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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 603x293, grades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5815765 No.5815765 [Reply] [Original]

Grade thread

>> No.5815768

damn op good work, you are well on your way to being an engineer

>> No.5815773


at least i didn't post my anal(ytical) chem(istry) semester

>> No.5815775
File: 87 KB, 1277x1023, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5815781

I just graduated like a month ago. Got a 4.0 with honors. Fucking casuals.

>> No.5815783

>community college

>> No.5815796

Real university, STEM degree. Got full ride to grad school too.
Stay jelly.

>> No.5815801

Mathematics major
Intro to Advance Math - B
Physics I - B
Physical Anthro - B
Modern British History - A+

Lost interest in everything mid way

>> No.5815804

tbh id be extremely fucking jelly if you were actually telling the truth

>> No.5815805

then why are you on /sci/ instead of doing research? No real scientist spends time on /sci/

>> No.5815808 [DELETED] 
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>mfw my shitty uni doesn't give 4.3 for an A+
>inb4 'lel a- in gen chem and calc iii pleb'

>> No.5815815

>implying I am not >>5815775

why would I ever be jelly

>> No.5815819

>then why are you on /sci/ instead of doing research? No real scientist spends time on /sci/
>scientists spend 24 hours a day doing research and never fuck off on the internet.

>> No.5815824


>3.5 semester
>2.88 cumulative
>112 credits so he can't be first or second year probably

well, that's weird.

>> No.5815829

Honours Classical Mechanics II: A-
Honours Quantum Mechanics II: C+
Modern Physics Laboratory: A-
Stochastic Processes: B+
Statistical Mechanics: B

It looks shitty, but I was more or less suicidal all semester and had a failing grade on the assignments in every course before the final so I pulled it together not horribly.

>> No.5815839
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Getting sick fucked me over this semester.

Hopefully this won't mess up my chances of getting into grad school latter....

>> No.5815847
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>> No.5815854

>not getting straight As in high school
kill yourself now you moronic waste of space

>> No.5815858

gtfo high schooler. 4chan is for people over 21

>> No.5815859

You speak french faggot?

>> No.5815862


>> No.5816062

doesn't make you any less of a child

>> No.5816086

too lazy to do all that work.
and either way i'm more busy studying material that interests me than putting in serious effort.
some of the teachers did nothing but try and give us busy work, so why should i waste my time on that?

>> No.5816115

I remember when I was in IB.
Also, how the fuck is it run now? Only two classes and ToK? The hell is up with that?

>> No.5816129

You again? Stop showing off that you're doing natsci at Cambridge. No-one cares.

>> No.5816137

>putting in serious effort

You should be able to get straight As by just showing up

>> No.5816143

No, that's just how the online system marks the courses. It's Philosophy/TOK mandatory now, with the 6 classes.

>> No.5816156

>Japanese pop culture
stay weeb

>> No.5816173

>You should be able to get straight As by just showing up

lol, which school is that?
most of my classes involved busy work assignments and studying to regurgitate material on exams.

>> No.5816183


>> No.5816187

Pretty much at every high school (outside of ultra elite and overpriced private places like Lawrenceville school)

>> No.5816196

>japanese popculture
mah nigga. Don't worry man, you'll be alright!

>> No.5816198


>> No.5816211


Get on my level, STEM bitches.

>> No.5816220

Intro to Macroeconomics - A
Behaviour of Solids, Liquids and Gases - A+
Electricity and Magnetism - A+
Computing with C++ - A+
Electric Circuits and Machines - A
Calculus II - A+

>> No.5816225

>thread about results
>show that results are due tomorrow
how dare I produce material relevant to the thread

>> No.5816233

Didn't really have much of a choice, my university requires a Humanities/Social-Science minor for anyone doing dual degree in Engineering and Math/Science. Figured a foreign language would be the most useful...

>> No.5816238

Chemistry 1 - C
Geometry - F probably
English 1- A or B

>> No.5816245
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I-I'll do better in college, right?

>> No.5816251
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Just going into undergrad phyiscs in september and it looks like It's going to be some hard shit. apparently I have labs scheduled in most classes at least once a week, so I have 5 labs and 5 classes, and I'll be at school pretty much from 9 am to 7pm. Seriously what the fuck guys? Am I supposed to go to every single tutorial and lab all year? This just seems ridiculous.
Theres no way undergrad can be this difficult, can it?

>> No.5816255

I have no idea why you have 5 labs 1st year what are they called? I don't think I need that many labs in all four years

>> No.5816261
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It's just called a laboratory class, and it's apparently mandatory. Chemistry has 2 per week, calculus, math and physics have 1 per week. What the fuck kind of lab would I be doing in calculus I have no idea. The only class that has no lab is English, if it did I would just freak out.

>> No.5816259

>10th grade
shit nigga what are you doing

>> No.5816267


Triple major? What? Why?

>> No.5816268

I've had 2 labs a week for physics class but never for a math class I have no idea what you would do there. Also what may happen is you have lab once every two weeks many intro level labs are like that at my school

>> No.5816266

Also do profs usually talk to the last minute during their lectures? I only have 10 minutes between classes, and I'm not sure I could make it across campus in time if I stay till the end of every class.

>> No.5816271
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It was a pretty chill semester.
Three classes and free classes.

>> No.5816275
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>I'll be at school pretty much from 9 am to 7pm.

I made that mistake once, not fun

>> No.5816278

they are probably just where you will take your quizzes and tests. One of the chemistry labs are most likely the experiment and the other for the quizzes and test. Also how to you have calculus and math?

>> No.5816279

should I just take 3 courses a semester and finish about a year late? It's a 4 year physics major, and I'm supposed to take 5 classes, it jut seems like an unreasonable amount of work.

one is an applied math course, I think it's linear algebra 1. The other is just calc 1

>> No.5816282

Do you have a job or can you invest your full time in to school?

