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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5777374 No.5777374[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ask Pedro Barnet anything.

>> No.5777380

Do your parents know you're gay?

>> No.5777386


>> No.5777391

How do you feel now that Jacob is a published physicist?

>> No.5777399

what happens at 1:20?

http://www.youtube.com watch?v=Uq-FOOQ1TpE

(How he sees the number 32)

>> No.5777427

I am heterosexual, being homosexual is against God.
Great, I am a genius and I'm happy to see the big bang theory disproved, currently emailing the producers of the big bang theory to have them change the name to something less rude to creationists (I disproved the whole theory anyway!)
When I see that number, I see it as a power of two, two to the power of 7 to be exact, and when I see that I picture the 7th dimension, with a 7 dimensional sphere with a perimeter of 32.
At that moment I understood the universe.

>> No.5777434

>When I see that number, I see it as a power of two, two to the power of 7 to be exact, and when I see that I picture the 7th dimension, with a 7 dimensional sphere with a perimeter of 32.
At that moment I understood the universe.

I'm literally crying, please continue.

>> No.5777615

When I'm out of Differential Math class in an hour I'll answer any question I have been given.

>> No.5777617


Shiva doesn't mind you being gay. You told you otherwise?

>> No.5777621

What is your opinion on imaginary numbers? Will we ever find a way to do math without them?

>> No.5777654


Easy peasy. Just call them something else.

>> No.5777706

I almost quit disproving the big bang theory when I discvered I had to use imaginary numbers to disprove it, if we just redefined negative times a negative to a negative all of math would be solved and we wouldn't have to use false, imaginary placeholders to solve simple equations like x^2=-1

>> No.5777712

just imagine a little dot on a line going backwards, what is backwards of backwards? well forwards silly!

>> No.5777721

Numbers are numbers. They don't move on a line, you silly troll.

>> No.5778185

Number lines = numbers, listen to me, I know what I'm talking about.
Anymore questions?