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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 363 KB, 597x258, fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5763045 No.5763045 [Reply] [Original]

From quantum mechanics to string theory.

From complex chemistry to quantum fusion.

How the fuck are we going to travel between interstellar space from solar system to solar system and eventually even to other galaxies?

I need some fucking answers.

Consider the fact that we are here.

How impossible is it that we are here 14 billion years after the big bang?

Space expanding faster than the speed of light.

Faster than light travel IS possible.

How the fuck do we get to other stars?

I want some fucking answers.

Solve this for all mankind.

>> No.5763052
File: 648 KB, 1800x3100, envisioningtech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5763056

>How the fuck are we going to travel between interstellar space from solar system to solar system and eventually even to other galaxies?
We won't.

>> No.5763059

That's the kind of thinking that won't get you anywhere.

If the universe can expand faster than the speed of light, then there must be a way to trick the universe into thinking we are part of it expanding.

There simply must be a way. We already made it to the edges of our solar system.

Now we just have to figure out how to do it much much faster.

>> No.5763062
File: 37 KB, 630x507, the+soy+is+in[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't travel faster than light, we just have to move the universe around us faster than light.

>> No.5763064

>There simply must be a way.
Why must there be?

>> No.5763068

>move universe around us at 0.5c
>move yourself light speed in opposite direction
>ligh speed achieved*
*relative light speed

>> No.5763072

IF humanity makes it, it will be slowly, step by step. We cannot predict the future. All we can do is work with the now and work toward it.
Start working and stop worrying.

>> No.5763070
File: 225 KB, 1600x1200, Discovery_space_shuttle_liftoff_(STS-119_mission,_crop).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get on plane.
>Plane ride is 12 hours from Germany to USA Utah.
>Travel nearly 9000 km
>Realize one only traveled half around the world.
>12 hours for half a planet with regular thrust engines.
>Realize Mars is 368100000 km.
>Luckily space shuttle and rockets travel at 28 000 kilometers per hour.
>Takes over a year to get to Mars at that speed.
>We still have nothing faster.

mankind what did you do.... this is pathetic.

>> No.5763075

Implying warping space.

Yes yes. Star Trek has fed us this since the 20th century.

Has it yet ever been proven to be possible?

>> No.5763076

you fail at relativity.

>> No.5763078

Go bring your retardation somewhere else.

>> No.5763085

I meant move yourself 0.5c in opposite direction.

>> No.5763080
File: 36 KB, 320x480, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I have a feeling there are other races in this universe who have already achieved this.

Don't you have that same feeling?

I can't be the only fucking one.

>> No.5763086

>Because I have a feeling

>> No.5763087

you still fail.

>> No.5763097

Suck my dick. Some of the greatest scientific inventions have come because of feeling and intuition. Then you just have to use science to bring them into existence.

Fuck your lack of faith.

>> No.5763099


>> No.5763103
File: 39 KB, 600x600, universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5763105

and thank god we cant. because if we could - we would probably be getting raeped by aliums right now.

>> No.5763106


That picture is misleading. The universe is not a blob with an inside and an outside. There is no outside. It's not expanding "into" anything.

>> No.5763109


>> No.5763108

turtles. all the way down. and in every direction.

>> No.5763111

>Space expanding faster than the speed of light.

Not really though. Space expanding doesn't have a speed, because it's not motion.

>> No.5763110
File: 2 KB, 71x75, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is expanding
>but not into anything

>> No.5763112


Correct. Problem?

>> No.5763113

Yes.... yes... so thennnn????

We could bend space, so that holes appear that we can move in and out of faster than the speed of light, right? Just how space expanding doesn't have speed?

>> No.5763114
File: 7 KB, 158x165, george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is it expanding into?
>makes perfect sense
>your face when

>> No.5763115

too deep for you?

>> No.5763117

If you have any suggestions for ridiculously powerful engines that can get us to mars in a day without killing us, I'd love to hear about them.

>> No.5763120

They don't need to be ridiculously powerful. All they need to do is translocate areas of space. You can achieve this by making a transflux stream of ionized matter.

>> No.5763121

Your brain rejects the fact the universe doesn't require something to expand into, just as it doesn't require anything or anyone to fucking make it.
You think in balloons and cloud people.
You are an anthropocentric little shit.
More news at 11.
I bet you think universe stared in single central point as well.

