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5757300 No.5757300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

4.0 general.


>> No.5757303

3.8 reporting

Your university isn't legit if you can score a 4.0.

>> No.5757310

3.7 without any effort


I second this

>> No.5757315


... in highschool, 3.4 in university

>> No.5757329
File: 1.92 MB, 326x244, yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 2.3 firts semester because of social anxiety.
>mfw 3.8 second semester because of benzodiazepinas and cognitive therapy.
>mfw 4.3 third semester.
>mfw 5 in my fourth semester(electric engineering,materials engineering,differential equations,topology,statistical methods,macroeconomy,thermodynamics)

Also overall average is 3.85=3.9

>mfw benzodiazepinas gave me the power.

>> No.5757337

why did you take topology?

>> No.5757346

i know that feel bro, i know that feel

>> No.5757351

benzodiazepines, not benzodiazepinas

>> No.5757355

Because im doing double majoring in.
Math and industrial engineering.

>> No.5757373

you can get a 4.0 anywhere, the question is, how much time are you willing to invest

>> No.5757389

>Freshman year
>Second year
>Third year
Just failed half my modules.

Yes, yes, you don't have to say, killing myself now.

>> No.5757402 [DELETED] 
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>mfw i fucked up my average and my student report card, because of social anxiety.


And now, i cant work in the university, as a junior scientific investigator and can do tutories.

And i have to work in a shitty fast food place.

brb killing myself.

>> No.5757409

I got a 6.9 this semester and a 4.20 last semester.

>> No.5757425

>getting a 6.9

>> No.5757443

If I get a B+ in DiffEq I'll have a 3.80

If I get an A- I'll have a 3.83

Either way it's at least 3.8 and I'm very happy considering I think I had a 2 something in high school

>> No.5757447
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Just got 5 from Calc 2 and now I have 4.2

>> No.5757449

on a 5.0 scale what is an A, A-, B+ ect ect

>> No.5757503

No, you can't at a good university unless you're Ramanujan.

>As of 2010, only seven students in the history of the college have achieved a perfect 4.0 GPA.[14]

Harvey Mudd

>> No.5757510

>loling at Harvey Mudd
tell me, what backwater community college do you go to?

>> No.5757507

>good university
>weeder courses

Also I lel'd at Harvey Mudd.

>> No.5757511


yes it depends heavily on how rigorous your university is in examinations and grade distribution. No one gives a fuck if you get 4.0 in community college, you have to be retarded not to.

>> No.5757516

>tfw was too much of a coward to apply to MIT
>tfw 4.0 first year of college, chemistry major

Bittersweet feel.

>> No.5757545

What kind of classes did you take?
If it's anything other than "over half of my classes were upper level major classes in a STEM field," then you have no reason to be happy.

>> No.5757550

okay french fag here, can someone please explain to me what is this system of grades ?

>> No.5757566

>a 4.20 last semester.
i did too
but my gpa was a 2.5 :(

>> No.5757580

3.6 (grad school)

>> No.5757582
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like a 3.65 overall after my first two semesters at a community college. I was a bum in high school getting Cs in every class so its great to get majority As now. I'm doing physics 1, calc 2, electric circuits 1, and some electives next fall.

>> No.5757603

Basically every class you take during a single semester gives you 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 points. A GPA is a grade point average, it's the average of your score for each of your classes. 0 and 1 are failure, 2 is meh, 3 is pretty good, 4 means you probably have a grip on the material.

>> No.5757626

>cognitive therapy.
That works? I might need cognitive behavioural therapy for OCD, do you think it'd help?

>> No.5757666


>> No.5757668

yeah man, works wonders

>> No.5757672

not that guy but I'm jelly wish I had gotten into HMC

>> No.5757732

It worked for me, i dont know for you, i still consider cognitive therapy to be a pseudoscience, because it cant prove his effectivenes is highger than just the placebo effect.

It worked for me, but i cant be sure whether it was just the benzodiazepines or actually the cognitive therapy did help.

>> No.5757755
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only just finished freshman year but on the right track

>> No.5757775

>too much of a coward to apply to MIT

Why? It's not like adcoms remember you and laugh at you over dinner.