>> No.5816287

I have a job right now, but I might be able to quit when september comes. My brother just finished a business undergrad and he had a full time job the whole time. I realise business is probably way easier than a physics major, but I didn't think it would involve me being at school all day, I don't think I would have any time for homework or studying.

>> No.5816300

All that plus work seems like a big workload, have you talked to anyone in the major about it? Also what school?

>> No.5816306

I'm doing a Physics and Pre-Med major at my Uni and they'd have me otherwise do 17-18 credits a semester if I wanted to do 2 more years for my 4 year. I think if you're planning to go onto a grad school spreading the classes out and waiting an extra year so that you can have a more reasonable schedule/potentially get better grades to look better for grad school would be a good idea. Ultimately it's up to you though.

>> No.5816308

I discovered the wonderful wonderful world of marijuana, quit piano and violin, basically just my "rebel" year
I smoked daily through high school after tenth grade too but learned to handle it slightly better

>> No.5816309 [DELETED] 

>Triple major?
Actually it's a quadruple majors, the cs major isn't shown
I was interested in all the subjects and before I knew it I had enough credits for all the majors

>> No.5816305

>anal physics
[engineering joke here]

>> No.5816310


Are they 3 hours lab labs or normal boring recitations?

>> No.5816313

>Triple major?
Actually it's a quadruple major, the cs major isn't shown
I was interested in all the subjects and before I knew it I had enough credits for all the majors

>> No.5816312

university in Canada, It's the second biggest in my province, still not very impressive though.

2 hour labs.

>> No.5816317

Well the best thing to do is just ask other people on campus about the workload and go from there

>> No.5816320

Pre-Law Physics

Anthropology: A-
Physics Lab: B
Quantum 2: B
Research Seminar: Pass

Obviously the pre-law part is going better for me.

>> No.5816322

Which university?

>> No.5816325

University of Calgary

>> No.5816328

Pre-Law is a waste, you can go to Law school with any major, might as well go with something that might actually be useful

>> No.5816329

hi u of c pal

>> No.5816326
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I had some personal issues this semester, so I was happy with this.

>> No.5816330

awesome, what major? How is the school?

>> No.5816350

Same can be said about Pre-Med. Can't do shit with a standard Pre-Med major (Chemistry-Biology at my uni) if you don't get into Med School, all you need are the 1-year each of gen chem, organic, bio, math, and english.

>> No.5816356

chem engineering, lots of brown people

>> No.5816366

Cool, I'll be wearing a blue everlane backpack if you ever see me around.

Do you have an information about the labs though? Do you actually have to go to every single one? And do the professors usually talk until the last minute of their lectures?

>> No.5816380

yeah labs are mandatory, some classes have dry labs every other week where you do some at-home exercises so don't freak out too much. and yeah lectures typically go the entire duration

>> No.5816385

>blue everlane backpack
Just googled that.

I name thee, hipster

>> No.5816393
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It looks pretty neutral

I guess I just need to experience it, It's just my schedule looks so crowded I can't imagine doing all of this.

>> No.5816395

ya it is an adjustment but you will do fine after the first couple weeks

>> No.5816396


>showing up
>majority of hs classes have 60+% grade spread on classwork/homework

"i didn't do any work in highschool, HEH"

>> No.5816418

Stop being mad. Why not congratulate him?

>> No.5816425

Do you mind sharing your major and school?

>> No.5816434

You should be able to do all your hw during homeroom/study period

>> No.5816439

Keep up the good work!!! You found your path in life, that's for sure

>> No.5816447
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>tfw aced my spanish III final
>tfw had an 89
>tfw 4.0 fucking saved
everything is else is A+

>> No.5816487

Intermediate Hindi II - A+
Indian History - A+
The World's Languages - A
Gen Chem II - A-
Philosophy of Science - A-

>397 xuslam

>> No.5816482


!= just showing up

>> No.5816494
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Physics/Chemistry double major here. This was my toughest semester so far, and it's only going to get worse from here.

>> No.5816495

you just stare at a wall during study periods?

>> No.5816497

ITT Highschool grades

Pre Calc A
Economics A
Physics A
Engineering Physics A
Selected Subjects of Physics A-
Chemistry A
Literature A
Other subjects I don't remember A
Fucking faggots. You should kill yourselves.

>> No.5816500

You took a class called "Wagner, Tolkien, and Star Wars" and only got an A-? Shame.

>> No.5816502

Didn't mean to quote

>> No.5816505

It was a 200-level music class nigga. I haven't taken a music class since grade school and I can't play any instruments

>> No.5816507

Then why the fuck did you take the class?
And Tolkien wrote LOTR, didn't he? I wasn't aware he also wrote music, or is it just the music from the films?

>> No.5816512

I took the class because the subject material was interesting. That's how you're supposed to do it, not just take classes that you think you will get an easy A in.
And yes, the music of the films is mostly what we focused on.

>> No.5816519

good on you anon, people looked at me like i was nuts when i told them i was taking chem just because i thought i'd like it. (and i did, even though i'm a non-major.)

>> No.5816525

Seriously, that's one of the big problems with our education system--it's more about the grades than actually learning stuff. Especially premeds. Fuck premeds.

>> No.5816530

Lol.. I keep on hearing so much shit about premeds but I've never met one. Are they really that bad?

>> No.5816532

Wow and I didn't mean to sage

>> No.5816535


>> No.5816540 [DELETED] 

Good grades anon, but please tell me professional school is in your future. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life doing lab work and making less than 50k a year.

>> No.5816547

Who are you replying to?

>> No.5816555

Haven't had my exams yet, but I'm sitting on about a B average.

Haven't picked up a single course book since March, I ain't even mad.

