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5711113 No.5711113 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the greatest thinker of the 20th century?

>> No.5711119

Dwight Eisenhower.

>> No.5711127
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>Who was the greatest thinker of the 20th century?


>> No.5711129

>implying his theories weren't Swiss cheese

>> No.5711134


>20th Century

Fail Troll

>> No.5711148



>> No.5711150

Archimedes was the greatest thinker of all time, therefore he was the greatest thinker of the 20th century.

>> No.5711153

>>20th Century

His corpse had better thoughts than anyone else. I stand by my statement.

>> No.5711159

Albert Einstein, because he contributed to a vast variety of topics:
>advocating a World government
>nuclear disarmament

>> No.5711165

So... the Academy Award for Best Picture should always go to the same movie?

>> No.5711175

Assuming no better pictures come out. Could you imagine a world where that didn't happen? What if every year the movies got worse and worse. Why would anyone care if they were still getting awards like best picture even though they wouldn't compare to best picture movies a decade prior? Absolutely Disgusting!

>> No.5711197

>16 centry
>17th century

>> No.5711210

>>5711197 samefag
just have to mention Carl Marx
he was definitely ahead of his time
he would have been proud to see China's economic progress

>> No.5711213

>Assuming no better pictures come out.
>What if every year the movies got worse and worse.
It is still the best picture of the year, it doesn't matter if the quality of cinema would be declining. If one should care about the award in that situation is another topic, but that view is kind of weird.
It would make any award obsolete: For example the Nobel Peace Prize shouldn't be given until someone does something greater than ending Apartheid (just an example)? Doesn't that diminishes other achievements, that aren't that big, but also important?

>> No.5711215

yes, then people will strive to make/be the best rather than strive to beat adjacent competition.

>> No.5711224

but my all time favorite is probably Socrates (Plato)

>> No.5711243

I dont really have a favorite thinker, apart from Newton.

My modern science history is lacking i guess.

>> No.5711258
File: 32 KB, 350x285, hitchbeardlean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5711260

Cliche, but probably Einstein for all-time greatest thinker.

>> No.5711261

Terence McKenna

>> No.5711269

>implying the proletariat has power in china

>> No.5711271

George H.W. Bush

>> No.5711291

I miss him

>> No.5711297

how about the great firewall of china
or forcing you out of the cities
how many do you think it would take before China is more economically developed than the USA?
guess what you won't see an economic crisis there

>> No.5711298

goedel or heisenbutt

>> No.5711313

Wiles, Turing, Einstein, Heisenberg, Schrodinger

>> No.5711317

William Lane Craig.

>> No.5711348

>ctrl-f feynman
>no results

what the fuck, guys?

>> No.5711369


>> No.5711380

He was definitely the greatest physicist of the latter half of the 20th century, but there were a ton of brilliant people in the early 1900's.

>> No.5711393

Hilbert and Grothendieck?

>> No.5711403

>he would have been proud to see China's economic progress

You mean the huge differences in wealth? You mean how the chinese government has purposefully been keeping its currency weak so most of its products flow out of the country in exchange for money to the government and already rich elites, whilst the peasants receive almost none of it?
The proletariat in pretty much any Western country has more relative power than their counterparts in China.

>> No.5711468

>Ctrl + F "Freud"
>0 results
>Ctrl + F "Jung"
>0 results

>> No.5711469

>No Schopenhauer
>No Kant
Greatest thinkers are, contrary to popular belief, philosophers, not mathematicians/physicists.

>> No.5711503

Because they just keep on thinking without coming up with anything useful?

>> No.5711507

>Life perspective
>not useful

>> No.5711517

You're a retard. Philosophy is nothing more than circlejerking. Rhetoric =/= truth. Empirical data is the only path to knowledge. Whatever your thoughts, they mean jack shit without backing.

There are absolutes in this universe. God doesn't exist and life has no inherent meaning. What you do with your minuscule body in the short time you have consciousness is irrelevant. There will come a time when the name of Newton and of Darwin is no longer remembered. Since there is no meaning behind life, do what you think has meaning. You should come up with that on your own, it's not that difficult.

I say this as a person who considered majoring in philosophy. I read all those books in high school you read to make yourself feel good about how sophisticated you are. Yet at the end of the day, philosophers do nothing more than jerk each other off without ever getting anywhere, which is a shame because there are absolute truths in this world.

Great thinkers are those who observe patterns and come up with profound insights into causality.

>> No.5711521

>There are absolutes in this universe
>there are absolute truths in this world
You really should make up your mind, anon.

>> No.5711523

Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.5711524

>proud of capitalism

>> No.5711535
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How about the 21st century?
I'm aware that we're in 2013 and it is too early to talk.
Luckily it is ok to be wrong.
Names, subjects? (as specific as possible)

>> No.5711549

Stephen Hawking.

>> No.5711551

Zhang Tong (you won't know her, she was just born in a small village in China. But she will be the 21st century's greatest thinker).

>> No.5711572

So you actually need clarification smart guy. Ok.

Names of the important non-fiction content creators who published their best between 2000 and 2013.

Try to guess which subject area will contain the most significant documents.

Like i said, it is ok to be wrong. Contains future and subjectivity to begin with. I just want to hear some ideas that will hopefully help me.

Why are you such a dick?

>> No.5713148
