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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 160x173, paper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5732890 No.5732890 [Reply] [Original]

Which program do you use to write math on your PC?
I need to write notes and I really hate write a ton of paper. I do a lot of edit and the pen its just frustrating.
I have Linux, it might be quite difficult to find a program but I want to try.
If you use programs on Mac or Windows is ok, just give me your favorite program on those operative systems.

>> No.5732892

Get Kile. Seriously, did you even try googling this to start?

>> No.5732894


You can use Mathematica, but you have to learn the language. MS Office has a program with formula tools, I saw a guy at school using it to type up a bunch of calculus proofs and stuff. Open Office probably has a comparable version of that too. You could probably find a desktop latex interpreter thing.

>> No.5732896

I second Kile.

>> No.5732900


>> No.5732899

thank you, I tried to find something good but nothing simple up to my skills.

>> No.5732901

maple is easier and theres a higher chance ur school has it

>> No.5732905

It uses TeX. I am not a programmer. Damn, seems to be I need to learn programming skills urgently.

>> No.5732906


Oh. Well, latex has a learning curve, but if you're serious about math it's worth it to learn now. Just don't try to fight it on formatting and the latex wiki will tell you any symbols you need. If you want some example tex files I'm sure everyone has a few.

>> No.5732911

Ok, I gonna enter the programming world, everyone is in it. As seen in "The Matrix" movie, "it is inevitable".
I just hope to know which programming language is more suitable for this.

>> No.5732913

Get LyX.

>> No.5732927

LaTex is not programming. It's a mark up language, like HTML. If you use Mathamatica or MATLAB, that's also not programming, their respective languages are script languages. To be a programmer, you need to be familiar with actual programming languages, such as C,C++,C# and Java. They're hundreds of programming languages, but these 4 are extremely popular in the world today. Learn C, and use it to implement various mathematical based algorithms. If you only stick to LaTex or MALAB type stuff, you are not a programmer. I'm not being mean, I'm just letting you know how to put this stuff into perspective.

>> No.5732929


Get back to /g/, nobody cares about your nomenclature.

>> No.5732936

The words mean everything, I'm sorry you can't appreciate it. I take pride in the theory.

>> No.5732943


It's okay, he needed to know.

>> No.5733011

No. He didn't want a programming language. He wanted a math markup language. LyX is what scientists use to write papers. It outputs professionally formatted scientific pdfs.

>> No.5733064

As a C,C++,C# and Java Programmer, and a Computer Scientist I have to object to that. Everything that is computable by a Turing Machine, is also computable by Matlab, thus Matlab is a programming language. That it has built-in functions for the most common problems, doesn't make it any less of a programming language.


>> No.5733061

on a mac, there is this built-in thing called grapher

>> No.5733145

OP here, common guys there is no need to fight. I appreciate all your points.

I will look onto LyX, texmacs, kile and even see if mathlab does well. I might even find time to learn programming with real programming languages likie C.

Again thanks for your opinions, I really need to see how can make my work easier.

>> No.5733171

i used Scientific Workplace for my equations and stuff, because i needed results asap and had no time for learning TeX. it sticked.

>> No.5733281
File: 78 KB, 640x537, lyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LyX seems pretty, I am reading its documentation. I hope at least gives me some math features to ease my life, it says this has a pdf output too, thats great!

>> No.5733295

LaTex is not programming when you're using it right but it is a macro system over TeX so it is a bit more than pure markup.

>> No.5733299

LyX is just a shell over latex. LaTeX is not truly so onerous that one really needs LyX but it is a good way to get started for sure.

>> No.5733304

agreed on
>LaTex is not programming when you're using it right

But TeX is Turing-complete and can be used as a full programming language if you enjoy tarpits.

>> No.5733345

And then he started whining about not knowing how to program LaTeX.

>> No.5733596
File: 262 KB, 551x551, man-who-put-on-itchy-sweater-start-every-day-from-scratch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, its cool, if I need to I will learn how to program, I just want to start from the bottom.

