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5793107 No.5793107 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we have canine teeth, when according to the Vegans it's not natural for humans to eat meat?

>> No.5793116

because vegans are wrong

>> No.5793127

everything is natural

>> No.5793147

It's natural for us to eat meat, however, it is proven to be unhealthy to eat a lot of meat, you mainly need to worry about red meat though.

I eat chicken for dinner nearly everyday and red meat once every week I'd say, I think that's as much meat as you should have, any more and holy fuck.

>> No.5793155

Vegans are full of shit

We actually don't know that much about nutrition either

>> No.5793167
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>> No.5793187

pretentious moralists

>> No.5793207

And why is it unhealthy?

>> No.5793247
File: 43 KB, 500x499, aggressive-dog-jan-tik-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. GO SEE A DOCTOR NOW!!!!!!!!

You are the only human with meat eating Canine Teeth. PIC related!!!

>> No.5793507


Unbalanced diet.

The food pyramid was made for a reason.

>> No.5793554

Red meat has been linked to stomach cancer
On a more concrete note, it's pretty fatty (unless you're eating venison or horse or something like that)

>> No.5793561 [DELETED] 
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>red meat linked to stomach cancer
If it doesn't give you cancer it's not fun.

>> No.5793568

Who said that? We need animal proteins, every evolved predator depends on a high-calorie diet only provided by animal meat. Veganism is self-punishment by guilt, veganism will end as soon as we get meat without having to slaughter animals.

>> No.5793586

The food pyramid is obsolete

>> No.5793595

Everything has been linked to cancer.

>> No.5793614

Not a great argument. It is possible, that meat isnt healthy for us, but we evolved to be able to eat it, because it was still better than starvation.

>> No.5793626

Well, in their defence, you can get all the protein you need from alternative sources other than meat (soy beans, lentils, nuts, etc).

We most likely evolved from scavengers, and if we can get nutrition from meat, that means we are naturally meant to consume it.

Also, if a vegan tells me they're doing it for health reasons, I would actually support their choice, as it is healthier if done properly as I said at the beginning of my post. If they give me some bullshit moral reason for it I'll call them an idiot. Animals kill each other, that's 100% an undeniable fact of life.

>> No.5793643


Early anatomically-modern humans flourished in the Ice Age when, coincidentally, the bulk of the diet was big game. In fact, the only reason we never evolved bigger canines was that the early humans had cutting tools and thus didn't experience any selective pressure for big canines. Earlier pre-humans that became specialized for eating plants also went extinct, while omnivorous pre-humans persisted. It wasn't until farming came around that we start seeing issues like malnutrition (during famines) and dental problems.

>> No.5793659

because natural selection.

>> No.5793674

It was also made up by food industries executives to sell more of their shit.
Do you honestly believe that humans thrive on a diet of mainly bread products and milk products?

No, humans need meat, vegetables, and fruit.
And everything else in lesser degrees.

>> No.5793685
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Should gorillas be eating meat too?

>> No.5793689 [DELETED] 
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It depends, do they have the digestive system of a human?

>> No.5793691

>according to the Vegans it's not natural for humans to eat meat

I don't think that's something most vegans actually say.

>> No.5793693


No, they have the digestive system of a gorilla, obviously. They also have big fucking canines, as that picture clearly shows.

>> No.5793696

>according to the Vegans it's not natural
teh vegans know as little about "natural" as does Anon:

>> No.5793710

Two reasons an animal grows large canines: for hunting/eating meat or for fighting with competitors. Do you see humans going around biting each other as a major method of attack?

>> No.5793713

everything is natural, the universe in nature, and everything is apart of the universe.

>> No.5793716

Not true God created men to be carnivores

>> No.5793718

We also don't know the full extension of gorilla habits.

>> No.5793737

>Do you see humans going around biting each other as a major method of attack?

Humans? No. Human ancestors? Almost definitely.

>> No.5793741


Uh, that happens a lot. Especially when people snort bath salts.

>> No.5793744

Why do humans need weapons to kill animals when meat eaters say we are meant to be carnivorous? Why do humans cook their meat when it should be eaten raw? I don't see them wolves cookin over a fire. Why do humans have a larger digestive tract than other carnivorous animals? In fact it is around the same length as most herbivorous animals. Why OP?

