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5731338 No.5731338 [Reply] [Original]

This fucker is misleading our youth.


>> No.5731400
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>> No.5731434

He's talking about college but he sounds like he's bitching about high school

>> No.5731436
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>> No.5731445

why do people think like this? same for pot smokers.

>> No.5731453

Didn't bother watching because it was ripoff of the Jesus video

>> No.5731460

The fucker is Hippocratic also.

He's one of this people who graduates from college and preaches about how it's not worth it, just to 'thin the competition'. That's low man, real low. People like the video, just because it's emotionally appealing.

>> No.5731459

"Let me give you some statistics"
> goes on to list a few examples of extreme outliers instead of any real statistics. If people are retarded enough to buy this shit then they probably won't make it into college anyways

>> No.5731462

how is it the same for pot smokers?

>> No.5731465

The guy has a point! Our current educational system is a complete failure and waste of time.

That alone is bad enough, Yet on top of that, its also an unnecessary middleman that has incurred a massive amount of debt on its students.

This whole thing just doubles our losses.


>> No.5731469

Our elementary and high schools are what needs improvement. Our universities are ranked the best in the world

>> No.5731475
File: 6 KB, 184x184, 1364730492628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our universities are ranked the best in the world
> Ranked
Is America the only country that compares universities?

>> No.5731478

What are you talking about? The rankings always include Cambridge, Oxford, Tokyo University, and a couple others but the list is stacked in the united states favor.

>> No.5731484

>niggers arguing against education

This is a surprise?

>> No.5731483

No, every country in the world does so.

Also, Im not gonna dignify this retarded video with a direct response to its fallacies and idiocies.

>> No.5731486


Our universities may be producing quality academic work right now but they're headed down dire straits.
In reality our universities are increasingly becoming massive profit machines.

Take my brother's history professor, for example. The man makes $176,000 per year and only teaches 4 hours a week, with an additional 4 hours of office hours. Mind you that this is a state university that is being funded with my tax dollars. Sure he's also required to do research but I can tell you that plenty of professors pretty much just mooch off of the work of their students. On top of this man's salary: he gets benefits, paid vacations, and paid sabbaticals.

>> No.5731489


Seems legit

>> No.5731488

Yeah this is my main problem with the video, the names these people cite are 0.00001% of the population

>> No.5731491

>history professor

What is there to research?

>> No.5731492

State universities are different. State school professors are living the life - easy job, state pensions, tenure. Many private school professors would be better off at a high school in a rich neighborhood

>> No.5731495


>> No.5731503

>Many private school professors would be better off at a high school in a rich neighborhood
Actually the poorer neighborhoods pay teachers more, and it's harder to fire them so..

>> No.5731505

>Actually the poorer neighborhoods pay teachers more
[citation needed]

>> No.5731524

that guy is not saying "hey kid dont go to school it s a waste of time" he is implaying that going to school doesnt secure you an education and he is exposing the some flaws of the U.S educational system.

now if you want to to bash the kid cuz he is black go ahead make yourself look like a webfag.

>> No.5731530

What flaws did he expose? Please fill me in oh wise one.

>> No.5731546

>open video
>already disliked it but can't remember why
>0:40 in he mentions Jobs, Zuckerberg and Winfrey as part of his "statistics"
>immediately pause
>report for child abuse
>close tab

>> No.5731554

How about going to school because taking a risk by dropping out and BECOMING FAYMUSS is too much of a far-fetched deal. And, who says that I have to have some ulterior reason to go; maybe I just want to learn things and not be a deadbeat who makes "emotionally moving" videos. Maybe I want to understand the world a little more than I did yesterday.
and also,
>coop de grace

>> No.5731755

>mark zuckenberg