>> No.5816556

Graduated a month ago (chemistry + biology) and living the NEET life:

Tissue engineering: A
Organometallic synthetic chemistry: A
Undergraduate research (chemistry): A
Pre-South American archaeology: A
Animal Behavior: B

>> No.5816557
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Chemistry + CS major. I don't know what I'm doing with my education, but I enjoy my classes, so that's good.

>> No.5816563

god this is so true of all life sciences.

i hate my life. fuckin biochem.

>> No.5816566


CS major - EE minor.

>> No.5816562

Computer Science III - A
CS Systems II - A
Microprocessors - B
Linear Algebra - A
Robotics II - B

>> No.5816572

They all are hopped up on adderall and are obsessed with getting good grades in o-chem.
Apparently o-chem is the most difficult class ever. I study math so I can't confirm how difficult it is.

>> No.5816584

university of virginia student here, i say the name because it's important. UVA is renowned for its glut of spoiled (predominantly white) kids with a very bad sense of entitlement. a huge amount of the class shows up here freshman year introducing themselves as "premed" and eagerly sign up for the premed schedule: chem+lab, bio+lab, psych/sociology, math.

i also happened to be taking chem my freshman year, and what I witnessed unfold around me was spectacular. white people in north face jackets filled the auditorium marching one by one, macbooks as far as the eye could see. instead of paying attention to the lecture, they just fucked around on facebook, texted, or talked about how trashy the girl they saw on rugby road was last friday night. after a few quizzes when they realized that their formula of "i will do jack shit and believe that if i really want to be a premed i can make it" wasn't working they started giving my professor a lot of shit, saying things like "it isn't fair i got a 4/15 on the last quiz" etc.

>> No.5816586


by the end of the first semester, the premeds had gotten a feel for where they stood with regard to med school admissions with the posting of their first set of grades. (my professor had made a point of leaving town before posting grades because of how obscene some students get over their final grade.) some of these "premeds" realized that they were pretty fucked if all they could muster was a C in the easiest chem course offered and quietly stopped calling themselves premed, but others, too scared by what the implications of not having a career path laid out into the horizon would be, rationalized their grade as some fault of the professor's or just a fluke. people with C averages for the year went on to take orgo next year still fully expecting to get into med school.

that's just a little bit of why 'premed' is such a sour word. a lot of people casually decide they want to be a doctor without having an appreciation for the hard work, emotional maturity, and degree of natural intelligence it takes to get there.

>> No.5816588

while taking ochem as a sophomore, it was the hardest shit in the world.

but the very next semester afterward i had to ask why the fuck anyone thought it was hard. it's essentially regurgitation; you memorize a bunch of reagents, and what they'll do under different circumstances, and where X functional group will attach to Y molecule under Z conditions.

every test consisted of:
a) some simple carbon skeleton, about 10 unknown intermediates with different reagents between them, and a final desired product.

b) explanation of basic theory (sn1/sn2 vs e1/e2 for example).

c) creation of a mechanism, similar to (a) except they don't tell you how many intermediates there are.

i mean, yeah, you had hundreds of minutiae to remember by the final (which they account for by loading it with end-of-semester concepts) but even the midterm grade average was about 40 for each test.

granted, my prof. was notorious for writing the nastiest tests possible, but even then, an A was possible with the least amount of effort.

>> No.5816596

Premed here (in New Zealand) is entirely different. At the University of Auckland, about 1200 students enter first year med with only about 300 being admitted into the second year.

Students cheat and claw their way through eachother to get admitted into one of those 300 spots, with some people then repeating first year med a 2nd time, a 3rd time and so on.

One of my friends didn't even get into 1st year premed and is resitting her final year of high-school thinking she'll still get into 2nd year if she gets admitted to univeristy.
Also, UVA was my safety school, but I got rejected.
I ain't even mad because I got into the school I wanted to go to (transferring from UA in September)

>> No.5816602
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The way my lab instructor put it

>Most chemistry majors aren't proud about passing o-chem, that's usually reserved for p-chem

There's also a running joke in chemistry departments about pic related existing

>> No.5816605

>pre-med pre-med pre-med pre-med pre-med pre-med
I've never honestly heard anyone refer to themselves or their field as 'premed' and I'm a UofT senior where literally 20,000 kids are asian med school wishful thinkers.

The term itself is cringe inducing.

>> No.5816616

you guys have a course of study actually specifically designed for medical students? in the US you can major in literally anything and still have the same shot of getting into medical school so long as you've taken ~9-12 classes

>> No.5816621

and don't lose sleep over the rejection, UVA admissions is fucking top lel. two of my friends got rejected by UVA. both got accepted by uchicago and swarthmore.

>> No.5816626

I'm studying law at the moment as a freshman. Both law and medicine are 4 year degrees here, start to finish, and once you get the degree you're able to practice in your field.

There are a lot of pros and cons to both, but generally the US is one of the few countries that doesn't allow a bachelor of medicine as an undergrad degree.

Also sorry to the UVA guy, I'm a bit sour cause my mums friend went there and I'm pretty sure she looks down on me

>> No.5816629

what's so terrible about it? i'm taking it next semester. is there something i should brush up on beforehand to make it less painful?

>> No.5816630


Interesting. In the USA you do some undergrad. major and then go on to a law or medical school (essentially a graduate school) and do a few years there.

>> No.5816632
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>> No.5816640

If you're comfortable with differential equations and multivariable calculus it's really not too bad (at least mine wasn't).

For some reason a lot of chemistry folks aren't "math people" or so they tell me.

>> No.5816637

I'm far more knowledgable in law since that was what I was studying, but the US is the only common law country not to offer a bachelor of laws in undergrad.

Personally I think the American system suits me better though, I have no idea what the hell I want to do later on but in NZ it's impossible to diversify and try new things without adding years to your degree.