>> No.5793745

Most of them also believe organic is automatically better and that GMO is literally worse than Hitler.

For the record I'm a hardcore environmentalist and vegetarian myself.

>> No.5793753

>muh paleo diet

>> No.5793756

Because you're 7

>> No.5793763

Because we're awesome

>> No.5793832

But I hear hitler had vegetarian tendencies.

>> No.5793884

Gorillas do eat meat, at least in captivity. wild one probably do to, we just haven't seen it yet. they aren't all that well understood.

Plus, they spend all fucking day eating. like, literally all fucking day. meat eaters have a few meals, good to go, sometimes for a week or more, depending on species.

>> No.5793886
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When will we be able to regenerate teeth in a dentist

>> No.5793889

I don't recall prehistoric man having access to fields of grain, mills, or livestock
naw, you eat what you find in the dirt, on trees, or kill with your hands

>> No.5793902

You're basically saying that the use of weapons is unnatural. Previous species of humans used weapons as well.

>> No.5795520

>implying if I was jumped by Tyrone on the street and I was unarmed I wouldn't bite chunks out of his face until he ran away screaming.

>> No.5795543

Gorillas do eat meat.

>> No.5795561

or, why do we lack carnassials if we're meant to eat meat?

human morphology isn't specialized for any particular niche aside from tool use and language.

even if it were, it'd be a fallacious appeal to nature to assume that we should do only what our ancestors did.

>> No.5795562

Canine size plays a huge part in sexual dimorphism among primates. The bigger the canines, the healthier and stronger the males appear to the females. Same with other things such as sagital cresting and body size.

>> No.5795574

> it'd be a fallacious appeal to nature to assume that we should do only what our ancestors did.
No one said that. The implication was that we are genetically designed to include some amount of meat in our diet.

>> No.5795581

>reworded appeal to nature
>"that's not an appeal to nature"
ok, einstein.

we aren't "designed" for any purpose,
there are things we can do and things we can't do.

what we should do has nothing to do with what we can do.

>> No.5795588

So many people buying vitamins at $40 a bottle when humans pretty much have NEVER reached 100% of DRV of anything in our history and it worked out fine

>> No.5795590


>it is proven to be unhealthy to eat a lot of meat,
>you mainly need to worry about red meat though.

There is no proof for either of these claims.

>> No.5795591

What I think he's saying is, we may need some amount of meat in our diet. You know damn well what he means by design, stop being pedantic.

>> No.5795594

you expect proof from induction?
it's like you don't understand science at all.

>> No.5795600

except we clearly don't need any meat in our diet, as demonstrated by a shitload of vegans still wandering around and multiplying.

>> No.5795603

The red meat thing was skewed and spun like crazy by vegans who didn't read the study. Red meat itself isn't bad for you, it's just that those who predominantly eat red meat are more likely to eat processed crap and other unhealthy foods.

>> No.5795605

There are shitloads of fat people wandering around and multiplying. Doesn't mean it's healthy.

>> No.5795606

Oh, and smokers. Don't forget smokers.

>> No.5795607




>Consumption of processed meats, but not red meats, is associated with higher incidence of CHD and diabetes mellitus. These results highlight the need for better understanding of potential mechanisms of effects and for particular focus on processed meats for dietary and policy recommendations.

>> No.5795609

we were talking what is necessary, not what is healthy.

vegans live longer than people that eat meat, so if health is your criterion you need to stop eating meat.

I personally prefer hedonism and aesthetics, so I eat meat.

>> No.5795634

>Why do humans have a larger digestive tract than other carnivorous animals? In fact it is around the same length as most herbivorous animals.
That is in no way true. Human digestive tract is much more similar to that of a pig or a dog than a cow or camel or horse.

>> No.5795641

>according to the Vegans it's not natural for humans to eat meat?
That's the fanatics of those. The ones that are a bit more level headed do take food supplements and say that do that for the guilt of eating meat.

>> No.5795655

>Why are all vegans like this?

They're not, only a dumb minority (maybe because I've honestly never heard such a claim) cherry picked by habitual conservatives like you to attack. Continue to hack up that straw man, though.

Also, LOL at whether or not meat is healthy

>> No.5795666

We can also make an economic experiment: put how mucha vegan diet cost and we can compare with a regular healthy diet.