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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 202 KB, 1070x898, studyrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5860426 No.5860426 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ make of this graph?

>> No.5860430


>> No.5860434

It's not a graph for a start.

>> No.5860437
File: 480 KB, 500x1058, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maths and "pure" science goes to god of god tier or god tier. Applied science goes to top tier.

Law goes to shit tier.

Engineering gets it's own special tier because different fields of engineering are better than other fields.

>> No.5860442

>putting shit tier at the bottom

#human dilusion

>> No.5860444

What kind of engineering field is better than another?

>> No.5860455

Couldn't we just have all natural sciences be God of God tier?

>> No.5860461

I would say that electrical engineering > chemical engineering > mechanical engineering > civil engineering

>> No.5860464


>> No.5860474

Aww, you think physics is as important as math. that's like comparing a match and a jet engine.

>> No.5860481

Physics has been pretty damn important lately in human history. Not nearly as important compared to math, but still.

>> No.5860487

It really depends on the field of math. Some directly describe the real world, others don't have any connection to the real world, and other fields have applications for things outside of science.

>> No.5860494

What about computational/computer engineering

>> No.5860501

So, when one loves both chemical and electrical field, which one he chooses?

>> No.5860502

I agree, but it can sit down in "god tier" with chemistry and astronomy

>> No.5860509

/sci/, I want to either get a business degree-Finance or accounting or become a computer scientist. I'm undecided, but would it be prudent to do the Maths of each until I truly find out what I want to do? I'm currently into pre-calculus. Should I do a course in statistics?

>> No.5860514

Pure math isn't completely useless, eventually it finds some application.

>> No.5860515

>Should I do a course in statistics?
Are you seriously asking this? Of course you should.

>> No.5860523


Do a micro/macro economics course.

>> No.5860521

/sci/, I love science and math but my brain seems to have trouble understanding things past pop sci. I particularly have trouble memorizing equations. What should I study? Biology?

>> No.5860528

>memorizing equations
Try understanding them instead of memorizing them. Mot of the equations you have to learn are simple enough that you can actually understand them. After that, memorizing them takes no work.

>> No.5860536

Without physics, the interesting fields of mathematics like algebraic topology, differential geometry, functional analysis, etc. would just be some abstract shit that has nothing to do with the real world. Maybe I don't understand the motivation to do pure math as a career, I dunno.

>> No.5860551

>the interesting fields of mathematics
So you mean, like, all of mathematics?

Personally the only time I find a field in mathematics boring is when it is inelegant, and that happens more often the closer it gets to physics or real applications.

>> No.5860565


Even biology programs usually require you to take calculus, stats, and physics. For someone of your intellectual limitations, I'd recommend psychology.

>> No.5860571


Work as a psychiatrist in the prisons. You'll make 500+k a year.

>> No.5860576

A shit tier degree from Yale is much better than a stem degree from shit state u. I went to crappy UCSD and my sister went to Duke.

I would never have been offered the same types of jobs she interviewed for.

>> No.5860579
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>> No.5860583


>Applied science and Mechanical Engineering in shit tier

>Computer engineering...

Son you went full retard.

>> No.5860582
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it's old

>> No.5860591


What degree did you get and what degree did she get?

>> No.5860589

What is wrong with Civil Engineer?

>> No.5860595

>tfw you work in robotics and get no love

>> No.5860592

Except that with a stem degree you can get an intellectually stimulating stem job. If you want to be a partying business major and get a 200k paying job out of college, though, you pretty much have to go to an Ivy League.

>> No.5860604

>>Computer engineering...

Obviously he meant CE in the good part of the world where is doesn't mean CS/IT

>> No.5860601


I'm glad I got a STEM degree from an Ivy league school. Must suck living in false dichotomy-land.

>> No.5860609

Why's Chemical Engineering so much more god-tier than Mechanical?

>> No.5860612


Anyway, computer science will never be better than Mechanical engineering and applied science.

Grow up

>> No.5860611

I've seen these charts before. As a filthy pleb about to start a MechE degree at college, could you explain to me why it's so very shit-tier?

>> No.5860615

Seen it b4. Not a graph. It's a chart.

>> No.5860621

Me: structural engineering
Her: Economics/French

>> No.5860622


Is not. There only frustated people who cannot understand about materials, dynamics, fluids and solid mechanics, robotics, manufacture, modelling...
They think that a JAVA code is more complex than above.

>implying mechanical engineers aren't the best coders in world. See FEA, CFD, Finite Volumes, etc.

>> No.5860625

I think you may have mis-estimated whose degree is shit here.

>> No.5860629

>civil engineering

welp, there's your problem.

>> No.5860646

wait I thought geology was more mid tier. I heard of some doing quite well...

>> No.5860651

It's a shit tier chart.
Medicine is god tier? An MD is a plumber.
Lots of people in your god tier professions (like math and physics) would not agree that music is shit tier.