>> No.5816646

Aspiring physicist at a community college:

Calculus I - A+ (100 percent on final, woo!)
English (research paper class): A+
US History: B+
Sociology: B+

I'll be taking the first university physics course and Calc II in the Fall. Any thing I should know? I'm reading through Spivak's Calculus right now, and plan on teaching myself (I've only formally taken math up to basic algebra and then a trig. class at this community college) matrices and some other shit. I've never taken a physics course. Should I do anything to prepare?

>> No.5816659

for mechanics you need to be able to see everything as a free-body diagram.

after you can picture every/anything as free-body diagrams, it's just a matter of determining the unknown forces.

this makes some mind-bending problems that they like to throw into tests trivial.

>> No.5816660
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I feel like a failure because I wasn't able to get a 4.0.

>> No.5816666
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i don't even have that picture on my computer... wtf

>> No.5816670

I'm guessing that this is a class on mechanics: review trigonometry + geometry. You will use these quite a lot in force diagrams. Also, learn about the properties of vectors.
You probably wont use too much calculus besides taking some derivatives of quadratic functions.
I would say don't waste your time on spivak right now, it really isn't much use for physicists (i'm guessing some dickhead here recommended it for you?). Instead, start learning physics! The mit opencourseware has an entire course up for physics. Solve lots of problems, this is the only way to develop your intuition.

>> No.5816668
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Got lazy as fuck in English and Geography, no interest in it so I didnt do as well as I usually do but It's my first year, I'm sure I can make it up and still get to grad school

>> No.5816677

the fuck

>> No.5816691 [DELETED] 
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my grades have been less than stellar lately, hope I do better in my junior chem E courses

>> No.5816694

Weight training? Wat

>> No.5816708


Are these kind of like related rates problems from Calculus 1?


Yeah, I know Spivak's treatment of calc. is more abstract and closer to analysis, but that's what I like. I'm doing it for fun moreso than to be better at physics.

Yep, the class is mechanics. What geometry should I go over; any book or website recommendations?

>> No.5816716

not really... a simple example of a free body diagram would be the weight of an object versus its normal force (pic related).

because the two vectors are equal and moving in the opposite direction, the sum of forces in the Y direction is 0.

it gets a bit more complicated than that, but all problems in intro mech. can be easily summed up using a FBD.

>> No.5816720
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(pic related)

>> No.5816718

University of Puget Sound.

>> No.5816725

euclidean geometry, trig identities, vector geometry
here is something i found on vector geometry
resolving vectors into their components is one thing youll do a lot

>> No.5816732
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>community college

>> No.5816738

...Why hide the course section?

>> No.5816739
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>i don't even have that picture on my computer... wtf

>> No.5816741
File: 69 KB, 1008x529, Screen Shot 2013-06-07 at 12.25.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no hard classes last semester

>> No.5816743

first /pol/ came to shitpost
then /pol/ came to control the board's discussion
now /pol/ controls our images

>> No.5816744

sometimes if you post an image at the same time as someone else it only writes one thumbnail and both images link to the same one.

>> No.5816753 [DELETED] 


>> No.5816754
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Don't mind me, just being the only 4.0 GPA ITT

>> No.5816755


someone (I'm guessing /pol/) posted it at the same exact unix time so his got overridden by the 4chan server.

This bug has exist for as long as there has been a 4chan and moots too lazy to add a line of code to fix it.

>> No.5816759


nice mac, faggot.

>> No.5816762

Congrats, that looks like a really hard course load.

>> No.5816765
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>> No.5816766


that lab was a bitch though.
Instructor was Nazi-mode on goggles.

>> No.5816770

>getting a B in College Algebra

Welp, enjoy your liberal arts degree.

>> No.5816772


Is that palomar community college?

>> No.5816774

Glendale CC in arizona

>> No.5816783


Nice. What major?

>> No.5816780


Only caring about math seems like an unsatisfying life.

>> No.5816794

Undecided. What I want:
>computer science

>tfw 24
>College Algebra

Yeah, it's a long shot, but I'm just happy that I'm learning and accomplishing what I couldn't do in high school due to lazyness and giving up.

>> No.5816805
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being an international student in a us university is hard.

>> No.5816814


How exactly does him getting a B in college algebra prevent him from not doing equally well in trig, calc, lin alg, etc.? The point is he went from not knowing college algebra, to knowing it, and making a B in it. Who is to say he can't do this with every other math class he comes across?

>> No.5816847

whatsup fellow 760 bro. Graduating from CSUSM this year

>> No.5816848


Right now I have my major as Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and my minor as chemistry. Do you think I should go ahead and double major in chemistry?

>> No.5816857

>Pre-South American archaeology
What the hell is this? Archaeology before south america existed?

>> No.5816860

>cum totals

>> No.5816861

Before all the woman were raped by Spaniards and they turn into lazy American bums I presume...

>> No.5816875
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>> No.5816878
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I wish I could be, but I am not one of you..

>> No.5816885
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Rate pls

>> No.5816932


I'm in the same situation but I feel the opposite. In my home country < 2% gets A+ in hard classes, in the U.S I can smoke weed erryday and still into 4.0

>> No.5816974

Zhang or Gibb?

Answer incorrectly and I'll never let you hear the end of it.

>> No.5817054
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>mfw my old HS never had study periods

>> No.5817056

mmmm, you just plain filled with cum ain't you, OP?

>> No.5817068

On what? Going to a shit tier britfag university?

>> No.5817201


>> No.5817206

> you just plain filled with cum ain't you, OP

>shit tier

keep on dreaming community college

>> No.5817209

what a coincidence Im taking classes at SCC this summer.

>> No.5817479

Congrats man, keep at it.

>> No.5817483


>> No.5817496

Mathematics Major here:
>Calc II - A
>Electrical Engineering First-Year Seminar II - A
>Physics I - B
>Physics I Lab - B
>Chem II - B
>Chem II Lab - A-

Gotta step it up next semester, if I can even go

>> No.5817526


college drop out here:

Linear algebra: F
Multivariable: F
Diff eq.: F

>> No.5817621

Those grades are pretty solid. and why can't you go next year? A scholarship criteria?

