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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5871808 No.5871808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about people with Average I.Q's? Do you feel like they can't understand you?

>> No.5871817
File: 368 KB, 1392x2520, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you feel like they can't understand you?

Yes. Whenever I talk to someone with an IQ lower than 130, it feels like trying to communicate with an animal. Those people are simply lacking the intellect to understand what I'm saying. They are too far away from comprehending the extent, speed, depth and precision of my cognitive processes.

>> No.5871820

I don't judge people solely on their intelligence because even low intellect people can be talented and people with high IQ can squander it by acting all misunderstood and edgy.

>> No.5871821

Would you ever date somebody with average I.Q?

>> No.5871823


how do you feel when someone with a "low IQ" talks about how you have no life, how you can't get a GF, how you can't tell the difference between cabbage and lettuce?

just because you like to spout off scientific words to make yourself look smart, doesn't give you any right to look down on people that don't understand it.

>> No.5871824


>> No.5871828 [DELETED] 

I'm nowhere near as intelligence as people in this board. I'm actually average I.Q.I became interested in smart people and wanted their opinion on average I.Q. I see their true colors have been shown!

>> No.5871829

I'm nowhere near as intelligence as people in this board, my I.Q is average. I became interested in smart people and wanted their opinion. I see their true colors have been shown!

>> No.5871830

IQ is not a measure of intelligence

Mods take care of these troll threads, this is filth in a scientific board. we dont belive in pseudo science

>> No.5871831

Hah you are a woman.

>> No.5871832

IQ is the scientific definition of intelligence. Your bitter tears over having scored low do not change scientifically accepted definitions.

>> No.5871833

Oh yes, Average people can actually understand smart people if they took the time to explain the terms. Many people don't want a lecture in physics 101 though

>> No.5871836
File: 14 KB, 438x423, batman-begins-scarecrow-screencaps-dr-jonathan-crane-scarecrow-13222142-1022-425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Self-reported mate preferences do not translate to actual mate choices. Chances are you will still opt for the well-built ooga-booga meathead when it comes to choosing a partner.


>> No.5871837

I'm doing it right now OP. Conceit and elitism are usually symptoms of idiocy. I expect clever people to be open minded and inquiring about the world they are surrounded by. I would recommend you to read about Socrates.

>> No.5871838

I'm sorry but I don't see people's IQs when I'm talking to them.

However I noticed that most people think much slower than I do.
When I skip steps really fast in my mind and come to a conclusion, people often need me to detail those steps very thouroughly.
Until now, I have met 1 really smart girl that always understands the way I think and how I come to a conclusion or how I jump from one idea to the other.

>> No.5871839

Well, they can't understand me when I talk jn random image pattern, since they are not good at recognizing pattern in images. Any other subject, I'm pretty sure they can understand me as I have good social skill to talk about things that people like instead of showing them I know hard and obscure words.

>> No.5871840

no matter how smart people are they still crave to be fucked

>> No.5871845

>I'm sorry but I don't see people's IQs when I'm talking to them.

You don't ask them before engaging in a conversation?

>> No.5871847


god this is making me sick.

do you think Einstein thought like this .? do you think newton was that arrogant ?

what kind of scientific accomplishment have you ever done. why cant you be more humble. you fucking disgusting piece of shit

on a general note. communication is important and no human are smart alone. you need more humans in cooperation to get things done. so if you cant explain a concept to other people. that doesn't mean they are dumber than you, but it means that you have poor communication skills

>> No.5871855


I don't know whether people are stupid..

But I see a lot of people that are apparently genuinely disinterested in things

maybe I'm the odd one out? i think everything is interested and could be talked / and learned more about.

>> No.5871858

Where did you see arrogance?
Since when am I supposed to bring scientific advancement to speak my mind?

I don't see the point of being humble in front of an anonymous audience.
Also I'm on my way to building weapons and a new type of saving and retransmission media for a new kind of information.

>communication is important and no human are smart alone. you need more humans in cooperation to get things done. so if you cant explain a concept to other people. that doesn't mean they are dumber than you, but it means that you have poor communication skills

on the other hand, you have very poor reading and understanding abilities.

I said I know I have to break it down for people, and I know how to do it. Usually people ask me for explainations and I am successful with my teaching skills.

>> No.5871863
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Trying too hard to be smug and edgy. Do some (more) research on intelligence. That will most likely change your attitude.