>> No.5860658

>Computer Science in the same ranking as Theology.

Yeah, how about no.

>> No.5860664
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Science is Science, it's what you do with what you learn:
Beethoven could read notes, I read my study, etc.

>> No.5860899

Maybe Emperor of Gods, then. But that would make Physics seem like an entitled bitch who cries about not getting a special place.

>> No.5861005

I find it hilarious that people break up statistics from mathematics so far on a lot of the "corrected" charts. Maybe those people have just never taken an actual statistics course.

>> No.5861008

ITT: /sci/ faps to itself

>> No.5861015

There are very few statisticians who pursue rigorous mathematical theory. Most of the time, it's about as close to mathematics as physics and the like.

>> No.5861055

The one that he can makes the most income out of.

>> No.5861105



One of these things is not like the others

>> No.5861115

>Computer Science
>Mid Tier

Should be top tier.

>> No.5861119


are you thinking of astrology, bro?

>> No.5861139

Not in California. Statistics is taught by the math department and they take proofs, analysis, and algebra just like any other math major.

>> No.5861186

>implying chemistry doesn't have branches that are pure science

>> No.5861189

Pretty sure he meant Medicine.

>> No.5861203

Always in god tier

Feels good mang

>> No.5861208

Iv'e always wondered, what is wrong with being a civil engineer? I mean, all of these engineers (except environmental engineer) have their places in the workforce where they are absolutely necessary.

>> No.5861218

This chart is retarded.

>> No.5861242

CS is only useful when it's paired with something, like physics.

>> No.5861263

Where does Douglas Adams come in?

>> No.5861267


civil engineer (in America) is not real engineers. they don't have proper math or physics and any technically knowledge

>> No.5861271


>> No.5861272

I'd always assumed they dealt with the math and physics behind building various structures. What the hell do they do, then?

>> No.5861274
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>> No.5861287

>Shit Tier: Archaeology

I know this shitposting has been done before, but please, get the fuck off /sci/.

>> No.5861314

I was under the impression the Comp Sci was a specialization of the broad term that is "Engineering". Since, Comp Sci, Comp Engineering, Elec Engineering, are all closely related.

At least that is how the professors at my old university put it.

>> No.5861333

>Comp Sci, Comp Engineering, Elec Engineering, are all closely related.

No. Most CSer don't know anything about electronics.

>> No.5861339

That is not true, I know about switches and and/or gates and sodering wites.... and stuff..... fuck....

>> No.5861340

How can philosophy be shit tier when most of those are subsets of philosophy?

>> No.5861346
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>God tier in every list

>> No.5861351


>> No.5861356

Because /sci/ doesn't understand philosophy so they classify it lower.

>> No.5861363


It has nothing to do with the field of knowledge, it's about the bachelors degree in the field.

Philosophy departments have ever decadent academic standards and are generally filled with idiots.

>> No.5861375

Well when you put fields of study in tiers, people are going to think you're putting fields of study. Personally I could care less how stupid everyone. In a field might generally be, doesn't mess with my learning experience

>> No.5861417

These threads as old as /sci/ itself, this is 4chan, there's is no explanation needed, stop taking troll pics seriously.

>> No.5861477
File: 23 KB, 601x567, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I want to get into EE, but none of the community colleges around me even have the necessary classes to get accepted through transfer. They have my second choice, though--CS.

>> No.5861695

>no explanation needed

>> No.5861757


i go to rcc, none of those classes are here and im fairly sure I've seen people go to pomona for EE

cant say for sure though

>> No.5861902
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tumblr thought it was shit.

>> No.5861928

What kind of biology? Biology is more integrated into the hard sciences nowadays, you may be unpleasantly surprised

>> No.5861944

Can I get the rest of this?

>> No.5861949
File: 620 KB, 1070x898, phi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed it

>> No.5861959

what would biochem be?

>> No.5861957

>What shithead puts mathematics above psychology and sociology
Lost my shit.

>> No.5862032

top tier

>> No.5862033

Agreed. Computer Science needs a handle of Graphs, Combinatorics and Number Theory.
Law should be shit tier.
Engineering should be mid tier overall ( some areas are sick like Material Science EE and CE, but then it is offset by Civil and Mechanical ). So mid tier.

>> No.5862049

>no cosmology

>> No.5862058

That would fall under medicine. Psychiatrists are M.D.s who prescribe medication. Psychologists don't.

>> No.5862060

What about my bachelor degree in English Literature and my Master of Arts?

>> No.5862080

God tier, because I'm studying it.

>> No.5862107

>Computer Science needs a handle of Graphs, Combinatorics and Number Theory.

CS graph theory knowledge can be summed up as "A graph is G=(V,E)". Combinatorics and Number theory is equally watered down.