>> No.5763122


That's right, it's not expanding into anything. What are the reaction faces about?

>> No.5763123

just think about how far a light year is. then think about how many light years away from us the closest habitable planet is. then think about how slow our fastest spacecraft is. then think about how short our lives are. we will never leave this solar system and meet aliums.

>> No.5763124
File: 65 KB, 165x158, george1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being able to give a clear and easy to comprehend explanation
>rage instead
>still eating popcorn

>> No.5763125

we're not doing anything of the sort until we find a way to generate astronomical amounts of energy and control it. Then maybe we could create artificial wormholes in some distant future. For now, the only real way would be to make von nuemann probes and leave it to our artificial offspring.

>> No.5763127

>We could bend space, so that holes appear that we can move in and out of faster than the speed of light, right? Just how space expanding doesn't have speed?

No, not like that.

>> No.5763128


Maybe if you asked a question instead of just posting costanza and expecting us to guess what's confusing you.

>> No.5763130
File: 45 KB, 158x165, george2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space is expanding
>into nothing
>nothing is something
>mfw what are you crazy people even talking about

>> No.5763129
File: 264 KB, 2048x1358, still-of-gary-oldman,-william-hurt,-heather-graham-and-matt-leblanc-in-lost-in-space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. If Lawrence Krauss' theories are correct, then we have a complete universe from absolutely nothing.

If we can have all that power from nothing, then certainly we should be able to get shitloads of power from nothing as well.

Just have to figure out how.

The bottom line is that we have an entire universe that is almost abundant with kinetic energy that won't burn out completely until about 80 billion years from now.

>> No.5763132

It might be possible to "warp" space so as to effectively travel faster than light.... OR IT MIGHT NOT. That space is expanding is not evidence that it's possible. So far we haven't come up with any way that it might be done, even in theory. Some things really are impossible - the universe is not obliged to give us a solution.

>> No.5763136


Take a number line, with every integer on it marked. Those are stars. Now double them all. They're twice as far apart. It "expanded." What did it expand into?

>> No.5763137

So space is expanding into something? Ok glad we got throught this.

>> No.5763134
File: 36 KB, 600x450, messier-81_1086_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing IS something.

What the fuck are you even doing on /sci/?

Please watch and learn.


>> No.5763139
File: 747 KB, 300x264, 1367769872092.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space is expanding
>into nothing
but this is bullshit, simply because space is everything
you can't have everything plus something else
what the fuck are YOU talking about?

>> No.5763140

I don't know, that's what I'm asking

>> No.5763138

Isn't cryogenic stasis theoretically possible? A shifting skeleton crew or perhaps robots could maintain a spacecraft while it travels.

And what about a self-sustaining colony ship? Fusion energy is also theoretically possible, this energy could be used to create a small ecosystem that would keep the carbon cycle moving. Even if it took hundreds of thousands of years, we could make it, right?

>but what about marauding asstroids? An impact with even the tiniest space debris would rape the ship!

We have lasers for shooting down missiles, if we ever come up with fusion technology those lasers would probably be incredibly advanced by that time and could detect and blast the fuck out of asstroids from hundreds of kilometers away in a split second.

>> No.5763143


The universe is not a 3D shape with a center and edges. If you keep thinking of it that way, it will never make sense.

It's probably easier to think of expansion in terms of the universe getting less dense, instead of "bigger."

>> No.5763146

im with socratese on this one. cosmoyologists have a bunch to figure out.

>> No.5763147

>I don't know, that's what I'm asking

It wasn't expanding into anything. That was the point of the analogy.

>> No.5763151
File: 46 KB, 165x158, george3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space is everything
>you can't have everything plus something else
>but space is expanding anyway

>> No.5763156


Correct: the amount of space itself is increasing.

>> No.5763157

>Into what?


>> No.5763155

Into what?

>> No.5763158

yeah, now chew on this one, nigga
there are particles that can be on two places at once

>> No.5763159

>Psionic Knowledge
lel i need to get more dense to figure this one out

>> No.5763162

That's easier to understand intuitively.

>> No.5763170

Anybody else watching this?

Goosebumps all the fucking way through, fuck.

>> No.5763168

The universe isn't a big blob that's getting bigger, it more the fact that everything is getting further away from eachother

>> No.5763171

>Faster than light travel IS possible.

