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File: 882 KB, 1680x988, 2013-06-22 05_26_06-Linear Algebra and its Applns 4th ed (intro txt) - D. Lay (Pearson, 2012) BBS.pd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5851638 No.5851638 [Reply] [Original]

any chance someone has the student manual for david lay's linear algebra and its applications 4th?

checked pretty much everywhere, seems only 3rd ed is circulating. just want to be able to check answers for the occasional even that I decide to attempt.

>> No.5851933


>> No.5852019



R2 += R4.

>> No.5852993


feel free to google it for me

except you can't, nigger idiot. hence why I'm asking here on the offchance there's some private tracker that has a hold of it.

>> No.5852995

get a better book

>> No.5853060

widely regarded as best book for linear alg.

>> No.5853088

>widely regarded as best book for linear alg.

That would be Halmos' "Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces"

>> No.5853102

>widely regarded as best book for linear alg.

For applications that would be Lax
For theory that would be Shilov/Axler/Halmos

Your is just some no name $200 scam book pushed onto universities.

>> No.5853888


don't be surprised that I take your neet advice with a grain of salt

>> No.5853919
File: 1.94 MB, 2448x3408, img016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found, what I eventually learned to be, an old first edition of this in my Grandad's house years ago. Took me far too long to work out what these scribbles on the backing were. Pic related.

>> No.5853925
File: 17 KB, 370x319, pleb life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finite Dimensional

>> No.5853981

Want functional analysis then get a functional analysis book

>> No.5854020

i have it but in print :3 the asshole author is a professor at my university so we had to use this piece of shit book

>> No.5854026
File: 11 KB, 200x295, linear-algebra-georgi-i-evg-shilov-paperback-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use a real book

>> No.5854120

This book is used by my school. It has absolutely no rigor, and all the exercises are essentially "put this matrix in echelon form and tell me what conclusions you draw from that."
It won't teach you the important lessons that you should draw from linear algebra.
On the other hand, this book is NOT for someone learning linear algebra for the first time. It is very good, though.