>> No.5862152

Robotics = Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is a branch of Computer Science

>> No.5862198
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>> No.5862225


I'm not even a statistician, but Statistics should probably belong in God Tier. It's basically higher order logic in the form of mathematics that is not easily accepted by many even if the theory is sound.

It's applied to most of the things you have in God Tier, and there's a lot of more serious and not quite as obvious applications that the field can show. Look at something like Bayesian relationships or even simply the Boltzmann constant. Although it's quite simple, it's not as if it was so easy on the outset of the field. You had to have some pretty genius men and women think it all up.

>> No.5862229


Worst. Why the fuck don't you do Computer Science?

>> No.5862230


First off, one does not take advice of any kind from /sci/ or anonymous image boards in general.

>> No.5862234
File: 16 KB, 320x240, datgrin[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all the jobless poorfags think Laws is low tier.

Get to my level faggots, we make the world go round.

>> No.5862236

> putting computer science above medicine

enjoy your shit life expectancy faggots.

>> No.5862240

No. You make the arbitrary, unimaginably-small world of man go 'round.

Others are too busy tackling problems literally DIMENSIONS bigger than your small craft.

Complicated? Yes.
Important? Oh without a doubt.
But only in one world, one system set by one group of weak piles of secrets.

We are everywhere. We are constant. We are anony-shit, sorry, freudian slip-type thing there. My bad.

>> No.5862244

Can't we all agree that every discipline is equally complex and important as the next to we as a society, as a culture, as a BEING?

But fuck English Majors.

>> No.5862245

It's a bridge between electrical engineering and computer science, dude. I don't understand why computer science is mid-tier, unless the chart is based on what people do with their degrees.

>> No.5862250

>But only in one world, one system set by one group of weak piles of secrets.

Your anthropocentric view of laws is justified, yet any other sentient being would/does need them as ethical laws.

Being and Should Be are two immeasurable realms, both equally totalitarian and perpetual.

>> No.5862251

English>Psychics, Chemistry, or whatever other bull shit.

We delve into concepts close to the human experience. We influence the world through our writing, not just understand it on a meaningless level like you sci fags.

>> No.5862255

Yes, but other beings would logically have different values and laws that are irrelevant and incompatible with human laws.

>> No.5862258

So? I am not claiming OUR laws are important, I am claiming laws (as an abstraction) are important.

You study the Being
I study the Should Be (which is the ethical dimension).

>> No.5862262

Shit tier

>Life Sciences
Top Tier

No, Life sciences stay mid and Law should be in top

>> No.5862268

I'm not saying laws in and of themselves are not important, I'm saying that our specific laws, which you've studied, have relevance only to us. Yes the study of law will be different for other cultures. You do not mostly study an absolute concept of law, merely a small subset that can change at any moment. It is certainly not an solute dimension of should be.

In all honesty, I don't really know how to explain my point on this. I hope you can extrapolate.

>> No.5862276

I understand what you are trying to say.

>You do not mostly study an absolute concept of law, merely a small subset that can change at any moment.

This though, is not true. There is people who like to make money and never think about Laws. There's others that participate in the debate over what is right and what is wrong (inb4 anything I am not stating any position). Ultimately, it is similar, not equal to, to engineers vs scientists.

>> No.5862284

>Robotics = Artificial Intelligence

>> No.5862287

Because CompE is legitimate and CS is a joke.

>> No.5862295

Please elaborate Robotics for me

>> No.5862298

Why is CS a joke but CompE isn't

>> No.5862328

Why social sciences are shunned ?

>> No.5862338

Because people like yourself who defend it can barely string a sentence together.

>> No.5862349


I didnt defend anything. And cmon, that's hardly a reason.

>> No.5862367

Philosophy does a better job of it, though, and cuts through all the filler material in doing so

And how does biology not give insights on the human experience?

>> No.5862375

Am Statistics and Economics Major. Rate me

>> No.5862379

Philosophy is the study of opinions.

>> No.5862382

The usual STEM jerk.

>> No.5862412

nah, we're beyond that.
philosophy is now the study of opinions that people have about philosophy

>> No.5862413
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>> No.5862414

ha you confirmed my statement.

>> No.5862429
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this order is based on which property of presented parts human knowledge areas? In other words, what arguments do you have to back it up? Hope it/they will be consistent.

Is this just "uses" relation, usefulness valuation or author's anxiety expression?

>> No.5862433

>my major
God tier
My life finally has meaning

>> No.5862463


is this the inverse money making tier list?

>> No.5862467

Civil Engineering is best engineering.

Any CE bros here?

>> No.5862473

Do you ever feel like killing yourself with the deep fryer?

>> No.5862480

I just got out of college, currently unemployed, but looking towards a bright future! :)

>> No.5862484

How come art majors are so smug? I took an Art Appreciation class last fall and many of the students were pretty smug, but they seemed very intelligent. I was somewhat jelly and felt inferior.

