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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 14 KB, 243x251, carljohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5841749 No.5841749 [Reply] [Original]

My name is Carl Sagan, and I appreciate every single one of you. All of you are marvelous, precious and unique examples of atomic assembly.

You are what hydrogen atoms can turn into over eons of time.

Honestly, each and every one of you is a miracle. I mean, I guess the internal workings of cells is an impressive enough example of complex life as it is, but you guys take it to a whole new level.

This is even more impressive than converting sunlight into energy. Don't be a stranger, come join me in an informative and friendly dialogue. My name is Carl, I'm an astronomer, and I was a part of the team that orchestrated the Voyager spacecraft mission. What professions and hobbies do you partake in? I also have a lovely wife and we just love to go on activity-filled holidays (we just went snorkeling in the Caribbean, it was SO fascinating). You all should check out marine life up close some time. Thanks for listening.

Pic related, it's me and the Cosmos – which you and I are a part of.

>> No.5842175

thanks carlyboy

>> No.5842208

8/10 op did a bretty good job and was barely a faggot

>> No.5842211

Thanks, I needed that Mr. Sagan

>> No.5842878

I don't know why reading that made me feel any better about anything, but it did.

>> No.5842888

Thanks Carl Sagan. Chuckled and made me feel like an wonderful work of cosmic art.

Nobody else can do that like you.


>> No.5842948

carl, i have to hijack your thread for a little rant, i hope you can forgive me:
>/pol/ threads
>which field yields the most dosh?
>drug threads
>i suck at math, what do?
>dude, why does something exist?
>(web) iq-tests
please carl, make it stop

>> No.5842976

can someone try and read this in his voice?

>> No.5842984

>>i suck at math, what do?
perfectly legitimate thread and you are faggot for clumping it in with the others

>> No.5843006
File: 37 KB, 393x450, 1356474602872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5843023
File: 81 KB, 738x416, omegapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sagan is God


>> No.5843026

Fucking this

>> No.5843031


Holy shit

>> No.5843042
File: 232 KB, 1541x301, carl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would screencap again

>> No.5843048

>Sagan is dead


>> No.5843064


no u

>> No.5843080

Which way will we choose to go?

>> No.5843100



Why hasn't this gone viral? It's better than most 'inspirational' videos I've seen around.

>> No.5843175

>Published on Jun 18

Give it sometime anon.

>> No.5843300

Even if his body is gone he has left us with countless words of wisdom and the results of his works.
He might not be with us anymore, but as long as his words are kept intact and passed down to later generations, he will be in our hearts.

Carl lives on

>> No.5843306


This right here.

>> No.5843311

coolest stoner ever.

>> No.5843682
File: 71 KB, 433x544, 1317701828445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5843684


Fucking awesome. Hadn't heard that quote by him.

>> No.5843730

Thanks Carl

polite sage, because I've got fuck all to actually say

>> No.5843848
File: 31 KB, 588x473, carl-sagan-smoke-weed-everyday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