>> No.5817664
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Can I get into grad school? The 3.71 is my final GPA, so I got magna cum laude. Currently looking for a job, but I'm either gonna do stats or computer science. Not sure if I should do master's or phd either.

>> No.5817670

Listen you and everyone else, you will be able to get into grad schools with a 3.0. Might not get into top tier ones but most decent state schools will take you.

>> No.5817684

Any thoughts on funding? Do I essentially need to do a PhD to get it? Will these "decent state schools" fund me well?

My current plan is to apply for schools where I think I can get lots of funding without going down too far in the rankings.

>> No.5817690

Depends on your academic interests and career path. The chemistry curriculum at my school overlaps with the biology curriculum, so I only needed 3 or 4 additional classes for the chemistry major after completing medical school prerequisites. I also enjoyed chemistry a lot more than biology, so I said, 'Why the hell not.'

This guy >>5816857

>> No.5817790


That's what you get for taking three Math classes in one semester.

>> No.5818035

3 math courses a semester is doable

>> No.5818048

Honestly man, you shouldn't worry about it.

>> No.5818080


it was actually pretty easy. I had all A's and B's on tests and the little homework we had to turn in. But I decided to take a job as a dept. manager at a store. Easy 50k+ benefits. Good luck to all you guys though

>> No.5818104
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I'm better than you. Na na na boo boo, stick your head in doo doo.

>> No.5818111


>> No.5818115

I took an interdisciplinary program for my first year. Got a 3.7 GPA in the end.

>> No.5818116

Hell yeah.

>> No.5818118

Hell yea motherfucker. Didn't have any of the classes you did other than USP111.
What's your major? Mathematics major here

>> No.5818119

Mechanical Engineering.

>> No.5818123

I had Zhang.

Had her for both semesters actually.

>> No.5818124

Cool. Personally feeling pretty uninterested in my major, been taking a lot of electives and stuff over the summer. Here's my post

>> No.5818128

pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.5818131

You could always join us in engineering. It's still a lot of math, but way cooler. It would still probably take you another 4 years to graduate, though.

>> No.5818136
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Please make me feel like shit. I'm feeling way too happy today.

>> No.5818139

>discrete math B

Kill yourself, you have no business here

>> No.5818144

Well I came with a good bit of AP cred, and I have all the stuff I need to transfer into Engineering and they said they would waive E101 so I might be able to swing it. Honestly, nothing really stuck out to me but I looked at Environmental and ChemE, they were kind of interesting. I'm taking the first Geology course in the second summer session to see if I like that. If not, I'll have another meeting with the general adviser and maybe speak to some engineer advisers.

>> No.5818149

jesus fuck dude im a dumbfag and even i got a B+ in calc 2 in my first semester of college having no clue what was going on there is no excuse for a C

>> No.5818150

I should just drop out and join a military.
Combinatorics was going to be my area of research.

>> No.5818151

Undergraduate physicist in the UK. My results don't come out for a week. Hoping and thinking I could have got over 90 on some of my modules.

>> No.5818157
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>I don't even

get out.

>> No.5818160

Why is /sci/ so undeservedly elitist when almost all of you haven't even finished university?

>> No.5818162

Why do Americans have such high grades ?
In my HS in a class of 31, only 4 had a B final grade, nobody had an A.

>> No.5818163


That's a sexy fucking schedule. I'd like every one of those classes.

>> No.5818172

Just curious - you're similar to me in that you're taking multiple majors and are taking 20+ credit semesters (I'm a EE/mathematics double major, took 20 last semester, taking 21 this coming Fall).

Didn't do great last semester (basically all Bs and B+s). Any tips? Do you do all the readings, take notes in lecture, etc.? How do you do well?

>> No.5818173

Different grading systems presumably.

>> No.5818178

Shit, I didn't think it was possible to get E101 waived. Well, good luck with whatever you choose.

>> No.5818186
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That feel when you know this average will drop when your final exam result comes in.

I feel my first slipping away.
Oh well, still top 10 in terms of actual mark.

>> No.5818188

Does anyone here actually study a real course? It seems to be all chemistry majors in first year.

>> No.5818192

I'm studying physics.

>> No.5818193

>goes to shitstol university
gtfo oxbridge reject

>> No.5818202

Got some issues with Oxbridge rejects m8?

>> No.5818241


lel, this is my mind when I think about my academic performance

>do badly on one thing

Federer bounced back from wimbledon 2008, obviously I will too

>> No.5818250

Given he is MEng, probably also an Imperial/Southampton reject

>> No.5818252

Grades don't measure your knowledge. Grades only measure how good you are at taking exams.

>> No.5818267

>2.00 reporting

>> No.5818269

high school drop out detected

>> No.5818275

Have fun being proud of an "A" your teacher gave you for mindlessly memorizing arbitrary factoids. You didn't gain any insight into science or math, you only learned to suck your teacher's cock. A true scientist is a free thinker like Tesla.

>> No.5818283

Please, Since when did they sit 'exams' only?
My project work, undergrad dissertations, masters dissertation etc. has been fantastic. Stay buttpained, faggot.

>> No.5818292

>mindlessly memorizing
>like Tesla
0/10 troll

>> No.5818324

>implying I can't "gain insight" whilst also being an A student

>> No.5818408


This is only true in bullshit subjects like Organic Chemistry or Beginner Trig/Calc (ones where you have to memorize a lot of trig identities/etc with no derivations, explanations, or proofs)

In subjects like inorganic/physical chemistry or advanced math, good fucking luck getting a good grade without true understanding

>> No.5818412

What is "advanced math"?

>> No.5818416

It's funny that you mention physical chemistry. Obviously you don't know anything about the topic. Physical chemistry is nothing but memorizing equations. No understanding is required.

