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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 192 KB, 426x536, Screen shot 2013-06-07 at 9.46.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5818629 No.5818629 [Reply] [Original]

They mad


>> No.5818641
File: 37 KB, 630x439, 1370033141966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, now you're getting it. Post this crap on tumblr, not 4chan. Dumb bitches always have something stupid to say they're, im sure u can ave tons o giggles m8.

>> No.5818647

Liberalism is a mental disorder

>> No.5818681

>I have a degree, why won't anyone hire me?
>degree in philosophy

>> No.5818695
File: 40 KB, 374x456, 1316137851297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matthew. Queer. Feminist. Ashkenazi Jew. Vegan. Linguophile. I like music, social sciences, and diversity. Radscum, Fedoras, and White-whining are NOT welcome.

>> No.5818698

lol the modernism v postmodernism essay

>> No.5818705
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>> No.5818708
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>> No.5818716
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the five stages of education butthurt:
denial - no i chose the right major, this is all subjective it doesn't matter what you think that just like, your opinion man
anger - this is all bullshit i bet it was made by some ugly dork who never leaves his house
bargaining - i would do anything to change my major please i'll give you my panties
depression - im never going to be good at anything useful im dumb anyways why do you think im doing women's studies
acceptance - i dont even really give a fuck im going to go smoke some drug cigarettes and do what i want because i dont even have to study

>> No.5818717

Be honest with me sci how fucked am I

Going to be graduating with a BS in Biology and minors in chem and math.

Do I really have to go to grad school.

>> No.5818719


>drug cigarettes

>> No.5818722
File: 28 KB, 917x548, 97ba296996b9cd5d9df8a734728b2889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only list acceptable is this one.

>> No.5818725

As long they're STEM majors.

>> No.5818724

engrish is no me first languge
pls halp is od no wher i am

>> No.5818727

Can /pol/ please go back to their own shithole?
Or even r9k, they'll love you for this.

>> No.5818728

>4chan made it that's all you have to know
the fuck kind of statement is that?

people like that piss me off. your education doesn't entitle you to a job, or to money, or to whatever you want. hard work and dedication do. if you slacked off, partied, and did drugs in college you're not going to get the job of your dreams regardless of what your major is.

>> No.5818729


>> No.5818730
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>> No.5818734

Parent detected

>> No.5818735

I never understood people like you. Do you honestly think that your life duty is to look good in front of others?

>> No.5818739
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>> No.5818740


You think the only reason why someone would want to actually make a contribution to society is because they want to "look good in front of others"?

>> No.5818742

I'm living my life to help myself, if I help others along the way, great! But it's not my primary concern.

>> No.5818744
File: 19 KB, 300x354, notsosureboutdat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ashkenazi Jew
why, just...why?

>> No.5818746

He can do whatever he wants, what I don't understand is why he thinks others should do as himself. Sounds like he's a tad self-righteous to me.

>> No.5818747

to be fair most of the people towards the bottom complain A LOT about how much they think they should get paid.

>> No.5818749

Now you guys should understand where /pol/ is coming from.

>> No.5818752

It is a weak viewpoint, and it should be captured in words inspiring people to actually give a crap about others rather than an ugly ass tier pic.

>> No.5818753

This alone shouldn't make us even fully understand regular conservatism, let alone /pol/.

>> No.5818755

>Normal Tier
>not dysfunctional autist tier
>not I have no idea what im doing with my life tier
my face

>> No.5818757
File: 1.65 MB, 290x260, georgelaughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot face

>> No.5818760

>autism tier

>aspergers tier

i don't think you know what autism and aspergers are

>> No.5818763

he just throws it around because somebody called him that and he was so hurt by it he needs to call everyone autists inorder to feel he's "normal".

>> No.5818765

God Tier: What's most useful for advancing/sustaining society.

High Tier: What will get you a fuck load of money.

Mid Tier: What will get you a job with decent pay.

Low Tier: What is essentially useless but you might get a crappy job with it.

Shit Tier: What is essentially useless nor will land even the shittiest of jobs.

>> No.5818766

>Social Tier/Doing what you love regardless of future job salary tier
aka being a dumbass at life tier
aka working at a coffee shop for decades after college tier
aka I didnt have enough foresight or ambition to pick a STEM major tier

>> No.5818770

>glorious STEM participants
>constantly engage in base animalistic tribalism consisting of 'our degree > your degree' or 'our little group > your little group'


>> No.5818769

Where do jobs that are entirely counter-productive to advancing to society land?

Assume they pay well.

>> No.5818771

Jew Tier

>> No.5818772

I went in science because I'm genuinely curious about the world and I like problem solving. Are there actually people here who have as primary motivation "helping society"? Are you all medical students?

>> No.5818773
File: 247 KB, 960x1280, russiangangster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those go in Thug Lyfe Tier

>> No.5818774


u just got tricked

>> No.5818776

What matters here is that we feel better of ourselves laughing at useless majors.

>> No.5818777

Drug cigarettes was hilarious and only made the statement more funny. I guess technically correct terms would be like "joint" or "cigarette that I dipped in formaldehyde"
Don't worry about it.

>> No.5818778


STEM is all a ruse made by the master ruseman.

>> No.5818780

then what the fuck is non STEM? a double ruse?!?

>> No.5818782

A ruse within a ruse:

A Caligari.

>> No.5818783

What's wrong with computer science and business Economics? I have interest in those two.

>> No.5818786

Why not go for computer engineering? It's like computer science but better.

I don't know much about economics, can't help you there.

>> No.5818787

por que no los dos?

>> No.5818792


What makes computer engineering more interesting than computer science? I thought computer engineering was split in what they learn by learning hardware and software.

>> No.5818794

Because how do you really understand a computer if you know all about the software but nothing about the hardware?

>> No.5818801

Oh god I want to strangle whoever wrote this
Liberalism is really a mental disease

>ok so here’s why this graphic is bullshit.

>lets first consider modernism vs post modernism

>Modernism is the idea that there are universal truths that can be reached through science math that are absolutes. Due to the acceptance of these universal truths and science/math as the way to these truths it follows that there is one best way to do any one thing.

