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/sci/ - Science & Math

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>> No.5872179


>> No.5872180

Seems likely.

You just know the costs associated will be absolutely extortionate though.

>> No.5872188

>Get massive loan and credit cards to pay for shit ton of augments
>Declare bankruptcy
>No credit, but don't even need it anymore


>> No.5872200

We'll just replace your brain with a computer that says some stupid stuff and nobody will know the difference

I'd know the difference!

No you wouldn't, you'd be programmed not to!

>> No.5872203

How is this subject barely given any attention in any media?

One would think reaching immortality would be somewhat more important/interesting than the next version of iphone or whatever. Anyway, digitalizing oneself doesn't seem like it would be too expensive. In 30+ years a digital brain might cost the equivalent of what a PC costs these days.

>> No.5872225

It will be like the cell phone in the 1980s.
Expensive and poor functionality.

It will be at least 20 years after that before its mainstream.

>> No.5872227


Also there's no way they will be making it available to anyone who can pay for it. Think of the social ramifications, end of the world would come in only a few decades.

>> No.5872237
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Makes me wonder if we'll ever end up like the people in pic related

>> No.5872238

>thinking singularity will ever happen
>any period of time

>> No.5872287

that's why they have social leaders around the world working with them. this is how I know they are serious.

>> No.5872325

If I ever become immortal, I vow to continue to not waste my life.

>> No.5872331
File: 247 KB, 900x578, Pork-Futures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avatar B would be the only one where an individual actually achieves true immortality

>> No.5872338

wouldn't creating an artificial brain with an uploaded personality just be a copy? sort of like the thing with teleportations where you die but you're identical clone continues existing?

>> No.5872359

That's what I think. They'd have to keep my brain alive for me to do it. The moment you lose that you lose your existence and become a copy.

>> No.5872377

Why can't people just die and accept it? I have never heard a single good argument for it.

>> No.5872391

Why should we?

>> No.5872392

Self preservation is what life is all about. Basic biology

>> No.5872393


Sounds edgy and difficult, with the assumption that this requires [blood sacrifice] of the person donating, shit can go wrong.

>> No.5872394

Why would you want to die if you could continue to live a quality life? When people say 'immortality', they're not talking about surviving the heat death of the universe. All most of them want is a couple hundred years in a functioning, non-decaying body. Truth be told, the average human would get bored after that amount of time, and probably self-terminate.

Really, there's no logical reason for NOT pursuing life extension technologies. Imagine what Einstein or Feynman or others could've achieved if death hadn't taken them from us. Dying sucks, both for the individual, and for society. The sooner we put a stop to that, the better.

>inb4 overpopulation

>> No.5872406

The B step would be nice.
But why would i die to spawn the C clone ?

Isn't the purpose of the project to NOT die ?

>> No.5872412

The image was made by people who don't know what they're talking about

>> No.5872416

opinion invalidated

>> No.5872419

I agree, and I also don't see the point of "Avatar A." I get to sit in a chair and move a robot around in the "real world" while my body just gets fatter and more lethargic due to lack of use.

The only useful thing in the image is Avatar B.

>> No.5872421

>the point of life is life itself
naw bro, naw

>> No.5872426

Why can't people just get Polio and accept it? I have never heard a single good argument for it.
Why can't people just get Malaria and accept it? I have never heard a single good argument for it.
Why can't people just get Smallpox and accept it? I have never heard a single good argument for it.

>> No.5872438
File: 45 KB, 232x299, the-singularity-is-near-movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurzweil wills it!

Not everybody is as miserable as yourself. Some people out there have a life worth living forever.

>> No.5872463

Avatar C is the one I am waiting for. I believe people should be able to have multiple avatars if we can confine them digitally, even when we're still alive.

>> No.5872465

Cover art is interesting, if anyone knows what I'm trying to forcefully imply.

>> No.5872468

>But why would i die to spawn the C clone ?
You will die anyway. This way at least a copy of you will live on.

>> No.5872471

I'm not narcissistic enough to think that a copy of myself should exist.

