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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5814452 No.5814452 [Reply] [Original]

>what if Dr. Einstein never died?
>what if Dr. Einstein witnessed the HIggs Boson being discovered last year?
>wouldn't we have warp drives, fusion generators, artificial intelligence, and holographic sex robots by now?

>> No.5814467

what if something that is inevitable did not happen ?
wouldn't we have things that will never exist yet?

>> No.5814475

in a weird way, yes, that's right.

>> No.5814489

Einstein was a Doctor?

>> No.5814495

Einstein spent the last 40-some years of his life trying to create a completely deterministic and observable quantum theory. He would not have given any of the things you listed a second thought.

>> No.5814497

Einstein is hugely overrated

>> No.5814516

Modern physicists are ones who have no right to attach themselves to a legacy containing Einstein. We have no reason to wonder what einstein would have thought, nor any reason to suspect his approval.

>> No.5814518

>Einstein spent the last 40-some years
Bohm reached that effect without an Unification. So Einstein would have continued after that path.

>> No.5814526

Einstein is accredited with lots of peoples work.

>> No.5814542

Einstein was smart but not your average Saturday morning cartoon scientist smart

>> No.5814554

I love telling people about wikipedia for the first time. Please check out en.wikipedia.org. It's awesome. It's like a huge encyclopaedia on everything. You'll find an article about Einstein in there as well.

>> No.5814561

>tfw Ada Lovelace died in her 40s
>tfw Rod Serling died in his 40s
rip, lykedis if you cery vreyteim

>> No.5814567
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absorutery shamefur dispray, im suprised you didn't through in steves jobs for "lolomaximumtrolling"

>> No.5814600

Obligitory xkcd shoutout

>> No.5814608


>good goy

>> No.5814630

If Einstein was still alive we would probably be in space right now.

>> No.5814631


I think you overestimate Einstein. I'd have savoured a good smoke and talk with him, but the dude was a fucking pantheist, which is some of the most hokey, wishy-washy spiritualist bullshit I can imagine, and he also rejected the quantum mechanics he gave birth to.

Still a definite bro.

>> No.5814658
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Was Eisenstein a jellyfish?

>> No.5814660
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you one crazy ass bitch, im not even 90% of the posts you think i am. maybe i should change something specific about the way that i post so you'll stop shitting up the board with your craziness

>> No.5814677

His brain is floating in a jar.
Science points to yes.

>> No.5814679

no because dirty hippies would piss and moan about bullshit illegitimate moral wrongdoing and how youre killing the environment, and you would sit there and take it.

remember kiddies, we already have had one totally game-changing breakthrough, nuclear power, and it's potential was squandered

>> No.5814708

">what if Dr. Einstein never died?"

The Jellyfish in the picture is immortal.

>> No.5814711

Isn't that a problem to the basics of life? Immortal shit should not exist before the technology to support them (or shit that eats them) exists to limit their capacity?

>> No.5814820


>> No.5814864

C'mon, Einstein was a very smart dude TM, but not Alakazam.

>> No.5814865

>He's religious so he can't be that smart!

Dawkins pls.

>> No.5816345

Sorry /pol/, it turns out Ashkenazim are the brains of mankind.

>> No.5816560
File: 37 KB, 560x410, whatif_if.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if
>what if
What if all the whatiffers whatiffed themselves into Whatiffistan? What then??

>> No.5816568

what if you left?

>> No.5816576

If Ashkenazim are so smart, why can't they tell when they are being lead to fake showers?
Goyim: 1
Jews: 0

>> No.5816582


>> No.5816581

>what if you left?
... versus ... right?

>> No.5816821

>It is said that Alakazam is known to have mastered every type and form of psychic ability, including, but not limited to: telekinesis, telepathy, ESP, psionic abilities, levitation, defensive techniques, mind control, and telekinetic blasts. Alakazam are said to have excellent memory and can remember everything that it has experienced since hatching as an Abra, and has an IQ that exceeds 5,000, making it the most intelligent non-legendary Pokémon. Upon possessing amazing psychic skills and knowledge, Alakazam is proficient with the use of the elemental punches, giving it the ability to cause serious damage to any foe that resist its psychic moves. Although Alakazam is quite fragile and prefers to use its psychic abilities for movement and battle, it is quite capable of learning a broad range of fighting moves. As a fully evolved Pokémon, Alakazam is capable of using the moves Hyper Beam and Giga Impact.

damn /sci/...What if Alakazam were real?