See me after class

>> No.5763180

On one hand you have this silly assumption that - since universe is expanding, it must be a ballon inside of something else

on the other hand you have particles that give basic laws of physics such a big middle finger, we had to open an entire new field of science to study them

how is one of them easier to understand?

>> No.5763184

Gonna do some after class lovin'?

Watch me prove you wrong, when you'll see me whip my cock out and shove it into your mouth faster than the speed of light.

>> No.5763182

Because if you take two things and squash them together they appear to be at the same place. If you expand something it will always expand into something else.

>> No.5763186

ONE particle is on TWO places at one, not the other way around for fuck's sake

>> No.5763196


it's not expanding into anything, that guy worded it poorly. if you could stand outside the universe, you wouldn't be able to tell that it was getting bigger

>> No.5763198

>outside of the universe

>> No.5763199


space isn't expanding into anything

it's like taking a 1 ft ruler

in x amount of years, what use to be a 1ft ruler now is now only a 1 inch ruler

as for two particles in the same place, that doesn't happen unless you can superimpose them i.e. energy which isn't very interesting

>> No.5763208

>space isn't expanding into anything
well that was my original point

>> No.5763216


>> No.5763221
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>> No.5763227

wrong answer again

>> No.5763236

Okay wait. Amateur /sci/entist here. Hypothetically speaking, if we could travel to the "end" of the universe, the very outside reaches, the front line of the universal expansion, would anything stop us from going further? If there nothing there, does that mean nothing would stop us?
>inb4 gtfo to /phi/ with your hypothetics

>> No.5763239

>"end" of the universe
Why would this exist

>> No.5763243

space is bent
this means you can't "reach its border"

>> No.5763247

Thanks, I think I get it. So it's more like stretching out from everywhere, rather than being pulled from the sides.

>> No.5763266

Black holes are supposed to have a gravity strong enough that light cannot escape from them, implying that the gravitation from them is has a force that moves faster than the speed of light.

Is there a way to induce a pseudo-gravitational field using energy?

If so, could we possibly use enough energy to create a craft that could increase the gravity in front of it while simultaneously decreasing the gravity behind it.

Theoretically, could we bend gravity to move faster than the speed of light?

>> No.5763269

Increase the speed until we reach more than that which is the speed of light. Or experiment in decreasing the speed until something odd happens.

As some would say, too much black becomes white. I wonder if the same theory works with speed.

>> No.5763271

Only in theory. But the energy required would be to high.

>> No.5763272

Disturb the bubble of gravity and see what happens.

>> No.5763276

God damn summer fags. I almost prefer the freshman calc spam.

>> No.5763283

Kind of, here's a way of thinking of it.

Imagine a universe but with one less dimension than ours, so a 2D universe. Imagine that if you looked at it from a 3D perspective it was like a balloon, with the surface of the balloon being the 2D universe. Anything in that universe would only be able to perceive it in 2D and since the balloon is pretty much spherical then to things inside the universe there would be no "edge" to it as they would just keep going if they tried to reach it.

If you take this analogy but add 1 to all the dimensions then that could apply to our universe, i.e. in the 3D perspective we can't find edges but if "viewed from 4D" then we could just be on the surface of a "4 dimensional balloon".

This analogy can also be used to explain the expanding thing. If you inflate the balloon the actual "universe" on its surface isn't expanding in the way that its edges are moving out since it has none. What's actually happening is that the distances between things on it are increasing. Think of it as space getting bigger.

I think I've explained it decently.

>> No.5763284

>Or experiment in decreasing the speed until something odd happens
When something stops moving it stops moving, what do you think would happen?

>As some would say, too much black becomes white

>> No.5763290

you forget that organic material traveling at light speed will simply be torn into its base components. not to mention hitting a speck of dust goin lightspeed will cause a massive ship to tear in half.

>> No.5763297

>Has it yet ever been proven to be possible?
Mathematically, but that is only one very small part. We still don't know how to actually do it.
see Alcubierre drive.


>> No.5763300

How about VASIMR, NERVA, or Nuclear pulse propulsion?

>> No.5763320

Boy it sure is summer in here.

>> No.5763333

that image is all wrong. We already 4G, holograms, speech recognition, flexible screens, self-healing materials, commercial spaceflight, augmented reality, organ printing, self-driving vehicles, meta-materials, domestic robots and immersive virtual reality. And why would we develop carbon nanotubes later than graphene? Graphene's better.And a mission to mars will be in 2023, not 2035.