>> No.5872476

Good, that leaves more resources for the rest of us :)

>> No.5872480

Well, yeah, but i'd prefer my brain to be incrementally synthesised with no scanning, no butchering, no sleep/coma/interruption of consciousness involved so that i could have a chance to outlive the degeneration of my brain without dying.
If that's not too much to ask.

Also, fuck my clones, they are assholes anyway.

>> No.5872482

But that's right.

>> No.5872486

>Kurzweil wills it!
I'd be the first one to dismiss this whole project as a crock of shit were it not for Kurzweil's involvement in it. The dude has some pretty good connections (he's a high-ranking employee of Google) and knows a bunch of rich people. Our civilization isn't based on logic or science, it's ran by emotion and feelings (as tragic as that is). Guys like Kurzweil have a talent for stirring up the masses and influencing the flow of ideas in a way that suits them.

His scientific accomplishments (or lack thereof) aside, good ol' Ray may really be able to achieve a self-fulfilling prophecy. He wants immortality pretty bad, that much is obvious, and he's dedicated years of his life and incredible amounts of energy harping on about the necessity of it. If he can get rich faggots to invest, and the plebs to support this 'movement', then more power to him. In the end, we'll all benefit from advances in robotics and biotech even if the projects itself never fully accomplishes what it set out to do.

>> No.5872502

those are stupid analogy retorts and here's how.

1) it was written by you
2) death which is permanent, vs disease which is curable. Unless you're now talking that death is a disease. Then we stasrt getting crazy with religious and fedoras

>> No.5872507

>His scientific accomplishments (or lack thereof) aside

"Kurzweil was the principal inventor of the first CCD flatbed scanner,[2] the first omni-font optical character recognition,[2] the first print-to-speech reading machine for the blind,[3] the first commercial text-to-speech synthesizer,[4] the first music synthesizer capable of recreating the grand piano and other orchestral instruments,[citation needed] and the first commercially marketed large-vocabulary speech recognition.[5]"


>> No.5872515

I wasn't bashing the man. I'm just saying his talent for influencing public thought and his unbridled optimism far exceeds his scientific accomplishments. And in today's world, driven as it is by the volatile nature of human emotion and fear, that's a good thing! Ray as an optimistic and vocal proponent of future technologies is more useful than Ray as a brilliant yet autistic hermit.

Just sayin'.

>> No.5872548

> If he can get rich faggots to invest, and the plebs to support this 'movement', then more power to him.

Seems a little weird, doesn't it? That rich "faggots" aren't investing in, oh gee, I dunno, life extension if not outright immortality?

Billionaires are still dying, pretty much right on schedule, in their 80s and 90s, really. About as long as a healthy poor person lives.

You might want to pull your head out of your ass and ask yourself WHY exactly rich people are obviously contented to die off with the rest of us, despite the fact that they could easily commit their impressive resources towards qualified life extension. Life's the only thing that's important... right?

Of course not. The only thing that's important is having more stuff than the other guy, and flinging poo at him over it. The billionaires aren't investing in any noticeable life extension because they're at Peak Violent Simian. Rich people are almost always alpha males and females, who harbor the very worst behaviors of Humanity. They are excessively competitive and competing is the only thing that's really important to them... even more important than their own lives.

Poorer people know life's far more important, but they just don't have the resources to address life extension. And at their level of action, they're too busy themselves COMPETING like animals for resources, to acutally dump their instincts and cooperate instead on developing real life extension.

The biggest barrier to life extension is Humanity itself. We're our own worst enemy. There's a beast inside each one of us, defeating us constantly. The Violent Simian.

>> No.5872602


Say that at 40.

Then say that at 80.

Then compare at the end.

>> No.5872603

>You might want to pull your head out of your ass and ask yourself WHY exactly rich people are obviously contented to die off with the rest of us...
First off, relax there, buddy, no need to get your jimmies all rustled up.

Second, the reason richfags are dropping like flies is because they're dumb and OLD! They're a product of their times, and have little vision. Hell, even a young'un like myself finds it difficult to wrap his brain around emerging space magic like graphene and nanotech, what do you think some old fogey who was born 80 years ago will think of it? The first thing he'd ask if it could replace or downsize labor in his company, not how it can prolong his life!