>Post modernism is the idea that there are no universal truths and sciences are as socially constructed as anything thus are no more relevant than any thing else.

>this is important b/c when we think about white supremacy what we see is essentially modernism at work. there is no accounting for diversity or multiple ways of think or approaching something. here is only one best way the way that accounts for whiteness (evidenced by all the experts on stuff out there that don’t know shit, people failing at intersectionality).

>all of our government agencies (and i use government agencies as an example cuz its a good way to see how ideas communicated in the above bullshit ass graphic works in our day to day life and also I’m a political scientist) are conceived in an era where modernism held sway and thus are playing catch up to post modernism.

>> No.5818809

You can learn exactly how a computer functions through programming.
The exact machinations don't really matter, unless you are interested in just that.

>> No.5818814

God tier major: Something that will get you a good job
God tier minor or second major: something you love

>> No.5818818

If you actually changed majors, you'd realize they do matter

>> No.5818825

If you want to work in actual research in biology and you want to do something more than someone's shitty grunt labor, yes, you need to go to grad school.

>> No.5818826

I'm not the same anon. I'm not even in school.
I'm just learning C.

>> No.5818827

I wish I could say I was surprised that tumblr took an obvious troll image seriously, but then again /sci/ falls for that same image every goddamn day.

>> No.5818839
File: 89 KB, 600x669, 52352523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Computer Science is 80% mathematics and problem solving, i.e. algorithms.

>Computer Science takes the useful and applicable parts of math and applies it to an Engineering paradigm.

Are you even trying?

>> No.5818849
File: 758 KB, 1024x768, Jellyfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If so many degrees are supposedly "useless" and the people pursuing them "stupid faggots who deserve to die poor"

Then why are these degrees options in the first place? My parents were poor and didn't tell me shit about which majors were more "god tier" than others. I found out that shit too late after a life time of "if you just get good grades and go to college, you'll do better than us, no matter what career path you choose?"

Can you really blame a person for being born in a society that presents them "options" which are really "traps."

I find lack of sympathy disturbing, but I'll probably get called a moralfag or a white knight or some other catch-all word that basically means "Haha, should've been a sociopath, bitch."

>> No.5818852

>physics, medicine
>severe autism tier

Oh yeah, I guess you fucking invented everything out of nothing

>> No.5818851

why would you think womyns studies would land you a job

>> No.5818855

I think you mean stupidity is a mental disease. It is independent of political affiliation. There are some equally bad things that come out of the mouths of conservatives.

Can we just put aside politics and agree to hate stupid people?

>> No.5818858


>> No.5818859
File: 907 KB, 500x500, 1368825677458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't.

I just didn't know what major to choose when the time came. Nobody told me anything. I live in a state of stupid rednecks.

It's like you guys don't think a person can be a product of their environment, just their decisions.

I honestly didn't even know there was such a thing as a major until I was in high school

My parents literally just said "stfu and go to college, unlike the rest of us, and then you can save us all with money because you'll be the first person in your family who went to college."

Pressure + no explanations = freezing up when important decisions need to be made

Now I live with my girlfriend and her alcoholic mother and I'm trying to save up enough money for a car so I can actually get back IN school.

I quit because I didn't want to spend tuition money if my major turned out to be "useless."

>> No.5818861


Furthermore I didn't think you understood my point.


it was "Why is it an option? We should make only important careers which actually contribute to society options in college."

>> No.5818862


This thread is a huge circlejerk. Don't take it seriously. Go for whatever major you aren't going to mind studying for 4 years straight. Just realize that some degrees simply don't have a designated job waiting for them outside of academia. For instance, CS students generally go into a software engineering job after college. However, a women's studies degree holder probably won't find anything simply because "the study of women" is all theory and nothing applicable to the "real world." This doesn't mean that someone can't be successful in life because they chose the wrong degree. Anyone can get into business/management, a college degree is still a college degree. Something companies look at as a filter.

I mean the majority of biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics majors don't even get a job related to their degree outside of lab work. Especially if they just get a bachelors.

The overarching problem here with social and natural sciences is that the degrees are simply too ambiguous and a lot of people holding these degrees simply don't know of any positions their degree will fit, so they just settle on whatever job openings are in the local paper to "hold them over".

I mean all pre-PhD degrees are essentially just learning the stuff the PhDs are discovering. You aren't creating any new information or content, so the only real way you can make a "name for yourself" is to get a PhD. Does this make sense?

>> No.5818866

>Can you really blame a person for being born in a society that presents them "options" which are really "traps."
I'm not blaming you for being born into that society.
I'm blaming you for spending 18 years in that society and then blindly accepting the options they gave you as equally valid and doing no research and making no attempt to actually determine which options were better than other options for another 4 years after choosing between the options despite investing tens of thousands of dollars and several years of your life into your choice.

No, you can't blame stupid people for being stupid, but, fuck, I can sure as hell point out that the fact that you are poor, in debt and unable to fix your situation is almost entirely due to the fact that you are stupid.

>> No.5818867
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Another thing, I've been hesitant about going back to school.

I want to major in CS, but half the people I know tell me going to school for that would be useless and I should just teach myself using the internet and go for certifications instead.

>> No.5818910


The job hiring process varies so much from example to example that flat out saying college is a waste of time is a load of shit. Yes, you CAN make a good living as a software engineer without a degree. However, that is just one more thing against you. If an HR person is told to only hire someone with a college degree, then you will automatically be filtered every single time. There is also the case of "you don't know what you don't know". This is really important when it comes to group projects and data networking. So even while you can learn everything that college would teach you outside of class, that doesn't mean you would actually know where to start.

>> No.5818916

Mechatronics engineering master race reporting in.
Bitches don't know 'bout my killer robots.

>> No.5818921


Pretty good to supplement for your CS degree, but if you just get Certification, there will always be an invisible ceiling that you won't break no matter how many years you work.