>> No.5862490

They realize they won't get a job so they burn their smug off in college.

>> No.5862498

Starving artist, man. 'Fuck the system.

>> No.5862894

Don't CSFags do Combinatrics as part of their discrete math curriculum

>> No.5862976


>> No.5862978

You are idiot. You take those course after you transfer of look for another juco that does offer them.

>> No.5862990

>Law top tier

more like top lel

>> No.5862992

There should be a distinction between computer science degrees that focus on theory and computer science degrees that focus on practicallity.

i.e. the difference between which algorithms have what time complexity vs the proper methodology for debugging code somebody else wrote that is 6 months old and not commented.

>> No.5863000

there's no difference in undergrad

>> No.5863004

clearly you have never been to digipen

>> No.5863011

I think people say this must go to bad schools. At good schools, Computer Science is filled with 80% theory and 20% practicallity. You're encouraged to do the practicallity part during your own time

>> No.5863026


>typical cs major
>"my major is as hard as comp E/EE, we do computers too"

>> No.5863055

No Geology?
Computer Science above Rock Doctorates; ISHYGDDT

>> No.5863063

I have 1 term left in my physics bs and I dont feel like a god at all. I feel like someone took my brain and put it in a blender. Some nights I wake up and its like my brain was working on some math problem while I was asleep and I cant go back to sleep until its finished.

>> No.5863235

>ignoring my question

>> No.5863261

Wow in /sci/??? crazy

>> No.5863269

Always assumed this. top notch/10

>> No.5863275

gotcha back bro, but i do consider EE higher.

>> No.5863328

>Computer Science is filled with 80% theory

OF heavily watered down theory a middle schooler could understand. Even at the best schools, CS is a joke.

>> No.5863331

Has more theory than Engineering, which is God Tier for who knows why.

>> No.5863332

>No Geology?
It's there under "low"

>> No.5863333

Sorry you are majoring in English.

>> No.5863335

>Delve into the concepts of human experience
>Implying Chemistry, Neuroscience, Medicine and Biology don't and don't do it better as well.

>> No.5863336

>Has more theory than Engineering

No it doesn't.

>> No.5863342

Yeah, stats is pretty cool, even at the basics intuition goes into the shitter. The more complicated stuff is almost sorcery.

>> No.5863384

That doesn't equal 1/10 btw.

>> No.5863386

Fuck Science. We got along just fine without it back in good ol' Greek philosophizin' days.

>> No.5863391

>implying you even need an education to study philosophy.
That's what I don't get, nobody needs a degree to read and comprehend stuff like an English major would provide, just like no musician NEEDS a degree in music to study and play music. Why even bother?

>> No.5863400

comp sci vs software engineering

most of the people here go to backwater state colleges though and compsci is used as a get a local job degree

>> No.5863401

>implying Newton had a degree in Physics and mathematics and astronomy.

>> No.5863403

Newton was actually a well educated man, he was just really observant.

>> No.5863420

Exactly, Theoretical Comp Sci has a lot more than people here offer it. Most people equate programming with comp sci though almost like a bijection, so that is a bit of a shame. Also, it isn't even my major, I am a math major, so it isn't like I am butthurt about it.

>> No.5863442

Econometrics is good. The love baby of economics and statistics

>> No.5863453

what is women's studies?

>> No.5863483


No, all undergrad CS programs are trash and the only ones who say it isn't are also those who think books like CLRS, Graham&Knuth, and Sipser count as advance graduate and mathematical texts.

>There should be a distinction between computer science degrees that focus on theory and computer science degrees that focus on practicallity.

CS degrees can't focus on theory since it takes 3 years of other prerequisites to even start the theory section; during which you either do pathetically trivial watered down "theory" or equally trivial practical programming. Anyone who go to college to get a BS/BA degree in CS is just throwing away hundreds of thousand dollars into the trash.

>> No.5863490

Is majoring in petroleum engineering and minoring in geology a good idea?

>> No.5863491

King of gods tier

>> No.5863540

Yeah man.

>> No.5863547

Where did you both get that definition of philosophy? That is not AT ALL what philosophy is.

Philosophy is the attempt to understand and define the universe- it is the striving for purely logical thought. It's a field so broad, being essentially "logical thought," that people debate whether or not it should even have it's own name separate from other fields.

If you are attempting to define or understand anything, you are using philosophy.

>> No.5863562
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I prophecize that... wait... (that's not a list)
>a graph
If all the world's children only learn engineering and medicine, they will be doomed because of their own bad judgement.

And, the only kind of sensible degree to get right now is at least a double major, one Natural Science and one Human Science at least.

>inb4 ignored
>inb4 retard apocalypse

>> No.5863565

>set theory
>top tier
oh lawdy

>> No.5863566

can philosophy define "define"?
can phisophy define "defining 'define'"?