Old people are idiots. Most of 'em anyway. They're dumb, ossified products of a time when cars were thought of as the apex of luxury, and the internet wasn't even a gleam in its creators' eyes. Old richfags are still old, their thinking is still slaved to what they experienced during their youth and formative years. And let's not forget that most of the top dogs in the world come from a BUSINESS background, which means they're not really all that creative, just very adept at preying on others and reaping the benefits.

So yes, richfags are Alphas, and assholes. Which is why we need guys like Ray, guys who are doing their best to show these idiotic, worthless pieces of human excrement that the money they have could actually be used to prolong their miserable lives. That they can leverage their vast quantities of wealth (which will be useless to them after they die) into technologies which will prolong their lives and allow them to continue hoarding and multiplying their ill-gotten gains.

Which is why my point still stands; we need a paradigm shift in the population, and if you can get the plebs to back your movement, then the rich faggots at the top will want to get in on the action as well. And influencing YOUNG plebs is easier than ever, what with all the social media and whatnot.

>> No.5872609


What could go wrong?

>> No.5872611

Forgot to add one thing:

Personally, I think this project will fail. It'll fizzle out as people run out of money and energy, but before that happens, it'll probably successfully fund a couple dozen smaller, related technologies. Technologies and processes which will prove useful in other endeavors. So even if 2045 fails to achieve anything useful, we'll still get some nifty new upgrades from the whole thing, distributed among other fields which were a part of the project.

Basically, it's win-win for the rest of us.

>> No.5872629

Ah yes, the Rapture for technophiles.

All of us are going to die, sooner rather than later, and nothing awaits you but oblivion; no heaven, no hell, no virtual worlds or robot bodies. Pray at the altar of science all you want, it won't save you from the inevitable.

>> No.5872634

It will fail for essential reasons that scientists are yet too stupid to comprehend.

>> No.5872637
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top kek

>> No.5872641

>implying it would matter whether or not you waste your time if you're immortal
I'd probably live my life in exactly the same way, but without the fact that I'm getting older nagging me at the back of my mind.

>> No.5872752

Hypocritical much? Science has been saving your ass for years now. Without it, you probably would've been born in some dim cave, cold, hungry, at constant risk of predators and besieged by microbial infections from the moment your malnourished mother squeezed you out into this unforgiving world of ours. Your early years would've been plagued with disease and hardship, and you probably would've died from something as trivial as an infected tooth or a broken bone.

If you're so anti-progress, turn off your PC, smash your smartphone, and go live in the woods. But you won't do that, will you? Creature comforts are nice! Well, for every one of them you enjoy today, there was someone in the past who stubbornly pressed on through uncertainty and doubt and through legions of detractors like yourself in order to realize their vision and bring their idea into being and make the world a better place for humanity.

So get off your high horse and put that edge away, before you cut yourself.

>> No.5872759

Please enlighten us. I'm sure you hold multiple PhDs in robotics, genetics, bio-engineering, neuroscience, and a host of other fields. Those dumb scientists don't know shit, right? Fuck those losers, they're totally dumber than some anonymous neckbeard on an image board.


>> No.5872775

No, I'm anti-religion-posing-as-progress.
This sad lust for immortality is the same thing that drove people in hordes to a religion that promised eternal life as long as you believe.

>> No.5872778

Do they know how to recreate the perception of colors and tastes and pain and pleasure? Do you think a robot that is programmed to behave as if it experiences these things is actually experiencing them?

You are the idiot.

>> No.5872818

Except religion offers absolutely 0 tangible proof. On the other hand, medical and technological breakthroughs are BASED on quantifiable, verifiable proof!

Your heart gives out. They make you a new one. They implant it. Congrats, instead of dying at 81 from a bad heart, you get to live. Bad kidney acting up 3 years later? No problem, put in a synthetic one! Boom, you're now 84 and still alive! Brain damage? Here, have some nanites! How is that not life extension? These technologies aren't available now, but they will be in a few decades. Three, if we're lucky. Five or six, if the guys researching them get too sidetracked by their MDMA/LSD orgies, and fuck up. And what's to say we won't have robotic shells or meta-human genetic vectors in 50 years from now?