>> No.5818939
File: 80 KB, 426x536, rankings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my version of op's pic

>> No.5818975

quoting some gems i found in response:

"aaand as usual, fashion design is nowhere to be seen. i mean, i understand we don’t hold a huge amount of importance in an ethical sense, OH WAIT, what’s that you’re wearing? CLOTHES? (i mean, unless you’re a nudist, in which case, good for you) wow that’s crazy, i wonder who had to make those… AH. AHA. AHAHA."

"lol at Math being god tier. because teaching hormonal teenagers about triangles is such a worthy course of study."

"Also math majors aren’t that hard? Like if you’re good at math it’s usually such an easy major compared to social sciences or “hard” science. I take math classes because they have a lighter workload than my social science classes in terms of time "


"UM I’m wondering if a brown parent made this because that’s what it looks like to me. I can’t believe that WOMENS STUDIES is IN THE SHIT TIER.

"How the fuck do astronomers help us? Like how are they helping me get this paper and fucking shit up? Aside from spending time getting info on the universe that gives me the creeps and figuring out we’re all gonna die when the sun expands billions of years from now?"

>> No.5818999 [DELETED] 


>not researching in the age of computers

based retard bro, anyone not retarded can google "best paying college majors" and see 10/10 of them are STEM related.

>> No.5819009

>getting a degree based on money

>> No.5819019 [DELETED] 


ok then stop fucking crying when no one cares about your woman studies degree with a minor classical african literature

>> No.5819057

>getting a degree

>> No.5819058

>Actually caring about other people opinions on your life choices.

>> No.5819063

I wonder what these people are like in real life. I wonder what they look like.

>> No.5819071
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>> No.5819123

b-b-b-but i want a degree in information technology..

am i making the wrong choice, /sci/?


>> No.5819125

Don't be a faggot, just get an apprenticeship as an electrician.

>> No.5819138

Where does accountancy fall into the great degree major debate. Is it STEM, is it just something miscellaneous?

>> No.5819141

They're just your average not-very-intelligent girls and unintelligent guys. Nothing remarkable, you probably see more of them on a daily basis than you do /sci/-type people unless you work in a lab or are a total shutin.

>> No.5819145

Oh-my-god-my-life-is-adding-up-meaningless-numbers-to-make-money-for-other-people-just-kill-me-already tier

>> No.5819377
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>top tier / smart hard workers
>Kinesiology and life sciences

>> No.5819394

Nothing - whoever mad this is fairly inaccurate.

Medicine should be with law on top tier (not god tier).

Economics should be at least on-par with "life sciences" in mid tier and comp sci should be top tier too (business is pretty low tier because it is so generic)

>> No.5819399


Massively dumb people on both sides of the liberal vs. conservatism debate.

>> No.5819405

Sometimes I wish the internet was dead, if not only for the destruction of hugboxes that promote and transform these vile creatures.

The internet makes it possible to create a dialectic which welcomes dissension yet most of us stay within a single ideological context out of comfort.

>> No.5819412


lol it always suprises me people think the only you can do with mathematics is teach mathematics.

It's actually pretty funny they these people don't even realise how mathematics underpins all technology and is used in practically all industries.

You can see their brain trying hard, but ultimately failing, to understand why Pythagoras' theorem is useful.

>> No.5819430


>> No.5819434

>Psychology low tier
How did they "think"

>> No.5819436

How could maths possibly be LESS racially specific?
We use Arabic numbers and a combination of Latin and Greek pronumerals.

>> No.5819459


This. Our generation is a bunch of entitled shits.

>> No.5819466



>> No.5819467


oh lawd, please save me from this madness

>> No.5819471


Haha that article gets me every time!


Thanks /sci/, this thread has been a laugh and a real Jimmy-rustler!

>> No.5819476

>Matthew. Queer. Feminist. Ashkenazi Jew. Vegan. Linguophile. I like music, social sciences, and diversity. Radscum, Fedoras, and White-whining are NOT welcome.

Is their a "mental disorder" for people who feel as if they were born in the wrong time?

If I make a tumblr post about it will I get 500 notes telling CIE (comfortable in era) people to check their privilege?

>> No.5819482

I like to think they are there simply to weed out the individuals who have no place in pursuing higher education and who are hell bent on acquiring degrees belong to essentially useless criteria i.e most liberal arts, honestly if you think universities are there to benefit everyone then you must be naive.

>> No.5819485


Good list, but the conditions often overlap.

For example, you could be doing Medicine because you love the field, you are good at it, you think it will make you alot of money, its what sounded easiest (to you) and also because your parents told you to do it.

I propose a revised version:

Are you doing:

What you love: +1
What you are good at: +1
What you think will make a lot of money: +1
What your parent told you to do: -1
What sounded easiest: -1

3 pts - God tier
2 pts - High tier
1 pt - Mid tier
0 pts - Low tier
-1 pts - Bad tier
-2 pts - Shit tier

>> No.5819494

no points for degrees which generally require more intelligence?

>> No.5819495


What will contribute to society at large: +1
Womens Studies: -10

≥ 3 pts - God tier
≤ 3 pts - Kill-yourself-tier

>> No.5819503

You'll probably get a bunch of pre-teen female Beatles fans and mid-teen male Pink Floyd fans to agree with you.

>> No.5819505

What if your parents agree with your decision, and you chose "what sounded easiest" because ease is directly correlated with skill in that field?

>> No.5819507


How would you define what generally requires more intelligence?

Inclusion of mathematics beyond statistics?

>> No.5819508

>3 pts
>god tier and kill yourself


>> No.5819509

>pre-teen females

Well if they're cute.

>> No.5819510

Of course they're cute.
And with braces.

>> No.5819511


Hmm. Those do seem like plus points.

How about we revise
>What your parent told you to do: -1
>What sounded easiest: -1


What you are good at: +1
What your parents agree with: +1
What your parents forced you to do: -2
What you dont want to do: -2

So if you are only in it because it is easy to you and you dont want to do it it still nets you a -1.

Or if your parents agree with it but you were forced into it it also nets you a -1.

>> No.5819513


Greater than or equal to 3 pts - God tier
Less than or equal to 3 pts - Kill yourself tier

>> No.5819514
File: 851 KB, 2560x1440, 1363689523461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then that brings me to a perfect score of +5.
Delicious liberal tears, everybody must be so jelly.