>> No.5733605
File: 57 KB, 456x639, 44d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I knew /sci/ favors programming, never thought on how much thou.
I am open to listen how to start coding, to be clear.

>> No.5733655

learn C from the K&R book (newest edition, first edition is awful). Familiarizing yourself with its syntax will allow you to jump to other languages (the first four I can think of are C++, D, C# and Java), and with it, you already know the syntax for client-side web scripting (Javascript) and server-side as well (PHP and ASP with C#). After that I suggest something like Haskell to learn functional programming really well (IIRC, Java and C# have some elements like anonymous functions and Javascript has function literals, but there's so much more to explore).

>> No.5733727

>math class notes
>typesetting it in real time
>>have time to fuck with a electronic device period


Just get a mechanical pencil. You'll barely be able to keep up with the note by writing at full speed when you get to a real math class after you finish PDEs with the other preschoolers. (assume you're not some retarded CS major)

>> No.5733764
File: 154 KB, 800x700, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To be a programmer, you need to be familiar with actual programming languages, such as C,C++,C# and Java

Hell no.

Python and Matlab ARE real programing languages. Java is in no shape or form a programming language to do any short of serious work in. Java (and C# to a lesser degree) is crap only kept alive by retarded monkeys aka CS majors.

>Turing complete
>Anyway what so ever relevant to reality

My Microwave is Turing complete but I'm not going to write shit targeted at that.

>> No.5733801

>Above enthusiast tier
I laughed

>> No.5733806

I just use a flux capacitator

>> No.5733843

>Java is in no shape or form a programming language to do any short of serious work in. Java (and C# to a lesser degree) is crap only kept alive by retarded monkeys aka CS majors.

That's probably the most retarded post on this board and this is not a board that attracts the intellectual elite.

>> No.5733882

>That's probably the most retarded post

No, Java is pretty much undeniable crap with zero redeeming features. And before some retard takes out the canned response of "right tool for the right problem", Java is the toolbox equivalent to a dildo. Sure if the carpenter needs to turn to the life of a male stripper to feed himself, it might be useful. But arguing that the dildo should be placed up there with the screwdriver and hammer because there are more whores out there than carpenters is retarded.

C# tried to fix it but it's far from perfect.

>> No.5733907

TeX is not a programming language.
It takes all of an hour to learn, if that.

>> No.5733909

I saw a fizzbuzz generated in LaTeX once. It wasn't hardcoded either.

>> No.5733929

Python is very convenient for rarely used or low-load modules and quick tests.

Fuck you.

>> No.5733938

well prove him wrong. java was utter shit in the beginning when it was hyped the most and has continued to lag behind.

>> No.5733964

>My Microwave is Turing complete but I'm not going to write shit targeted at that.
It is?

>> No.5733970

I get the feeling you only hate it because you aren't good at class based OOP with static typing. This might blow your mind, but Java is actually very fast.

>> No.5733976

more powerful than the lunar lander.

>> No.5733984

>but Java is actually very fast

>> No.5734004
File: 69 KB, 833x334, speed_close.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5734103

>no version of Java
>graph doesn't explain what happens over time
>perl is the fucking fastest
Didn't realize we were talking about string manipulation and only string manipulation.

>> No.5734108

What is Java7?

>> No.5734153
File: 42 KB, 500x352, seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys dont fight, I am getting good advice from here


nice reference

Then I might give it a try

Lets not miss the point, to write math in PC, with quality and ease, pointing more to the latter. This post has done good guys.

>> No.5734240

I use texmaker because I'm a massive pleb.

>> No.5734276
File: 102 KB, 750x600, logical_awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problem to say I am a pleb, we all started as plebs. Except Gauss, he was a damn motherfucker.

>> No.5734376
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>> No.5734587
File: 66 KB, 540x576, Wat the duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Consider myself but a feeble coding peon
>Only languages I have experience with are Lua and Matlab
>MFW they're both above-average according to /g/

>> No.5734593


Where the fuck do you work?