>> No.5818451
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Are you filthy casuals even trying?

>> No.5818457

I already posted my 1st class honours grades which would equate to a 4.0 in the US.

Deal with it.

>> No.5818467

>college of marin
I shit more job prospects than that useless piece of paper will earn you

>> No.5818496


Doubt it considering you're too stupid to realize that it's a community college and he/she will have to transfer eventually.

>> No.5818504

>1st class honours
For coursework maybe. For STEM exams a 4.0 is at least 75 unless you're at a university that properly modulates everything. I have a hard time believing that American exams are so much easier than the shit I'm set.

>> No.5818511
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At Community College.

Next semester I'm taking mechanics of Materials, Physics 2 w/ lab, and Calc 3. I'm really worried about Mechanics because I didn't do well, although the professor was really bad. Also, I might be working and taking on an (unpaid) internship this fall so I probably won't have time for a 4th class.

Any advice on how to prep for Mechanics of Materials?

>> No.5818518

I hear that the first year of american university is essentially what the UK does in highschool because of the way the system works.

I remember hearing a guy speak about 'calc 1' and thinking it sounded pretty much like A-level mathematics.

>> No.5818527

That's not really consequential to my claim but yeah, I know. It's why our degrees only last 3 years. I suppose the emphasis on continuous assessment bumps up their scores considerably.

>> No.5818528
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*I'm really worried about Mechanics because I didn't do well *in statics*, although the professor was really bad.

>> No.5818538
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>4 majors
>still letting you continue on your major with a C+
>being weeb
>cumulative average:3.9 (out of 4? with a C+?!?!)
what school is this?! Does your school just give away degrees?

>> No.5818542

>attempted 40
>earned 21

Damn, didn't most school kick you out if you're completion rate is that shitty.

>> No.5818552
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>mfw 1/2 my classes last semester depended more on written assignments than exams

>> No.5818558

How the hell are you doing Mechanical Engineering at a community college? Is Physics 1 not a prereq for Statics there?

>> No.5818559

Apparently not, and I think that's also one reason I didn't do well in it. It's really just the first two years of ME that are offered, and then you can transfer, which I plan on doing.

>> No.5818570

That sucks. I've already taken math up to Calc 3 and both Mechanics and Electricity & Magnetism (although the prereq is just Mechanics), and I'm taking Statics next semester. It seems like it was a little early in your curriculum.

>> No.5818584

To me it seems like you're taking it late. I think I would have been ready to take it after the semester I just took. It was just basic stuff from Physics I and Calc 2 (volumes of solids of revolution and a bit of integration).

>> No.5818591

Microprocessors A
Circuits B+
Probabilistic systems A
Compsci for engineers II A

...am i gonna make it sci? future compE

>> No.5818598

>calc 2
>volumes of solids of rotation

Wait, I did this when I was 16.... at school in the UK

I thought calc 1 and 2 were really complicated, why the hell do people complain about it?

>> No.5818609

There's obviously more mathematical rigor to it but Calc II in the U.S. is mostly integral Calculus. Pretty sure it's the same in the U.K. If it isn't then why don't you share your Calc II curriculum so we can see what's different?

>> No.5818611

I am taking it a bit late because my university has a stupid system where I had to take Physics 2 before I could get AP credit for Physics 1, but I couldn't take it until after Calc 2 . Theoretically, I could have taken it Freshman year. But still, I would expect it to have Mechanics as a prereq.

>> No.5818615
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Lots of a-level classes though.

>> No.5818616


>Obviously you don't know anything about the topic.

Oh, the irony.

>> No.5818617

maybe you do it from first principles (we don't) http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/subjects/AQA-6360-W-SP-13.PDF

>> No.5818618

I live in the US and volume of solids was in Calc 1 for me, which I took my last year of school before college. Calc 2 deals with different methods of integration, applications of integration, and series and sequences, which I could have also taken before college, but I didn't.

>> No.5818623
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>still letting you continue on your major with a C+

I don't see why my grade in a course for my minor would affect my majors. Typically grade requirements for better than a C+ are for the freshman/sophomore fundamental classes.


Dropped courses

>cumulative average:3.9 (out of 4? with a C+?!?!)

I have enough As to prevent it from hurting my GPA too badly.

>Does your school just give away degrees?

No and they've been trying their hardest to screw me over the past year to prevent me from getting them.

>> No.5818632

A "calc 2" curriculum doesn't exist here.
You don't realise how different our systems are.

When we get accepted into university, we don't pick and choose our subjects. We apply for a pretty much set programme and are accepted based on our 'highschool' subjects and grades.

When I was accepted onto my engineering course, the prerequisites were:
A - Physics
A - Mathematics
A- Chemistry
+ some other stuff not worth mentioning.

Had I not done Maths for example, I would not have been accepted into university.
As such, there is no set 'calc 2' or 'calc 1' curriculum and every university specialises in their own way as soon as you begin.

I'll post Engineering Mathematics 1:

Vector Calculus
Surface integrals
Fourier series & Euler Lagrange
Laplace + Solutions to ODEs
PDEs & d'Alembert
Superposition of Cartesian Co-ords
Finite & infinite algorithms
Gauss Quadrature
Explicit/Implicit Euler Method
Runge-Kutta schemes
Central Limit Theorem
Linear and Polynomial Regression
Statistical Quality Control

>> No.5818638
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I am >>5818609
and I covered everything listed in this post
in my Calc II class.

I skimmed through the PDF here >>5818618
and what the fuck? There's kinematic equations in here and shit, and oh boy...

>page 94
>Spiritual, Moral, Ethical, Social, and Cultural Issues

Seriously, how is this Calc II? There's like one part that covers integration.

>> No.5818637

It's probably a program that is meant to be taken 2 years at a CC and the other 2 years at a 4-year university. Just a step to get the core prerequisites out of the way at a lower cost.

