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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5725138 No.5725138 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, I think I have a condition.

You see, I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning, I break my arms. Every afternoon, I break my legs. Each night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.

What do you reckon?

>> No.5725145

how have you not died from infection yet?

>no WBCs
>no natural barrier

>> No.5725143
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>> No.5725155
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Meatball Meatball, Spaghetti Underneath!
Ravioli Ravioli, Great Barrier Reef!

>> No.5725159


Are you retarded? How the hell does having weak bones correlate to no "natural barrier" or WBCs?

I would be thinking marfan's, osteogenisis imperfecta, or ehlers-danlos just based on those two vague ass symptoms, assuming it's been going on since birth

>> No.5725188

>what is bone marrow
>"skin is paper"

back down the ivory tower, community college

>> No.5725186


>> No.5725197


>bone marrow
>the same as actual bone
>retard not understanding that RBCs also form in bone marrow

>"skin is paper"
>the same as no skin
>implying no other natural barriers

The only thing worse than a complete retard, is one that actually thinks he knows what he is talking about. Kill yourself subhuman

>> No.5725209
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>med students
This is why I don't pay for health insurance.

>> No.5725222


Don't worry, your corpse will make a great specimen for the pathologists on autopsy

>> No.5725224
File: 214 KB, 1000x749, feels_good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I signed up for organ donation
>implying a mortician wouldn't have to fuck with my body anyway
Stay mad, scrub.

>> No.5725226

>thinking bone is only inorganic material
>not knowing it's a continuous structure
>pick two obvious problems hurr i can think of another
>HPCs also found in liver, lymph nodes and spleen in babies
>likely to die of infection first
>no skin = almost direct contact with outside world and blood, no LCs, no antimicrobial peptides etc etc

community college go and learn immunology

>> No.5725230

>pay for health insurance
>not having free national healthcare

3rd world pls

>> No.5725228


Also, this stuff is taught in the most basic histology. They should be teaching it in high school at this point


>organ donation


>> No.5725236
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>all these replies
Keep it coming. BTW, what should my trip be?

>> No.5725240


Tripcodes are for Jerks.

>> No.5725251


>thinking bone is only inorganic material

Stopped reading right there. Seriously kid, how fucking retarded are you? You obviously don't have the first idea how genetic, or hell how any type of disorder works. I think I lost brain cells just reading your idiotic posts. see >>5725228 and then kill yourself you waste of oxygen

>> No.5725252

it's true, only cunts have trips.
be Javert.

>> No.5725258


Somebody's got to take the place of EK.

>> No.5725261

I'd rather leave that niche unfilled. Things are better without harriet and EK.

and fucking Blackman.

>> No.5725265

This is not /problems/ or /advice/ or /diagnose me/.
If you have problems, no one cares.
If you want advice, you aren't going to listen to it.
If you want to be diagnosed, go to the fucking doctor.

>> No.5725269


I bet this retard also thinks a Vitamin D or Calcium deficiency also equals "no WBCs and ded from infection xD". Go back to your middle school immunology class

>> No.5725273


>> No.5725276


I am not
>Stopped reading right there
hurr I have no response so I will just call you a retard

Actually I have a pretty good idea how all those disorders work, being a med student at one of the best unis in the world

>> No.5725285

OP isn't claiming to have some kind of disorder. The question is, how long would OP survive if he *literally* had glass bones and paper skin (assuming he was born alive).

This is probably why >>5725251 is getting unreasonably mad at >>5725226

>> No.5725297

>implying a cartoon fish has the same physiology as a human

>> No.5725302
File: 68 KB, 720x576, internet-tough-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being a med student at one of the best unis in the world
>retard that thinks a disease affecting bone strength = no WBCs
>retard doesn't understand the function of the skin as a barrier

For a retard calling calling med school a "uni", your school is wikipedia right?

Let me, guess you're just pretending to be retarded at this point?

>> No.5725324


If he has glass bones and paper skin, he would be having some kind of disorder. To figure out how long he would last, you would have to figure out what he would die from. >>5725145, claiming no WBCs (which is beyond retarded btw), by extension means no hematopoietic stem cells which means no platelets and more importantly, no RBCs ... and then retardedly claims OP would die of infection first ... and he apparently also goes to one of the best "unis" in the world.

>> No.5725333

You mean if hypothetically somehow his bones were teleported out of his body and replaced with exact replicas of them, but made of glass.
Also if his skin magically turned to paper?

Well thats just as bad as Sun of lava vs Sun of ice then.
Fuck this bullshit.

>> No.5725352


Wouldn't that depend on the density of the glass and thickness of the paper?

>> No.5725379
File: 666 KB, 2960x1050, community_college.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step 1: read >>5725285
step 2: look at the picture
step 3: kill yourself

Correct, this whole thread is stupid. I troll reply to troll OP and then community college here flips his shit.

Correct, no HPCs means no RBCs. But, to even entertain this fantasy OP we are assuming he is (presently) alive. Given that the mechanisms by which bone marrow takes over RBC production from other places is a gradual, controlled process, we have to assume that the absence of this feedback has lead to the liver/spleen/lymph nodes retaining their capacity to produce at least some RBCs.

>> No.5725400

ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli!

>> No.5725404

BUT Patrickkkkkkk

>> No.5725432
File: 87 KB, 755x1255, lolitrollyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I troll reply
>and kept it going until I realized I was a fucking retard

pic very related

>lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are only active in the fetus and newborns you fucking retard!

>some RBCs.

You think "some" RBCs are going to sustain the entire human body?

That pic doesn't look like med school curriculum. Let me guess, you're a fucking retard that took a class or two related to medicine and now think with wikipedia's help you're an expert right? Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.5725435

>Lymph nodes are only active in the fetus and newborns you fucking retard!

Not even a medfag, but fuck me, my sides hurt.

>> No.5725438


We were talking about hematopoiesis, if you didn't realize the context

>> No.5725449


To clarify further, I should have said lymph nodes won't reactive in adults to resume hematopoiesis

>> No.5725466
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You should try Sufentanil injection.

>> No.5726541
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