My point is, every little tidbit of knowledge we gleam from scientific research helps us understand our biology a little better. Strung together, these things pave the way for groundbreaking discoveries. Biotech today is what consumer electronics were 50 years ago, ie, it's still in its infancy, and thus people find it difficult to accept just how much it'll change their lives in the coming decades. Graphene, nanotech, and genetic engineering are the stuff miracles are made of. It's not blind faith, friend.

If you're smart, you'll be on the lookout for startups, and invest. We'll be seeing the Microsofts, IMBs, and Apples of the bioengineering world very, very soon. Get in on the action while it's still cheap, and reap the benefits for decades to come. But to do that, you need to expand your horizons, and give up this whole luddite thing; it's not befitting of a man living in the 21st century.

>> No.5872822

What are you, 12? Either that, or you have the reading comprehension of a retarded pygmy. Nothing would get done if everyone sat on their asses and cried about every little obstacle. The problems you describe are called engineering challenges, you dolt. But you'd know this if you weren't mentally challenged, or had ever attended a technical university. Problems are common as fuck, science is about solving them and finding new ways to circumvent currently-unsolvable ones.

But please, go tell a team of 30+ people, all with years of research under their belt, how you think they'll fail. I'm sure they'd love to hear the opinion of some random retard who probably flunked high school.

>> No.5872825

Forgot to include this:


Get rekt, dumbass.

>> No.5872854


>In 30+ years a digital brain might cost the equivalent of what a PC costs these days.

And what leads you to that conclusion? I mean of course the development of technology has been rapid over the last few decades but you're talking about a SYNTHETIC BRAIN. Come on.

>> No.5872858

>death which is permanent, vs disease which is curable.
those diseases didn't start out curable you know.

>> No.5872959
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>> No.5872962

You don't become the copy. the copy is just made.

>> No.5872964


>> No.5873036

What's so fancy about a fucking hologram then?

>> No.5873043


Are you seriously cranking up the excuse machine to explain away your inability to accept reality?


You seriously believe that all billionaires today die without indulging in life extension investment because they're all "old and dumb"? Pray tell, what YOUNG billionaires exist that are fundamentally altering life extension, then?

Hint: There aren't any. So MY thesis is the correct one: Ultra-rich people are all the same; Alpha males and females for whom wealth extraction is an all-consuming game.

Form a corporation based on your life extension ideas and collect the needed wealth from people like yourself. Oops! You'd run into that second problem I mentioned: Poorer people are themselves consumed by a similar game of scraping up wealth, which is then squandered on stupid lifestyle crap.

End. Game.

>> No.5873045

those are too different things. Disease have a chance of taking a young person away so why not find cures? You guys are talking about getting rid of death due to aging and the body decaying over time due to extended use

>> No.5873050

Quantum leaps/singularity will never happen.

>> No.5873162

I used to like the prospect of us achieving immortality in my lifetime.
Then I visited /r9k/.
Just think of how many people complaining about >tfw no gf when they can live forever...

>> No.5873207

How can immortal life be possible if life doesn't exist.

>> No.5873231

indeed. Life is too miserable for the average person for this to even be a positive thing. Even if it's not too bad people get sick of it eventually...though admittedly /rk9/ fags are a bit worse than the average

>> No.5873279

Sollipsism via virtual realities is what, 30 to 50 years away ?
Who cares about your status in the real world when you can be the god of your own.

>> No.5873286

Could always kill yourself, there is no acceptable argument against life extention, none.

>> No.5873339






In order of relevance, people are making the push to explore the brain, computing is catching up with the brain, we can connect it, it will at this rate be feasible, and the cost will be relatively low with new materials matching if not surpassing manufactured capacities. Yes the future is uncertain, but it also very very plausible.

>> No.5873353

this thread pleases me

Question: What would it be like to have a duplicate of your mind created virtually? Quantumly speaking, wouldn't that mean the mind technically experiences both the real world and computer world?

>> No.5873359

why not just let it happen naturally? why so violent? and we're saying it's pointless in the long run for that reason.

>> No.5873370

Telomere shortening or junk accumulating in cells are somehow different than all the other shit that can fuck us why exactly ?
Because polio is definitively natural, so we should let it happen.