>> No.5819516


Im going to have to -1 from your "what you are good at" score because the maximum score is only +4.

You net a +3

Still, good for you though.

>> No.5819520

Exactly. So if you have 3 points...

>> No.5819521


Oh haha.

Less than or equal to -3 pts of course.

>> No.5819526

God tier : What you like
Shit tier : What you don't like
>mmuh mmuh job
What kind of life is a life where you do shit you hate 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for the majority of your lifetime ?

>> No.5819529

>Hurr evil libruls theys hate science
Most scientists are liberals, make dealings.

>> No.5819530


>> No.5819534


Top tier needs to swap with Mid tier.

Music should be bumped into the new top tier.

>> No.5819536

Looks like someone discovered a thesaurus.

Protip: In an endeavor to appear as an individual of high-intellect--a pathetic attempt, I might add--your meager efforts illustrate you as, simply put, a pretentious child.

Joking aside, you don't sound as smart as you think you do. I'm not saying it's okay to dumb down your speech, but it's also not okay to carry the pretense of being smarter than you are. Your use of those big words is awkward, and it's a dead giveaway to your lack of eloquence.

>> No.5819539

"Scholars such as C. K. Raju have advocated multicultural mathematics, in which different cultures can develop different forms of mathematics."
Fucking hell

>> No.5819540
File: 27 KB, 300x400, 1homeless_and_hungry_by_hippykitty[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A life without hunger.

>> No.5819541

Pissed me off, too. Either the mathematical relation to our world is right or its wrong.

If a culture develops a math that says 2+2=5, they are wrong in terms of the physical universe we live in.

>> No.5819554
File: 68 KB, 450x200, racist_computers[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hurr universal languages are RACIST"
>"If white people use it, it must be BANNED"

Maybe they mean a system of maths like the Australian Aborigines where their only numbers are "one", "two", "three" and "many".

>> No.5819563
File: 481 KB, 838x1200, orky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Thats hilarious! Thats like Ork tier stupid!

>> No.5819565

They also never developed a writing system and the vast majority of tribes never even invented stone tools with handles (i.e. they just beat things with rocks rather than making them into axes).

I think they're also the only culture on Earth to never develop the bow and arrow.

>> No.5819568

In Africa I still saw people sweeping their doorstep with broom bundles but no sticks, and all the woman had these arched degenerate backs, like how stereotype old people walk.

I always wanted to just walk over and grab the bundle, tie it to any stick lying around with my shoe laces and feel superior.

Allas twas not to be.

>> No.5819573


They're trolling right. They have to be. Nobody can be that retarded.

>> No.5819574

lel CS mid tier
Formal Sciences > Everything else

>> No.5819576

I don't get the animosity towards philosophy degrees. That's the kind of stuff that lawyers, politicians and even CEOs do at university.

>> No.5819582

Hmm, maybe they do LAW degrees.
Who cares, they're just scum living off of welfare
Most CEOs have some experience with the products or services that their company provides. Of course there are some CEOs with philosophy degrees, but there are also some CEOs with music degrees.

>> No.5819591

>Hmm, maybe they do LAW degrees.
Or they do a degree then go to law school

>Who cares, they're just scum living off of welfare
Not forgetting they actually run fucking countries, someone has to do it.

Let's not forget other fields that employ people with philosophy degrees.
>Top and mid level managers, executives and administrators
>Broadcasters, writers, editors, PR etc.
>Insurance, real estate

>> No.5819597

thanks for the well reasoned comment anon.

are you all just having an ironic laugh at the dogmatic principals of naive logical positivism / utilitarianism or is /sci/ this retarded.
A lot of folks here seem to conflate helping society with getting a good job, beyond paying taxes there is no reason for these two things to correlate.
Also, do you not see how fucking amorphous "contribute to society" is as a goal.
can someone define contribute to society for me please

>> No.5819598 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 501x585, jew-bwa-ha-ha[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They run countries
Lel, I think we both know who really does that.

>> No.5819601

So you're attacking my use of language instead of what I'm trying to articulate, which is dead obvious.

>> No.5819606

>Hmm, maybe they do LAW degrees.

no such thing as an undergrad law degree

>> No.5819608

Wait what
Where the hell do you live?

>> No.5819623

I agree with what you're saying; that's why I didn't attack it. I just wanted to call you out.

>> No.5819630


>> No.5819656
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>> No.5819721

>politician tier

>> No.5819752
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>> No.5819754

>Scientists jelly that engineers get more sex than them

>> No.5819777

Jesus, he's like the perfect caricature or Tumblr-retardation.

>> No.5819778
File: 7 KB, 287x139, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, he's like the perfect caricature or Tumblr-retardation.

I know, I know it sounds a bit /pol/ but
>Ashkenazi Jew
Perfect Caricature...

>> No.5819783

>tfw chemistry god tier

>> No.5819789
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>geology master race reporting in

Any other geobros here?

>> No.5819795

Because if you ask Tyrone how much 2 + 2 is, he won't be able to answer. But if you make the question less "white and eurocentric" by asking him things such as "How much money did Jamal steal from the gas station?" or "How many watermelons does Mugumbo have after he sold his last watermelon to his friend Nujambe?" or something then he will be able to answer.

>> No.5819806


You do realize science and religion came from philosophy anon? Just because society is a bunch of dicks that can't learn to appreciate it does not mean it's bad. It's just 'underrated', plus there aren't many jobs you can do with philosophy.

>> No.5819808

Everyone born in the middle class thinks they're geniuses and nothing will ever convince them otherwise, not even their bullshit majors or no one hiring them out of college

>> No.5819807

>You realise astronomy came from astrology anon?
>Just because society is a bunch of dicks that can't learn to appreciate astrology does not mean it's bad.
>It's just 'underrated'

Nope, philosophy's still shit.

>> No.5819810


Saying philosophy is shit is like saying science can work without math. The statement is flawed.

Oh, and your analogy is the shittiest analogy I ever saw.

