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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 821x822, mensa-logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5843431 No.5843431[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is mensa filled with athletes, porn stars, hip hop artists, but no mathematicians and the like ?
Are maths and science boring to the really really (high IQ) smart people ?

>> No.5843441

Mensa membership is the intellectual equivalent of a bumper sticker.

>> No.5843447

People in Mensa aren't exactly in the highest of the intellectual spectrum.


For a list of higher IQ societies.

>> No.5843470

This is retarded. Why are you even listing a more stuck up group of people?

>> No.5843489

Is Jacob Barnett member in the Mega Society?

>> No.5843514

Have you considered that mathematicians don't join Mensa because it's filled with athletes, porn stars, etc? Just because you qualify, doesn't mean you have to join.

>> No.5843533

>implying many porn stars, athletes and ect..aren't/can't be mathematicians.
Don't put mathematicians on this imaginary pedestal that distinguishes them from everyone else. I would consider myself a mathematician (undegrad math/econ--starting grad school this year in applied mathematics). Played sports all throughout college.

>> No.5843653

Just because you play sports doesn't mean you're an athlete. Professional athletes have to train very hard. I doubt you'd have enough time for graduate school if you were a professional athlete.

>> No.5843688


Threadly reminder of what every person that pays for a membership to a high IQ society actually looks like.

>> No.5843694

I;m failing to see what's wrong... looks kinda fun. m-.. maybe... I belong

>> No.5843702

you can BUY a membership?

>> No.5843724

Haha oh wow
This video pretty much proves that IQ is bull shit.
Why couldn't the Soviet Union still be here to ban fucking bourgeosie pseudoscience garbage that could only thrive in dumbfuckistan.

>> No.5843738

how? Are you saying smart people can't like games and be goofy?

>> No.5843745

what does your intelligence have to do with your character/looks/whatever-the-fuck-you're-judging-here?
for all we know the people with the highest level of intelligence in the world right now could be the pope and some homeless crackhead in detroit.

>> No.5843759


>begin with the number of legs on a spider
>add the number of stars on a flag
>divide by a number of leaves on a particular plant

Your IQ is now over 130 and you belong to mental.

>> No.5843769

>all old fat people
Jesus, the cringe.

>> No.5843783

but they have this dude

>> No.5843796

The little sandnigglet is a walking time bomb, you just know he will durka the fuck out and explode one day.

>> No.5843797

This, what the fuck.

>> No.5843809
File: 34 KB, 259x252, bronies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me
the sheer number of basement dwelling middle-aged virgins

>> No.5843811

here's a typical "white kid" of the same age

>> No.5843814


>> No.5843815

He's indian, most likely hindu. Not middle eastern or pakistani muslim. Educate yourself, silly redneck.

>> No.5843816


>> No.5843817

that's not bad at all

>> No.5843818

he's actually american.

>> No.5843824

True mathematicians and Scientists aren't looking for recognition or a status ( all Mensa really is )

>> No.5843833

Background, from parents.

>> No.5843865

Mensa is 1. for plebs at 131 sd. 2. for people who never did anything intellectual in their lives, the real intellectuals show their potential by what they accomplish. Can you imagine the best mathematicians and physicists of the world joining a club for the above average and intellectually failed? LMAO

>> No.5843868

>Are maths and science boring to the really really (high IQ) smart people ?

No, Mensa is boring to really smart people.

>> No.5843875

they aren't free, so really the only actually intelligent people in MENSA are the guys who started the idea to make money off this shit

>> No.5843877

>not from America
>no idea how many stars were on the flag
>will never be a genius


>> No.5843906

Would you pay to join a society like that?

Gee, I could go out and do work, or masturbate my ego because hurr durr i past ur simpel 'iq' toast...

>> No.5843917

>some of the bullies jokes it wasn't mensa we were in
>it was a club called mental
Calling it mental now.

>> No.5843919

I've been told I am.

>played sports with him
I did, less so now, but I never say no to a game of squash with my dad.


>fat fuck
16% body fat (could do with going on a cut I know)

>social reject

>watches girly faggot fairy cartoons ....etc.


>> No.5843937

Why have pride of being part of something that is not even the top? I never see a employer having pride of being a employer, only the top should have pride of being the better on what they do, they are the top for a reason.

>> No.5843952

Scientists have to actually do something to earn their IM SMURTUR THEN U bragging rights since being a scientist is good enough for your average Joe but Mensa sure as hell isn't for the people they're working with

>> No.5843966
File: 16 KB, 181x158, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm referring to those in the video, but thanks for proving yourself on an anonymous website! Now I have much greater respect for that person I know nothing about.