Maybe the criteria is that it have to be the body malfunctioning, not an external threat ?
Then what about autoimmune diseases, what about cancer, what about UR MUM HUMPING MY DICK

>> No.5873373

Also, everything is pointless in the long enough run, again, not an argument.

>> No.5873376

It would rapidly fall out of synch if it was sitting in a simulation.

>> No.5873383

What in the fuck does Graphene have to do with exploring the brain?

>> No.5873388

It's the miracle material. I'm surprised they haven't found a way to cure AIDS and cancer with it yet.

>> No.5873614

Humans will never achieve immortality, NEVER. You will die, I will die and your entire family will die. Deal with it jew.

>> No.5873617

>we arnt the creatures that can escape demise
>you arnt just bloody dirt
what are you 4?

>> No.5873624

Oh, okay. So as long as the person is reasonably old, they should just die and deal with it if they get such a disease?

>> No.5873685

Oh god, your posts are fucking hilarious. You're the Violent Simian + Peak Oil guy, aren't you? I get a kick out of reading your doomsday masturbatory fantasies. You show up in every futuretech thread and spout your bullshit in all directions.

Listen here, buddy. People are violent assholes, but that doesn't stop us from progressing. It's not an optimal progression, and there's way more hiccups along the way than we'd like, but we still get there. You can cry about peak oil and violent monkeys all day long, but that won't change shit. Humanity. Will. Move. Forward.

I'd paste a few links about emerging alternate energies, and some statistics about falling crime rates worldwide and abundant food for the majority of the planet, but I can't be arsed. And I think it's way more fun to just laugh at you and your puerile Mad Max prophecies.

>> No.5873689

Death is basically the biggest problem facing humanity right now. I don't understand why a lot more resources are not being invested into this.

>> No.5873690

>One would think reaching immortality would be somewhat more important/interesting than the next version of iphone or whatever.

>> No.5873694

Sour grapes much?

Technically, you're correct, since nothing can survive the heat death of the universe. But yeah, go ahead and 'reject' gene therapy and lab-grown organs if you believe humans shouldn't live past 100 (not like you'll be able to afford any of that, lol) Meanwhile, the rest of us will be cruising along, enhancing ourselves every step of the way. I tell you, it's an awesome time to be rich! Shit sucks for poorfags like you, though. I guess spouting luddite bullshit is a coping mechanism for you people? It's not like you have anything to live for anyway, so might as well hate on this with prospects, right?

Oh well, tough luck, friendo. Should've picked better parents!

>> No.5873702

Despite Violent Simian/Peak Oil/YOU'RE ALL RETARDS guy being a complete fucktard, you're coming of as an equally awful douchebag. Stop talking.

>> No.5873714

Where the fuck do you think you are, son? High school? Fuck the fuck off, close the thread if it upsets you.

God damn summerfags... Fall can't come soon enough.

>> No.5873806

Don't you SEE? This time it's DIFFERENT!

>> No.5873861

Thats not how you would do it.
You would "over lay" artificial neurons over your normal ones and let them get accustomed to the signals they are trying to emulate. Then you slowly remove the organic neurons without breaking the connections. Presto you have a brain composed of artificial neurons which are more flexible and adaptable. Also more can be packed into a smaller spaces which also makes them closer together so signals take less time to travel.

>> No.5873941

gr8 b8 m8,
1st I will try to live as long as I can
2nd I don't reject biotech
stay mad, mortal!

>> No.5873958

I find Immortality Practical.

If you have 50 years of experience, would you or companies find it valuable to loose it,do the aging process?

Companies and hospitals pay folks to go college and medical schools..

>> No.5873961

due to the aging process*

>> No.5874073

All the tech in the world won't save you when a bunch of angry and desperate poorfags lynch you in the street (or unplug your magic live-forever computer)

>> No.5874093


I knew these projects. I just thought 30 years might be a bit too optimistic. But nevermind

>> No.5874108

What about the Manhattan Beach Project, to reverse aging?

