB, 720x479, itsmagic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's quantum physics i ain't gotta explain shit

>> No.5955963 [DELETED] 

Is it irrational?

>> No.5956810

Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, you should kill yourself.

>> No.5956918 [DELETED] 

Why would I do that?

>> No.5956922


It's transcendental.

>> No.5956960

To make the world a better place

>> No.5957313 [DELETED] 

I am already making the world a better place by being helpful.

>> No.5957335

helping the world be a terribly ignorant place isn't making the world a better place, just let your lame thread die, then you follow suit

>> No.5959274

Obviously true, OP. Einstein had to rely on intuition becauce he sucked at math.