>> No.5843969

scientists and mathematicians have their own special club.
it's call scientific conferences.

>> No.5843980

>geologist conference
>drunken outdoorsman comparing rocks and partying.

>engineering conference
>dry lectures and bad coffee

>> No.5843983

>engineering conference
>implying structural engineering conferences aren't fucking rad

>> No.5844007

They aren't smart enough to wear what is socially acceptable.

>inb4 hipsters are intelligent

>> No.5844177

Tell me about them? Aspiring structural engineer here.

>> No.5844235

Doesn't Terence Tao have an estimated IQ of like 200+? Ofc he could join all these clubs, he jusr doesn't want to because he has better things to do like actual maths rather than circle jerking

>> No.5844240

>implying what clothes you wear have an an impact on your iq.

>> No.5844241

The last engineering conference I was at, we went on a goddamn cruise for part of it.

>> No.5844244

So much circle jerking, pandering, rationalization, pseudo-intellectualism, pseudo-science, and self fulfilling prophecy all rolled into one obscene little video...

>Look at us! We're so zany; we have obscure hobbies and interests, love playing goofy nerd games and regurgitating scraps of trivia devoid of context or meaning! Truly a sign of being above average intelligence!

I want to vomit everywhere.

>> No.5844262


You have to fucking pay for membership. He meant that he was probably paying a lump sum for a lifetime membership.

>> No.5844318

From http://www.mensa.org/membership-benefits:

talking about Special interest groups:

>There are the expected: biochemistry, space science, economics -- and the unexpected: poker, roller-skating, scuba diving, UFOs and witchcraft
>UFOs and witchcraft

>> No.5844323

>You have to fucking pay for membership. He meant that he was probably paying a lump sum for a lifetime membership.

$70 for a year to circlejerk?
I can do that on /sci/ for free!

But seriously, looking closer: unless your willing to bet on getting in, getting a scholarship, and getting out, its a money sink.

>> No.5844337

Because they don't need to justify their intelligence.

Mensa and bragging about IQ is a massive reflection on one's insecurity.

>> No.5844436

MENSA is filled with pseudo-intellectuals who can do IQ well. Being a scientist/mathematician requires far greater intellectual ability that merely being to complete an IQ test. It requires genuine original thought.

>> No.5844463

perhaps not, but it does imply you are a fucking aspie fuckhead with an ego problem

>> No.5844464

exactly. his field medal is infinitely more impressive than a membership to Mensa

>> No.5844477

Maybe Mensa is boring to the really really high iq people. Besides, if you have a phd in math or science you don't need a membership card to show you're smart. Plus you're probably working around a lot of other smart people.

>> No.5844504

>Guy gets a tattoo on his chest that says MENSA
>later in the video, guy is talking about how they don't "paint their chests to show their enthusiasm"


>> No.5844712

Don't question them, they're geniuses.

>> No.5844721

IQ tests and societies are boring to smart people, more like.

>> No.5844725

There's always some science and technology festival somewhere. And conferences that are like TED but more fun.

>> No.5844731

>thousands of men and a few lesbians in a gigantic sweaty room
What couldn't be good about that?

>> No.5844744

>dem top comments

>> No.5844746


Well they kind of are, Their whole careers depend on recognition. But I suppose the difference is that they want the recognition to be for something worthwhile.

>> No.5844748

>Their whole careers depend on recognition

not really, the vast majority are just interested in what they study and spend most of their time doing lab work for some shitty company.

>> No.5844751


>implying they are happy with that.

>> No.5844752

i'd say most are.

>> No.5844758
File: 134 KB, 800x800, 1362428393982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bunch of fat faggots with edgy t-shirts pretending to have any kind of skills and acting like they are the next Einstein
Thanks for the good laugh

>> No.5844769

>circle jerking, pandering, rationalization, pseudo-intellectualism, pseudo-science
>/sci/ in a nutshell

>> No.5844774

I almost got signed up when I took a test at school (mensa still sends me e-mails!)

But a lot of us math nerds are antisocial and don't like talking. The whole point of mensa is to hang out with other smart people. Hanging out with people sounds bad to me, hanging out with people who know what they're talking about? Sounds awful!

>> No.5844775


>> No.5844777


Oh aren't you a special little snowflake!