I would never want to die, unlike most people who are lazy, and have lost their awe to the universe and nature, I would live as long as possible to see how humanity advances, if we'll ever get off this rock, think of the FUCKING GLORY we will achieve if humanity can embrace science,reason,tolerance and compassion.None of us know of the magic humans will create in hundreds, thousands of years and if we can last for thousands and get off this rock we can preserve our species for who knows how long man.Fuck dying.Why would anybody want to die? Infinite non-existence is absolutely terrifying, but us atheists live with the possibility.

>> No.5874110

>Infinite non-existence is absolutely terrifying
That's the sort of thing I'd expect a teenager to say

And don't say "us atheists", we're not all cowards like yourself

>> No.5874118

Ok maybe not all but if your not your a dumbfuck, atheism is the only logical approach to believing in god, you got evidence to say otherwise? you dont. If your not scared of non-existence then your life fucking blows and your a kissless fat fuck.

>> No.5874121

>That's the sort of thing I'd expect a teenager to say

>> No.5874122

But the opposite is just as likely for a teen to say.

>> No.5874132

Actually im twenty and not a teenager 1/5/93 get raped. I would expect a ignorant teenager to insult someone's opinion with emotional remarks like coward and "teenager" why wouldn't you just say nothing if its doesn't contribute to the conversation or isn't logical constructive criticism. Only one type of person would do that, someone with serious character flaws. You fuck yourself by insulting in the first place with emotional garbage

>> No.5874142
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Here's my constructive criticism: come to terms with your own mortality before you wind up a sad old bastard like Ray Kurzweil, praying for a technological miracle to save him before his aging body gives out. Enjoy your life. Don't waste it in preparation for a salvation that will never come.

>> No.5874145

I don't necessarily disagree, but your use of the word "waste" is dubious at best.
Preparing for immortality generally mean staying in shape, controlling one's nutrition to stay healthy, hoarding ressources...

>> No.5874148

>Preparing for immortality generally mean staying in shape, controlling one's nutrition to stay healthy, hoarding ressources...
There's a vital difference between "I eat healthy because being healthy makes my life more enjoyable" and "I take 150 supplement pills a day because I'm desperate to stay alive long enough for RoboJesus to usher in the 1000 year iKingdom"

>> No.5874156

>implying I won't infuse my DNA with synthetic gene vectors
>implying I won't enhance my cognitive and sensory capabilities with cortical implants
>implying I won't download every advanced combat protocol known to man
>implying my synthetic body won't be equipped with innumerable weapons, both solid and otherwise
>implying the swarms of nanites orbiting my physical shell would allow anything as unpure as defective humans to approach me
>implying the feeble attacks caused by pathetically weak and flailing limbs of unenhanced meatbags would cause me anything more than mild amusement
>implying I won't become a nigh-indestructible Ubermensch on the very cusp of godhood

Come, plebs... Come and meet your master.

>> No.5874162

No, there really isn't.
Intent is irrelevant, the end results are all that matter.

>> No.5874167

You can be healthy and enjoy life.

I doubt you'll have much fun if you're so scared of dying before immortality is available that all you do is stay at home and eat nutrient paste and pop pills.

>> No.5874171

There goes your whole credibility.

>> No.5874179
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>> No.5874389

> You're the Violent Simian + Peak Oil guy, aren't you?


> Listen here, buddy.

The MSM feeds your sort of Cornucopian crapola 24/7/365.2422, so NO, you've already been heard. It's time for you Violent Simians to stop screeching and throwing poo, and listen to a real Human. That's ME.

> People are violent assholes, but that doesn't stop us from progressing.

Of course it's stopped you from progressing. How're your supersonic airliners doing? Your space shuttles? Airliners just get slower and slower to keep eking out efficiency gains, largely to the airline bottom lines. Your civilization has reach Peak Energy. The downhill slide is here. Kunstler's Long Emergency has truly begun. And by no mean coincidence, you reached Peak Capital Formation. Your "progression" merely created the largest financial crash in all of Human history.

> It's not an optimal progression, and there's way more hiccups along the way than we'd like, but we still get there.

Get where? Off the Earth? That's clearly not happening. Your government space agencies with massive funding and expertise and social impetus, can't keep anything even in ORBIT, much less colonize space. The ISS is scheduled to de-orbit, retard. 2020 AD. Even if that's pushed back, there's still EVERY intent of letting $120 billion in space station just get DESTROYED. You destroy or throw away everything you send into space. That's not how to build infrastructure.

