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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5789619 No.5789619 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Stupid misconceptions that everyone seems to have

>Homosexuality can't be genetic, otherwise all the gays would have died off.
>Neurotransmitters can be consumed as a nutrient (picrelated)
>Coffee will help sober a drunk person up

>> No.5789629

>Coffee will help sober a drunk person up
but that one is true...

>> No.5789633

Not technically. If anything it's the placebo effect. It's like using ginger ale to help someone feel better.

>> No.5789637

Fagness is gained from experience. There is no gene nor an experiment for it.

>> No.5789636

>That you can truly know anything

>> No.5789650

'Inherited' means the the environment has no effects whatsoever on the trait.

>> No.5789649

>Organic food is inherently better and doesn't use pesticides
>Natural means safe, not unrefined and dirty
>Chemicals are dangerous and bad for you

>> No.5789658

>Organic food is inherently better
Holy shit this makes me so mad and I don't even know why

>> No.5789660

>nuclear power plants and bombs are the only source of radiation

>> No.5789679

>nuclear power plants are basically nuclear bombs that we somehow extract power from.
>a terrorist could easily turn a nuclear power plant into a bomb

>> No.5789692

>Consciousness doesn't exist
>Qualia can't be measured

>> No.5789705

>hacking is just like in movies. A skilled hacker can gain full control of a building in seconds, including things that no rational person would network.

>> No.5789708

this. who the fuck would connect a refrigerator and washing machine to a network?... wait.

>> No.5789714

>>Free will exists.

>> No.5789717
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smart people who use smart phones.

>> No.5789718

>CS is a lot of math

>> No.5789720

I second that.

>> No.5789725

>free will doesn't exists

>> No.5789721

>epimarkers regulate genetic expression therefore the sequence is irrelevant
>IQ is imperfect therefore intelligence is a social construct
>scientific research requires govt funding, just look at NASA
>nuclear bombs produce radiation so any radiation is just as dangerous

>> No.5789726

>consciousness MUST exist!

>> No.5789728

Fun thing, I recently watched a lecture in which a physicist explained that coal powerplants produce more radiation than Chernobyl and Fukoshima combined.

>> No.5789730

>Consciousness is the same as souls

>> No.5789734

>Religion is compatible with science

>> No.5789731

>Religion and science are mutually exclusive.

>> No.5789735

>Science isn't built upon consensus.

>> No.5789736

>Jacob Barnett didn't disprove Einstein

>> No.5789738

>People couldn't have built it! They didn't have machines back then!

>> No.5789744

I fucking hate that shit. My dad is seriously being brainwashed by some Christian cult that uses all the Ancient Alien crap as a proof for Nephilim... "preflood half human half demon" people.

>> No.5789741

no its not idiot, it works, you can try it yourself if you were not such a shut in nerd.

But my hypothesis on why it works is the caffine.. speeds up blood flow, probably filtering blood through liver quicker, and accelerates heart rate, partially offsetting the depressive effects of alcohol

>> No.5789743

>aliens must exist

>> No.5789745

>some day you will lose your virginity

>> No.5789746

It's partially offsetting the depressive effects of alcohol allright, BUT YOU'RE STILL DRUNK.

It just feels like you're less drunk.

Same story with alcohol and any other stimulant drug.

Whether it's adderall, street speed, meth, or cocaine.

You're still drunk. You just feel less drunk. Or completely sober.

Depending on how much of the substance you've taken.

>> No.5789749

>God isn't real
>Jesus Christ isn't the savior of mankind

>> No.5789750

>You can transfer consciousness to a computer
>If you teleport you will be still alive

>> No.5789758

>time travel is possible
>FTL travel is psosible

>> No.5789754

>ice suns exist

>> No.5789756

>FTL travel is impossible
>time travel is impossible

they are possible

>> No.5789759

>string theory is untestable

>> No.5789763

>the brain is a physical organ

>> No.5789762

>Cigarettes are bad for your health.

>> No.5789765


>> No.5789770
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Go on.

>> No.5789767

>Obama is an American citizen

>> No.5789769

>Bleach and lemon juice makes mustard gas

Seriously, people can't into chemistry and they still shout bullshit like this.

>> No.5789774

>Medicine is not a science
>Nursing is a noble career

>> No.5789784

This is kind of related.
Anyone else hate looking at those big posters that list off all the "bad" chemicals found in cigarettes? I don't mind all the crap about cancer because it's at least relatively true, but printing all the chemicals found in even trace amounts is just bullshit.

>> No.5789789

wat, explain. i''m drunk thanks

>> No.5789796

would like to watch, got a lnk?

>> No.5789805

It was a TED talk, don't ask me where I found it. Somewhere on youtube probably.

>> No.5789808

He's probably joking.
But cigarettes are a lot less dangerous than they're made out to be.

>> No.5789821

They're still up there with meth, alcohol, cocaine and heroin as deadliest drugs on the planet.

Of course, deadliest drug on the planet doesn't really matter anymore.

More people die from prescription medicine than people die from drug abuse.

>> No.5790420


Fuck off >>>/pol/.

>> No.5790466

Meth and heroin or even alcohol can fuck your life over right quick. Tobacco is a much slower process, 20+ years kinda deal.

>> No.5790564

100% of people who smoke die.

>> No.5790596

How dangerous are they
All articles I have read said, that they were pretty much the forst you could do to your body.

>> No.5791274

>Wearing glasses because of visual deficiency or prosthesis because of the lacking of a limb are augmentations.

>> No.5791278


Ginger is a natural antiemetic. If you're sick to your stomach, it DOES make you feel better.

