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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 113 KB, 600x600, cu engineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5805185 No.5805185[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your school ITT

>> No.5805194

Fuck off. >>>/soc/

>> No.5805200

Degrassi High

>> No.5805201

>Implying anyone on that board has an education.

>> No.5805202

>implying people with education will participate in such a zero content shitposting thread

>> No.5805205

>implying posting the logo or the name of a university makes you educated
>implying there is any intellectual merit in such mindless shitposting

Don't you and OP have a roll thread to post on /b/?

>> No.5805232

>implying this board doesn't talk about higher education all the time
>implying your shitposting contributes anything at all
This is a super serious board for super serious discussion.

>> No.5805240


>everybody embarrassed about their colleges
>buttmad as fuck

>> No.5805243

Unlike you we are here to discuss science and math. If you want to engage in childish circlejerks over social status, you are wrong on this board.

>> No.5805245

>implying talking about higher education, resources, facilities, and specific faculty/research doesn't constitute scientific discussion

>> No.5805249

>implying i attend a university
>implying i'm not just a 14 year old underaged with nothing better to do than fuck with sci

>> No.5805251

No, it doesn't. Posting your school's logo or name has nothing to do with science or math. Please go back to >>>/b/ if you want pointless zero content threads.

>> No.5805252
File: 20 KB, 228x221, cornell seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805260

A discussion between scientists is infinitely more interesting than the usual horseshit here.

>> No.5805265

No scientist would participate in a thread aimed at children boasting about their illusions of social status. This thread does not and will never contain any kind of insightful discussion. It is worse than roll threads. At least the latter are bearing the potential to be fun for some of their participants.

>> No.5805268

There is no science or math discussion in this thread. No information is posted or requested. Zero content shitposting does not belong on /sci/.

>> No.5805274

>between scientists

My fucking sides! You are far away from being a scientist and with that anti-intellectual "lol i troll u" or "muh shitposting culture" attitude I highly doubt you will ever be a scientist.

>> No.5805275


>tfw you post contains no scientific or mathematical content

ironic shitposting is still

>> No.5805276


>> No.5805278

>No scientist would participate in a thread aimed at children boasting about their illusions of social status
No proper scientist would use 4chan as a platform for discussion.

>> No.5805280

It cannot contain science or math because none of the posters ITT is asking any question or posting any information pertaining to science or math.

Do you think you're a "master trole"? Go back to >>>/b/

>> No.5805283

I don't understand why you have a vendetta about this thread (other than insecurity) when the following shitty threads are on /sci/:


And this is just the first three pages.

>> No.5805284

This board is dedicated to science and math. If you want to discuss things that are not science or math or if you want to mindlessly shitpost without any content at all, please do it on other boards.

>> No.5805285


I am aware of that.
But you (and I) are only adding to the entropy.
One of us should report it.

>> No.5805288


95% of the stuff on this board is shit
that's pretty good compared to most

>> No.5805290

I'm actually a scientist. I just don't have a stick up my ass about it.

>> No.5805291


I attended a SEC school.
The football is awesome.

>> No.5805293

Unlike this shitposting abomination all of the threads you linked are legitimate discussion threads. They are asking or providing information related to scientific or mathematical contents.

Please do it. >>>/q/622677

No, that's unacceptable. /sci/ used to be good.

You're not a scientist. You're an undergrad student.

>> No.5805294

I have a degree...so, no, not an undergraduate.

>> No.5805298


/sci/ used to be good?

"Why does my semen smell funny?"

it was good in your imagination

>> No.5805299

You're attempting to enforce serious discussion on a website that is anything but that. This board has been nothing but trolling and shitposting since it began, what do you hope to change?

>> No.5805302
File: 130 KB, 324x266, 1316041425219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"all legitimate discussion threads"
>troll physics
>divide by zero
>discussion of engineering hierarchy

Very funny.

>> No.5805303

Your degree doesn't matter if all you're doing is childishly bumping shit threads in a provocative manner. Post science and math or GTFO.