>> No.5871866

I'm not trying, this is me, and I'm pretty happy like that.

You should try it too.

>> No.5871868


>> No.5871871
File: 97 KB, 1022x420, Batman-Begins-Scarecrow-Screencaps-dr-jonathan-crane-scarecrow-13222099-1022-420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd rather maintain a stable social environment. For obvious utilitarian reasons. Narcissistic traits are not really compatible with that.
But to each his own.

>> No.5871873

>Narcissistic traits are not really compatible with that.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about? People with narcissistic personality disorder are usually known for having better social skills than others, hence why they manage to be permanently in other people's focus of attention and manage to manipulate them.

>> No.5871875

well I hide them in public... I mean I compliment myself from time to time but that's it.

I usually succeed better than most of the others with studies, women and work, and have few but real and very strong friendships so I think I'm fine.
Thanks for your concern though!

>> No.5871890
File: 59 KB, 495x599, wfawfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably look yourself in the mirror 24/7 and tell yourself how good you are. You might as well turn gay and have sex with yourself

>> No.5871893

no I don't.
But I'm happier and more confident by thinking I'm good than the opposite. There's no harm in that.

>> No.5871894


Shakira has an I.Q of 150, and she can communicate fine. You're just an autist.

>> No.5871905

>communicating with plebs
>not bending them to your will

yea youre just an assburger op, sorry

>> No.5871906

very much this, i find i need to detail things far more than i would prefer. havent found anyone (that I would know enough to have constant converstations with) that i can go my actual mental pace with and not have to put extra steps in, youre lucky with that girl. I find it particularly with humour, i can see where the joke is going and want to begin laughing before others, have to wait till the punchline. It feels amazing talking to a really intelligent person, like your mind is freer and you can just say what you want, they get it, and see how you got there. Only had this a couple times on random journeys sat next to interesting people...you never know who youre sitting next to.

>> No.5871907


If people cannot understand you, its a sign that you yourself are poor at communicating. Someone with above average intelligence should be able to recognize a variance and alter their speech and methodology accordingly.

Doesnt mean you have to find them stimulating though.

>> No.5871909

Newton was very, very arrogant

>> No.5871915

You do realize that intelligent people are able to body build too, right?

As a matter of fact, one could conclude that an intelligent person would choose to have an improved physique as they would recognize the significant life advantages received.

There is no disadvantage to being fit and muscular. You only stand to gain.

>IQ in 99th percentile
>Could kill 4 "nerds" with a single blow

>> No.5871917


he wasn't arrogant for being smart, he was just borderline crazy

>> No.5871918


no he wasn't
ive heard he was a homosexual tho

>> No.5871921

I think you're confusing intelligence with conditioning. The reason you're able to skip steps in your own mind is because you're in your own mind, retard.

Every decision and calculation your brain makes is based off previous life experiences. While humans may contain a similar end set of knowledge, the pathways each individual brain took to learn each fact are innumerably variant. Thus you can have two people with the same knowledge set coming up with completely different processes for achieving the same goal or task.

You need to explain things to people who are outside your head because they arent referencing the same procedural library.

This doesnt mean you cant find people of similar training as you, people often do and it results in things like friendship.

To assume the problem is everybody else though is amazingly arrogant... an unfortunate side effect of intelligence.

>> No.5871938


no, smart people know that people that think they're smart blame other people.

people with real intelligence won't blame other people because that means they're not smart enough to be in control of the situation, when in reality you can control almost every situation if you're smart enough

>> No.5871939

Pronounced: I'm shitty at explaining things."
Ironically enough, the gentleman in your posted picture had something to say on the issue.

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

>> No.5871941

implying muscular physique is optimal physique

implying sweating like a manual laborer under a tool is more conducive to intelligence than assimilating knowledge through various non-static media.

>> No.5871945


That was the sound of everything I said going directly over your head :/

>> No.5871950

.... are.... are you on drugs?

>> No.5871952
File: 127 KB, 498x270, 93288992093844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

177 IQ, i don't like talking about it in depth because of the last two times i have the thread got very aggressive and off track.

This picture would be an accurate summation of my emotions on any given day.

>How do you feel about people with Average I.Q's?
Nothing wrong with them. They comprise the majority of the people i've spoken to in my life, online and off. What i have trouble dealing with as it were is relating to them. I come from a bad family, both parents were abusive and addicts and i wasn't shown much love as a child on top of physical assaults constantly. Every report card was made out to be the most important of my life, by the end of highschool i simply gave up.