>> No.5791283

Mind = blown

>> No.5791288


Taking a stimulant with alcohol doesn't make you feel "less drunk" because the stimulant has absolutely zero effect on EtOH's GABAergic properties. It just counteracts certain effects e.g. lethargy and sleepiness.

>> No.5791312

>>IQ is imperfect therefore intelligence is a social construct

it's the other way around, because intelligence is a social construct IQ is imperfect.

>> No.5791328

the shit you guys get fed

>> No.5791341

Why would anyone want to tweet from their fridge?

>> No.5791343

what they're about to eat and the gas they are about to produce

>> No.5791347


Then explain why newfags are the biggest fags of them all? Checkmate Atheists.

>> No.5791350

>Qualia exists
>Consciousness is magic as opposed to just a statement about the functions of the brain
Fucking this.

All of these piss me off so much.

>> No.5791352

they've been retards for a long tiem.

Checkm8 christiens.

>> No.5791364

>If you create a perfect replica of something, it's just a copy, as opposed to another original
>Consciousness is magic and can't be uploaded

You are very wrong.

>> No.5791372
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>> No.5791375
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>> No.5791426

>ITT: Stupid misconceptions that everyone seems to have

CS is a legitimate field
CS is basically math
CS has math in it
RSA/AES is NP-Complete
Not P = NP
Java has any use whatsoever
It's possible for computer to prove theorems
Superconductors can conduct unlimited/infinite currents
Superconductors have no resistance
QM is fundamentally non-deterministic
Gravitons exist
There's an outer outer space that the universe in expanding into
Advance potentials are unphysical
Psychology is Scientific
Biology is Scientific
Chemistry is well understood

>> No.5791430

But biology is scientific.

>> No.5791439
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You can literally just feel the pretentiousness and chauvinism in that post.

>> No.5791443

how the fuck can a girl be chauvinist?

>> No.5791450

Biology is a joke and on the same ledge as Psychology or Witch-doctoring. There are few people doing biological physics research but the majority of the literature is hand-waving nonsense.

>> No.5791452


Prejudiced belief in the superiority of one's own gender group or kind

You feel like your group is better than CS/Psychology/Biology/Chemistry

>> No.5791456


>implying a woman can't be.
>implying I was referring to sex.

>> No.5791455

Says the person who would probably have not made it past age 5 if not for modern microbiology and anatomy

>> No.5791461


Chemistry is pretty much done until something that generalizes QM comes around. Granted, we don't have the computational power to really accurately model electron interactions yet (lel dft), but that doesn't mean we won't eventually.

Chemistry is a nougaty physics core enrobed in a rather distressing amount of bullshit. The handwaving that goes into the average reaction mechanism determination is disgusting. I started university as a chemistry major, but I switched to physics because everything good and pure about chemistry IS just physics.

>> No.5791478

>Chemistry is a nougaty physics core enrobed in a rather distressing amount of bullshit. The handwaving that goes into the average reaction mechanism determination is disgusting. I started university as a chemistry major, but I switched to physics because everything good and pure about chemistry IS just physics.

Completely agree

>> No.5791483
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>> No.5791480


>doesn't make you feel "less drunk"
>counteracts certain effects e.g. lethargy and sleepiness

Pick one.

>> No.5791491

welcome to every biology thread on /sci/.

>> No.5791487

>but that doesn't mean we won't eventually.

Computing advancements are close to the end. I doubt we'll ever have what we need.

>> No.5791493

>Computing advancements are close to the end

I suppose I'll be the one to ask why?

>> No.5791500


Drunkenness is a condition of alcohol intoxication, not a sum of present symptoms. Other symptoms include:

- disinhibition
- ataxia
- inability to form short-term memories
- loss of involuntary motor control

I'll choose both, you cunt.

>> No.5791501
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>What this thread devolved to.

>> No.5791516 [DELETED] 

We currently at 22-20nm tech. At ~8nm tunneling destroys any attempt at making transistors smaller; even in the unlikely case of molecular transistors, that's still just a few fold improvement. And stacking chips is a laughable pipedream.

>> No.5791521

We're currently at 22-20nm tech. At ~8nm, tunneling destroys any attempt at making transistors smaller; even in the unlikely case of molecular transistors, that's still just a few fold improvement.

And stacking chips is a laughable pipedream.

>> No.5791569

Quantum computing...?

>> No.5791580

>>a terrorist could easily turn a nuclear power plant into a bomb
Of course they could. Didn't you watch Batman?

>> No.5791578

Damn straight.

>> No.5791593

So, conventional computing is reaching its limit? Doesn't mean computing full stop will ground to a halt.

>> No.5791597

Just wait, discounting the enormous contribution biology has thus far has made to improving human lives, with the advent of easy and cheap genetic engineering you'll be eating those words.

>> No.5791615

>>Coffee will help sober a drunk person up
Too much drugs? Here have more!

>> No.5791622

>scientists have been wrong in the past so that proves they must be wrong now

>> No.5791626

>One can catch a cold when not wearing a hat during winter.

>> No.5791630

>Hurr durr a cold is caused by a virus not temperature

No fucking shit genius, but if you go around splashing in puddles or wearing t-shirts in january outside it can weaken your immune system, causing you to develop a *gasp* cold.

>> No.5791631


>> No.5791635

You can though... If all you had to do was not wear a hat to avoid colds no one would ever get them you dingbat.

>> No.5791634

>Java has any use whatsoever

>Android Operating System
>Not Full of Use

>> No.5791639

yes. ilfasho.