>> No.5763356

at best, they reduce the trip to just over a month. But that ignores the fact that we don't have something strong enough to power them.

(Nuke pulse propulsion is AWESOME, but really wasteful of fissionable material. It would be better used in terrestrial power plants.)

>> No.5763359

Light speed isn't just a good idea, it's the law!

You're looking at the problem the wrong way. Exploring the galaxy is feasible given enough time. We just need to operate at a different time scale. So the problem to solve isn't FTL, it is how to slow ourselves down for the thousand year trips. So cryogenics and mind uploading. Also presupposing we mature enough that our culture can both last that long and keep its attention on multi-thousand year projects.

>> No.5763364

old image bro

>> No.5763368

Gravity moves at the speed of light

>> No.5763375
File: 130 KB, 800x371, 800px-Alcubierre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alcubierre travel for FTL speed. Or traversable wormholes
>with a force field consistind of lasers, plasma windows, and a graphene solid sphere for micrometheorites and radiation along the way from one star to another.
>Quantum supercomputers calculating orbital trajectories of every celestial body that is considered important to the crew's travel.
>nanobots in the crew's bodies, acting on every cancerous cell and taking it out of the body, same as with every disease. Also modifying the telomeres in their DNA so they're biologically immortal. No need for cryogenic stasis.
>Crew with chips in their brains that help them be super-smart, because of the technological singularity in 2050.
>Nanobots turn waste into food, tools, or basically anything, modifying waste molecule by molecule until it turns to be what the crew wants.
>Nanobots have made money obsolete, because anyone can make anything just by ordering it to them. No economical suicide on going to other star systems.
>When the singularity happens, robots have long ago passed the Turing test and are now as smart as humans or smarter, and are programmed to praise humans and invent even smarter intelligences. They do all the work on the ship and on Earth.
>FTL communication to Earth by tachions.


>> No.5763374

>immersive virtual reality
really? where?
I want two

>> No.5763519

I want to believe...

>> No.5763525

why do you need a quantum computer to calculate orbital trajectories?

>> No.5763631

because it's cooler.

>> No.5763783


>> No.5764313

I know, I started a thread the other day to FIX that stupid fucking pictures I found on reddit.

It's completely out of touch.

I already fixed most the ones you mentioned in the thread I made that day. But sadly no one responded, so I just let it be.

>> No.5764320

The OP's here are so daft. lol

>> No.5764332

Y'all people need to examine the cause and not the symptom. Simply raise the speed of light.

>> No.5764338

Post the new one.

>> No.5764365
File: 128 KB, 323x394, saddening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find the pasta I typed.

So I'll leave you with this before I have to go to work.

>This little guy will do everything around your house.
>It will first start out with you being able to download software that give him skills like doing dishes, laundry, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, etc.
>Eventually, painting walls, replacing windows, repairing cars, and building houses.
>Eventually they do it all. You don't have to buy software or anything, they already come prepackaged with all the software.
Some downsides in this future I see:
>You won't be able to drive your car at your own pace in certain areas anymore. The speed limit might cap out and the car won't go faster than the speed limit posted.
>The government monitoring everything we do in much more extreme ways.
>Everyone's DNA being in a large database so if anyone ever commits any crime, we know exactly who did it.
>Your car shutting down when you try to run from the police.
>Guns that can read your nerves and mind in a sense and only fire when you feel you are in danger.
>If you have an STD, there is an alarm on the person's phone you're trying to have sex with or something, telling them about the disease you have.
>No more television. It's all Hulu and the like.

>> No.5764373

>Even more abundant porn.
>Much faster internet.
>Google making everything faster and free.
>No more shitty internet memes. People moved on from that. I'm so tired of seeing the same shit reposted over and over on Facebook.
>No more Facebook. People moved on from that.
>In the distant future, corruption is not as widespread and there are less and less rich people because they all die out. Their properties are seized and redistributed to the people.
>College being free.
>College being online.
>Freedom of speech is no longer limited when it comes to certain factors. You can say whatever the hell you want, because the crazy old people who were against religious hate speech, hate speech against anything else, or CP; all died out.
>Fucking space travel. A space station around orbit. Being able to buy McDonald's in fucking space.
>A colony on Mars that you can go visit. And one on the moon too.
>Being able to fly a space craft and get a license for it.