>> No.5819814

I feel that philosophy is the discipline that allows us to think and postulate of all the important questions that concern humankind, and science is our tool to find the answer for them all.

>> No.5819816

But maths didn't just 'lead to' science, it's still crucial for any science.

Philosophy is simply not relevant, and it never has been relevant.
Even in the days of 'the great philosophers', it was really just a big dick-waving contest where they were all trying to make themselves appear as 'greater than mortal men'.
They literally argued that there was a 'greater plane of knowledge' which could only be directly accessed by philosophers, and that common folk had to use the philosophers as 'translators'.
Plato's cave? It was just a way of saying "lel look how dumb you are and how smart I am", all while contributing nothing.

Yes, philosophy lead to science.
No, philosophy is not a part of science and no, it has never been a worthwhile profession.

>> No.5819818

Philosophy is all good and all, it just hasn't answered any big questions for several hundred years. Which sucks because thats what it's supposed to be all about

>> No.5819820

Any examples of some big questions that it's answered?

>> No.5819825

Some questions are just very difficult, and they cant be proven without the help of science. Numerous philosophers were also mathematicians, and they used maths to prove their theories. Other theories such as "is there life out there?" cant be proven until we find life in space. "Is there a God?" can't be proven without being able to observe a god, and to do that we need to be able to observe the entire universe from an outside and objective point of view. The questions are in such a large scale that it will take us a long time to figure them out, if ever.

>> No.5819826

The existence of a sentient being.
I think therefore I am.

>> No.5819839


>> No.5819841

Wouldnt the fact that you're questioning your existence be a testament to your own existence? How can you question that which you do not have?

>> No.5819842

"I’m p sure whoever made this owns a fedora, is very involved in the MLP fandom, and likes to read Ayn Rand."


>> No.5819844


Philosophy IS important to science, no matter how much you deny it.

Yes, I will agree that a degree in philosophy is useless in today's society.

Philosophy is the art of thinking. You can't do science without thinking. If it weren't for philosophy, ALL of us would be some brain-dead smilin' folk who are HAPPY to live such a SIMPLE and PATHETIC life. No one would EVER question the existence of a God. No, humanity would not progress AT ALL without philosophy. Philosophy helped humanity choose the right path, and that is an indisputable fact. You could even go as far as to say that quantum physics is made out of nothing BUT philosophy.

So there you go anon.

>> No.5819847

>Matthew. Queer. Feminist. Ashkenazi Jew. Vegan. Linguophile. I like music, social sciences, and diversity.
Jesus fucking christ these people actually exist

>> No.5819849

>Me being able to think
Is very, very different to
>Me devoting my entire life to philosophy

Do you understand that difference?
I guarantee that even with no "philosophers", we would still have all modern philosophical ideas.

>> No.5819850

>quantum physics is made out of nothing BUT philosophy
Clearly you've never seen the maths behind it.
>Pro tip: pop science isn't science
>Scientists actually do use maths, even if they don't show it in New Scientist

>> No.5819852


Except I was not talking about devoting life to philosophy, merely that it is fundamental for science to work.

>> No.5819855


And clearly you misunderstood my point.

What drives that math? Those calculations to prove something? That's right theories. And how are theories created? By deep thinking. And what is deep thinking? Philosophy.

>> No.5819867


You might as well say that all scientists are in great debt to dietitians because you need food to power your brain.

>> No.5819878


Once again, another shitty analogy.

We eat food because our bodies cannot function without it. Has the thought ever occurred to you?

>> No.5819881

Certain foods have proven to improve brain function. Without that research who knows what discoveries would have been delayed...

>> No.5819883


Anon, stop with this blasphemy.

No food is going to suddenly make you a genius.

>> No.5819884

>By deep thinking. And what is deep thinking? Philosophy.

I guess we're all philosophers then. So there is no need to pursue it as a degree.

>> No.5819886


Yes but shitty diet can retard brain development thereby crippling a potential genius.

>> No.5819887

I'm not suggesting that, but to ignore compounding factors that improve your cognitive ability is foolish.


>> No.5819893


That's what I have been saying all this time: degrees in philosophy are crappy because there are very few jobs that you can do with them.


And that still proves nothing. Even if it slightly raises your brain functions it will not raise them to a relevant level.

Stop going off-topic.

>> No.5819897

>Stop going off-topic.


>> No.5819902


We were discussing how important philosophy was, not about diets.

You are going off-topic because you have no arguments, I assume?

>> No.5819904

>relevant level
What is a relevant level? I'm not suggesting you won't be able to function, you just wont be able to function to your true potential. If you want your brain to operate at sub-optimal level then that's your choice. But don't dismiss the fine line between ground-breaking discoveries and academic obscurity.

>> No.5819905


Philosphy isn't a science, though.

Take it to /lit/ or /r9k/.

>> No.5819907


Let me rephrase: it will not raise it to a substantial level. Though I agree if you want to increase your potential to a maximum level, go with it.


Except none of those boards are thought provoking. /sci/ is the only one.

>> No.5819909

>thought provoking
>not just a bunch of cc wannabes who think they are smart

>> No.5819911

>Except none of those boards are thought provoking. /sci/ is the only one.

Shit nigga, then maybe you should learn real science instead of contaminating /sci/ with your /lit/-caliber pretension.

>> No.5819914


Are you trolling anon?

Or angry for losing an argument?

No matter, but please stop with the idiocy.

>> No.5819962

I am above second option bias

>> No.5819964

So true it breaks my heart.

>> No.5819966

>contaminating /sci/ with your /lit/-caliber pretension.
>Implying /sci/ is not pretentious by default

>> No.5820027

>The avoidance of racial stereotypes or cultural bias in classroom materials, textbooks, coursework topics and examination questions. For example, common non-European names, such as Chaim (Jewish), Jamal (Arabic), or Muhammed (Islamic), could be used in story problems, rather than common European names, like Mary or Emily.

that is what happens if you mix the shit tier with the god tier

>> No.5820069

this doesn't work though, we had these anti-racist books in school and it was still the pakistani children who struggled most with math

solution is to admit people are different, learn at different rates etc. and not make them feel stupid or hold them back for forcing them onto tramlines

>> No.5820144

because there are dumb people who will pay to learn it. college is very much a buisness

>> No.5820157

looks like reddit lol

>> No.5820161

>solution is to admit people are different, learn at different rates etc. and not make them feel stupid or hold them back for forcing them onto tramlines

Pakistanis are virtually identical racially to Indians, so it has to be a cultural difference.