>> No.5791663

>not knowing about GNU/Linux and calling it "Linux"
>Not understanding that heritability doesn't apply strictly to individuals, but instead a defined population
>Not understanding that heritability in different environments can be different
>Believing in objective morality
>Not understanding that induction and deduction aren't reasoned into
>Believing in evolution and innate differences in races while presupposing that all races are innately predisposed to be equal in intelligence
>Using the term "social construct" like it actually means something, and without recognising that all systems of categorisation are constructed
>Saying that "nature vs nurture" is somehow a dichotomy
>Wondering if a trait in an individual organism is genetic or environmental, not recognising that organisms are expressions of genetics in an environment making all traits 100% environmental and 100% genetic
>General retardation when it comes to probability
>Natural things are healthy
>Unnatural things are unhealthy

>> No.5791668

Nigger I've been "almost passed-out" drunk on multiple occasions and all it took to keep going was 1 line of amphetamines.

>> No.5791670

>implying it isn't a crucial part of it

>> No.5791672

>intelligence is a social construct
>neuron density and electron frequencies are a social construct
clearly, you don't possess it.

>> No.5791674

Rage of a thousand suns

>> No.5791675


>> No.5791680

>you can't know what GNU is and still call it Linux

Hurd isn't going anywhere.

>> No.5791683

>Wondering if a trait in an individual organism is genetic or environmental, not recognising that organisms are expressions of genetics in an environment making all traits 100% environmental and 100% genetic
Surely you would agree, though, that it makes sense to ask how much of the variation in a trait among members of a population is due to genetic variation, and how much is due to environmental variation?

>> No.5791682

Laughable indeed.

>> No.5791687

You can look at degrees, but I think he's objecting to people going "Diabetes is genetic, eat whatever you want" or "Diabetes is environmental, your family history is irrelevant". Obviously it's both, and while it's useful to know how much each affects it, there's no dichotomy.

>> No.5791694

Diabetes is a virus

>> No.5791698


Shit, why didn't we figure it out before? All we need is a vaccine and it's SOLVED!

>> No.5791704

This. The government will now proceed to fund 15 billion to hospitals to develop said vaccine.

>tfw politicians are this retarded

>> No.5791707

Terminal velocity is the speed at which you are guaranteed to die.

>> No.5791710

<span class="math"> Vt = c[/spoiler]

>> No.5791711


Fat people are a virus.

What now?

>> No.5791718

Bullets are a helluva lot cheaper than 15 billion...

>> No.5791716

Velocity * time = the speed of light

I know my physics.

>> No.5791717

Liposuction mandated by law.
Insurance doesn't fund it.

>> No.5791719

11/10 trolling

>> No.5791722

Also, a new series of fatmobiles that cost 10$ and can move at 50mph

>They're designed to explode after 1 week
Just imagine looking at those fatties, racing around on their brand new fatmobiles, knowing that within a week, they will be nothing but grease on the asphalt.

>> No.5791729

Deoxygenated blood is blue
Water isn't blue
Glass is a liquid
Polar bears aren't white, they just look like that because they live in snowy conditions
Appeal to nature

>> No.5791731


>> No.5791733

>6 responses to 5 statements


Kinda false, scattering of light makes deep water appear blue, it's hard to call this one
False, amorphous solid
Polar bears fur is actually clear, the way is scatters light makes it appear white though
Nature wants to kill you as violently as possible. Science often does too, but at least Science is sometimes on your side. Nature always hates you.

>> No.5791738

you are retarded.

>> No.5791741

Trolled hard xD

>> No.5791745

Water is pale blue, as seen in swimming pools.
Glass is an amphorous solid.
People have an odd habit of explaining why polar bear fur is white, then saying at the end they've explain why it isn't white.

>> No.5791751

>epimarkers regulate genetic expression therefore the sequence is irrelevant

Literally no-one in the world thinks this

>> No.5791752

>biology is a joke
How's all that "joke" medicine you're enjoying?

>> No.5791757

>women are better than men because x
>men are disposable because y

>> No.5791758

This. Who knows enough about genetics to understand epimarkers yet hasn't grasped the concept of sequence?

>> No.5791762


I laughed.

>> No.5791763

>Nature always hates you.
You apparently haven't cultivated your own personal well rounded garden that provides comfort and nourishment.

>> No.5791769

With the crops developed through centuries of selective breeding and nitrogenous fertilizers? No, I haven't gotten around to it. I would be sure to make ample use of pesticides to avoid infestation though.

Science is what made agriculture possible in the first place, the neolithic era was a scientific revolution.

>> No.5791776

>Believing in evolution and innate differences in races while presupposing that all races are innately predisposed to be equal in intelligence


>> No.5791783

This is exactly why hippies are full of shit.
>humans ruin everything, nature provided for us everything.
>live of plants engineered by humans over 10000 years that's not present in nature.

>> No.5791784

On that note,
>if something bad is directed at men, it's not chauvinist
>if something bad is directed at white people, it's not racist
>women in math/sciences are hated and held back by superiors just because they're in a "men's field"
>genetic superiority exists; nature gives a shit about what a group of humans deems superior
>you can compare human races the same way you can compare dog and cat breeds

>> No.5791785

>not knowing the difference between transgenic plants and selective breeding

hippies and the anti-GM brigade are total sperglords though

>> No.5791788

>>you can compare human races the same way you can compare dog and cat breeds

so much this. there is literally no scientific evidence for races being a thing

>> No.5791790


Are you tarded?

>> No.5791794


no, l2genetics

>> No.5791796

This is the worst one. The idea that proof isn't a social concept.

>> No.5791803

Get your liberal propaganda out of here.
>social concept
Please go.