>> No.5734597

>shit tier

>> No.5734607

>believing anything branded by /g/

>> No.5734610

Used in every lab ever
Used by so many corporations

>> No.5734615

>yfw nothing /g/ says is correct

>> No.5734722

there's like 15 people left alive that even know forth/factor
>implying HDL is a language and not a class of langauges
At least name an actual language if you want to sound knowledgeable: Verilog, VHDL, Bluespec, BSV, SystemVerilog

>> No.5734732

>Where the fuck do you work?
Personally seen Matlab in:
Computer Vision
Machine Learning
* Engineering
Numerical *

>> No.5734739
File: 210 KB, 1024x768, Jshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>shit tier

If I didn't know any better, that sounded dismissive

>> No.5734758

LaTeX is the best, but like others have said, a learning curve. There is LyX, a nice, easy-to-use kind of GUI environment for LaTeX, although it isn't EXACTLY LaTeX. In any case, LyX is amazing, is exactly what you want, probably

>> No.5734921


>> No.5734927

It's Turing complete, end of argument.

>> No.5734932


>> No.5734947

LyX is easiest - the learning curve is an afternoon, if that. It generates all the LaTeX you need for you using pre-built classes and templates. It has a lot of templates; most Universities have a template which is REQUIRED for your thesis. A lot of professional journals also have templates that are in LyX, like IEEE.
TexMaker, Gummi - You'll need to learn LaTeX, but these make it about as painless as possible.

I recommend you start here, and if you need more (you probably won't), then use LaTeX directly. I've heard a lot of LaTeX-ites say "But you can't do __", like tables, but every time, it's because they know how to do it in LaTeX, and feel no need to read the instructions for LyX - tables are in there, and easy as well.

BTW, I'm a sentient LaTeX program, you know.

>> No.5734973
File: 315 KB, 800x1100, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about that. It's not aimed at writing code with.

>> No.5734977
File: 135 KB, 700x714, 1367560425141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you know what it means to be Turing Complete

>> No.5735395

I started with LyX yesterday, had to stop for work, I will re assume it now.

Interesting, I will take it into account.

Now, I've heard Matblab is very used for advanced calculations, dont know how truth it is, but I plan to be prepared.

>> No.5735472

Lyx baby, 24/7, it's so extensible. Just love how simple it is. Makes a change from print-screen + Windows equation editor.

A thread yesterday mentioned a MSWord plugin that allowed for Tex like mathematics. Anyone know anything?

>> No.5735927

Sounds familiar, I think is freely available if I recall. I done much with Open Office thou, OP Formulas has some features.

>> No.5736229

>implying scripting languages aren't programming
>implying languages can't be either compiled or interpreted
>implying MATLAB isn't a full featured object oriented language
I don't think there is a single thing about your post that's not completely wrong.

>> No.5736256

Why does nobody ever mention Fortran :(

>> No.5736272

because no one codes in FORTRAN and that shit will eventually be phased out

>> No.5736278


I do!

>> No.5736281

My friend took CFD at UCLA and they were given the first week of the course to teach themselves FORTRAN. This was a few years ago.

>> No.5736295

It has some very specific uses, but not ones I'd expect someone on /sci/ to have to do.

>> No.5736339


Haskell not top-tier.
Ada not even mentioned.
Do you guys even code.
Probably on moms iCrap, instead of manly cruise-missiles like me.

>> No.5736355

Hang out in /g/'s DPT some time.
Haskell is highly contested there; some love it, some hate it.
There are like 2 guys who occasionally suck Ada's dick about how safe and wonderful it is.
Most of them couldn't write a hello world in Python.

>> No.5737091
File: 24 KB, 460x408, vaderlessons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a justified text in LyX and is too small, anyone knows how to fix word width?

>> No.5737107

>Ada not even mentioned.
Besides defense jobs (and they prefer to teach it than to hire people who think they know it), no one uses that shit