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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 275x275, 382300-mars-one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5806028 No.5806028 [Reply] [Original]

What's /sci/'s opinion on this stupid shit?
Do you guys think they'll really go on with it? How would they solve the energy issues? How do they plan to shield the people from radiation when the colony is just a utopian shanty town?

>> No.5806037

They will probably use people who don't know about the radiation.

>> No.5806070

This is hilarious.
I went to the website wondering what the fuck we could get out of Mars.
It seems they would profit off using the colonists as entertainment for people on Earth.

>> No.5806077

I thought regular contact was a bust
Honestly, do you really think the radiation will have time to cause problems before one or two of them go mad?

>> No.5806084

>Do you guys think they'll really go on with it?
I don't but they could

>How would they solve the energy issues?
There is a thing called the sun

>How do they plan to shield the people from radiation
Maybe using the soil, or perhaps building the habitations in caverns. Maybe the habitats have some shielding in them. Also it's not like you need to protect from that much radiation. Athmosphere takes a toll on it and you need to block only enough to get the guys last decade at max.

>> No.5806090

Reading more on their site, they say they will build the base several meters underground, saying that 5 meters of soil provides the same protection as Earth's atmosphere from radiation.

Also, I doubt people would go mad. They will have other colonists, a lot of work and could have media sent to them from Earth.

>> No.5806099


But they wouldn't get any fresh air or sunlight and would be in cramped conditions. They'd get cabin fever or something.

>> No.5806105

I'm certain people could live in those conditions. It really isn't that bad.

Whether this project will actually happen, though, I doubt it.

>> No.5806109

>I'm certain people could live in those conditions. It really isn't that bad.

They might become depressed or anxious. They might develop some Martian variant of Seasonal Affective Disorder or something.

>> No.5806112

It would depend on the person. Everyone is different.

>> No.5806115


people have been living on the ISS for ages now.

shit can and probably will go sideways at one point in M1 because it's a highly complex life support system with very low tolerances and no chance of rescue (6 months in best case scenario).

look at how the damage accumulates on the ISS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Space_Station_maintenance

it'll probably fail, unless they have an expansion module.

I wouldn't go, not with the shitty technology of the 2010's.

>> No.5806125

They admit that it is pretty risky on their website and that there are many medical conditions that could not be treated on Mars.

At first I thought it was a silly idea, but it actually seems pretty solid.

>> No.5806159


i'd say give it 20 years, we'll defo be ready then.

>> No.5806166

>implying they wont launch a rocket and color contrast edit a desert bunker area to make it look like mars...
So much cheaper, safer, and not much different

>> No.5806204

If u want to tell a lie, make sure its a big fucking lie.

>> No.5806210


>make space capsule without windows (for extra shielding)

>load 'astronauts' into space capsule before docking space capsule with rocket

>lift capsule onto rocket

>launch rocket

>explode rocket at dark side of moon

>astronaut capsule actually loaded into simulator

>ofw they think they're actually there

>> No.5806237
File: 17 KB, 300x360, 72094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people think this will happen.
This idea was thought up by some eccentric rich guy who then proceeded to make a website where people pay for applications. It has not gone further than that.

They estimate the total cost of the mission being several billion and think they'll get it from TV sponsors. I doubt there's a TV network stupid enough to invest 5 billion dollars in a reality show about astronauts when NASA already has live feeds that nobody watches.

On the other hand, I hope they eventually launch a handful of 20 year old, sci-fi loving, shut-ins into space so I can watch the spaceship fall apart after a year.

>> No.5806256

The next entertainment we will get from these kind of companies is going to be deathmatch tournaments in a space arena with people from different space colonies.

>> No.5806280

my dad is convinced this project will unite the countries of the world for the greater good.

i just don't like all the cameras/streaming mentioned

>> No.5806284

Right, PHD engineer astronauts and research scientists who don't know about radiation.

>> No.5806287

>implying most of the people on 4chan get fresh air or sunlight

>> No.5806297

>a slightly higher guarantee that our species will live on for a longer time period
>iron mining
>once colonized, more living space for humans
>a base to run asteroid-mining operations off of

>> No.5806978

it has "Reality show" attached to it but i suspect they'll make it as close to snookie as a funeral is, if you know what i mean.
as in, actually respectable.

plus the mars one base could be a great launchpad for mars exploration, using mars one as sort of a "home base" for anyone going to mars.

i like it

>> No.5807023

Wouldn't the low gravity cause a colony living on mars to grow weak after a few generations; and how would babies develop?

I imagine a war between mars and earth, if technology allowed, in future would be pretty one-sided.

>> No.5807030

>implying /sci/ wouldn't go in a heartbeat no matter the risks
Sure is summer.

>> No.5807033


>> No.5807035

because we're monkeys. dumb ass

>> No.5807036 [DELETED] 

>first to explore the largest geological features in the solar system
>feel cramped
One is not ever physically cramped, only psychologically so.

>> No.5807039

>we are monkeys
Well duh, but what is your point?

>> No.5807042

>first to explore the largest geological features in the solar system
>feel cramped
One is not ever physically cramped, only psychologically so.

>> No.5807043

this can you us a sugar rocket to send a human to space?


>> No.5807046


>> No.5807047

it has two ingredients table sugar is one of them

>> No.5807049
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>> No.5807050
File: 20 KB, 150x150, face002b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.5807052

It's my hopes that though this stunt will most likely fail, it will generate interest and start grouping up people who want to tackle all the little individual problems of this sort of mission, so that by the time someone is actually full-on serious about doing this, there are enough groups who have been testing each step of the way on their own, and then all these groups can combine their powers and get some shit done.

tl;drIt's my hope that this whole thing is bringing the right people together for the real future mission.