>> No.5816828

>Alakazam is quite fragile and prefers to use its psychic abilities
does it even lift

>> No.5816867

Einstein was not a doctor, he didn't study medicine.

>> No.5816868

Psychically, yes.

>> No.5816876

I know you're a troll, yet I can't help but respond.


>> No.5816880

>wouldn't we have warp drives, fusion generators, artificial intelligence, and holographic sex robots by now

No. Science fiction is not prophecy. None of those things are possible/practical.

>> No.5816883

But it is truth. Maybe he's a PhD, but that doesn't mean he's a Doctor. When one says doctor, people imagines medicine doctors, because the rest of doctorates are irrelevant.

What's a PhD anyway? doing some shitty research? Doctors give their lives in exchange of knowledge.

>> No.5816886
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>> No.5816887

>Implying Einstein didn't steal all his ideas.
History is written by the victors.

>> No.5816888

Warp drives and fusion generators I can't speak on. Obviously fusion is possible, even possible by man, although "Cold fusion" is currently not possible.

Still, saying AI is impossible is just silly. and saying "Holographic sex robots" are impossible is absurd. We can MAKE holograms, and for physical sensations we can stimulate them with electricity triggering neurons. If every part is currently possible, the whole must also be.

>> No.5816908
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And we have sufficient evidence to show how none of those things are possible. You're leaving the door open that we "might" discover some convenient as shit loophole.

So yeah, when you pull shit like that, hiding in statistical skirts, you're essentially beckoning the question "well how can you prove god doesn't exist?"

Just because we haven't proven that every science fiction concept isn't possible, doesn't mean it is. If it has ever been featured in science fiction and it doesn't currently exist, assume it never will.

Remember, it's 2013 and nobody owns a flying car. That would have been blasphemy in circles like this 30 years ago. Have some perspective.

>> No.5816909

>artificial intelligence
>fusion generators
>none of these things possible, all of the listed impractical

>> No.5816910


We can make a fully ambulatory sex robot.

Where is it? Even japan isn't willing to drop 100 grand on that.

we can make really smart ai, but making one that you would use to replace world governments, as is always the inevitable end, is impossible.

fusion generators are possible, but i have little hope for ever find baryonic elements that can affordably resist the transmutational forces from the goddamned gamma rays. It's not economical if you have to scram the reactor and rebuild the containment unit every few weeks.

>> No.5816912

Not impossible, just really difficult.

>> No.5816915


pretend it's 1968

>thousands of people living in space
>flying cars
>none of these things happened

Dreams don't always come true. You're expecting an exponential amount of progress, which is not how technology works. There are hard limits, and we reach them quickly.

>> No.5816917

Exponential progress is how computer science works.

>> No.5816919


That's just the software, right? because i don't see any 20ghz cpus floating around. Much less terrahertz.

But sure, i suppose the universe could have been so perfectly designed for us that every time we have a problem the universe has a loophole that allows us to rise to the challenge and overcome the problem.

But i thought we didn't believe in a universe made for us anymore?

>> No.5816921

>Sexbots cost money
Yes, but as the tech gets more developed they can get cheaper, just like computers. New tech is always expensive, like cars. Not everyone can afford everything when it's brand new, like T.V.

See my point?

>Superintelligent AI is impossible
I see no reason to believe this, AI has been growing smarter, and the tread seems to be continuing. If and when it stops, I will accept this position.

Won't talk on Fusion, but maybe some synthetic material can resist it and we haven't invented it yet. I can't really say, and you may be right.

>> No.5816922

But the universe doesn't have to be perfectly defined, it just has to have observables and corresponding identifiable terms. There is a huge amount of progress yet to be discovered in computers.

>> No.5817035


Never ever said he wasn't smart. He was brilliant. And Pantheism isn't religious it's just silly.

I just don't think society would have been radically different had he lived. He was just a flawed human like the rest of us. But an intelligent one.

I think as soon as you detected the word 'theist' in my post, you regurgitated a reply. Well done.

>> No.5817040


Nuclear power is some of the worst shit ever, but schills like you keep convincing people to give in to it.

>> No.5817208

wait til the population doubles a few more times. Then we shall see how bad nuclear power really is.

>> No.5817271

What do you suggest we use instead?

>> No.5817352

no he couldn't accept quantum mechanics

"I can't believe god plays dice with us"