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5815338 No.5815338 [Reply] [Original]

is there stuff engineers know how to build, but can't build?

>> No.5815346


>> No.5815348

Space fountain. A situation I intend to resolve.

>> No.5815555



>> No.5815566

a happy family.

>> No.5815570

World peace. They know how to do it they just aren't allowed to.

>> No.5815608


You don't actually realize that your space fountain idea is the biggest load of crap, ever? It's such an active and energetic structure that there's nobody willing to risk building and operating it.

Live in reality, dude. Really.

>> No.5815632

The OP asked for things engineers know how to build but can't.
Stop being a condescending dip shit.

>> No.5815643

if everyone stopped being a condescending dipshit then sci would no longer have posts

>> No.5815650

A tunnel between the Earth and the Moon.

>> No.5815653

Perhaps respirocytes, or other nanotechnology. We know how it would work, but actually doing it isn't gonna happen for a whiiiile.

>> No.5815683
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>> No.5815700


Transatlantic rail system.

>> No.5815702

fusion reactor that can reach net gain.

>> No.5815704


>> No.5815731

Space elevator

>> No.5815874


what materials would you use.

>> No.5815885

adamantium/mythril alloy you fuckwad. A space elevator isn't a question of engineering methods, it's a question of materials. Did you even read OP's post?

>> No.5815909


Semantics, you shit cunt. If you can't build it out of existing materials then you don't know how to fucking build it.

By your logic we can just lump everything ever thought up and put down in fiction as an answer to op's question.

>> No.5815926

lol, let me rephrase what you just said:
>You can't build it because the right materials don't exist.

Again, the point of this thread is just because the money, the materials, or the man power doesn't exist, it doesn't mean we don't know how to do it.

>> No.5815934

Something to make me lose weight

>> No.5815931

Muh carbon nanotubes.

>> No.5815935
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>> No.5815941



I now hate this word thanks to you. And this thread.

I hope it dies in minutes, but still manages to outlive you.

>> No.5815944


You can't tell the difference between the ability to do something and the knowledge required to do something?

>> No.5815972

artificial uterus

>> No.5815982

I hear once that they can build an anti-gravity aircraft like UFOs but this thing will need an enormous gigantic battery

>> No.5815986


Knowing how to build something implies that it can (possibility) be built by that method. It does not imply that engineer can (capability) build it. This ambiguous use of "can" generates the shitstorm.

>> No.5815998

2, 4 alpha-dinitrophenol.

Industrial pesticide/explosive compound, only known side effects are excessive heat production and a tiny % of people get cataracts (it's never been observed in men, only women, however, cause unknown).

The thermogenesis is how it kills pests, and if you overdose you will literally cook yourself alive. It accumulates in the body (~72 hr half life), so don't go taking a bunch more because you "don't feel it", or you'll be a fat dead guy.

Before someone says "but muh phenolic compounds! Cancer!" It's Ames test negative.

>not legal to sell for human consumption
>every other use is legal

Good luck. Also stay low on carbs and drink plenty of water, carbs = more heat. You'll sweat a lot, so replenish with water.

>> No.5815999

Social skills

>> No.5816002

Most engineers I've met we're fairly sociable people. But my experience isn't a representative sample, obviously.

>> No.5816003

I forgot to mention, it sounds horrible (because it is), but you WILL lose weight. Rapidly.

>> No.5816042

Half life is much closer to 36 hours. It is also weak shit compared to donc

>> No.5816067

A spaceship to the moon

>> No.5816182

The fuck are you saying, nigga? I know how to make an internal combustion engine. I could make a 1 cylinder engine or something for a lawn mower, not that complicated. However, I don't have access to enough aluminium/steel or a machine shop which are necessary to cast/machine/build/"make" this engine.

Extrapolate that to real life, engineers are still limited by resources; manpower, material or otherwise. I did some work with the ARL and they have a prototype for a human exoskeleton for enhancing soldiers physically. The problem is, they could never fully build it, nothing that exists could power it. They KNOW how to build it, but they can't, not fully.

Look at this motherfucker >>5815935 who wants to build a gundam. I promise you that if he had access to gundamium, and an incredibly ffective power source he could do it. I fucking believe it. Hell, he could make the thing out of steel right now, fully functional and everything. Now it would obviously be crushed by its own weight and nothing on earth could ever make it powered mobiley, but shit nigger we know how to make a giant robot.

>> No.5816513

Anything regulated by the gov, such as biological modification, nuclear tech, medication. Also anything that'd cost hundreds of millions to develop.
>tfw restrictions are the reason we can't have cat/snake/spidergirl waifus.

>> No.5817137

Da fuck is donc?

>> No.5817163

dnoc sorry

>> No.5817188

In most cases all engineering projects depends on money, bureaucracy and policy. For example shale gas in Poland or builing first Nuclear Power Plant. These are long term investments, goverment changes every 5 years and present one dont give a shit what will happen in 20 years.

>> No.5817212

I died

>> No.5817219

I love you.

>> No.5817221
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>it isn't a question of engineering methods, it's a question of materials

>> No.5817274

Sounds similar but with more illness and less weightloss.

>> No.5817288
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>liking 00

I'm not mad, just disappointed. Not even a UCfag.

>> No.5817355
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> gundamium

>> No.5817443


...don't engineering methods exist to overcome physical/material limitations?

>> No.5817487

That's what they're there for.

But there are limitations we haven't yet surpassed, and others we may never surpass.

>> No.5817492
File: 103 KB, 600x551, warp-drive-bubble-nasa-interstellar-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warp drive. Need exotic materials that don't exist yet.

>> No.5817495


Civil engineer here. Social as fuck, get all the bitches and do blow off their nipples daily.

>> No.5817497

Limitations in our current models lacking breakthroughs and limitations on the physical world around us?

>> No.5817508


All the real engineers ( not compsci/software ) I know are rock stars.

>> No.5817521

What does the football do?

>> No.5817539

This, engineers are easily the most social class of nerds.

>> No.5817543

>not being a social engineer

>> No.5817557

How van something have a negative half life?

>> No.5817569


Wins the Superb Owl of space and time.

>> No.5817591

That's an about mark, ya dingus.

>> No.5817602

The autism ITT has reached critical mass. Escape while you can.

>> No.5817627

whats itt

>> No.5817636

innovative tiny tits

>> No.5817677

seriously tell me

>> No.5817686

>Space elevators
>Space launch cannons
>Space habitats (Stanford Toroids, etc)
>Alcubierre drives

There's many things that we know how to build (to a vague degree), but that we can't because we'd need either unobtanium or access to space infrastructure.

>> No.5817719

In this Thread

>> No.5819616