>> No.5863569

Murica detected

>> No.5863576

You seem very certain. It would be a shame if you didn't show at least a smidgen of evidence.

>> No.5863584

Anecdotal evidence, also i'm not a statistician, just a person who notices trends as the number of people I have met in my lifetime rises.

I know a married couple who are both physicists. They are currently struggling to pay their bills, and are constantly involved in research that doesn't seem to be getting anywhere. (Meh, I never wanted to be a physicist anyway) And they were top notch in university, professional and working on (something in) quantum/ particle theory.
They were debating whether to go on holiday or focus on finally having a child - most successfuls I've seen around the world do both at the same time, though

>It would suck if anon didn't sympathise with my viewpoint and only continues to press me for more evidence

>> No.5863588

>Why can't people just believe me? I'm an anonymous stranger on 4chan, what more do they want!?

>> No.5863592

Oh stop it with the CS hate, You know it's fucking true. Explain how it doens't have more theory than Engineering

>> No.5863595

>CLRS - No, it's an intro to algorithm, no says this.
>Knuth - Have you ever read his books?

>> No.5863597

>CS degrees can't focus on theory
You must go to a shit tier college

>> No.5863601

So /sci/ I'm going to do Electrical Engineering and I have only one question: While I'M love everything about this field, I have 23 years, so is this going to be a waste of money if we look at the job side of this. Will I have a hard time looking for job because age or any other reason? Keep in mind I live in Brazil and CS is what everyone goes for STEM based.

>> No.5863603


>> No.5863678

No Vector Calculus
No Real Analysis
No Complex Analysis
No Fourier Analysis
No Abstract Algebra
No Measure Theory
No Functional Analysis

CS is pleb tier

>> No.5863715
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Yes, it's a fucking joke what CS majors call hardcore maths.


To get started on the real theory of CS (and not the low level pigeon hole and diagonal argument shit) you need a firm grasp of:

Vector/Multivariate Calculus
Intro to Proofs
Graph Theory and Combinatorics
Mathematical Logic and Axiomatic Set theory
Real and Complex Analysis
Geometry and Topology
Measure Theory
Probability Theory and Statistics
Fourier and Functional Analysis
Abstract Linear Algebra
Applied Linear Algebra
Abstract Algebra
Numerical Analysis

Clearly, there's no room to actually start studying the material in a 4 year degree. CS should be left solely as a graduate program for those who already have a undergrad degrees in Math/Physics/EE/CompE/Statistics/OR/IE

>> No.5863722

>Womans studies
>Not in "wast of life tier"
This chart just lost all credibility.

>> No.5863723

I don't know guys, my programming lecturer has a bachelors in electrical engineering and I guess a doctorate in computer science ?
If you check the papers profs write it's pretty much series up the asshole, not sure what that kind of math is called.

>> No.5863744
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>CS research

>> No.5863758
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> Puts political science in shit tier
> Spends rest of life begging for government grants

Butthurt much?

>> No.5863761

>Yes, it's a fucking joke what CS majors call hardcore maths.

I'm not saying it's hardcore maths, it's not but it's a tough book to read.

Look at The art of computer programming, that's also a hard book to read

>> No.5863765

Post politicians have studied either history or economics.

>> No.5863768

It's in the same tier as history. It... kinda IS history, except focused one half of the entire human race

also, pedagogy should be in the same tier as Computer Science, at least. ie, if my CS teachers were as good at teaching as they were at nerd shit, I wouldn't have wasted so much goddamn time reading textbooks by myself

>> No.5863773

>do you even vortex mathematics theory?
>do you even PL/I?

>> No.5863794

Irrelevant as fuck

you go with what's your country needs more.

btw, >math god fucking damnit stop with that shit, it's there only to train the brains, by itself it's useless just like english, admit it

>> No.5863807

No, they just do babby combinatorics that you should've been able to do in middle school. However, for actual CS theory, knowledge of analytic combinatorics is useful for analyzing data structures.

>retard engineering major who doesn't know the difference between naive set theory and set theory detected

>> No.5863811
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Only naive set theory matters.

>> No.5863842

woah, how about mathematical logic, set theory, group theory. You're just telling me they do a watered down version of this?

>> No.5863853

science is bullshit. it's just humans trying to figure out where they came from, which they will never do. All the theories you have are just as credible as any religion.

>> No.5863860


Everyone take note that this is a textbook pleb

>> No.5863868

Group theory isn't taught in a typical discrete math curriculum. You have to take a separate course for that (in the math department).

And yes, in the typical discrete math course for CS majors, they teach babby logic (you can't even call it mathematical logic) and naive set theory.

>> No.5863885

Yes, most CS major don't know the 1st thing about mathematical logic and think its just demorgan's law and truth tables. The group theory cover (if they cover it) is literally just the axioms and Lagrange theorem. They don't cover anything with set theory other than set operations.

>> No.5863890

Kinda stupid.