>> No.5807055
File: 152 KB, 500x282, 1331029016613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wut m8?

it's a serious question

>> No.5807061

you know just scaled up

>> No.5807069
File: 37 KB, 130x162, face012b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm the one having a stroke.

>> No.5807073

I agree.

I highly doubt anything tangible will come of this stunt, but the publicity of space exploration these days is nonetheless very exciting. I just hope it isn't a passing fad.

>> No.5807075
File: 278 KB, 1680x1050, 1337705496521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either way answer the question

>> No.5807107

>There is a thing called the sun

How would solar power solve the problem? Earth is much closer to the Sun than Mars and we can't get solar power to be efficient enough for regular use.

>> No.5807120

What question?

>> No.5807166

Earth will stomp all over mars' shit
superior gravity motherfucker

>> No.5807438

So /sci/, which one is a bigger failure?

Mars One or Xbox One?

>> No.5807453

But we can, just not more economical than coal.
ISS is working fine under solar power and many places use solar power here on earth too.

>> No.5807457

You have 10 seconds to provide a single advantage of solar power over nuclear.

Actually, might as well make that 10 minutes.

>> No.5807460

Solar weights less and is easier to transport/make in mars

>> No.5807462

>Easier to make
>Than anything

Oh wait, you're serious

>> No.5807496

- Maintenaince.
- User safety.
- Garbage disposal
Plus, Masrs athmosphere 1:10 deep than Earth, then solar efficiency = +90% despite of distance from sun.
Last, we are not really talking about "solar panels", aren't we? Solar panels are just silly boilers for hot water, photovoltaic system are the answere.

>> No.5807504

You need to clean it constantly or its power output drops to zero. This is especially true for photovoltaics.
>User safety
Ahahaha, you still believe the librul fantasies of nuclear power plants blowing up and killing everyone
>Garbage disposal
Modern nuclear plants produce very little waste, and what they do produce can safely be stored indefinitely.

>> No.5807534
File: 760 KB, 245x167, tumblr_mn39okRRwE1qessyso6_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clean it constantly
Wiping dust isn't as hard as maintaining a nuclear plant on a planet where water is rare and precious for human surviving.

>librul fantasies
Like if Chernobil or Fukushima didn't happen...

<very little waste/safely stored
Yeah, let's threat mars just like earth, polluting it and filling it with nuclear garbage.

Really, your opinion makes me feel like we (humans) are nothing else than just a virus who deserves to be wiped out.



>> No.5807536
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 1367183485836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/uise, help me get on the show so I can perpetually play pranks on the rest of the crew
>4 teh lulz

>> No.5807544

>Chernobyl and Fukushima
Because they're TOTALLY relevant to modern power plants.
That's like saying that all cars are going to explode because a couple of the first combustion engines ever had some problems.
Third-gen (molten salt) reactors literally CANNOT explode. Even if you breach the reactor core with all computer systems disabled, it'll just shut down.

>Polluting it and filling it with garbage
You realise that solar cells are full of some really nasty shit, right?
You realise that they're far worse for the environment than nuclear, right?

Why do you kids even post when you have no idea about what you're talking about?

>> No.5807546

Because this is 4chan?

>> No.5807560

>implying you know the details of the maintenaince of a nuclear garbage site
>implying you know the detailed chain of disposal of exaust photovoltaic panels

Let me clear this point: you know nothing.
Or maybe you think you know what mainstream media wants you to know.

Disposal of photovoltainc panels is a FAKE problem.

first of all the silicon, which is the primary part of the panels, it is virtually "sand", it has to be disposed exactely as the cards of the computer or printed circuit boards. It is not toxic material, is not material against nature. The panel is covered by a sheet of tempered glass, which is to be disposed like the crystal, and is finished by metal profiles. There is then a layer of EVA (ethyl vinyl acetate) which is to be disposed as you do with the waterproof tablecloths. Cables and junction boxes are normally used in construction. Without consideration that these considerations do relying on what is today's technology...

>> No.5807568

Hmm... Nah.




It's like you actually can't use Google.

>> No.5807581



sand in the wind, brah, sand in the wind.

>> No.5807583

>Look at all of this other bad stuff
>Solar is small in comparison!

>It's okay that I killed this person,
>Tons of people have been killed in the past!

>> No.5807586


We should make a mascot called Ethics-chan. Whenever someone respects ethics, she gets raped by five tentacles at the same time.

>> No.5807588

Keep trusting them. They speech the truth.

>> No.5807589


if you want my personal opinion, I don't wanna live in a dump.

africa is only a relatively small portion of the earth. if our trash output follows moore's law I'll be having ram in my streets by 2200.

>> No.5807590


the trooth has been speeched!

>> No.5809397
File: 119 KB, 512x512, elmer fudd jizzed on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How are you going to power a full life support system with solar panels? How are you going to generate enough heat during long Mars nights? How are you going to store the energy? Batteries are shitty, large and heavy and break down all the time. What's the backup energy source when solar panels fail during the Mars winter? How do the crew maintain the solar panels if their current goal is to house the colony underground?

>> No.5809742

muh thorium

>> No.5809790

Why not windmills, anon? There's wind on mars.

>> No.5809843

Mars One ≈ Mars to Stay


>> No.5809872

I'll be quite happy when this mission fails to launch its first comm satellite. You don't get to advertise your big business plan as possible because "All the technology needed already exists!" when almost none of it, in fact, exists. Bas is a snake oil salesman.

>> No.5809877

>still giving a shit about the modern gaming industry
You must be a moron, luckily we have a place for you

>> No.5809911

It's a scam, they only want to take money from people.