>> No.5791809
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>anthropological research
>liberal propaganda
/pol/ u so crazy

>> No.5791810

>objective research suggests my arbitrary prejudice might be wrong

>> No.5791811

Math is just numbers and calculations

>> No.5791812

>Races are clearly defined and people are easily categorised into them. They're not just arbitrary groups based on factors such as skin colour that have little actual bearing on genetic code

>> No.5791817


If I were to simplify math as anything, it would be "math is just relationships"

>> No.5791820

He meant that in terms of waste air. That's true.

>> No.5791821



Now what?

>> No.5791825

glass creeps at room temperature/ you can detect width changes on old church windows after years

>> No.5791827

>nuclear power plants are basically nuclear bombs that we somehow extract power from.
Bloody hell this annoys me

Everyone seems to have the idea that a nuclear meltdown will cause some massive mushroom cloud.

>> No.5791830

>Engineers aren't all homosexuals

>> No.5791834


But the main premise of that is that FTL is impossible

>> No.5791836

>Superconductors have no resistance
I thought that was the point of them

>> No.5791838

>>not knowing about GNU/Linux and calling it "Linux"
But Linux is easier to say than GNU/Linux

>> No.5791840

It's also far more correct to just call it Linux.
GNU/Linux is nothing but a shameless attempt for Stallman to steal credit.
Just because a project is licensed under the GPL doesn't mean Stallman has the right to rename it as he sees fit. Ofcourse it really demonstrates his mentality well. GPL licensed code is not "ours" it's HIS; he thinks it belongs to him.

>> No.5791887

>implying it isnt
you can measure neurons, but it will manifest differently in different people
there are many forms of intelligence, EI (emotional intelligence) matters way more anyway

>> No.5791921

Idiots justify their existence

>> No.5791922

>emotional intelligence
muh womyn intuition

>> No.5791936

>It's possible for computer to prove theorems

Do what?

Did you misread Godel?

>> No.5791940

That's fucking profound.

>> No.5791967

Aren't viruses single celled? I have no idea I just thought that was the case. Fat people are like... infinity-celled.

>> No.5791972


just so you know, maths/physics types, this is what it feels like when someone asks something like "what's the last digit of pi"

>> No.5791974

I'm sorry I have to reply to again, but JESUS FUCK

>> No.5791980

Link to page about it?
Looks like a gimp

>> No.5791982

>saying subjective morality is meaningful.

>> No.5791984

this is plausibly the dumbest thing I have ever read on /sci/

>> No.5791990

Calm down guys. I don't get angry when people ask what the last digit of pi is. (What is it by the way?)

>> No.5791991

never been here be4?

>> No.5791994



>> No.5791993

its 12

>> No.5792000

the symblol º

>> No.5792001


>> No.5792002

>not knowing the difference between digit and number

>> No.5792005

>Consciousness isn't just an emergent phenomenon as an illusion
Your woo is showing.

>> No.5792007

>>scientific research requires govt funding, just look at NASA
To some extent, it actually does. Companies don't go doing shit where the risks are completely unknown. Neil Degrasse Tyson makes the argument pretty solidly that NASA should be at the forefront taking risks and then companies will pick up the suit once they're established just like Space X did.

>> No.5792010

>If I reject something, it isn't real!

>> No.5792016

Each of you, please continue with your evidence.

>> No.5792021

However, there's a lot of pseudoscience woo about ginger, so be aware that many people are conflating it with properties it does not have.

>> No.5792024

>RSA/AES is NP-Complete
But that's true, you uneducated swine.

>> No.5792027

>QM is fundamentally non-deterministic
Except it is. Anyone stating "hurr but the probabilities are predetermined!" is invoking god in the machine and is no different from religious woo.

>> No.5792029

There's AC resistance that proportionate to the frequency squared and even in DC there's resistance in Type II superconductors when vortices start moving around....

>> No.5792032

>Psychology is Scientific
Except for the ones doing actual science. Don't generalize. They're rare but out there.

>Biology is Scientific
Oh I see, you're an elitist prick who doesn't understand germ theory of disease, evolution, anatomy, and agriculture breeding.

>> No.5792035

So you're some sort of retarded purist who doesn't understand that science is about practicality and making useful predictions, not adhering to some philosophical aesthetic. Got it.

>> No.5792042

I love how he tried to subtlely sneak racism in.

>> No.5792046

50 years away and it will only speed up certain functions like fft instead of a cross the board speed up.

We spent 60+ years developing silicon technology to the point that it is today. Even if there was a technology that would allow in the end a 1000x increase in power, no one will spend the decades of time and money to get it to the point when it can compete with silicon and beat it.

>> No.5792051

Polar bear fur is white (very clear and nearly white, but in large amounts is white. Also albedo) but their skin is black.

>> No.5792052

>advent of easy and cheap genetic engineering

Sorry I have a patent on easy and cheap genetic engineering and I do not give permission for you to use it. I also patented your genes so if you would be so kind.....

Found by following the same practices of a witch-doctor (Try everything and keep what works)

>> No.5792054

>You apparently haven't cultivated your own personal well rounded garden that provides comfort and nourishment.
You apparently don't know that literally every plant on the face of this planet is poisonous. The only reason you aren't deader than dead is because your ancestors evolved alongside them, building up defenses. So yes, nature wants you dead.

>> No.5792063

>implying that's not what physics is
>implying biology is just randomly adding chemicals to ill people and seeing what happens

"Hey, let's smash these protons together and measure what we see"

Is your problem actually with the principle of scientific discovery?

>community college math major detected

>> No.5792066

>implying QED/QFT is the same as QM

Not unless NP=co-NP and you find a reduction to SAT

>> No.5792068

>science is about practicality and making useful predictions

No that's engineering

>> No.5792071

That's the best answer I've ever seen

>> No.5792070


>> No.5792073

Yes, I've seen this bullshit site before. It's Philosophy not science.