In university currently studying psychology. And the people around me make me feel a mixture of self consciousness and pity.

#end blog

>> No.5871953

All i notice is an acute narcissism in people noticeably smarter than me and stubbornness in people noticeably dumber.

>> No.5871970

Interesting. I feel like I know plenty about software design principles, but i cannot for the life of me describe Singleton. What would be the best way to describe something to someone, analogies?

>> No.5871974


if you have such a huge IQ then why dont you study a real field. like quantum physics or theoretical computer science. or maybe even neurology (which actually try to understand the brain)

>> No.5871980

>if you have such a huge IQ then why dont you study a real field.
Not sure if trolling.

>> No.5871982


because none of those jobs requires a high intelligence to preform

>> No.5872005

I wish we could wordfilter IQ to cocks.

>> No.5872006


but why dont you study those courses and make a difference in this world

no real scientific progress is made with psychology, if you have such a huge mind then put it to use at least study neurology instead of psychology , but ofcoruse you wont do that because you are not actually smart

>> No.5872011

Hey friend, your situation isn't unfamiliar to more people than you think.

I'd just like to say that I'm sorry you feel like such shit. Might I ask why you're studying psychology right now? It's a neat field, but I have to wonder, are you taking it to find something out about yourself?

>> No.5872015

IQ doesn't exist, you have all been duped by the pseudoscience of psychology, nice going

>> No.5872021

You're just jealous because you have a low I.Q. Jeez guys, try harder at disproving that I.Q doesn't exist.

>> No.5872022


That DK flash thing said mine is 106.

>> No.5872031

People ask me this constantly and the answer is because i like it. I could have studied English, i like that just as much, but ultimately psychology involves maths and it involves critical application of logic in a practical setting and so i find it engaging.

>It's a neat field, but I have to wonder, are you taking it to find something out about yourself?
I'm hoping to maybe find some clarity regarding my life and the things i've had to go through.

>> No.5872032

>no real scientific progress is made with psychology.
I'll ask again, are you trolling or are you being serious here. I don't want to respond to you because you're probably quite dim. But i am well aware some people genuinely are as delusional as you.

Would you mind clarifying? Why do you consider the study of the human mind and its processes to be without warrant?

>> No.5872038

I am average IQ, at least i believe that. Sometimes when i talk to people and accidentaly use jargong or uncommon words, they call me smart. Do they not realise that words are simple pointers to concepts or ideas? Everyone has the capacity to rise above the ground.

>> No.5872127


we can use that argument back at you.

the only thing in the world that you are good at happens to be to solve useless IQ tests. and then you suddenly are absolutely sure that that test is the real intelligence test

did you even take a certified Mensa test. or did you get that score from some online bullshit

>> No.5872132


you study the human mind with neurology and other hard subject based on physics, math, biology and chemistry,

psychology is a humanism field that is just based on statistics. they don't really find out why the brain is how it is. they just find out what is typical for people

go be a brain surgeon and find out real knowledge. you know what i mean. its widely recognize that psychology is an easier field that some other hard science.

>> No.5872134

Mike is a 20 year old man with autism. Mike has an IQ of 150. He is a very smart man. He cleans chimney for a living. Mike said he didn't need university because he is already smart. Mike cannot tolerate the people surrounding him, namely the people with university degrees. He thinks that they are compensating for their lack of intelligence. So Mike cleans chimneys away from those degree wielding plebeians.
He cleans them good.

>> No.5872178

I don't feel like intelligence is something inherent to everyone. It can definitely change.

So really, when I meet someone dumb, I like to convince myself that I'm meeting them at the dumbest point in their life.

>> No.5872185

And painting is intellectually easier than conducting physics experiments but that's not why either does either.

>> No.5872186

> no he wasn't

Yes he was

>> No.5872190

It's not just this though.

There are other factors.
This might not be communications but here is an example. Often if someone is telling a joke, I find that I'll laugh before the punchline comes because I see where it is going and everyone else is just smiling. Then the punchline comes and everyone starts laughing except me.

Communicating with another person of your intelligence is like that. You can definitely skip steps and they know exactly what you mean.
You can even communicate thoughts to them that you find almost impossible to put into words and even though you struggle they are just like "I know what you mean"
while an average intelligence person will just stare at you blankly or give you weird looks.