>> No.5820186
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Why can't I hold all this autism?

>> No.5820192
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Interesting how physicists put Political Science in Shit Tier. Yet, when funding time rolls around, who do they come begging to?

> Butthurt detected

>> No.5820211

>not having a degree in optimization

fucking casuals

>> No.5820215

>implying politicians are political scientist

>> No.5820225

From what I've seen, it's mainly from the private sector.
The gubment doesn't seem to do anything.

>experimental physicist asks for gubment funding
>what applications will your research have in five years?
>5 years? Are you fucking serious? This isn't engineering, good research has applications that will change the world in 50 years if you're lucky. Be patient.
>we're sorry to inform you that your funding was denied approval

>> No.5820257

Yes and if you call them gay they are insulted.

>> No.5820268

Unless it's turmoil time like war. Then it's
>5 years? Are you fucking serious? This isn't engineering, good research has applications that will change the world in 50 years if you're lucky. Be patient.
>alright we'll toss 10x the money and you're the math guys, make it work now

>> No.5821640

So uh.....where does Forensic Science fall into here?

>> No.5821743

>Top tier
11/10, would laugh again.

>> No.5821772

>do you watch films?
>do you wear clothes?
>do you listen to music?
>do you live in a house?
>do you see art&design functionally used everyday?

If you are basing this on contributions to society, then it would be stupid to think subjects like art, design, music, fashion, architecture could be anywhere other than high tier at the least.

>> No.5821810

>"And you know what gives me a hard on?"

I know exactly why I have this boner. I'm surprised that I've yet to hear of this guy.

>> No.5821811

Without philosophy, there would be no science in the first place. Science as we know it today, is a product of determinism. In a sense, you can claim that everything which has been figured out by science is by extension due to philosophy. It was because some men took the time to argue that the world may be based off of repeatable, testable phenomena that we know what we know today.

>> No.5821812

Could someone make an anthro tier list if they have some free time?

>> No.5821820

Philosophy and science are not separate things. Philosophy just refers to thinking. When people think of philosophy they think of the unanswered questions that have existed for thousands of years, but ignore all of the questions that were answered by philosophy.
Answering the question "What is a circle?" is philosophy.
Determining if a certain experiment proves that something is true is philosophy.
Humans started out with nothing. They had to discover/invent logic.
Philosophy created deductive reasoning.

>> No.5821823

I'd say philosophy is more like the border of knowledge, "what is thinkable", we only need to adjust and ensure that every detail science and mathematics provides can fit in the lines.

>> No.5821825

Yes, I agree with you completely. People who bag on philosophy are just completely ignorant. Which is why I don't wave my STEM major around as if I am better than anyone.

>> No.5821832

Pro tip:
Pure math its a subfield of philosophy.

>> No.5821837

>Philosophy created deductive reasoning.

No it didn't.

Go read the Analysis page on SEP. Early philosophy took logical thinking from mathematics.


>> No.5821842

daily reminder that philosophy is a diseased discipline



>> No.5821888
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>tfw a STEM major tries to undermine philosophy beside me

>> No.5821911

Why is Law up there?

>> No.5821918


Geology god tier reporting in!

>> No.5821920
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>mfw a philosophy major is having trouble saying what philosophy has ever accomplished

jk joint degree philosophags are pretty cool, it's the pure ones that are fucking detestable

>> No.5821924

>tfw I'm thinking of doing a Physics & Philosophy degree but I don't think it would leave me in a great position to do a physics PhD afterwards.

Shame, I like philosophy. Also the course is hecka competitive as it is so it's probably not worth it.

>> No.5821977

>Matthew. Queer. Feminist. Ashkenazi Jew. Vegan. Linguophile. I like music, social sciences, and diversity. Radscum, Fedoras, and White-whining are NOT welcome.
>Ashkenazi Jew
I bet my life he just pretends to be a Jew to not have white privilege.

>> No.5821981


Natural Philosophers - Why? Let's go find out.

>> No.5821984

Scientists - Because

>> No.5821995

>not dividing engineering and putting the civil engineering plebs in their place.
>not puting Electric,mechanic and aerospacial as the future of man kind tier

>> No.5822008

Philosophy should be compulsory on all courses. It'll atleast make it harder to graduate aspies who just chug formulas.

>> No.5822012

It should be incorporated in the teaching methods, to guide students to viewing the problem effectively.

>> No.5822014

In elementary school and highschool specially. That's where we should begin.

>> No.5822024

I agree. Then everyone can learn how to be profound like philosophers.

>> No.5822030

No. It's not becausse of that. It's simply because we don''t need empty headed engineers, medics, teachers.... We need them to think and actually do something new.

>> No.5822039

so if Engineering is at top, where would you put Bio-medical Engineering?

>> No.5822062
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this is one of the best things i have ever seen.

>> No.5822083

>God Tier
Yeah, no. Just about the only thing you can do with those degrees is teach at your local community college.

>> No.5822087

That was excellent. Thank you for that.

>> No.5822099

>only teach at your local community college

I'll agree that astronomy isn't the most useful thing but fucking come on

>> No.5822108

What's the purpose in majoring mathematics outside of teaching? Why not major in something actually applicable in the real world like physics or engineering?

>> No.5822112

oh mathematics lays the foundation for those fields, but pure math get's pretty nonapplicative sometimes, like sphere inversions without pinching.

>> No.5822117

Oh I see, you're one of those types that thinks you can only go into fields that are completely relevant to your degree material.