>> No.5805304
File: 38 KB, 300x300, Rutgers,_The_State_University_of_New_Jersey_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5805306

>Post science and math or GTFO.

do it

>> No.5805308

You are clearly new here. /sci/ was much better in the past.

This board is for discussion of science and math. Contrary to popular newfag beliefs not every board is /b/. Not every board is dedicated to trolling and shitposting. Please don't post here, if you are not interested in discussing science and math.

I do it every day.

>> No.5805310



the semen thread was 2007

>> No.5805311

I can't imagine what kind of exciting experiments you're working on if you have the time to be a self-righteous twat and pass judgment on every thread on this board...

>> No.5805313

The /sci/ image board didn't exist in 2007.

>> No.5805317

>I do it every day.


because all you're doing right now is whining

go post some science in another thread

>> No.5805318

>ad hominem

Come on. At least use some more subtle fallacies.

>> No.5805320

>Please don't post here, if you are not interested in discussing science and math.
You're stifling proper discussion more than anybody else could hope to do.

>> No.5805322

>"Your degree doesn't matter if all you're doing is childishly bumping shit threads in a provocative manner."

All of the hypocrisy ever.

>> No.5805324
File: 12 KB, 172x240, jhu_seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805325

No, I'm not. Please show me the "proper dicusssion".

Where? Do you even know what "hypocrisy" means?

>> No.5805328

Stinky semen
1 Name: Anonymous 2005-05-20 01:32
I cum in my pants a lot when I masturbate. Can other people smell it? I can't tell if they can pick up the scent or not. Even with fresh underwear.

2 Name: Anonymous (sage) 2005-05-20 05:00
Ahhh, good old Science and Math

3 Name: me 2005-05-28 19:56
use a sock, man

>> No.5805332

The /sci/ image board did not exist prior to 2010.

>> No.5805333

>calling my degree worthless because of what I post on /sci/
>an ad hominem attack

Pick two.

>> No.5805337


Are you an idiot?
That is a meaningless distinction.

>> No.5805338

I'm not calling your degree worthless. Are you illiterate? I don't even know your degree because you didn't name it. I don't care about it either. A degree does not justify shitposting. Even a Nobel laureate wouldn't be welcome on this board, if all he did was mindless garbage posting. Discuss science and math or GTFO.

>> No.5805344

So far ITT: Cornell, Columbia, Rutgers, and JHU.

>> No.5805345

>Please show me the "proper dicusssion".
The OP's topic for example? I'm sure you can find something science related to talk about when it comes to higher education.

>> No.5805347

WHAT is a meaningless distinction? Write a coherent argument please.

>> No.5805350

The OP is zero content off-topic posting. He might have rolled for dubs instead and it would be just as pointless.

>> No.5805353


You are an idiot.

>> No.5805356

Go away with your infantile flaming. >>>/b/

>> No.5805360

So you instead chose to shitpost instead of hiding and reporting the thread? You understand the irony right?

>> No.5805361


No. U.

>> No.5805364

If only that worked.... Did you read my /q/ thread?

>> No.5805371
File: 116 KB, 1181x1483, Cambridge_University_Crest_-_flat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805380
File: 14 KB, 280x280, 280px-Sup%C3%A9lec_logo.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah

>> No.5805381

>make thread about other people's colleges
>everybody angry

Why? People here talk about their universities all the time

>> No.5805383
File: 11 KB, 522x205, logo_CentraleSupelec[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and soon to become centralsupélec, in paris-saclay

watch out stupid shanghai ranking

>> No.5805384

because everyone is too embarrassed to post their shit tier community college logo so flame instead

>inb4 ivies are shit/overrated

>> No.5805385

Off-topic shitposting does not belong on /sci/. The fact that rule violatings are happening frequently does not mean they are allowed.

>> No.5805386

Vocal minorities.

>> No.5805392


Educated posters are a "vocal minority" on /sci/? Are you claiming the shitposters are the majority now?

>> No.5805398

>saging thread
>not contributing
90% chance of high school/community college

>> No.5805399


I'm starting a degree in engineering at Cornell next fall. Not quite sure what to expect...are you in engineering? If so, how difficult was first semester?