>> No.5872193
File: 58 KB, 450x449, your stupidity makes me cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I so much smarter than everyone else?

>> No.5872196

You're not. Sorry, this discussion is for intelligent people only.
Plz leave.

>> No.5872201

My IQ is 145. Like any other with great IQ here, I'm spending my time on 4chan, a place with people of average IQ because I'm a failure in real life and need to show off my IQ to useless people on an anonymous board. Oh yeah, I have a IQ vision, so I know who got a better/worse IQ than me, so I can engage a conversation with people with the same IQ as I. The reason being the same is because, since I look down on people with less IQ than I, those with better than I do the same, and I hate to be looked down.

>> No.5872206


painting art ?. that is hard as hell.

if you are good at painting then i respect you more for that than some silly IQ score

>> No.5872208

I'm going to stop responding to you now. Hopefully i won't take a fancy to understanding how people like you think because i'd prefer in my books to write it off as 'they're just daft'

>> No.5872211

They mostly can't understand me if I just have a completely natural conversation with them, or for the things they do understand they mostly don't care unless they are extremely basic thoughts.

But since I'm not an idiot I don't try to talk to regular people the way I talk to the much smarter than average people who are my friends, I try to communicate on a level they will understand which usually works much better for both of us.

>> No.5872224


okay, write a post in your "smart speech"

>> No.5872231

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

>> No.5872233


you are probably 18 year old at most. pls just grow up.

>> No.5872236

In Gematria, the most holy name of God, referred to as the Tetragrammaton, embodies some very interesting Golden Ratio relationships.

Gematria is a system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase. It is likely that the term derives from the order of the Greek alphabet, gamma being the third letter of the Greek alphabet (gamma + tria) or from Greek geōmetriā, “geometry.” Although apparently derived from Greek, it is largely used in Jewish texts, most notably in those associated with the Kabbalah, a set of teachings meant to explain the relationship between an eternal and mysterious Creator and the mortal and finite universe (His creation).

The Tetragrammaton, meaning “[a word] having four letters”, refers to the name of the God of Israel as YHWH (Hebrew: י-ה-ו-ה) that appears 6,828 times the Hebrew Bible, the first of which is in Genesis 2:4, which says, “4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created.
When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens–.” The letters, properly read from right to left, are:

Hebrew Letter name Phonetic Sound
י Yud “Y”
ה Hey “H”
ו Vov “V”
ה Hey “H”
These four letters are usually transliterated from Hebrew as IHVH in Latin, JHWH in German, French and Dutch, and JHVH/YHWH in English. This has been variously rendered as “Yahweh” or as “Jehovah”, based on the Latin form of the term, while the Hebrew text does not clearly indicate the omitted vowels. In English translations, it is often rendered as “the Lord”, following Jewish tradition which reads the word as “Adonai” (“Lord”) out of respect for the name of God and the interpretation of the commandment not to take the name of God in vain.

>> No.5872242


> How do you feel about people who are not autistic? Do you feel like they can't understand you?


>> No.5872263

People think that building a calculator with logic gates is impressive, or finding a new very short string of primes. I do these things and know they are simple.
The music I listen to other people call confusing and disorienting, and their analysis always betrays that they need to split the sound up into different components or simplify it. I naturally hear all elements simultaneously.
I somehow think that everyone's going to understand me or art I like, but in a completely non pretentious way I can say they don't. People look lost and ashamed when I say what I do with my time, and it makes me feel horrible. I know I'm very stupid, and I can't imagine what it's like to be in a brain that can't do the simple things I do.

>> No.5872286
File: 51 KB, 338x288, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you measure intelligence just by looking at an IQ number, you're not really smart.

And if you can't interact with people, that's not something to be proud of, and it doesn't necessarily mean that you're smart either.

>hurr durr you have low IQ
No I don't, but I recognize all the criticisms that IQ tests have.

protip: your ability of socializing with people can be seen as a part of your overall intelligence depending on who you ask.

>> No.5872296

I'm not trying to be pedantic here, but mind != brain. Neurology is only a part of it (an increasingly more important part, admittedly), and saying that neurology is the key to understanding the human mind is like saying boolean logic is the key to understanding computer programming.

also, scientifically 'harder' fields are not necessarily more difficult to study. It's just that truly good pieces of work in other fields are harder to find.

