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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5854033 No.5854033[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did prostitution become socially unacceptable?

>> No.5854037

They take your money and spread disease. They also sometimes involve actual exploitation of women, like forcing debtors to turn over their daughters. Otherwise, they're associated with poor dirty women who need money for their family or drugs, or total sluts who want to make money from sex.

>> No.5854036

It's not

>> No.5854038

/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.5854043
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why shouldnt it be?
if people are happy to pay for it, and other people are happy to provide the service and be payed for it, then whats the problem?

shouldnt be anybody elses business except theirs.

the only reason it was taboo in the first place was because of fucking religion
>hurr durr, no sex before marriage, no adultery, be with one person for ever and ever!

fucking bollocks
humans arn't naturally manogamous anyway. everyones thoughts wonder, even when they pretend to be faithful to their partner.

>> No.5854048

because feminism

my theory is that women rights developed because of white knights trying to get laid.
Give those whit knights the right to change things in a country and they do.
As simple as that.
Women are manipulative.
It's ok for women to go to a male stripper bar, but it's not ok for men to go to stripper bars with females.

>> No.5854050

>defending prostitution

Why am I not surprised? You're still a slut, aren't you?

>> No.5854056

>the only reason it was taboo in the first place was because of fucking religion
There were other religions where prostitution was part of the religious services.

>> No.5854057

eat shit, you fucking goat-felcher
i aint a prostitute, i just realise that theres nothing wrong with it because both parties consent, and theres no logical reason why this particular service shouldnt be able to be freely bought and sold when all others can be.

and for your information, the most successful whores become wives, not prostitutes.

snare a man into your bed, and you can get into his wallet for the evening
snare a man into a marriage, and you can get into his wallet for life.

not that i'd ever fucking need to because i'm pretty sure i'm more wealthy than any guy i've ever been with, but some other women sure as hell do.

>> No.5854058

*pretending to be a slut

We all know that in real life EK is too socially impaired to have "fuck buddies".

>> No.5854063

ahaha! i'm actually incredibly social. and you're forgetting that most men are total sluts.
single guys especially. they're almost always incredibly slutty.

even guys who aint single can be slutty enough when you know how to play the game, ;)

>> No.5854064

Because judeo-christian morality.

>> No.5854065

>dat patheticism
>dat neckbearding

The entire post reeks of social inaptitude and childlike ignorance. Keep your delusional /r9k/ platitudes where they belong.

>> No.5854067

For sure YOU don't know how to "play the game".

>> No.5854069

you know a lot about whores. i would even be edgy enough to say you are whore, whore.

>> No.5854101


For most people sex is an intimate act. I think this is what people mean when they say a whore is "selling herself out". It's also something that disgusts most people - having sex for money with multiple strangers, most of them unattractive.

It's also a job that doesn't require any skill at it's basic level, other people work hard while prostitutes open their legs and take dicks all day. Not to mention all the crime and seediness that surrounds it.

Why does this need explaining to a sentient being? Not all societal norms are just bullshit that we've all agreed on for no reason.

I do however have a slightly different opinion of the whores that actually enjoy it. If it's what they really want then I can respect that.

>> No.5854109

Suddenly /sci/ is full of moralfags basing their moral on judeo-christian values?
Even on 4chan you´re crying about women who like sex? Enjoy all the sex you can get and don´t hate women who want to have sex. We have ways to stop pregnancy and the spreading of stds, so it´s no longer a problem someone has multiple sex partners.

Glad that I´m not a muritard, in my country prostitution is legal, the prostitutes are checked regularly and a mans name is not posted online if the wants to buy sex/women who are already in a bad situation aren´t thrown into prison.