>> No.5792076

>Found by following the same practices of a witch-doctor (Try everything and keep what works)
ITT: People confusing inductive reasoning with abductive reasoning

>> No.5792086


It makes all the same exact predictions as QM and is completely deterministic.

>> No.5792155

but its still without any realism, so what do you gain? you can just as well say that the wave-function collapses deterministically but we dont know how.

>> No.5792161

Well, this turned into a lively wonderful thread.

>> No.5792172

>but its still without any realism
What do you mean without any realism? There are particles, a wave function, and 2 very logical equations governing the time evolution of them. It's far more realist than the utter nonsense in QM where you can't even describe what's happening.

>> No.5792186

>What do you mean without any realism?
the math is the same as QM, just rearranged, and the particle and wave has no physical purpose. you cant say the particle is at A any more than you can in QM, you cant even say if something is a field or a particle (where QM everything is quantized waves), you can arbitrary let something be just a wave, or a particle based on how you do the math. how is an interpretation of QM that depends on how you do the math better than an interpretation that is always the same?

>> No.5792208

Well actually, Stallman raises that point, because he feels that calling it just "Linux" denies credit to the hundreds of hard working people who've spent years and years on the GNU Project, not just Stallman himself.
If GNU hadn't picked up Linux, Linux would probably have just ended up being another Minix clone, and GNU would still be waiting on the HURD...
So they're relationship is, and always has been mutually beneficial.

>> No.5792246

Just throwing in on progress of computing. I see people claiming two things a lot. And they are mistaken. First that nm is an upper limit on computing power and second that quantum computing wont push the limit to singularity terms due to silicon chip tech and investment. Google for the news stories but three ish weeks ago published qm in silicon. Single gold atom in silicon with spin. Qc will integrate silicon tech. Expanding logical floating point exponentially. Pushing limits to singularity. Google news is your friend.

>> No.5792252

This thread is shit so I'll end it with a good one.

>People believing .999... =/= 1

>> No.5792259

>single cell
OK guys, making fun of biology saying it isn't a science and that kinda shit is okay, but this, my god THIS IS FUCKING BEYOND ME

>> No.5792261

how does QC expand logical floating point?

>> No.5792263


The problem is that ginger ale has hardly any ginger at all.
But ginger does help with chemo-nausea.
It does not help with nausea that is induced by motion sickness or motion sickness like chemicals.

>> No.5792264

Not realize that hard ai is just map human brain and the electron microscope scan plus data storage plus processing equals hard ai

>> No.5792266 [DELETED] 

Get a glass of water, divide in 3 equal parts. Each part will have the 0.333... amount of water, sum the three parts and you got 0.999... where did the 0.0...01 go?

>> No.5792265

THere are like twenty types of qc. Wiki qc.

>> No.5792267

saying something is an emergent phenomenon is just the same as saying a wizard did it.

>> No.5792268

Did you take drugs or are you suffering from a neurological disorder? I just cannot imagine what motivates people like you to spout such incoherent and utterly nonsensical garbage.

>> No.5792269

Nowhere idiot parts are recurring

>> No.5792272

my phone cunt

>> No.5792270

But that's wrong.
The kinds of programs written as part of the GNU project could be written by any first year CS student.
They could have, and would have been written by other people easily.
On the other hand the hard part, the important part, the actual operating system requires a level of skill that GNU programmers obviously don't have - else HURD would be more than vaporware.

There's also the fact that Stallman has no right to rename anything since he hasn't written any code or done anything helpful for 30 odd years.

The fact that Stallman COMPLETELY CHANGES THE DEFINITION OF OPERATING SYSTEM to support his argument shows just how deluded and technically clueless he really is. He's a more a lawyer than a programmer

>> No.5792278

>AI can be realized with a map of the human brain
>electron microscope scan [of the human brain] + data storage + processing = hard AI
yeah, difficult to comprehend

>> No.5792279

Let me expand on this. Conciousness is emergent. Its the sum of parts equal to self awareness as a product of machinations of program. Get it. So map that with a full cell level transmitter level scan. Store as function. And calculate in reap time. Equals hard ai. We are proof of concept in organic form.

>> No.5792284

Homosexuality DOES have a genetic factor, the same way Autism does.

It's a mutation, so it's not necessarily passed through generations.
However, because humans are able to act against their impulses, it's impossible to tell whether someone's actions are motivated by genetics and uncontrolled instinct, or the results of a deep psychosis.

Foods can, and do affect neurotransmitters.

Coffee increases alertness, which can offset some of the negative effects of drunkenness.

>> No.5792285

First of all you still haven't defined its testable effects. "hba9uihbrevpfb is emergent". Cool story, bro. What a meaningless sentence. You didn't tell us what you're talking about at all. Without observable effects there isn't any phenomenon that needs to be explained. Secondly "emergent" is not an explanation but an expression of ignorance. It literally means "I have no fucking idea how it works".

>> No.5792288

What the fuck do people think the Utah data centre is for? Add in watson for spacial recognition and natural language. Qc for real time parallel processing. And mapping the human brain for the road map to emergent Conciousness. You get hard ai. Shackled.

>> No.5792297


I hate you consciousness troll.

What are the testable effects of a rainbow?

>> No.5792295

Mapping the brain will give us insights in its functions but for sure it will NOT prove spiritualist or dualist nonsense claims without observable effects. There is no soul/consciousness. Please keep that garbage on >>>/x/. If anything, brain mapping provides even more evidence that such an entity/phenomenon doesn't exist because everything can be explained without resorting to metaphysical magic.

