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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5765731 No.5765731[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey, What are your opinion on UFOs? I thought it was bullshit but when i see there are so many government project that that get results like "unexplained" i fucking doubt.

>> No.5765735

I've seen one and I wasn't alone. In the back of my mind, I still can't believe it. But I can't deny what I saw either.

I'm suspecting top secret military shenanigans though and not aliens for purely practical reasons (distance in space and time and the probability that two species would ever meat in the vastness of comsos).

>> No.5765741

About 99.99% of UFO "encounters" come down to what's more likely:
>highly intelligent beings capable to interstellar travel came to our tiny planet to draw designs in plants, mutilate some cows, and run tests on a few humans
>flares, pranksters, wildlife, sleep paralysis

>> No.5765748

Yep, totally agree with you, but is Drawing shit in plants and mutilating cows obligatory a goal? Maybe they'd do it to do test or something.

>> No.5765750

Why the fuck don't they just abduct a cow and run experiments on it on their badass interstellar space ship, then?

>> No.5765753

>drawing shit in plants

>> No.5765756

A test that went wrong.
>Why does it sound lame?

>> No.5765758

Better question - what didn't they learn from dissecting the first ten cows that they needed to dissect a hundred more?

And what's the deal with anal probing? I mean, what more do they expect to learn from that?

>> No.5765763

>hyperintelligent beings capable of interstellar travel
>must return dead cows back to owner
You know, because they're the ethical sort of cow-mutilators.

>> No.5765771
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>And what's the deal with anal probing? I mean, what more do they expect to learn from that?
More than you could possibly fathom Earth creature. Our species learned eons ago that 99.46% of relevant biological data about a species can be determined through anal probing.

>> No.5766042

plants eat minerals, animals eat plants, humans eat animals, aliens eat us (mostly non-smoking vegetarians).

>> No.5766062

>Hey, What are your opinion on UFOs? I thought it was bullshit but when i see there are so many government project that that get results like "unexplained" i fucking doubt.

Yes, because if something is "unexplained" it MUST have been aliens, right?

>> No.5766080
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I feel like a lab rat not recognizing or have the mental capacity that it's there because of an experiment and humans are manipulating the rat for research, the same way we are watched and observed by the beings who see us as experiment or research.

>> No.5766108

>experiment or research

like a natural resource

>> No.5766155

I'm going to plaz devil's advocate and say they see harvesters "trying to make a picture" in the crops and think "hey, why don't we try to leave a message?"
When you really think about it, you will see this really a pisspoor technique and dismiss it, but I don't like to be too sceptical...

>> No.5766160


is there other visual phenomenon we can't explain with science?

>> No.5766162

there was some kind of lights that appear only around some town in sweden

another one is lights emerging from the river in thailand IIRC

there is a lot more

>> No.5766169

I'm sorry those lights are appearing in Norway
I'm really shitty with scandinavia in general

>> No.5766421 [DELETED] 
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Brah it's almost certainly bullshit. You need to understand how ridiculously vast space is.

>> No.5766453

There's never been a man on Mars, but we've landed craft there. Why would aliens do things differently?

>> No.5766552

never really thought of the virtual reality case. Quite interesting but i find it hard to believe most highly intelligent spices would opt for it.

>> No.5766608

is /sci/ getting raided by /x/? what's with all the fucking UFO threads?

>> No.5766652

We get a lot of bullshit from /x/ here.