>> No.5764381

Also this


>> No.5764384

/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.5764391

>>If you have an STD, there is an alarm on the person's phone you're trying to have sex with or something, telling them about the disease you have.
personally i would view that as an upside...

>> No.5764414

If all cars are automated, the speed limit will be able to be raised substantially. Why is goverment surveillance a bad thing? Same for criminal investigation, stopping police chases at their roots, (I doubt all guns will be safe, cause Black Markets), rotting out STDs. No more television? How so?

>> No.5764506

Nothing = 0 total energy

This is why we cant have nice things

>> No.5764530
File: 121 KB, 240x249, 1271602242611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>license to fly in space
Oh? who would license it? Who has jurisdiction over space?

>colony on mars to visit
Maybe if we find jet fuel on Mars, or a way to make it, but that's beyond our lifetimes.
>lots of /pol/ shit
Go to >>>/pol/


samefag as OP.

Universe expands into nothingness.
Krauss gives a good read/lecture on this, it's on youtube no less

Just, no.

I hope you're trolling. See above. Nothing exists as probability and things pop in and out of it all the time. Krauss, motherflipper, do you read him?

>cryogenics on a spaceship
Good luck figuring out the logistics of that.
>all dat energy keeping people cold is less intensive than just having people awake....
I don't think so.

Well, it is. Deal with it. As Feynman said, imagine that small things work very differently from anything big.

>we can travel faster than speed of light
citations please. We can't really make anything travel faster yet.
>but wahwah muh feels quantum entanglement blah blah blah...
It doesn't work that way.

>> No.5764648

>Imagine that small things work very differently from anything big.

The universe is small? compared to what?

>> No.5764665

if 'we' means humans. then that is impossible

if 'we' means an intelligent robot with some sort of long lasting power source, then yes, that would be possible.

the robot could just turn itself off, 'sleep' travel billions of light years, and turn back on, all in the blink of an eye.

>> No.5764934
File: 67 KB, 640x360, sagan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mass curves spacetime.

Curvatures in spacetime define the inertial paths that objects travel on.

The curvature of spacetime produced by a black hole is such that ALL intertial paths beyond a region called the 'Event Horizon' only lead further into the gravitational well of the black hole.

Light isn't being "forced" down into the black hole... as far as the photons are concerned they're just continuing to travel in a straight line.

>> No.5764948
File: 443 KB, 455x500, 1366835931979.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever the universe exists within.

>> No.5765436
File: 849 KB, 600x436, nigger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the universe is expanding into nothing, how can there be something around it?

>> No.5765516

There's nothing around it, the Universe isn't expanding into anything, it's just expanding.

>> No.5765565

It's really difficult, you can make use of time dilation. The closer to the speed of light you get, the slower time is. This gives you the illusion that you are continuously accelerating.

Massive power requirements. But in effect, you could travel to another galaxy in a very short amount of time.

Of course, this is only for you, the traveller. For everyone else back home, you're travelling near the speed of light, and millions of years will pass for them, while a short time passes for you.

>> No.5766350

No, I mean, you're talking about faster than light things, of which we have discovered none (at least that I am aware). Any such thing is going to be subatomic, at this point anyway. Small things.

Well, no. The universe is expanding into the nothing which exists outside our universe. First, though, you have to understand the nature of 'nothing.'

Watch the whole thing.

>the faster you go, the slower time is
Not really. It's that whole relativity and frame of reference thing.
Also, you would need an infinite amount of energy to make any amount of mass go the speed of light, and since such an infinite amount of energy does not exist, we aren't going anywhere fast like a photon does.

Unless, of course, you find something that breaks the current laws of nature and our understanding of them. Please, by all means, be my guest. You'll get more than a Nobel for that one.

>> No.5766404

How hard is this to understand? Spacial dimensions don't stop at the edge of matter. Matter is getting farther apart.

>> No.5766469

they dont use a space shuttle to get to mars dumbass they use capsule design craft like orion so therefore argument invfalix

>> No.5766504
File: 33 KB, 500x468, 1362206458129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.5766532

You would do something based on the warping of space-time. Imagine a bubble of space-time, this would be able to move faster than light as it is the universe its self but the object inside wouldn't be moving faster than light with respect to its space

>> No.5766534

a feeling?

