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File: 55 KB, 640x526, 3d_touch_3d_printer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5890065 No.5890065 [Reply] [Original]

>3D printing will be commercially viable in your lifetime.

>> No.5890070

but it already is used commerially

>> No.5890071


To the average consumer.

>> No.5890072

yfw it already is viable

>> No.5890074

>wow, look at all this useless plastic things I can now make.

Call me when we can print electronics.

>> No.5890075


>actually downloading better RAM.

has science gone too far?

>> No.5890076

you can buy one for as little as 600USD today

>> No.5890078

I realize that leddit/blog culture has made popsci very unappealing, but try just reading the news every once in a while.


>> No.5890079

already is. ever hear of shapeways? Stop moving the goalposts

>> No.5890080


it will never happen.

what is going to stop you from printing the parts to make another printer by yourself?

>> No.5890077

But we already have circuit board printers.

>> No.5890083

When they could create whatever they dreamed of...
The created their nightmares to walk among them

>> No.5890084


That is DEFINATELY going to happen.
Some open sourcer will make it so.
Get off your butt, it might be you !

>> No.5890085
File: 196 KB, 492x250, 3d printed digi dice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So can I get your number? Pic related

>> No.5890086


>Von Neumann printers

mother of god...

>> No.5890087
File: 107 KB, 759x504, reprap-small_display_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sigh... some people haven't heard of the RepRap project:


>> No.5890088


the printer is useless without the ink.

Invest in that shit while you can, its the monopoly of the future.

>> No.5890090

>Invest in that shit while you can, its the monopoly of the future.

Invest in what shit?

>> No.5890092


3d printer "ink" businesses

>> No.5890094

you can get them for ~350$ now. i still prefer lathe/mill for projects.

>> No.5890093

Someone already knows this and has it rigged.

>> No.5890100

>you can get them for ~350$ now.

But they're not (yet) actually useful for anything except playing around, is the point.

>> No.5890128

>not useful
>can print fully functioning gun
>can print custom pony toys
you are full of shit.

>> No.5890132

They are actually very useful for a variety of applications. You really can't think of any situation where you wouldn't need specifically-shaped plastic parts? I use one in my lab to construct parts usable for animal positioning.

Not to mention the various medical and industrial applications they've already been used for.

Also, you can print guns, so there's that.

3D printers will probably never become something that's available in every household like the regular 2D printer is. We are, however, already at the point where 3D printers are commercially viable, relatively easy to use. Not to mention the 'ink' is currently dirt cheap. We're already living in the future, but some people are just too dense to realize it.

>> No.5890141

>But they're not (yet) actually useful for anything except playing around

>except playing around
you know this is how some pretty neat ideas come about right? plus its fun.

>> No.5890146

>Guys, what happens if a 3d printed lava sun collides with a 3d printed ice sun?

>> No.5890201

You will have a 3d printer made of steam

>> No.5890207

>steam powered 3d printer

i kind of like this idea.

>> No.5890209

you can print guns, car parts, house hold items, it is only limited by plastics and your own imagination, which for, seems to be quite limited

>> No.5890212

>3D printers will probably never become something that's available in every household like the regular 2D printer is. We are, however, already at the point where 3D printers are commercially viable, relatively easy to use. Not to mention the 'ink' is currently dirt cheap. We're already living in the future, but some people are just too dense to realize it.

this seems like a pointless assumption.
it will have plenty of uses so i don't see why every neighborhood and every household even will not have one or more as the technology advances.

>> No.5890234

in the future we won't need social workers as 3D printing technology becomes advanced enough.

we just need to donate and export a computer, satellite internet connection to communicate and download schematics as needed, a generator, the printer, raw materials (inks etc) to start.
then people can just collect the necessary to feed the printer and print out more of whatever they need.

basically any undeveloped part of the world would have access to the technology and industrial capacity to rapidly catch up with the rest of the world.

everyone would eventually have access to the technology they need to live a decent quality of life wherever they are.

that is once 3D printing becomes advanced enough to replicate itself and assemble intricate circuit boards and even organic matter / food / pharmaceuticals.

>> No.5890235


Can I print with fleshlight type materials?

>> No.5890238

*collect the necessary raw materials.

>> No.5890240

Public matter compilers provide basic food, blankets, and water for free to anyone who requests them.

>> No.5890243

no, but you can make a plastic positive and use that to make a mold to fill with silicone

>> No.5890264

>raw materials

m8 3rd-worldies can barely afford food

>> No.5890265

Engines of Creation (1986): Molecular assembler

>> No.5890288
File: 34 KB, 204x298, The_Diamond_Age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait.

>> No.5890301

The availability of "real", non-replicated goods is reserved to only the richest upper class, produced in small communities of skilled craftsmen.

>> No.5890308

"In diamond, then, a dense network of strong bonds creates a strong, light, and stiff material. Indeed, just as we named the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Steel Age after the materials that humans could make, we might call the new technological epoch we are entering the Diamond Age." (Ralph Merkle)