>> No.5844785
File: 5 KB, 300x213, 1356181851991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how high up is the sky

>> No.5844789

>But a lot of us math nerds are antisocial and don't like talking

Just because you are a fedora wearing sperglord brony does not give you the right to write whole groups of people off based on their profession, you dumbfuck.

>> No.5844791

"pop rocks. are they science or voodoo?"

>> No.5844793
File: 1.05 MB, 1473x1464, 187086130813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We intelligent now

>> No.5844797


Infantile Humor

>> No.5844800

wish i could find the rest of it.

>> No.5844806


>> No.5844808


Lol. I'm none of those things. I don't own any hats, I don't think I'm an assburger, and when one of my kiddos showed up in class with a brony t-shirt, I let him know his test grade was just dropped 5% for material I find offensive. He thought I was joking, 4 other kids showed up the next day wearing them. Next week, -10% and -5% on their tests.


>> No.5844810

you sound like a massive douche. "oh these kids like things i don't, i should fuck with their grades" do you having nothing else to keep you going in life other than you're mother and hatred of a childs joy?

>> No.5844814
File: 8 KB, 546x566, 1365352853474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god. Maybe you should have gone to Mensa.

>> No.5844821


Sorry, I've gotta tell these kids not to be f4ggots. They don't need to go through their high school lives without getting laid just because no one told them how much of a little bitch they were being. (inb4 JUST LIKE YOU? no I was 15).



>> No.5844824
File: 19 KB, 467x460, thumbs up smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you, i like you.

>> No.5844852


>> No.5844860

Because smart people like mathematicians are too busy and have better things to do besides whack off to their meaningless IQ score.

>> No.5844864

>astrophysics discussions
This video should answer the OP's question.

>> No.5844870

this. it's like paying to join atheism reddit. just another circle jerk

>> No.5844873

212 is his listed score. He probably has met and worked with people while researching with much lower scores just as comparatively as smart as him in math and he realizes it means very little.

>> No.5844882

Because its a circlejerk centered on the projected download speed of the brain where they get quick learning idiots to pay them a high membership fee (because they are gullible "special" snowflakes) to play puzzle games and chat with other pretentious faggots who have never offered society anything..

>> No.5844883

Starting to understand more why aspies tend to have high IQs along with the correlation to obssession with menial shit.

>> No.5844884

>who have never offered society anything
dude, asia carrera is hot

>> No.5844888

I'm still watching...holy fuck its like Reddi t in real life

>> No.5844889

You can say Reddit you know.

>> No.5844894
File: 61 KB, 320x304, 1356953947018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you use some math doesn't make you a mathematician.

Econ? Come on....

>> No.5844899

>autist kid memorizing digits of Pi
>not useless

>> No.5844901

When you get for Doctorate and have a job getting paid to research math ( professional mathematician ), you can come back and say you are a mathematician.

>> No.5845446

Maybe so, but I'm still better than you.

>> No.5845466

>newton wasn't a mathematician
>Leibniz wasn't a mathematician

>> No.5845476

Mensa is a social club for bright but awkward people. The Mensa membership tests are simple for most people of above average intelligence. Some members are very pleasant and I once met one who was almost attractive. At the other end of the spectrum are the fat orotund autists with poor dental hygiene who stand on your toes and spit phlegm in your face as they correct your pronunciation of Greek- and Latin-root words. If you're in awe, go to a meeting. There will probably be coffee and muffins. As I've said, it's a social club.

>> No.5845483

i dont live in the US, so the flag here doesent have a single star, do i divide it with 0? if i googled up how many stars the US flag had, would i automaticly be smarter since i would score higher on the test?

>> No.5845496

Simple : porn stars and athletes that happen to be 'smart' are generally unique in their immediate surroundings. Thus they join mensa in an attempt to contact other 'intelligent' individuals. Mathematicians, physicists and the like are already surrounded by (generally actual) intelligent people, so they don't feel the need.

>> No.5846310

>wanting to be surrounded by intelligent faggots
I've hung out with dumbasses and science peers/classmates and shit in labs...guess who I was more entertained by?

>> No.5846312

>must have a degree to be a mathematician

>> No.5846728

Most likely.

>> No.5846736

Every talented mathematician I have met has been an antisocial aspie, not likely to join a club of any kind.

>> No.5846988

i guess you entertained your science peers.

>> No.5846992


As always, the answer is "lowest common denominator". Mathematicians have more prestigious groups to join.

>> No.5848338

Your anecdotal evidence is not representative of all mathematicians.

>> No.5848952

That is fallacious thinking.

>> No.5850372

No, it's common sense.

>> No.5851231

What is that?