Well shit /sci/, fuck scientific knowledge and rational discourse, this nigga has "a feeling" so it must be true. Fucking moron!

>> No.5766553

i thought ftl is impossible because it is in itself a paradox or something

if you said CLOSE to the speed of light then i would think you were less of a 12 year old.

>> No.5766986

Why sage the thread when you're having legitimate arguments and conversation?

I wrote all those examples, so I pretty much thought them up in great detail.

Televisions will still exist, but it will be different. It will be more of an on-demand kind of thing, as well as Televisions becoming more computer-like.

Eventually Televisions and PCs will merge into the same thing. It's already kind of happening.

And speed limits getting raised is automatically going to happen when cars go automated, that's a given. As well as the government taking the opportunity to basically lower the speed limit by police on demand when they have bad weather or an accident in the area.

Yes, stopping crimes before they happen is nice. The future will be a whole lot more boring. There won't be as many extreme news stories.

>People cloning other people in their basements as personal sex-slaves or other things.
>People cloning themselves and brainwashing their alter egos into VOTING a certain way on something after they obtain a legitimate form of identification.

>> No.5766987

I do agree. But it sucks for people who already have them. Not saying that I do. But something came to mind that reminded me of something that happened to me a long time ago. There was this perfect 10 who showed interest in me. Now I could have boned her, but I found out she had herpes. Now I thought HARD for a very long time if I should have boned her anyway and just used a condom, but I was still afraid of catching something nonetheless.

Now if no one would have told me she had something, I never would have paid attention to the little herpes sores on her lip and just went for it.

And now that I think back to it, I still sometimes regret not having fucked her. I pretty much figured, who cares if I get herpes when I fuck a perfect 10? That's the whole point of life and even if I get herpes, I can die happily knowing I fucked a 10.

So that fucks with your head and if you get alarms on your phone, then you really can regret it later when you didn't fuck her because your phone alerted you.

>> No.5766989

Are you really that simplistic in our universal trans dimensional understanding? Do you need an adult? Are you experiencing daddy issues?

>> No.5767028 [DELETED] 


Nothing is impossible. You are a disgrace to science.

>> No.5767130
File: 13 KB, 480x323, 1323586334493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis nigga

>> No.5767829

I mean it calculates the trajectory of every object that may hit the ship. There'd be a lot of them and very small ones, but dangerous anyways.

>> No.5767835

>move the universe
>annoy some advanced alien race
>get wiped out

such is life

>> No.5767843

Where did the universe start? I thought it was something like a point.

>> No.5767850

I just wish I could live a few hundret years longer.

>> No.5767880
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Get your filthy popsi references out of my glorious /sci/ you casual

>> No.5767905

Why do they have to mention religion in every presentation? Is the problem really that big in the US?

>> No.5767966
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And where does the flux capacitor come into play?

>> No.5767998

>there must be a way to trick the universe into thinking we are part of it expanding
did i actually just read this

>> No.5768001


>> No.5768018

we dont.

>> No.5768058

Stahp. Please.

>> No.5768639
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well ftl in the normal space time continuum is of course impossible, unfortunately even now we can only send inanimate objects savely ftl.
Currently we use Klingsch' probes. They're essentially small extremely durable satellites containing robots. To probe outersolar planets and stars and then record the data to be played back as soon as the probe arrives back at earth.

The technology is relative basic - instead of warping space (the premise Star Trek is created on), a spray of anti- higgs-boson particles and immediate radiation with delta waves results in warping the 4th dimension (time). Essentially time is warped like in the picture - that means time for the probe continues as usual, but the observer would observe the probe moving up to 10000000x times faster.

tl:dr simply warp time and not only warp it but create a new closed structure (closed structure is necessary for time to process) - the smaller the closed structure the faster its containing space can advance relative to the observer

>> No.5768645

1. First we could talk about the Holographic Theory which theorizes our galaxy as a giant quantum computer animating things which appear to be matter infused with atomic light. When in reality it's just a holographic projection.

2. http://news.discovery.com/space/once-upon-a-time-the-universe-was-really-weird-110321.htm What if we are moving into a Fifth Dimensional reality from our current 4th etc

What if quantum immortality will allow us to endless make up all these shit!?

>> No.5768652

Faster than speed of light is impossible, because when you're going near c the time compensates by making the world around you age faster.