>> No.5863910

I'm an ex maths major... what I meant by as useless as english, it's only about learning on other person's work and nothing else, unless you are a phd and doing research.
Math is basically a language too.
Fucking english tier

>> No.5863925


why doesn't this threads get deleted, but economics/psychology threads do?

Fucking janitor doesn't know what science means and enjoy shitposting.

>> No.5863926


i can never tell what a lot of you are arguing for. Are you saying it's a waste if you're going to school for sake of knowledge? You may be right, depending on school.

If you're saying that it's a waste of money, when a lot of people are looking to secure high paying programming jobs, you're amusingly wrong. It's even worse when you consider you're likely some pure math advocate

>> No.5863950

In this thread I thought we were talking about the theory as a whole. Not the undergraduate degree.

>> No.5863961

theory/field of study

>> No.5863976

If CS is so bad, why is it one of the top paying jobs of the 21st century? Isn't this what this chart based on how much money one makes? If so, CS is god tier.

>> No.5863994

Because the world is just filled with idiots.

>> No.5864014

What the fuck happened to CS. It used to be very respected and seen as a branch of Mathematics back in 60-90s and now it's seen as code monkey prep

>> No.5864019

well those idiots are making stuff I like, like faster computers.

>> No.5864032

>well those idiots are making stuff I like, like faster computers.

no, that computer engineering and EE

>> No.5864043

>Are you saying it's a waste if you're going to school for sake of knowledge?

I'm saying there 0 knowledge gained by doing a CS degree

>> No.5864044


And who makes the software to work with that hardware?

>> No.5864045

Mom, wook, I have group of 10 people with 5 men, I can choose dem in tayne choosuh five ways!

>> No.5864162


>SOURCE: i am a math undergrad

knowledge is time spent in a book, any stem degree is going to have comparable amounts of time doing this

>> No.5864268

Its based on difficulty. Money is not a factor here. My dad is a dentist and has several dental office but according to the chart he would be mid tier. My uncle has a PhD in physics and would be considered God tier but my dad makes more money than him because he is self employed and can expand his business while his brother is working for someone.

>> No.5864290
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You can stare dumbfounded into picture books all day if you want, it doesn't mean that you're learning anything by doing so.

>> No.5864292

Computer Engineers

>> No.5864304
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There is absolutely no context to this image...Are we talking exclusively about undergraduate degrees? Top 50 schools only? There are many tracks for Mathematics and the Physical sciences. My school's CS department requirements are very similar to the Math department's requirements and there is a lot of go-between. "Engineering" on it's own doesn't fucking mean anything, so I'm unsure how that can be considered "god-tier". Undergrad degree in medicine, what the fuck is that?

If we're talking about general fields that are acceptable to do research in then, obviously its going to be mostly physical sciences and some areas of mathematics.

Most graduate students stumble into their PhD thinking that they will fall onto a compelling, revolutionary thesis and walk out with something mediocre. A lot of people would contribute more to society if they had entered the workforce earlier. 90% of the people making judgement of any kind about these fields of research listed probably haven't even farted on a reputable research publication.

>> No.5864315

It doesn't matter once you're in the workforce whether you did EE/CE/CS ..You have to know circuits, system concepts and some flavor of ASM and C everything else is specific to the job

>> No.5864357

Everyone here seems to have forgotten the phd in virginity which comes with your precious STEM degrees. Except medicine of course, we get all dem bitches.

>> No.5864362

Does Government fall under Political Science?

>> No.5864368

well that didn't make any sense.

>> No.5864369

>You have to know circuits
Which CS majors do not know
>system concepts
Which CS majors do not know
>and some flavor of ASM and C/C++
Which CS majors do not know

The only thing a CS degree prepares someone to do is enterprise java code monkeying and how to horribly miss quote complexity/computability theory when asked why your java code is slow.

>> No.5864383

Isn't archaeology a sub-field of anthropology, which is a life science?

>> No.5864416

You must have went to a shit-tier school then. The program I attended had a good amount of coursework in all three of those areas as a requirement for a degree in Computer Science. On top of that, Advanced mathematics and statistics is required. There are fewer CS graduates from the program than nearby engineering schools, but I would say the majority of them are more qualified. If i'm an employer, I would not eliminate an engineering applicant solely on his lack of the word listed in the degree title.

>> No.5864424

>not knowing the difference between CS and programming
I only regret that I have but one sage to give.

>> No.5864425
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>god tier

Hahahaha. No.

>> No.5864426

I seen all the syllabi at the top tier CS schools and they are all the same water down shit with slight differences. The only "good" CS programs aren't even CS programs but EECS like MIT or CSE

>> No.5864433

Vaginas are fucking disgusting.

>> No.5864434

I know the difference. Programmers know how to code and CS majors wouldn't know how to do fizzbuzz if it wasn't so famous.

