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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5761551 No.5761551 [Reply] [Original]

If there's aliens why can't we see any radio activity of them? Or how about those self replicating probes?

>> No.5761563
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>radio activity

>> No.5761569
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Either they exist in a form that we cannot conceive of, an unknown unknown, or they are little bitches who are afraid of democracy and freedom.

>> No.5761579

Radio waves are dispersed throughout the cosmos. Imagine shining an ordinary flashlight in a very large warehouse. You won't even light up the opposite wall.

Now imagine all of the radio waves that we as a planet are producing. They don't even compare to the radio waves the sun is producing.

In order to get the I Love Lucy show on a distant planet, you have to have a very nice array, catch a wave, filter out all the other noise there is, and then translate it into something that you can use.

>> No.5761589

I think the best way of finding them would be if they were a developing civilization, and had developed radio. The radio waves coming from their sun would increase over time, and then perhaps decrease as they all switched to cable.

>> No.5761593

I've seen what democracy and freedom have done in the las 60 years, I'd be afraid my self even if I were the sun it self

>> No.5761595

Also there is a possibility they communicate using all wavelength at once resulting to a higher accuracy, therefore they can seem random and non-intelligent.

>> No.5761597
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Thank You

>> No.5761675


If by 'self-replicating probes' you mean Berserkers.......pray they aren't coming.

>> No.5761680
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Thank you, mr. Kaku
Don't forget to mention 10 line highways and anthills.
I love when you do it.

>> No.5761703

i didnt realize such pics existed...

im googling them now.

>> No.5761716
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Tink of the cosmos as a 10 lane highway, and you are an ant trying to find a yellow taxi. You see blue taxi's, green taxis and yellow punchbuggies, but never a yellow taxi, and for 100 miles there might never be a yellow taxi. Suppose one day you walk past a yellow taxi; there may be yellow taxi's out there, but we may just walk past them. And even if we find it, we may not have the moneys to go anywhere in the taxi. The information in our cosmos is much like a yellow taxi. It's only after discovering the yellow taxi that we realise there is a train line that would take us to our destination... and it has been there the whole time

>> No.5761715

Because they ran out of fossil fuel and were unable to continue living in industrialised societies for mroe than 300 years.

>> No.5761720
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>> No.5761722

Oh fuck

>> No.5761726
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Thanks for making my day, man
Completely incidentaly, just today I wanted to hear Kaku talk what he thinks about alien life.
After 7th or so video I realized the guy has a perfectly drilled speech. he says it word for word every fucking time.
I was let down. He probably think other people can't comprehend what he wants to say, so he has a dumbed down version for people like Larry King...

>> No.5761760

1. Anthropic principle. The existence of aliens makes observation impossible. We observe, therefore there are no aliens. This could happen if almost all interplanetary civilizations destroy all other civilizations, for example through Von Neumann replicators.

2. Sapience is rare. There really are so few aliens out there that they haven't reached us.

3. The laws of physics allow for transcendence: intelligent species eventually develop technology powerful enough to make the products of that technology more interesting than the rest of the universe to the supermajority of evolved minds, and agents designed to suit their needs will devote their resources to that, rather than exploring the universe.

>> No.5761772

...or, there simply aren't any other aliens out there.

>> No.5761812
File: 3 KB, 109x127, whatthefug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> there actually are people who still believe there are no alien life forms
> mfw

>> No.5761848
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to think that our small ball of dirt orbiting completely average star in the orion arm of a galaxy that's 100,000 light years across, is so fucking special is stupidly arrogant
arrogant on par with people who think trying to contact aliens is a good idea

>> No.5761856

>arrogant on par with people who think trying to contact aliens is a good idea
it's time for some space-imperialism

>> No.5761874

I think these are the people that lack true education. From our human structure on a molecular level, to the stars and planets on a grandiose scale, there is no way in hell that we're the only ones. I'm not saying there has to be intelligent life. For all we know, we could be the most advanced and other planets are still on the "Stone Age", but I don't like to speculate.

Again, it comes down to basic science. If endospores can survive in a volcano pit, then life can be waiting to sprout anywhere.

>> No.5761873 [DELETED] 
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Maybe they don't use radio activity!

>> No.5761879

Let me clarify that.... Endospores can survive IN FUCKING LAVA!!!

>> No.5761900
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Maybe. But maybe also "life", defined not as a particular biochemical system based on the pairing of purines and pyrimidines in helical molecules supported by the interactions of numerous other amine-based molecules, but rather as a complex system of interacting sub-systems each in a state of self-organized criticality, is a common feature of the cosmos, and that our attempts to impose our particular carbon-based system on other non-carbon-based or non-molecular systems (e.g. plasma dynamics common to stellar processes) might actually be its own form of hegemony?

>> No.5761911
File: 1.87 MB, 2795x2795, Milky_Way_Galaxy_radio_broadcasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of the distances involved

>> No.5761919

I knew a 4channer couldn't be this smart. You stole this straight from this forum: http://rigorousintuition.ca/board2/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=29872&start=15

I found it by googling your "too smart for a 4channer" comment and it came up verbatim. Get the fuck off my /sci/ you plagiarizing fuck.

>> No.5761920

Yeah, well, a civilization 100 million years old would reach every corner of the galaxy.

>> No.5761924

boob hanging out, gross.

>> No.5761931
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What kind of faggot steals information from a forum like that? That's pathetic. If you don't know what you're talking about then just shut up.

>> No.5761935

The universe is an artifact.
The being that created it wants to farm minds, distinctive viewpoints who evolved separably for the sake of variety.
He puts one in each galaxy at a time so they don't bump into each other. Like pumpkin plants, you want them far apart so they don't crowd each other.
After a species has filled up it's galaxy he harvests them and they all go off to live in Heaven, a much bigger, more complicated universe with him and all the other mature species. Then he sterilizes the galaxy with a gama ray burst by exploding the core and after it cools down plants another one.

>> No.5761938

I read a scifi short novel about aliens hiding in particular configurations of air molecules. It's good for scifi but not enough for real life.

>> No.5761939

We already have a solid definition for life, don't go around and say that fucking plasma is life.
Using big words doesn't make stupid ideas right.

>> No.5761942

Get the fuck out, Bioware
I'm not playing any of the games you make from now forever

>> No.5761946
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>anonymous plagiarism
Military Intelligence

>> No.5761954

I don't read fiction, bro. Take it to /books/

He's going to get busted by the dean!!

>> No.5761978

Love that quote.

>> No.5762031

> Drake's Equation
> including the "period at peak technological achievement" variable
> see nukes everywhere
> see humans using the Internet as a secondary existence and not as a means of information distribution
> see science and technology losing terrain against speculation


>> No.5762039



That's about as comforting as knowing that in 50k years, lizards will be the only guardians of the human's last relics.

>> No.5762087
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You would think an alien who has the ability to travel interstellar distances are Interested in us? We're choir boys to them, CHOIR BOYS!

>> No.5762113

At least lizards won't feign moral superiority while conquering other civilizations and removing all of the cultural richness of the world.

>> No.5762129
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this thread made me read "Where is EVERYONE?"

>> No.5762143

How long have we been able to detect these things again?

It's like filling a few bottles of water at the beach and say 'Hey, my sampling has just proven it, there are no whales in the ocean'

>> No.5762151


That's kind of the point, actually. If my moral framework required individuals to be good as a prerequisite for existing, I would refuse humans in general.


What's up, /sci/, can't come up with anything original tonight?

>> No.5762154
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>assuming anything about the universe is primordial

When we finally get into the galaxy proper we best be on our toes.