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5801659 No.5801659 [Reply] [Original]

explain the following possibility: some black holes are older than the universe.


>> No.5801666

Dark energy blowback causing time to invert.

>> No.5801673

You what mate?

>> No.5801677
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If information is not lost within a black hole then the last universe may have encoded a black hole with something, like a way to avoid the next Big Crunch.

pic unrelated

>> No.5801678

It reverses the polarity.

>> No.5801685

Build a wooden fence using a plank that has a hole in it. You now have a fence with a hole in it that is older than the fence.

>> No.5801686


where does info go in a black hole?
and where is the universe expanding into

are they the same

>> No.5801691


so you're assume a pre-universe builder and a pre-universe matter

>> No.5801700

Sounds like a legit scifi story right there.

>> No.5801709

The universe isn't expanding into anything in the same way the surface of an inflating balloon isn't expanding into anything. It is simply expanding.

>> No.5801711

My thoughts also.

>> No.5801713


Have you ever been to a party before? Usually you're inflating balloons in your fucking house.

>> No.5801716
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OK, fuck theoretical physics, I'm out.

>> No.5801727


>> No.5801735
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>> No.5801731


It's relevant because it makes your analogy null.

>> No.5801748


balloons expand into space/air

so that analogy is very dubious.

>> No.5801752

It's just an analogy which I'm using to help explain the expansion of the universe. The universe need not be expanding "into" anything and for it to do so would raise more questions than it answers.

>> No.5801763

You have to think of the balloon's surface expanding from the perspective of a 2D being, it is analogous in that we as 3D beings misunderstand the expansion of out 3D balloon surface. Two dots drawn on a balloon get farther apart on the balloon-space and they don't know anything about dimensions outside of the balloon's surface just like we don't know about expansion into anything outside of our 3D space. To them the balloon is all there is and everything is just getting further apart.

>> No.5801769

>The universe need not be expanding "into" anything

then the word "expanding" need not apply to it.

>> No.5801781

>2D, 3D

irrelevant, they both expand on a background.

>Two dots drawn on a balloon

This only further proves the point that we need a background, another dimension to expand or stretch into.

>> No.5801824


May not need all the matter in the universe...but to say they were created before time is silly considering we can time the spin of atoms and I think that is what these black holes are made of. How can something be created before there is time for it to be created? God? Computer programmers? Jews?

Could we be in a way bigger universe than we could imagine and the big bang was one of many stars that created a "universe"? and that our universe is younger than some of the others which allowed time for these "older-than-time black holes" to reach our universe?

>> No.5801845

>How can something be created before there is time for it to be created?

our understanding of time, or the big bang, or the singularity, or basically anything at all is incomplete.

so ya, anything can happen, it doesn't even matter how "weird" it might seem

>> No.5801846

It is getting bigger. The word expanding applies IMHO.

>> No.5801848

simpul teh big bang isn't an absotlute beginning its a relative beginning

u guys dont durstand whats even going on

>> No.5801853


it is expanding into something, that's how expansions work.

you can't expand into nothing.
you can't fall into nothing. you can't anything into nothing.

>> No.5801866

You have an oddly specific definition of "expand". Just be aware that many others may not use the word so exactly nor in the same manner.

>> No.5801898

>You have definition of "expand"
>Just be aware some people don't have a real definition for it and don't use it coherently


>> No.5801900
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>> No.5801904
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aliem jews

>> No.5802390 [DELETED] 

If there were black holes around before the Big Bang, doesn't that mean that there were multiple black holes crammed up against each othe before space started expandingr?

Why didn't they suck each other up? Why didn't they suck whatever caused the Big Bang up?

>> No.5803149


Imagine compressing all of 3-dimensional space onto the surface of a balloon. When you blow up the balloon the stretching of the surface is equivalent to the expanding of the universe in this analogy.

>> No.5803245


**expansion of the universe in this analogy

If you imagine the balloon is already very large then you could assume that a small (relative to the total surface area) portion of the surface is flat. Any more expansion would not change the curvature of the surface but would still cause an increase in the surface area of the balloon and of that portion that you are looking at. Seeing as the curvature is not changing we have the surface of the balloon expanding into nothing essentially. It is making the space as it expands, it is stretching.

If you were to imagine a galaxy or whatever as a point on the surface of the balloon, you could mark two points on the surface of the balloon and watch what happened as the balloon is inflated the distance between these points would increase.

At least that's how I understand it all. I'm not a physicist.

>> No.5803268
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This nigga's onto something.

>> No.5803266

"Information" is kept on the surface of the event horizon of a black hole, because it is impossible for an observer to see anything pass the event horizon, due to gravitational time dilation. As matter accelerates past the Schwartzschild radius, it's time appears to slow to an infinitely slow pace. So the "information" is forever trapped on the "surface" of the black hole.

>> No.5803282

The two dimensional surface of the balloon. Three dimensionally, yes the balloon expands into your house, about the center of that balloon. Two dimensionally, there is no center, every point on the surface of the balloon is just getting further away from every other point.

That is how the universe expands into nothing, just in three dimensions instead of two.