>> No.5872307


How can anyone call themselves intelligent if they are unable to master something as instinctual to humans as communication? We're social animals for fucks sakes.

>> No.5872310

Sure, ability to interact with people shouldn't be ignored, but some people can't describe how to get to the nearest highway. We're talking about being unable to describe much more complicated ideas. There's clearly a gap. What I think it boils down to is how much the average person wastes their time, content with how much they've learned because of how little they know or having already decided they can't do it.
You're right though, IQ tests are very good at deciding how good you are at IQ tests and little else.

>> No.5872322

I have no idea if i'm smart or not.

The Dunning–Kruger effect makes it to hard for me to actually access how smart I am.

>> No.5872326

>Not being part of the autist master race

>> No.5872340

>He cleans them good.
I laughed so hard. There's something incredibly humorous about the image of an angry, chimney-cleaning autist frothing at the mouth as he's taunted by legions of degree-wielding plebeians. And that greentexted line is purey comedy gold.

Thanks for the paste, Anon, it made my day.

Capped and saved!

>> No.5872350

thats why you use quantitative measures like IQ and test scores.

>> No.5872369


I can strongly relate to this. Intelligence generates the ability to consolidate tidbits of information that people are constantly expelling so you can 'know' something before someone is halfway done talking. I agree I find it annoying to have to spell things out so meticulously but that isn't to say you can't learn how to anticipate somebody's actions in order to concisely and fluently express your own ideas or subdue theirs before they spew it out. You should take more control of your domain in a positive and congenial manner because that's what creates charisma.

>> No.5872376


Yeah, because we totally don't need to share information rapidly and efficiently to grow as a species.

We would get nowhere.

>> No.5872385

Can't trust that shit.

My IQ is all over the map ever time I get it tested and my recent test scores are invalid because i've been suffering from chronic pain for around a year.

And before that I didn't try at all so of course my scores were shit.

but officially my IQ is 139.

>> No.5872387


Well social ability denotes interpersonal intelligence as outlined by the Theory of Multiple Intelligences: of which /sci/ should pay more attention to for our egos.

>> No.5872397


If you know you're more intellectually gifted than somebody then it's your job to understand them so you can help them understand you, not the other way around.

>> No.5872445

I always feel really sad when I try to explain something to normal people. And that's what every conversation ends up as, since they can pretty much never actually keep up with me so there is no hope for an equal exchange.

I feel a combination of frustration, pity and self-loathing. Mostly the last one though,because I always end up thinking about how horrible of a person I am and how little I have done with my intelligence and how much more other people deserve it than me.

>> No.5872451

I understand firstly that I'm not more gifted, only dedicated. I understand that I can't translate hundreds of hours of learning into a short explanation, only say the applications, which to others comes off as a challenge to them and they decide I'm autistic or pretentious.
My art tastes are similar, I can't share it until people put time into discovering and expanding their appreciation of new elements, and I can't say what I've discovered without appearing to drop names for prestige.
The gist of what I'm trying to say is that the illusion that everyone else is inferior comes from the mistaken belief our brains inflict on us that we were always as apt as we are. Deciding you are now inherently better than you once were is dooming yourself to become as those you consider under you, who have come to the same conclusion through that ego or maybe lack of self esteem that they've learned all they can.
I believe in the divinity of natural talent but there has never been a person so smart that they can't share their ideas.

>> No.5872469

I would consider myself an overachiever in my field, compared to my peers of the same year.

Still, like >>5871939 indicated, if you take the time to explain things properly, there is no reason not to have people understand you.

Granted, when I try to explain what I do to people in the same year or lower years than me, I have to resort to vague hand-waving and pretty pictures, but that is just because these things take time to digest, and you cannot expect people to "get" during a casual conversation what you yourself spent hours pondering beforehand.

>> No.5872493

*not inherently better than you once were

>> No.5872753

>taking a topic from a near "astrology tier" field seriously

If I can't get people to understand me both below and above my assumed intelligence level then the issue is with me and not them.