>> No.5822223


this has nothing to do with politics

its funny how Americans try to put everything they dont like into a political party they hate
its philosophy

>> No.5822226

Most of your post was politics, not philosophy. I think you'll like >>/pol/ better

>> No.5822227


engineering is a much more intensive and hardcore study.

but in some countries; masters degree in computer engineer is called computer science

so its a bit confusing

computer science in Europe is called informatics. and its a much easier course/bachelor degree

>> No.5822234


you have to understand that university and college is not a school, its a academic institution

the goal of such an institution is to make science. and science should be free. people can study whatever they want. we humans want to know everything u see.

but of course if you study woman science then don't expect to be rich or anything. its not a "good" type of science. but of course all the professors and scientist in that field will try to recruit as many as they can to their field and make it popular

>> No.5822246

>implying the best degree isn't the one of the Engineering technologist

>> No.5822269


but science is a philosophy

science is defined by philosophy

guys didnt you learn this first year at uni

>> No.5822285



you know we are going to soon use quantum mechanics as the new electricity

quantum computers, ect

most computer engineers now is learning quantum physics instead of electromagnetism

>> No.5822289


modernism and post modernism is has nothing to do with politics..

thats a fact just deal with it

>> No.5822300

ru is tesla gais

>> No.5822307


true story bro

electronics is based on stream of electrons. but we can go deeper now we can use quantum level mechanics to drive our "quantumtonic" apparatuses

>> No.5822321

Tesla thaugth there were no electrons, and the atom was a solid ball. Yet his shit worked. It really does not deppend on what strategy/doctrine/theoory you are working with. If your laws can be sucessfully applied and observed it will work. I personaly think that Quantum mechanics is bullshit, it broke the long tradition of simplyifing things into one force or law and fucked shit up. But guess what? It works! (I still hate it)

>> No.5822333

What's really hilarious about this image is the people who rule you, the people who own you, the people who tell you what to do with your life are the language majors, the lawyers, the business majors, and the people with no degrees whatsoever.

It's absolutely hilarious to watch as you people get hired by tech firms led by someone who decided to fuck school and be an entrepreneur, get a government grant from people who graduated with law degrees, and work in universities led by someone who studied English.

It's the people who learn to collect ideas, argue their viewpoints, and convince others to follow them that get ahead in this world, not the people who are satisfied with an 80k a year paycheck with a science degree.

God I love it.

>> No.5822336

Oppps I meant Thought*

>> No.5822378

>being this buttmad

It's only 1 in 3 million people who end up successful with a happy life after doing a bachelor of arts. The rest end up contemplating suicide while waiting in line for their unemployment check.

>> No.5822547

>Tfw You're good at what you love and it will make you a fuck ton of money

>> No.5822562

>Stats that high
That shit is so fucking boring, how do people even do it for a living

>> No.5822568


Your kidding right. Stats is just another branch of math except with more jobs and better pay.

>> No.5822641

Yeah, almost everyone need Statistics.

>> No.5822654

And without all of the things that make studying mathematics interesting...

>> No.5822693


LIke what? The thing which makes math interesting is the problem solving ability needed and finding out unusual things from basic definitions. All of which is present ins statistics but with real world applicability, more jobs, better pay, and tons of research oppurtunities.

>> No.5822707


muh english studies

>> No.5822713
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I'm pretty sure for five of those years I was either a drooling retard, learning how to speak, or being taught basic life lessons.

For another five I was in elementary school getting bullied and being taught math poorly

For another three years I was avoiding getting stabbed in the horrible race wars that plagued my middle school (learned nothing there either, the teachers were all apathetic)

Then in high school everyone suddenly like

"Okay, get a part time job, do more homework than you've ever done, learn how girls work and don't fall for their tricks, have a social life, pick a major, and do lots of research."

I'm pretty sure I didn't do research because I had no idea I needed to until it was too late, and even then, I got stupid answers like the first post in this thread.

I live on a planet ruled by dying hairless monkeys, most of whom are stupid.

I also live in a really Christian area so having gay parents and not going to church really excluded me from having the social connections necessary to make my life a little easier.

All the other people, they could get by with being stupid because they had a whole church willing to help them when they fucked up. I know this stupid bitch named Gwen, she's in her fifties, any time she's been doing too much drugs or not getting her shit together, she just goes to church and asks for pity money. She's actually able to pay bills with what the congregation gives her.

Where as nonreligious people, while smarter individually, give each other no collective support because they have no means to.

I also left my first job not because I was bad at it but because a whole insane community of religious people were constantly trying to convert me in the break room, make me listen to bible verses, or talk about how the universes is "too beautiful to have just poofed into existence."

I hate to blame every failure in my life on society, but every time I try to do what I'm supposed to there's assholes in the way.

>> No.5822714

The creativity, the abstract purity of it, the "AHA" feeling of making a breakthrough on a proof.
I guess if you're doing actual research in pure statistics you might get the same thing out of it, I really have no idea, but if you're doing that your options, pay and job opportunities aren't going to be any better than in pure math, there will actually be less job opportunities though probably less competition. Instead the vast majority of stats majors, including everybody who's getting the good high-paying jobs with real world applicability, is doing applied statistics, basically using statistics to analyze and present data, and that shit is boring as fuck, I'd rather be an engineer at that point.

>> No.5822721
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Also, I'm not in debt.

I have a couple grand saved up, and this is in spite of living with an alcoholic, being raised by a disabled old lesbian couple and having to do all their housework, and having really needy friends.

I'm seen as a stingy asshole for doing what I'm supposed to do by those around me, but on the internet I'm some entitled liberal whiner who never did anything right.

I hate the extremes, and I hate the lack of support even more.

I'd love to actually do something with my life, but when every step is made unnecessarily hard, I start to wonder if living is even worth it.

Also, how is it my fault I'm poor when my parents couldn't even hook me up with a cell phone and a car while everyone else I knew had one at sixteen. They were all driving around getting shit done while I was still scraping up enough money for the first step.

There's no universal criteria for what's good here, so why not help people in need who don't seem to be spending it on stupid shit.

I don't even by new clothes until my old shit is completely wrecked, yet I see people who eat better than me, dress better than me, have more energy than me, have the means to communicate while outside the house, have transportation... all handed to them.