>> No.5818648

This is understandable, and admittedly I had weak foundations in high school. We only really have choices of the classes we take to a certain extent. Many schools have degree plans which you can't really deviate from.

>> No.5818653

PDF is obviously here >>5818617

>> No.5818655

Wow. Is that all Freshman year? I've only done like 2 or 3 of those.

>> No.5818658

That PDF isn't calc 2
That PDF is highschool mathematics, the easy part, not even further mathematics which most people who go into engineering and science do.

>> No.5818662

Ok that makes more sense. I'm not really trying to bash Brits here.

>> No.5818665

Make that 4 or 5, but still. I've gone up to Calc 3 which covers vector calculus, surface integrals, multivariable calculus,etc.

>> No.5818666

Yeah, they really fuck us in the arse. The worse thing is that the teaching is really poor. We had one woman who began having contractions during a lecture. Suffices to say that all I remember about Fourier transforms is a pregnant woman lying down while we waited for an ambulance and tried to cool her down.

>engineering department
>mainly a room full of guys
I bet 50% of that class went out and got vasectomies straight after the lecture.

>> No.5818669

In all fairness, this is at my university, as I said before there is no such thing as 'calc 2' that would be the same for different people at different universities in the UK.

>> No.5818670

Mechanics 3+ and Statistics 3+ aren't taken by most students.
And yes calculus is just one part of the mathematics syllabus.

>> No.5818671

>suffices to say

>> No.5818675

(further maths is also really easy)

>> No.5818707

I'm coming to the end of my masters and I still regret not doing FP.

My shithead head of maths back in school hated me because I did no work but still breezed through GCSE maths. When I took it again at A-level, the twat put me in set 4... set fucking 4, and wouldn't even let me enrol into Further. Set fucking 4, I got a total of 585/600 in C1-4 and M1-2.

That lack of experience with things like matrices really fucked me at uni as a fresher.

Oh well. I take solace in the fact that he was a fucking 45 year old single with an air about him that screams paedophile.

>> No.5818713 [DELETED] 

It's 3am, leave me alone.

>> No.5818718

"Suffices to say" is correct. What's your problem?

>> No.5818733

>Suffices to say
Remove the s

>> No.5818736

(or add an "it")

>Suffice to say [somewhat archaic]
>Suffice it to say
>It suffices to say


>Suffices to say

>> No.5818750

>cum totals

>> No.5818754

It's a contraction of 'It suffices to say', there's nothing wrong with what he wrote. Stop trying to enforce your preference.

>> No.5818767

Can't say I blame you. Without Grayson available it's a fairly clear choice. Nobody will ever match the GOAT of the Chem department though (Donahue).

>> No.5818775 [DELETED] 
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The hell am I suppose to do with these books? Amazon wants like 5 dollars or less for most of the books. The only one is the College Algebra book for 119 for store credit.

>> No.5818802

grad school, math. M.S.

Statistics - A.
Combinatorics - B+.
Graph Theory - A.

was k. the profs collaborated a lot for the combinatorics and graph theory course -- exams bounced off each other. if we were given a combinatorial problem, for example, the solution to it would be necessary for us to do the graph theoretic part. was kinda cool.

>> No.5819078


>exams where the solution for one section is necessary to do another section

As a teacher, that's just poor test design. Why would I not want to separate the lazy students from those who can do Part B and onwards, but can't solve a previous part?

>> No.5819090

Because real life isn't divided into neatly defined, discrete topics.

>> No.5819099

That's a lazy answer if I ever heard one, often from lazy teachers. Some of the most diligent professors in their field are the laziest when it comes to testing.

There is no practicable benefit in preventing someone from displaying as much relevant knowledge as they possess.

>> No.5819110

Except it is relevant.

Real life, real science is interdisciplinary.

>> No.5819113

I bet you also think the purpose of education, especially higher education is to learn facts too.

>> No.5819115

The fact that they're interdisciplinary strengthens the point I've been making.

>> No.5819120

You mean, just like how university courses do not have neatly defined course material and discrete topics?

>> No.5819122

This is a MATH exam. Even if you fail proving a theorem you can still use it later

>> No.5819124

>real life
>real science

>real science

How to tell a career researcher from a freshman working his first summer job as a lab technician.

>> No.5819126

If you crunch the wrong numbers in the first place, how are you supposed to get a graph that looks anything like what it's supposed to?

Hint: you won't.

>> No.5819128

Nice artificial distinctions there.

>> No.5819149

>If you crunch the wrong numbers in the first place, how are you supposed to get a graph that looks anything like what it's supposed to?

>don't know if troll or just really stupid

>> No.5819170

This isn't your freshman 'Solve for X, then prove why X has [property]'. Providing multi-part computational calculation questions with time limits and provided answers for the next section is a common occurrence in good accredited universities.

>> No.5819181

>computational calculation
>graduate mathematics

Um, no. Also reread his post; the exams forces him to use knowledge from 2 classes, not previous questions...

>> No.5819244 [DELETED] 


Canadaenggfag here, we do it like the americans, we have our math taught by the math department for calc most of the time.

so single variable, multi variable and vector + linear algebra. Programming is it's own class, probability + statistics was it's own class, numerical analysis was it's own class etc. Most of the math we need is taught directly in our engineering classes. i.e I need to know some PDE theory for mass transfer, I get taught in mass transfer class.

>> No.5819263

i got F, F, I, and D

yall jelly?

>> No.5819291
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mad jelly

>> No.5819307


>> No.5819512


>> No.5819537

>full ride to grad school

Bitch, if you have to pay to go to grad school, you aren't worth shit. It's about how much they'll pay you.

>> No.5819545

The engineering's pretty straight forward: try not to rush through making the other engineers cum, and don't overdo it with the prof. He has a lot of oral exams throughout the day, and can't waste time.