>> No.5872830

Studying makes you smart and a lower IQ generally means you'd have to study more to achieve the same effect.
It requires you to open a book on your own volition that is of a higher knowledge level than your peers. That "dumbass" sitting next to you could study more than you (see any local slacker genius for example) and be more verse in a subject than you.
>Implying the majority of people won't share the same exact pool of information
Most people don't do any independent study, therefore they are bounded as their peers are.
>thinking you are a genius
No, you just aren't a "slow" kid son...your a fast learner...doesn't mean you aren't a dumbass.
>Hence another duplicate IQ thread
What the fuck /sci/

>> No.5872860


I generally reject IQ as a measure of anything other than the narrow definition of intelligence it proffers. As a result I do not ascribe numerical identifiers for an individual's intelligence. However, I can use information about a person to apprehend a loose and intuitive (i.e. ballpark) of what his/her intelligence level is. As for myself I am a physics major; I do well in school; I play tennis; I independently study math, additional physics, philosophy, linguistics, computer science, piano, music, and more. I use information like that to address my own intelligence (note: I've found it to be a useful pursuit from the start, but I'll indulge for the thread). Above all, the best tool is actually knowing somebody, having a conversation with them. I tend to prioritize hard work over intelligence. For example, the first response in this thread accompanied by an image featuring a number of online-IQ scores is very likely posted by somebody I do not waste my time with. One does not need to be intelligent to be interesting. .........

Gotta cut this short; had a lot more I wanted to say, but I have to go.

>> No.5872876

>When I skip steps really fast in my mind and come to a conclusion, people often need me to detail those steps very thouroughly.

story of my life.

"Anon, you're so random!!!"

>> No.5872893
File: 30 KB, 460x441, wpid-True-words-of-wisdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5872894
File: 176 KB, 504x1305, geniusidiot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic should help you expalin this

>> No.5872899

>Do you feel like they can't understand you?
If you can't make yourself understood you really ain't that smart.

>> No.5872903

People that think they're so smart that they're not understandable by average people are probably not very smart.

>> No.5872904


>send in the clergy they can move diagonally


>> No.5872907

Jesus man, you people are so enlightened by the idea of surpassing another's Intelligence Quotient that you're all losing in touch with what it means to be "smart".

People who are truly intellectual would never stoop so low as to join this massive debate about who has the highest IQ or who's seemingly the dumbest person around.

If you're as smart as you boast about, why not apply it and do something that'll reflect this?

>> No.5872923

And it's predominately the caucasian race that glorifies the need of intellectual competition.

Do you guys even know what being "smart" is? Being smart is the ability to survive; to make the right decision and increase your chances of survival. Mathematics, science, biology, psychology, sociology; all of these things are tools used by "smart" people to easily progress in life?

What's the difference between the IQ of a 4 year college graduate making 50K a year and some ghetto-ass drug dealer making a 6 figure salary. You people would say it's the person with the highest IQ, but I'd say it's the drug dealer solely for making enough good decisions about his environment to gain as much resources as he can.

To me this is what intelligence is.

>> No.5872931


What I'm about to type is technically outdated and no longer in use but I still consider it useful.

The first law of psychometrics; A subjects response to a test measures only the subjects response to the test.

If I hand you a test and you wad it up and throw it at me your score is zero. Regardless of your knowledge of the subject.

>> No.5872933

I love hearing this because i get to pat myself on the back and further inflate my ego.

>> No.5872948


Ok, but you ARE smarter than the average person. Trust me, you're interests prove it. Telling yourself you're not is doing a disservice to your well-being because it's a lie. Classifying yourself realistically among others isn't necessarily indicative of arrogance, it just means you're adequately self-aware of your and everyone's victimhood of circumstance.

Use that knowledge constructively and in beneficence.

>> No.5873074


you forgot to mention shes half spic and half sandnigger

in fact you should tell that to /pol/ theyll have fun

>> No.5873095

you sound like a narcissistic autist

>> No.5873104

Thats because you are a retard that don't understand the importance of social responsibility to maintain a civil playing field in the first place. You are basically a savage/nigger.

>> No.5873106
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Sometimes I wish I could transcend my biological restraints and ''experience'' a mind that's not as limited as mine. I'm of average/below average intelligence.

I don't even know why I come to this board and read threads like these as it just exacerbates my depression.

>> No.5873108



he's talking about the difference between street smarts and book smarts. and he's right. but you guys can stay in your ivory towers making up rules that you think lead to better lives so long as everyone plays along with it. when shit hits the fan, you'll be the first ones to go

>> No.5873125

yeah I feel you.