>> No.5864442

I'm skeptical you have worked with or know any of these people from "top schools". I don't know about every major program, but my school's syllabus is nearly identical to MIT's course 6, with the exception of the advanced project requirements, which are offered as electives. You are either shitposting or have had a bad experience with a few CS graduates.

>> No.5864451

Then you've entered a misnamed compE program

>> No.5864458
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>> No.5864479

CS major here, gonna double major in math. So much this!

>> No.5864481

Fibonacci number should be used instead of fizzbuzz.

>> No.5864510

>top tier
trolldetection unit going rampant! catastrophic failure in 3... 2... 1... *glick*

>> No.5864525

Cognitive science is missing from god tier.

>> No.5864556

Fuck is that? Psychology?

>> No.5864559

But history is interesting. ;_;

>> No.5864564

Why would geology NOT be God tier?

It involves all science disciplines, math, physics and especially chemistry for a complete understanding of the world's resources and their evolution and mapping.

>> No.5864571

MDs who also have dedicated research time are pretty godly. I know of one physician at my academic institution who is a highly cited regenerative medicine researcher and simultaneously practices as a pediatric neurosurgeon. This man is above god tier.

>> No.5864601

It's an interdisciplinary field of science concerned with studying the mind.

>> No.5864610

shit tier

>> No.5864611

Well I can make a hat, or a broach, or a self-aggrandizing thread....

>> No.5864614

>It has nothing to do with the field of knowledge, it's about the bachelors degree in the field.
>Philosophy departments have ever decadent academic standards and are generally filled with idiots.
As a BA Phil I can attest to above. Most of them are completely useless. Good philosophy is as challenging as good math, the only difference is there is FAR more good math than good philosophy. Philosophical methods are crude and impure when compared to Mathematical one. That said, some problems are not efficiently solvable with math and some questions math does not know how to pose correctly. Philosophy often does a better job here - that is, identifying the question to be asked.

>> No.5864628

>Finding out how physicists even physics
>Shit tier
Pleb detected.

>> No.5864681

Does anyone have some good programs for making these things?

Geologic Maps
Stratographic Columns
Cross Sections

I'm working with what my school gave me but I wanna know what everyone else uses.

>> No.5864686


And the question is.....?

>> No.5864709
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>> No.5864716

Environmental engineering has one of the greatest impacts on society, with research just as difficult as in any other of the engineering majors.

>> No.5864731

You list is shit. Numerical analysis is always an elective option for CS and they take a prob/stats class. The rest of that stuff is worthless for a CS job.

>> No.5864748
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>mfw I'm studying god tier and shit tier at the same time

(Mathematics and Philosophy)
p.s: Philosophy is NOT shit tier, unless you're attempting to find a job.

>> No.5864751

Major troll detected.

>> No.5864752
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> tfw Comp Sci / Bio double major

>> No.5864773

That's an example.

>> No.5864786

So painfully true.

>> No.5864793

But if there were no need to build things or make computers work mathematicians would be as employable as philosophers, which is to say - not.

>> No.5864815
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>Numerical analysis is always an elective option for CS and they take a prob/stats class

Both of which are horribly watered down.

>The rest of that stuff is worthless for a CS job

CS jobs don't exist. There are code monkey jobs with "holds a piece of paper with 'CS' and 'degree' somewhere on it" check off box for the MBA monkeys in HR that are in charged for hiring you use as a heuristic on whether to hire you or not. Those obviously don't count.

>> No.5864816
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>> No.5864857

Actually, that applies to English lit, etc. Baseless opinions don't last very long in philosophy, it is about learning the craft of pure argument, there is nowhere where if you are talking shit you will be found out faster than in a philosophy seminar.

>> No.5864870

UK civil engineer here.

Before applying, I believed /sci/ about their stigma.

Turns out, if you do civil engineering at places other than some shit tier place, you do:


WITH THE EE, MechE, AeroE etc.
The difference is that instead of Aluminium, we study concrete and polymer composites. In addition to normal dynamics for vibrations, we also study seismic. We also do geology and geotechnical engineering and soil mechanics.

tl;dr unless you're community college shit tier civil, it's the same level as every other type of engineering

>> No.5864969
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ITT: People complaining about CS degrees for some reason
>MFW holy fuck is this even a point of contention for undergraduates, cause if not I don't fucking care

>> No.5865057
File: 37 KB, 600x344, 1350616433975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay hold up for one fuckin second

We're on a science board, and anyone with a little statistics knowledge or worldly knowledge at that could see a little irony, Lets not take this too seriously boys, this is just a chart some guy made.