>> No.5792298

Rainbows can be observed. Stop calling me a "troll" when it's clearly you who is trolling.

>> No.5792301

Are you really so fucking stupid you cant understand that if you destroy parts of the brain you change perception and identity? Perception and identity, with memory, IS Conciousness. And it is the result of the brain working as one collective of independent processes and dependant processes. From a cockroach to a monkey to a man. Its levels of awareness due to complexity of brain. Hence. Emergent. Fuckwit.

>> No.5792300

lesswrong pls go

>> No.5792308

Perception and memory are physiological functions of the brain. They have nothing to do with spiritualist/dualist claims. Keep your soul/consciousness garbage in >>>/x/ where it belongs. We don't want pseudoscience trolling on ./sci. The brain is a physical organ and its functions are explained in terms of science. If you disagree, you are uneducated as fuck or trolling.

>> No.5792313

And now the thread is effectively shit, thanks to our resident sagenigger and the idiots who respond to him repeatedly.

>> No.5792314

Could you please name one testable effect of your dualist nonsense? You can't? Back to >>>/x/ you go.

>> No.5792310

>People aren't making any noticeable impact on the environment

>> No.5792311


you are the troll

Fact: consciousness is directly observed

>> No.5792316

Consciousness makes me think. If you can't perceive that you may be retarded.

>> No.5792315

Don't reply to him or reply him with nonsense, that's the only way to get rid of him.

>> No.5792317

Please show me the evidence. Please show it to me. I've never seen a soul. I don't even know about any observable effects of a soul. You're talking out of your ass, /x/tard.

>> No.5792323

I have the evidence right here, but you don't want to see it.

>> No.5792324

Thinking means algorithmic processing in the brain. This is a purely physical process and does neither require nor prove supernatural intervention. Stop trolling.

>> No.5792326

And when hard ai is realized. By 2040-2080 . It will be as if the smartest man times a hundred billion men squared, woke up from sleep with no dreams, not knowing who they/it are beyond literal terms having to decide on self identity and.purpose. but knowing the sum total of human knowledge via networked databases with senses into every networked I/o. I think that counts as a singularity.

>> No.5792329

making arbitrary connections and battling a strawman again I see Mr sage.

>> No.5792334

HEy dickhead. I never mentioned soul dualism or any of that. I defined it in the same terma as you. What the fuck are you even reading Fuckwit?

>> No.5792331

It does. The brain needs consciousness to allow thought and propioception. Are you sure your medial lemniscus pathway is okay?

>> No.5792335
File: 136 KB, 625x424, evidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see it. I asked for it. Please show it to me. I'm waiting. Show me the evidence.

Please name its testable or observable effects. Without observable effects your dualism nonsense is meaningless and unscientific.

>> No.5792337

Please, newfriend. Lurk more and leave this guy to us.

>> No.5792343


only two options

you are not conscious : no point in talking to you

you are a troll : no point in talking to you

>> No.5792340

The brain is a physical organ and obeys the laws of physics. There are no magical spirits in it. Take your religious trolling garbage somewhere else.

I didn't define anything. You were making spiritualist claims and I called you out. Now please either provide scientific evidence or fuck off back to >>>/x/

>> No.5792341

again! did you buy the strawmen in bulk?

>> No.5792342

>Please name its testable or observable effects.
Thought is one.

>I want to see it. I asked for it. Please show it to me. I'm waiting. Show me the evidence.
No, i don't want to.

>> No.5792345

>There are no magical spirits in it
>Implying the prefrontal cortex isn't inhabitated by a soul that makes consciousness.

>> No.5792353

>People still believe the brain is a physical organ.

>> No.5792350

Is that what was going on. I say Conciousness referring to self awareness identity perception all as observable phenomena of the brains interactions with itself and environment. And that fucking oxygen thief reads soul.

>> No.5792352

You made a dualist claim and I asked you for evidence. Please provide the evidence or go away.

Thought is neuronal algorithmic processing. Purely physical and not a proof of magic.

>no point in talking to you
Is this your only response when asked for evidence? So you admit you have none? Would you please take your anti-science trolling somewhere else? On /sci/ we embrace the scientific method.

>> No.5792354

Bring me proof thought is neuronal algorithmic processing. Oh, you can't. You're talking out of ass, get back to >>>/mlp/.

>> No.5792355

Please name its testable effects. "Hurr durr I use abvoapbbfbf to refer to bnaiupfbhfb." You are spouting meaningless bullshit sentences. These words have no meaning unless you tell us the testable effects of these phenomena. Without testable effects your nonsense is not science and belongs on >>>/x/

>> No.5792356

why the fuck should I prove dualism for you? if its your claim you prove it.

>> No.5792357
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Why do you keep repeating the same logical fallacy?

>> No.5792358

It's the fucking definition. The word "thought" is defined to refer to the neuronal algorithmic processing taking place in the brain.

It's your claim and apparently you have no evidence. Keep dualism on >>>/x/ please.

>> No.5792360

I didn't post any logical fallacy. Scientific facts you dislike are not automatically logical fallacies.

>> No.5792362
File: 126 KB, 810x425, 99dd87_3825d97afaac6be9218ef755c52f87fc.jpg_srz_810_425_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without testable effects your nonsense is not science and belongs on >>>/x/
Bring evidence that claims without testable effects belong on /x/.

>> No.5792363

ive never claimed anything related to dualism, its your strawman, you do something with it.

>> No.5792364

. Ok. Hook any brain to an mri and think about why you have no friends. See that part that lights up? Thats the part of your brain that compensates for being ugly stupid and freindless by posting nonsense strawman arguments on sci.