>> No.5805403

You're wrong though. Now stop shitposting.

>> No.5805404

I'm considering applying there for a grad program in CS. What should I have in order to have a decent chance of acceptance?

>> No.5805412
File: 7 KB, 250x250, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no such thing as shitposting. It's all in your head.

>> No.5805413


No I am biology, but depending on which classes you took in high school you might have an easier time than most. If you already took physics and calculus you will be in a good position, but you should still practice every day or you will fail.

>> No.5805419

>citation needed
is someone mad they aren't as smart as they think they are?

>> No.5805427

Alright, thanks. I took Physics/Calculus in high school, but unfortunately I struggled with chemistry when I took it a few years ago and that's what I have to take first semester. I don't remember anything and I'm not looking forward to that.

>> No.5805437
File: 3 KB, 528x414, UCSD_logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805438
File: 17 KB, 276x276, PhoenixOnRed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805439

Off-topic, zero content and rule violating posts are shitposting. That's how shitposting is defined.

>> No.5805440

0/10, try harder, shitposter.

>> No.5805443
File: 49 KB, 452x445, kdkdkdkdk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805444
File: 83 KB, 688x304, 76877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee I'm the only one here.

>> No.5805445
File: 45 KB, 300x366, Sofia_University_Logo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805446
File: 36 KB, 345x345, umbc-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else?

>> No.5805448
File: 20 KB, 100x64, Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805449

Like I said; all in that virtue-addled brain of yours.

>> No.5805450

I'm stating objective facts. Please stop shitposting. You are wasting your time.

>> No.5805451

how do you feel about being superior to everyone else?
are you thinking about going to prépa?

>> No.5805462
File: 15 KB, 500x94, yup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5805466


>> No.5805467
File: 60 KB, 1181x377, meduniwien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5805468
File: 8 KB, 160x203, filename.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chemical engineering phd candidate

>> No.5805474
File: 14 KB, 543x534, logo-georgia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5805493
File: 189 KB, 984x544, mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805499

I don't think that I am. It's true that I am very fortunate in going to my school, but that doesn't automatically give me superiority.

I don't know about prépa, not even sur I would be getting in. A friend of mine went to ETH Zürich at the beginning of last year, from what I hear it's quite nice.

>> No.5805515
File: 27 KB, 225x224, seal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805517

u of t, sg

>> No.5805522

oh man.
Going to a lycée français à l'étranger is often a guarantee of quality.
Whatever; CPGE and French grandes écoles are quite nice if you want to become an engineer.
Ecole normale supérieure is a must if you want into research.
look it up before making a decision.

>> No.5805534
File: 495 KB, 1181x885, UCL-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805535

What would a french student have to do to get into MIT?

>> No.5805541

Salut, est ce que l'Ecole polytechnique (Le palaiseau) est d'un bon niveau en chimie ?

>> No.5805556
File: 80 KB, 1106x1505, UBClogo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw philosophy grad who just finished law degree but who loves science

>> No.5805586


Hey, how good of a choice was philo for Law? And do you think going into Law is looking up? Are there good opportunities for graduates, in your opinion? Does it seem as soul sucking as they say?

UW-M Philo here

>> No.5805598

il y a mieux dans le domaine de la chimie: l'ESPCI
école supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielle

who cares about MIT, their courses are less interesting than those in prépa...
but most (if not every) grandes écoles have partnerships with universities like MIT, Columbia, Berkeley, Cambridge, Oxford, l’Imperial College and University College London à Londres or KTH in Stockholm or georgia tech

actually you're encouraged to postulate to anything, as long as you have the right GPA:
more than 3.6 for the most selective ones, more than 3.2 I think for the least selective ones.

There's a quota for each school, but nothing prevents you from trying on your own.

>> No.5805607

I don't want to get in with partnerships but directly out of high school (post bac)
How can I convert the moyenne to a GPA?
Does it matter if I did an ES bac or S bac if I'm in for CS