>> No.5819579
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>TFW already accepted into grad school so grades don't matter

>> No.5819603

All I've learned from this thread is that American Education is fucking bullshit. Seriously, you can take ANY unrelated bullshit for credits.

If I ever get an American CV on my desk I'm going to be giving it the Penn Jillette treatment.

>> No.5819798

8.5/10 weighted average in Dutch University, Masters.

"8 is for you, 9 is max for me (professor), 10 is for god."

>> No.5819804


this doesnt mean shit

in europe with our standardized system (it should be at least)

its extremly hard to get A. you are a good student if you get C and thats the average and typical grade to get the top 1% get A in a typical european course

in america the different schools can decide to give whatever. i saw a standford class where the top grade was a smily face, so most americans get top grades as long as they have paid for the school and is doing homework (credits) if they get enough credits they all get A's

i just want this to be know. kthx

>> No.5819809


this !

the only quality proof in america is harvard or mit diploma because those schools are so good. the grades means nothing because everyone gets A's

if you get B in America its looked upon as a bad grade. while in Europe thats way above average

>> No.5819812

We have a mathematics professor at my uni who says that only god could make an A in his class. I hate egotists like that, who purposely makes the class too difficult.

>> No.5819822

I fucked up my classes this semester, because I just messed around the first month and a half of the semester and I barely studied enough. I had F's for all of my first exams, and I spent the rest of the semester trying to catch up. Now I dont even know if I'll make it above a D for my Calculus III and my Statics class. I also dropped my Programming class because there was simply no way for me to make it up. Oh well, I have another 4 years to make up for it, and I started early anyways. Still anxious, grades dont come out until the end of next week.

>> No.5819823


in all european university they should based they grades on Gaussian curve or normal distribution. witch means thats most should get C and only the top 1% should get A's

if non students get A's then or if to many fails he is a bad teacher

also its should be measured overall. there is possible that he have a semester with retards in his class

>> No.5819873


I had one of those for calc 2. I got a C+. It really ruined my GPA, especially since I understood the ideas as well as my friends who had the other calc 2 prof and got B+s and A-s.

>> No.5819874

No because without the "it" it doesn't make grammatical sense. You can't just arbitrarily drop words and pretend it is a contraction.

>> No.5819906

Yes it does. It's a fucking contraction. Look it up and stop being such a pedant.

>> No.5820013

How about each student is measured based on an objective set of requirements, rather than on the performance of everyone else?

>> No.5820111

LOL OP goes to Stony Brook University and is an idiot.

>> No.5820133
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>> No.5820147

>Major: Mathematics
>Not one math course
(formal languaged & automata don't count. That is computablility theory, i.e. comp.sci.)

What are you doing

Shit student would not admit to grad school.

>> No.5820156
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>math major
Where's the algera, topology, real analysis, where is the MATH? The only math I see is intro to diff.geom. At least you're not completely worthless.

>Physics major
Your physics courses are also pleb tier. Where is the special and general relativity, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory?
Are you even trying?!

>> No.5820166

Actually there is a lot of computation on grad math. Some example problems I have recieved:
Compute the integral cohomology of the Klein Bottle and the 2D projective space.
Classify the semisimple modules of a ring R, given in the problem text.
Fill in the blank groups and maps in a given exact sequence of abelian groups.
Compute the integral cohomology of K(Z,2) using the Serre spectral sequence.

There are a lot of computations.

>> No.5820191
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>tfw you dropped out of high school and had to go to a community college to get credits to transfer to the state university

>> No.5820194

Made even more pointless by the fact A's are easy as fuck

>> No.5820196


How come every Univeristy in America is filled with foreigners?

>> No.5820198

>Calculus III
>decide to mess around

Fucking idiot.

>> No.5820201

Most of them (outside the elite universities) aren't from (western) european countries.

>> No.5820203


Elite Universities are filled with Asians from Japan, Korea, or China.

>> No.5820275

>Where's the algebra,
Fall 2011 for Abstract Algebra at Artin's level (audited part of the second semester and finished the book in my free time)
Fall 2012 for Linear Algebra II

Read and worked through Munkres' Topology over the summer.

>real analysis
Fall 2012 at Rudin's level.

>Not one math course

It's the only semester I couldn't fit one in but I've already finished the requirements for the major. Next semester I'm going to take a graduate math course since I have the extra time.

>Your physics courses are also pleb tier. Where is the special and general relativity, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory?

QFT is a 2nd year graduate course and they don't bother with watered down versions for undergrads. SR was covered at the end of Mechanics and E&M and I did QM 2 years ago. I'm probably also going to do a physics graduate course too next semester.

>> No.5820286

>though “it suffices to say” and “suffices to say” have their adherents.

first paragraph

>> No.5820469


learn to read
>“it suffices to say” and “suffice to say” have their adherents.

Note the lack of "s" on "suffice to say".

Suffice to say = ok
Suffices to say = not ok

>> No.5820510


>> No.5820564


Are you at NU?

>> No.5820727

Seriously, I want to know why you think this. I think this is just another case of eurofaggots thinking they're better than Americans without any particular reason. Look at how many American Nobel prizes are won compared to European Nobel prizes. Americans are smart, deal with it.

>> No.5820730


He explains why he thinks this you retard. And he's right.

>> No.5820738

But he's wrong. All American majors require you to take specific courses for your major. He is just flat out wrong.

>> No.5820777

Not really, you can take some unrelated shit but you need to make progress or they kick you out eventually.

Grad school is for die hard devotion to one subject area

>> No.5820845

I think the point is that in Europe it is nearly all specified. You have certain courses you have to take and then a laod of optional ones. If you had to do some weird gen ed / foreign language/humanities module as part of a science qualification at a serious european university you'd get laughed at.

>> No.5821724 [DELETED] 