>> No.5792365

Hitchens' razor


>> No.5792369

You claimed the existence of a soul/consciousness. That belief is called "dualism" and it belongs on >>>/x/ because it is untestable and goes against the laws of science.

Keep your infantile insults and projections on >>>/v/

>> No.5792367

>It's the fucking definition
>arbitrary definitions
Get back to >>>/x/ with your bullshit definition of souls/ghosts.

>> No.5792374

>le shifting le burden of proof

>> No.5792370

>Can't feel qualia

>> No.5792376

.no. you shut up when the grown ups are speaking.

>> No.5792377

>can't into neuroscience

Qualia don't exist. They've been disproved by neuroscience.

>> No.5792379

>He actually believes qualia don't exist.

Get back to >>>/b/

>> No.5792380



>> No.5792385

>circular argument

>> No.5792381

Burden of proof is on you. You made the claim.

>claims to be grown up
>believes in magic
top kek

>> No.5792382

no, you are making the claim that consciousness only makes sense in terms of dualism, completely disregarding the actual definition of consciousness and then attacking dualism.

>> No.5792383


>> No.5792389

>he believes in magic claims that have been disproved by neuroscience
Are you trolling or retarded?

>the actual definition
There is no scientific definition of something that cannot be tested or observed. Science is about observable and measureable phenomena. We don't need and we don't want your spiritualism drivel on our science board.

Go ahead and show me a qualia. You can't? Take your magic beliefs to >>>/x/

>> No.5792392

Soul is a paranormal definition of Conciousness. Conciousness is a scientific certainty observable with mri self report observation and mountains of scientific literature of all manner of subjects that depend on the obvious truth that if you remove the brain you remove the seat.of thought. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DUALISM OR SOUL. You have your answer. No fuckinh shut up. Show some fucking respect for others and be quiet so the conversation can continue without your repeating nonsense fallacy.

>> No.5792393

>Are you trolling or retarded?
No, qualia is real by definition.

>There is no scientific definition of something that cannot be tested or observed
It is, you just don't know how to google

>Go ahead and show me a qualia.
Come to my house, i have one right here.

>> No.5792395

>self report
Cool pseudoscience you have there. And if people claim to see ghosts, suddenly ghosts are real and scientific? Please learn how science works, you uneducated /x/tard. From a scientific point of view magical souls do not exist. Deal with it and grow up.


>> No.5792400

>From a scientific point of view magical souls do not exist.
Bring proof that magical souls don't exist. Oh wait, you can. Go back to >>>/x/ with your pseudoscience bullshit claiming that ghosts don't exist.

>> No.5792403

>shifting the burden of proof
>pointless shitposting
Choose two. Why are you wasting your time?

>> No.5792405

Thats noy how self report works. If 99 % said they saw a ghost then yea they would be real. If 1% being overly generous, said Conciousness is soul because my argument is flawed without that point being won then you would be a moron or a troll.

>> No.5792406

Because you're wasting your time here too. We believe in consciousness, do you think we give a fuck about what do you believe in?

>> No.5792408


>> No.5792409

He's a troll obviously, are you new here? Either stop replying or play his game.

>> No.5792410

>we believe

This is a science board, not a faith board. Irrational and anti-scientific beliefs belong on >>>/x/.

>> No.5792413

>Implying science is not about gausses

>> No.5792415

You're a troll by definition. You can't prove me wrong.

>> No.5792414

I'm neither a "he" nor a "troll". Stop resorting to such childish shitposting just because the scientific method is incompatible with your religious beliefs. Grow up and stop posting /x/ shit on /sci/.

>> No.5792417

YEah I can see that. I had my fun its clear I won by logic truth anf peer consensus. He's a very shiy troll. He can go ahead now and swear he won but everyone knows he's just a sad cunt with no life. I pity him. But no not really what a huge faggot

>> No.5792419

>logic truth anf peer consensus

You have no idea what these words mean, /x/tard. All you did was making blatantly anti-scientific assertions. Your shitposting is pathetic.

>> No.5792422

Would you please mind showing me the evidence? You know, the evidence you were asked to show after you made these dualism claims. Where is the evidence?

>> No.5792420

Enjoy hard ai she bitch troll.

>> No.5792421

Prove that /x/tard doesn't know what those words mean or i slit your argument with my kitchen's razor nigga.

>> No.5792423

No, i do mind it and i'm not showing it to you. Please stop spamming.

>> No.5792424

Please go away and stop trolling this board.

>> No.5792426

Please stop shitposting then. Offtopic replies about consciousness go on >>>/b/ or >>>/r9k/. Get out.

>> No.5792428

Big Yesh and big Nope for you at the same time.

Qualia has not been disproved, it simply has not been confirmed physically EVEN THOUGH some neuroscientists BELIEVE there is no qualia at all, while some others BELIEVE in some sort of self awareness of the brain due to chemical processes. Brain can influence the brain according to what the brain thinks, some people consider that qualia, somo deny it and some go further in these claims. EXPERIMENTATION, and certain amount of creativity will eventually take you all out of that problem.

The funny thing is that...
They are all wrong! I discovered the answer not long ago (although I need to confirm a few things first) and I will be happy NOT to share it with you so you can waste your life trolling in this thread. Have a nice day.

>> No.5792431


You do realize that you implicitly asked someone to prove that some foods taste good, don't you?

Or are you pretending you don't really know what sensory impressions are?

>> No.5792436

I was not the one who started talking about /x/ nonsense ITT.

Science is about observations, not belief. You are trolling too obviously.

>> No.5792435

Nice try, but we got a different troll.

>> No.5792438

Guys, this was an awesome thread until consciousman ruined it. Thanks.