I'm probably the dumbest guy in my class. Whenever I'm on campus I feel like I'm a fraud about to be discovered or something.

>> No.5873127

Yes, and if selling drugs is the optimal financial activity for maximized profit in a given environment does not NECESSARILY make it the optimal strategy for survival in the long run. Any intelligent person would agree that improving the environment itself would be the smart line to take. There is a social factor here. That kind of mentality can literally kill a society almost entirely. Get it, mr. Anti-Science guy posting on /sci/?

>> No.5873183


my family has high IQ disparity in that none of us are near "average". I have an IQ of 131, my sister is in the high 140's, while my other sister is 5 points above retarded. I've learned that it means shit-all; if you want to be a scientist be a scientist, genuine geniuses usually are too depressed to do anything meaningful anyway.

>> No.5873201


>importance of social responsibility to maintain a civil playing field in the first place.

Listen when businessmen who can retire with millions in the bank after committing shifty practices and virtually bankrupting the industry they worked in for years can get off free or with a slap on the wrist, social responsibility means fuck all.

When a computer hacker who spends a good sum of their time fucking with a companie's security system can in turn get hired by another company, social responsibility means fuckall.

When a athlete can use medicine that heavily boost their performance still be sponsored and be seen as an idol for little kids to look up to, social responsibility means fuckall.

When models who starves themselves on a constant basis just so they can get in the runway and pose for magazines is seen as a pillar of beauty, social responsibility means fuckall.

The drug dealer is no different, the only reason why they get the short end of the stick is because all the gritty details in the other jobs are hidden behind close doors.

And while this doesn't mean the others are not punished for their actions they are no where near punished to the degree or as often the drug dealers are. There is no civil playing field there are just rules to game with several workable loopholes in it. Social responsibility is something only lawyers, doctors and social workers deal with everyone else just dances around the issue and use it when they see fit.

It goes without saying that in the grand scheme of things IQ too means fuckall since it will never measure the level or depth of environmental, moral and logical manipulation needed to quantify it a neat little package such as a set number.

>> No.5873203

says your post full of pronouns

Jeez louise

>> No.5873211
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I'm pretty intelligent and I get A's left and right but I know deep down I do not master the basics of what I'm doing perfectly and I fear it's gonna get back at me one day. I'm afraid all I have is a good memory.

>> No.5873215

I have a friend who's goal is solely to gain power and fortune and he doesn't give a fuck about future generations.

>> No.5873217


you don't have to worry, because grades and college courses are in general, a fucking joke

the only way to get anywhere in college is by doing things outside of class (social networking and research)

>> No.5873224

I've been looking online all day for what I could learn that would give me an edge in life. I've started C++ recently which is ok but I want more. I want to go full cocoon mode in my freetime and become a person who can think in a better and different way than most people. I want to stand out intellectually.

>> No.5873229


i have my own way. professors at my university know me because i have intuition and can predict things that some of them don't even foresee.

also, when I do programming or homework or w/e the way I do it is batshit crazy. None of it makes sense to professors or TA's but I still get the right answer. They've gone so far as to accuse me of cheating but they can't find anything because I don't

>> No.5873239

This board is retarded with pronouns

>> No.5873295

The only key to survival beyond one self is future generations.. Optimal survival is not maximum consumption. Being dead with a full bank accont and no kids is not optimal survival.

>implying power in todays world is based solely on finances

>When models who starves themselves on a constant basis just so they can get in the runway and pose for magazines is seen as a pillar of beauty, social responsibility means fuckall.

Truly the king of modes for survival. Now have a fap to Lincoln, Jackson,Churchill or whoever you have potraits of printed on your money and go to bed, son.

>> No.5873322
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This thread was made because I want to know what smart people thought about average people. Science and Math is known as the smart and geeky board. I have a crush on a person who is kinda cute and I wanted to know about smart people thought about average people. Smart people are like so weird lol

>> No.5873341

>Smart people are like so weird lol

Come on now

>> No.5873784

>future generations
You would still not survive. "Survival beyond oneself" does not make any sense. Please look up the word 'survival' in the dictionary.

>> No.5873807

You sound like you have both narcissism and autism

>> No.5873811
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>IQ is not a measure of intelligence

>> No.5873815
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>> No.5873816

>abstract but measurable concepts don't exist
what are you even trying to say?

>> No.5873822


yea thats pseudo science

does sage even work ?