And I'm expected to get these things while juggling the sudden onset of adulthood?

I have a female friend who's homeless now because she's a stupid bitch who did too many drugs and got too many stupid jailbird boyfriends in a row. I used to respect her, and I'm worried that society sees her instead of me when I talk about my problems.

And she had a car and a cell phone handed to her

I'd get off the internet and actually do something around town if I had the means to get around town without losing money or begging or using our horrible bus system

>> No.5822733

This is wonderful. Thank you.

>> No.5822736


Best way to help yourself honestly is to help the collective.

When you have a society of happy people ready to help other people, shit flows smoothly.

When you have a society full of paranoid people who are ready to stab each other in the back for an incremental increase in power, you have misery.

It's simple.

>> No.5822738


> Computer Science
> God Tier

You sir are retarded.

>> No.5822746

"what shithead puts mathematics above psychology and sociology" said by "Hi, I'm Julia Maoash de Vatgasicia, a transgender Maoist from Brazil, currently living in Florida."

>> No.5822752

Guess what, kiddo, life is hard, it's not fair, it's not easy, no one ever said it was.

But there are people who have come from much, much shittier backgrounds than you who have achieved countless amazing and impressive things.

Crying about your problems is not going to make your life better. Complaining that other people have it better than you is not going to make your life better. Blaming others for your own failings is not going to make your life better.

Your excuses are total bullshit, too. I don't give a shit if you couldn't get involved in the church community, even in hick town mississippi there are plenty of fucking other places for you to meet people and communities to get involved in, you're picking out one issue and using it as an excuse for doing nothing to solve the problem. And who the fuck gives a shit if you were deprived as a teenager, are you 16 now? No? Then how the fuck does not being a spoiled upper middle class prick with a free car and cell phone in high school mean it's someone else's fucking fault you're still poor and haven't done anything to fix it? Such a load of fucking bullshit, getting a fucking car and cell phone in high school is not the fucking key to success in life.

Are you seriously in fucking high school? Because that's what this sounds like. It sounds like a tantrum of teenage angst. None of the shit you are whining about should matter in the real world. None of it is responsible for any of your problems as an adult. And an adult wouldn't cry about everything like he's the most unfortunate person in the world and everyone shits on him and him alone.

>> No.5822753

You've finally blossomed!

>> No.5822764

Don't fucking whine. Do. Do whatever it is it takes to fix your problems. Figure out what that is, and do it. Other people don't matter. Other people getting handouts doesn't matter. What other people think you should do doesn't matter. Only what YOU do matters in YOUR own life. You're a fucking adult, other people aren't SUPPOSED to be handing you shit, you are SUPPOSED to be taking it yourself. If it's not worth it to you, if you'd rather sit around waiting for handouts and doing the minimum amount to get by then by all means go ahead and do it, but understand that your situation is entirely your fault, no one else is responsible for you and you have no one to blame but yourself. Don't fucking whine that other people are better off than you, when you're choosing not to do what you have to do to become better off.

There are 3 possibilities I'm seeing here. One, you're actually a kid, you're 17-19 and still in high school or just got out of high school and don't know what the real world is like, if this is the case, whatever, you'll grow up in time. Two, you're just lazy, you're lazy as fuck, you don't care about doing anything, you could be successful if you tried but you're too fucking lazy to try and sitting around not trying and blaming others for the results is easier than trying. You're smart enough, capable enough, but fuck if you're going to do any work when you think there's a possibility of a handout. Three, you're stupid. This seems the most likely since most people are fucking stupid but since it's /sci/ I'm not jumping to any conclusions. If you're stupid, it's really not your fault. You couldn't better yourself if you tried, you're not smart enough, you can't understand why your life is shitty, you're not smart enough, other people will always be better off than you. If that's the case, you can't help how shitty your life is but, fuck, I'm still sure as hell going to blame you for being stupid.

>> No.5822765

People like you piss me off.. stop judging people on wether they take drugs or not you ignorant fuck... I know a few people that have taken pretty bad drugs such as LSD xtc coke and smoke weed on a regular basis. oke this might prevent you from getting an International Job, but these people are still fucking smart, and they will probably go further in life than most of us. (career wise)

>> No.5822809

>I know a few people that have taken pretty bad drugs such as LSD xtc coke
none of those are "pretty bad drugs", those are the 3 most mild drugs short of weed that are almost never associated with criminal gangbangers and nigger junkies and are predominately used by hippies and rich white people trying to party

>> No.5822810
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>> No.5822844

Yep. Not even that much of a rush, not fun enough to be worth the money if you're not doing weed or alcohol with it, wears off in half an hour. Pretty damn mild, even adderall is several times stronger.

>> No.5822850

>what is overriding the mesolimbic reward pathway?
>what is permanent cognitive damage?
Bet you think heroin is for pussies too

>> No.5822880

Lol no not really but I certainly think I'm going to enjoy my life more due to using drugs than you are being scared to even touch them and thinking one hit will turn you into an addict with permanent brain damage.

>> No.5822979

what kind of racist shithead values mathematics? are you hitler

>> No.5822982
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>>mfw a philosophy major is having trouble saying what philosophy has ever accomplished

We must engage in philosophy in order to address this question.

Are you prepared for such a prospect?

>> No.5822986


>Philosophers: Why build a nuke? When should we use them? Why kill all mankind?

>Scientists: Lets build a nuke because its possible. Lets use them whenever possible. Lets kill all mankind because its possible.

>> No.5822984

live fast, die young, and crash your car mrs. nikki catsouras.

>> No.5822988

>everything is destructive in nature, like myself.

>> No.5822997

If you say "hello" they're fucking insulted.

>> No.5822998

Who says hello like that, with such a terrible intent that reasonably only a goodbye could follow?

>> No.5823000


>Scientists: Lets build a nuke, test our hypotheses with it, and then learn from it to apply the information to practical problems

>> No.5823003
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>> No.5823128

>Scientists: Let's build a nuke and use it on this thread

>> No.5823251

God, what a horrific misunderstanding

>> No.5825210

How do you define contribution anyway?

>> No.5825212

by a positive observable effect