>> No.5792441

I asked him to provide evidence for his claims. He made a claim of existence. He claimed the existence of a non-interacting soul spirit. Without evidence this ridiculous claim is to be dismissed. That's how science works.

>> No.5792443

Again with your bullshit, i already told you consciousness doesn't exists. If you want to talk about ghost n goblins get back to >>>/vr/ you fucking /x/tard.

>> No.5792444

Im qc op. I havnt posted for about twenty posts. Tge shit posting troll is arguing between browsers.

>> No.5792450

I hate this faggot so much, popping in to threads to ruin them with this shit.

>> No.5792446

>i already told you consciousness doesn't exists
Then we agree. What are you even arguing? Why don't you help us getting rid of the /x/tard trolls ITT?

>> No.5792453

Why are you trolling a message board? Tell us about your shit decision in life to lead to this low point.

>> No.5792451


>> No.5792454

I hate them too. These spiritualism trolls are fucking cancer. I wish moot made "consciousness" an autoban on /sci/.

>> No.5792456

But isn't that the exact definition of a copy?

>> No.5792457

Answer this bitch. Why are you such a fucking loser?

>> No.5792458

You must be addressing the wrong post. I am not the troll. I am the poster who defended the scientific method throughout this thread.

>> No.5792459

Yeah, why don't we make a thread on >>>/q/617017 to ban these consciousness doesn't exist shitposters? They always derail threads with their pseudoscientific claims and fallacies such as kitchens razor.

>> No.5792466

Why are you projecting?

>> No.5792472

Nice avoidance. No you are a lame troll who devoted energy to pointless arguments you know.are flawed and pointless. I want to know why you would bother. Does antagonizing people have an emotional payoff for you? Why? Is it because society looks at you in real life as pathetic?

>> No.5792469

>Science is about observations
We have no ears, we can't measure soundwaves because we live in the stone age.
soundwaves everywhere?! Nonsense! Witchery! Scientific heresy!

Hint:qualia as you would define it doesn't exist.

>> No.5792476

>doesn't exist.
Then why talk about it? Keep it to yourself. Science is about things which do exist.

Nice projection.

>> No.5792477


An algorithm is defined as "A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, esp. by a computer."

Thus, algorithms depend on symbols and syntax. Symbols and syntax are not objective, measurable, physical properties of matter.

>> No.5792482

The brain is given physical input by perceptory organs and produces behavioural output. Every step inbetween is deterministic and physical. Tell me how this isn't an algorithm.

>> No.5792511


But I just did. You said thought is an algorithm. I noted that algorithms depend on symbols and syntax. Symbols and syntax (as they are used in algorithms) do not exist inherently in nature, they are products of subjective thought. See the problem? You are ultimately using thought to explain thought.

>> No.5792525

Syntax is given by nature. Electrical signals in the brain are determined by biochemical parameters.

>> No.5792583


You are going to have to expand on the whole nature thing. The rules and symbols used for things like computer programs and algorithms are the result of thought, and are subjective. For example, 2 + 2 = 4 is "proper" syntax, but + 2 2 4 = is not. We didn't get those structural rules out of the physical properties. Similarly, the meaning of a symbol, such as "+" doesn't come from its physical properties. There's nothing is the symbol's physical properties that "points at" or "refers to" the concept of addition.

And electrical signals/biochemical parameters are determined by the laws of physics. Where does syntax come in?

>> No.5792609

Just read up on science. I'm not gonna give you a lecture.

>> No.5792611

The problem here is that normal people have a different definition of drunkeness which is isolated to less symptoms. There are people who mix amphetamines or meth with alcohol for the same reason, same idea as caffeine. There are also dangers such as lowering the seizure threshold. Telling people that caffeine doesn't make them more sober doesn't make them interested in the science or illuminate their flawed understanding, all it does is put them off of other research and studies in the field.

>> No.5792644

why the fuck isn't this an autoban keyword yet

>> No.5792680


But science/matter itself is precisely what is at issue. Just read up on history. Thanks to the Moderns, dualism is basically REQUIRED to explain rational thought. Descartes and friends claimed that matter only has measurable, quantitative properties, like mass and wavelength. They dispensed with "qualitative" properties such as qualia and meaning/directedness. Then they ran into this exact problem. "Uh, if human thought is all matter, and matter has no meaning/only follows the laws of physics, how do we explain thought and subjective aspects? Without making a circular explanation? Oh, we probably have a soul or some separate immaterial component, that's where qualitative stuff comes from. Problem. Solved." Aside from accepting some form of dualism, the only other option is to redefine matter/reality, like Nagel does.

>> No.5792694


Though as my last comment, I will admit that a purely physical explanation of thought and consciousness is certainly a live possibility. BUT, any explanation that involves algorithms will automatically fail, because algorithms presuppose rational thought, and thus circularity ensues.

>> No.5792968

Your posts are always very similar. You're forever making a point of your gender and how it has no effect on your ability to live up to the arrogant scientist stereotype (which you'd know isn't a very accurate representation of scientists, which you'd know if you actually took part in any kind of research).
This post elegantly demonstrates how much you define yourself by your gender.

>> No.5793290
File: 544 KB, 800x852, 1368970896522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5794289

>Hook any brain to an mri and think about why you have no friends. See that part that lights up?
Where is this proof that my thoughts can make any other brain light up when "hooked" to an mri because that is news to me?

>> No.5794301

>qualia is real by definition.
No, qualia is virtual by definition, virtual is the opposite of real, by definition.

>> No.5794893


>> No.5794914


The sensation of pleasure you experience when you taste ice cream is a qualia. How is that virtual?

>> No.5794924

What do you mean?