>> No.5874395

> You can cry about peak oil and violent monkeys all day long, but that won't change shit.

I don't expect to change anything. We're going to fall back to the late 1800s. All I'm doing is getting in a few good insults to you Cornucopians. I'm enjoying your bitter tears of helpless rage.

> I'd paste a few links about emerging alternate energies [blah blah blah]

There's no such thing as "alternative energies". Petroleum was Humanity's MAXIMUM FUEL. Nothing beats it. Nothing can. And as gasoline and diesel rise in price and lock you out, you'll have to face that regardless. My only regret is that the fall of the Internet won't let me say "I TOLD YOU SO" when the time comes.

Better start learning how to handle a horse.

>> No.5874423

> I don't understand why a lot more resources are not being invested into this.

Dude, I already told you: Because Capitalists are Violent Simians. Alppha males. Total dickheads. They only want to keep playing the game of collecting money as some perverse means of "keeping score". They end up dying with a lot more than other people have, and for some weird reason, that suits them.

This sort of mental illness is actually quite pervasive. Take a poor person, sprinkle education and job on him, and he ends up spending everything he gets, borrowing hugely, and so on. He just plays the "keeping score" game with money and cars and houses and crap bought with credit cards.

Even the Miltons and Trevors of the world, fingers stained with Cheetos as they masturbate in their momma's basement, can't do the right thing either. They don't collectivize except to play World of Warcraft and complain like little bitches on 4chan. And when they DO try to contribute, by donating money, the money is just wasted, since invariably the donations go to some non-profit organization, and as any knowledgeable person knows, NPOs are just scams. Why not file a few forms and Milt and Trev morons give you money so you can have a fat paycheck and big expense account? Milts and Trevs need to have leadership skills and organizational ability... but then, they wouldn't be lonely masturbators if that was the case, right?

Every time money flows, some Violent Simian (like an Alpha male) gets into the bottleneck of the flow and siphons it off. This wrecks everything. Humanity can't advance. It's biologically impossible to do so.

>> No.5874426

More energy hits the earth every day than we would need for an entire year.

Electric motors and batteries are getting better each year.
Nuclear generators/batteries/solar panels can be used for ships/aero planes.
There is an abundance of energy. You think petrol is the peak of our potential?

The sun wont run out for billions of years. We cant burn it any faster than it burns. It wont run out for 4 billion years.

>> No.5874446
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>living under a rock

>> No.5874452

> You think petrol is the peak of our potential?

Yes, because petroleum delivers THREE FACTORS all at once that no other power source beats. Only natural gas comes close (and it's ALSO a fossil fuel):

1. Dirt Cheap
2. Energy Dense
3. Extremely Practical

Nuclear power is extremely more energy dense, but it's nowhere near as cheap, and it's extremely impractical.

You retards keep confusing something that's physcially possible, with something that's economically possible, even culturally possible.

Solar power can't EVER deliver the economic punch that petroleum did. Why is this so hard for you to understand? And without petroleum's massive, cheap, dense and practical input, all this capital formation and singularity stuff will fall by the wayside.

>> No.5874455


Humans have been able to make fusion reactions since the 1930s, and consistently since the 1950s. SINCE THEN, it's been the same old problem: Nothing material or force-wise can resist the reaction, hence it can't be commercial contained, hence for 60+ years, we just haven't had fusion commerical power, and it's not for a lack of funding or trying.

Fusion power is impossible to harness. Suns use it. Period. All your stupid engineering diagrams still aren't creating a commerical power reactor. Ever notice that? NO FUSION REACTORS EXIST. This "just around the corner" crap is just that: CRAP.

At this juncture, we have to invoke the Sagan Scolding: Your fusion claims are an extraordinary claim. They require extraordinary evidence; in other words, A WORKING REACTOR. Get back to us when you have that, plebe.

>> No.5874460
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Would ya look at that I can almost say the same for magnetized target fusion:

- Dirt cheap
- extremely energy dense
- practical for commercial generation

>> No.5874461
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>no fusion reactors exist
Fuck you. Trolling faggot.