>mfw my major is god tier, i know, thats why I picked it

>> No.5865068

your a fucking idiot. Science hinges on philosophy. Science and Philosophy are both the same shit, they both have a goal which is making observations and draw conclusion about events/phenomenon in the natural world. Without philosophy science ends up being a process that is only validated by circular reason (i.e science proves science is valid)

>> No.5865074

Genetics in mid-tier?
B-but we let infertile couples have babbies and create resilient crops

>> No.5865107
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>> No.5865115

that last one got me good

>> No.5865389

>anywhere above any engineering
>between chemical and civil
>not in front
Fucking Disgusting

You are trolling?

>> No.5865518

There's a reason that in the dawn of organized thinking began and man started to examine his universe, those who were called philosophers were also expected to study a broad field of science including math, natural science, logic, etc. All these things are the based upon the idea of logical thought, and all extensions of that. Philosophy is essentially the attempt to apply logic to the universe as thoroughly as possible. All these other fields are subsets of philosophy as a result, how do people not get this?

Have people's perception of what philosophy is been skewed by shitty practitioners, or do people just not get what philosophy is?

>> No.5865529

It's the practitionner thing for me. You wouldn't believe how many of them reject science on the basis that it's inductive or some other nonsense.

>> No.5865557

How about we just start with what we all agree is shit tier and move up from that?

Does anyone argue that women's studies and art history are shit tier?

>> No.5865560

Mother of fuck, how many years has this fucking image been floating around and it still gets replies?

>> No.5865563

It's an entirely pointless categorization scheme and it always without any fail gets 100+ posts on /sci/, because /sci/ is the dumbest board and names and groupings means everything to the wannabe scientist, autists and trolls that is the basis for this cesspool of degeneration.

>> No.5865567

MSc Cognitive Neuroscience, where am I on this shit?

>> No.5865611
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But Biology is the best science by definition

>> No.5865612

Great advice without data to back it up

>> No.5865613

Please just go back to the cornfields stupid nignog

>> No.5865623

Women's Studies is shittiest tier
actively harmful

>> No.5865624
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>implying Atheism is not the best science

>> No.5865632

Honestly I put the people who study literature/history/philosophy/what ever above the people who study some "stem" field for the money.

Study what the fuck gets your neurons going.

>> No.5865664

If you're talking about how hard it is, then I guess the picture is somewhat right. I would however put law in with low tier. Its basically just remembering a lot of shit and you don't have to be creative. You have to much more creative in business for example.

If you put it in what gets you the most money based on how much work you put in I would think economics and business can give you hefty salaries even if you don't do that good in school.

>> No.5865669

We always need accountants, I think we will always need computer scientists too but an accountant is a very safe job and pretty easy.

>> No.5865672

How many Ivy League people get 200k salaries straight out of college? Thats total bullshit, most of them don't make anywhere close to that until later on into their careers. That is to say if they do a good job after all...

>> No.5865682

What the fuck is women studies? I'm not sure if i've ever heard of anyone studying that.

>> No.5865685

check your privilege

>> No.5865698

how so, faggot

>> No.5865704

First of all, there is no "studying" involved. They do not go through history recognizing great women and trying to emulate them in what they did to succeed in a very male dominated society. Instead they chronicle women's sufferings and find new ways to blame how it's all men's fault. Everything is "MEN ARE EVIL, PATRIARCHY WAAAAH" and nothing is "How can we fix this?"

>> No.5865708

Music should be at low or mid tier, psychology should be shit tier. Otherwise, accurate.

>> No.5865808
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what does /sci/ think about material engineering and/or material physics?

>> No.5865815

Where does architecture fit?

>> No.5865820

You'll easily get laid with some of the female students, and even the teacher if you're lucky, so not really a waste of time.

>> No.5865830

That it's chemistry

>> No.5865852

which is just physics

>> No.5865857

yeah women's study majors are the easiest to whiteknight
they're under the assumption that you're "sensitive" and "caring" and either zone you so hard your balls turn a permanent blue or throw the pussy at you

>> No.5865880

>has trouble memorizing
>should I go into biology

My fucking sides.

>> No.5865884


At the back of the unemployment line.


>> No.5865937
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Which is why I'm double majoring in it and computer science. Feels bad man, I just had to sacrifice all of my non academic life.

but is it shit tier or at least mid tier?

>> No.5866004
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Not him but sorry man, you got fucked by your own life decisions regarding Architecture. It's shit tier in terms of money.

CS, however, is high tier. It may not be a deep and knowledgeable field, but you can secure huge loot with a degree.

>> No.5866038


Biologie = Life Science

Anybody who can explain me why Life Sciences are not Top Tier, ... get it on!

>> No.5866075
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It still has taught me a lot about design that I can apply in other fields. I could use architecture to design in vidya, or webdesign, app design etc.

I was also of thinking, nobody like an old computer scientist, and no one likes a young architect. So I will dedicate my young years to CS and when I'm old I'll build a couple houses on my own with the money that I hopefully saved.

>> No.5866454

Genetics is god-tier. Don't take /sci/'s meaningless physics/pure maths bias seriously.

>> No.5867740
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Neuroscience where