>> No.5874464

It is, just not in a way you think. You still need food to live and we have problems with getting most of humanity to reach anywhere near maximum biological potential simply because there is not enough food. It's more important to feed exponentially growing population than to eliminate death. If we magically stopped dying right now, population would increase by a billion in 10-15 years. You'd be fucked.

>> No.5874475

I agree with him; reactors exist but none are even close to being economically viable. Read better; fusion itself isn't a problem, problem is that energy in>energy out.

>> No.5874478

>disease which is curable
Retard. Those disease didn't seem curable in the middle age and before.

>> No.5874482

I think you under estimate solar power.
It would only take a small percentage of earths surface to completely replace fossil fuels on normal energy grids. Its low maintenance and beneficial in reducing the amount of energy that escapes into the atmosphere causing climate change.
You underestimate the technological prowess of humankind.
And thats not even counting space based solar plants. Many times more effective due to no atmosphere absorbing incoming energy. Energy that can be beamed down through microwaves or lasers to anywhere on the planet.

The only barrier at the moment is cost per panel which is dropping faster than the price of fuel is rising.
Graphene has displayed enormous potential for photovoltaic panels. But for the moment we use mainly reflectors which are only as effective as the mirrors are which are very hard to make perfectly.

The problem with fusion is not containment, its producing an excess. There are already possibilities for water to fuse into heavier elements like tritium, the names of the inventor escapes me but it has been backed up by several different labs after suffering strong criticism by those who hadn't even conducted the experiment.


Here's an interesting documentary on the subject.

>> No.5874500

>problem is that energy in>energy out
Yes, and if energy in < energy out, then the reactor is indeed unable to withstand the process. So what he said is correct, for the actually useful reactors.

>> No.5874504

No, what I was saying was that reactors that we have are worth shit because it takes more power to run them than they produce. It's a nice proof of concept but it's worth jack shit for commercial purposes, which is the goal here.

>> No.5874510

MTF has Q > 1 because its threshold is so low. The energy you have to put in is less than that of tokamak reactors or laser confinement.

>> No.5874520

It still has the same issues as ICF which is why we are having this argument instead of fapping to porn on our fusion-electricity powered computer.

>> No.5874537

What do you mean? Spheromaks are easier to contain and most of the neutron flux is absorbed by the lead/lithium

>> No.5874550

AFAIK they are having issues with keeping constant fuel density long enough for the fuel to fully burn. It burns and poof, reaction stops with most fuel still unburnt. Google it, I don't want to be talking out of my ass because I'm not that well informed, but evidently they have some engineering issues as they haven't gone mass production.

>> No.5874561

Might just be a matter of precision if it is even a thing in MTF reactors.

>> No.5874719



>> No.5875078
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>Better start learning how to handle a horse.
If you want to get on a high horse, that's your perogative. Just let me know when you've hit Peak Wood.

>> No.5875107

This is what preppers actually believe

>> No.5875116

This topic collides with the idea of a soul, and you shall not draw any hard conclusions at all.

Though it is interesting, really.

>> No.5875269
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>> No.5875307

Being this deluded.

We were supposed to run out of oil in the 1970s. Then the 90s. Then the turn of the millenium. Now they've pushed it back to 2020, despite the fact that the US has fucktons of it stored, has even more underneath it, there's a godly amount in Canada and Russian... and there's a good chance the Russians were right and the abiotic oil theory could be correct.

Friend, all you have is conjecture, and while you're sitting in your room fapping to doom porn, scientists the world over are perfecting solar panels and wind turbines and graphene and a ton of other shit that wasn't even remotely as viable 10 years ago as it is today. We'll have plenty of energy from renewable sources, and that's saying nothing of the colossal oil reserves we haven't even begun tapping into.

But yeah, keep spamming /sci/ with your doomsday tinfoilery if it helps pass the time while you wait for our friends from Proxima Centauri to land in England's crop circles.


>> No.5875314

>peak wood

my sides

>> No.5875360

I have my doubts about abiotic oil, but if push turns to shove steam power is a proven technology and there's plenty of other things we can burn.

>> No.5875363
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