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5707985 No.5707985 [Reply] [Original]

Interesting/ mind-blowing facts.

I'll start, not mind-blowing, but interesting:
Ever wonder why it the unit of time 'minute' is spelled like the word for something that is really small; 'minute'? The reason is, minute it a minute length of time (compared to an hour). And the word 'second' as in 60 seconds in a minute? That's because a second is the second order of minuteness as compared to the hour.

>> No.5708028

actually "second" comes from a joke at the general conference on weights and measures in Paris about how one of the board members had recently had a threesome with two other women and bragged about how "he came in a second", so they made "second" mean a very small unit of time ("as a minute is to an hour"), it's now THE small unit of time, as of


>> No.5708037

There is absolutely no truth to what you just said. You should be ashamed of yourself

>> No.5708070

Ever wonder why a cup is sometimes referred to as "a glass"? This is because sometimes cups are made of the same materials as windows or car windshields, which are made of glass.

>> No.5708079

Chickens got their name for their cowardly disposition. As these birds tend to chicken out when confronted, they eventually became known by that name.

>> No.5708087

>That's because a second is the second order of minuteness as compared to the hour.
if this is true my mind is blown

>> No.5708108

>Why did the chicken cross the road
>To get to the other side

You are now aware that "the other side" in fact meant the spiritual meaning, regarding what happens after the chickens death.
This joke is now hilarious.

>> No.5708133

Some humans of European/Asian descent contain in their genome 1-4% of neanderthal DNA.

>> No.5708142

Here's the source. I have the book.... read it in high school

>> No.5708188

It is true.

>> No.5708200

You wrap a length of rope around a basketball's circumference once.

Now you want to make the rope float 6 feet off the surface of the basketball. How much more rope is needed?

12pi feet.

Now do the same thing but wrap a rope around the Earth and then extend it so that it floats 6 feet of the surface. How much rope needs to be added?

12pi feet.

Damn linear relationships.

>> No.5708203

>implying the earth is anywhere near spherical

>> No.5708205


It is. That is why it is called a spheroid.

>> No.5708206


If the earth were shrunk to the size of a billiard ball, it would be smoother than a billiard ball.

>> No.5708213

You aren't an anthropologist and shouldn't talk about things you don't understand.

>> No.5708225

speaking of billiard balls, the game was actually named "billiard" because it used to have a billiard ( <span class="math">10^{15}[/spoiler] in the Long scale) balls.
the amount of balls was later changed to the logarithm of the old number for practical reasons but the name stuck

>> No.5708223 [DELETED] 

Blacks are genetically inferior.

>> No.5708230

If the Earth was a globe the atmosphere would be thinner than the gloss on it. You wouldn't even know the space station isn't touching it.
>SPACE station
More sizes
If an atom was a football stadium the nucleus would be a tiny marble in the middle.
>all dat empty space

>> No.5708238

You should have seen how big the old billiard tables were!

>> No.5708240


Fuck that atom fact, you missed the coolest part:

In a hydrogen atom were the size of a football stadium, the electron would be the size of a period in a textbook, and would move so fast that the whole stadium would look like a solid sphere from the outside.

>> No.5708242

bonus fact: the standard balls now weigh exactly what 10 tablespoons of water would weigh (141.75 grams), the balls still represent a billiard in this sense as each ball represent one of the 10's in the exponent of the aforementioned "billiard", this is also what the markings on the balls mean.
the amount of water represented by the balls in TABLE-spoons (150 Tbsp / 2.22 L) is also the reason it's called a "pool table"

>> No.5708247

Do you just come up with the off the top of your head?

>> No.5708544

The joke is funny because it's not funny.
That's the joke. It's only funny once you realize it's not supposed to be funny.

>> No.5708864


>> No.5709002

Pi is pronounced exactly the same as pie.
A pie is circular.
If you divide the pie's circumference by its diameter, you get pi.

>> No.5709005

I just realized that the symbol for Euler's number is an anagram of the symbol for an electron's charge.

> mind = blown

>> No.5709035

>implying pie dishes have perfect tolerancing and are therefore perfect circles.

>> No.5709087

The "coinced term" was coined by a coin.
le :^ feic

>> No.5709088

~3.5 Moon diameters is 1 Earth diameter
~10 Earth diameters is 1 Jupiter diameter
~10 Jupiter diameters is 1 Solar Diameter

Also, you could be inhaling air molecules that have been exhaled by ANY HUMAN OR CREATURE throughout time. This is because the amount of particles per average breath multiplied by the number of breaths you breath is larger than the total amount of breaths ever breathed on Earth. You could be breathing in particles from Einstein, Hitler, Jesus (no, not Jesus. We're not religious here), or even Santa Clause.

>> No.5709090
File: 1.93 MB, 230x160, cant deal with it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he does not make make sure the perimeter of his pies is perfectly circular
I bet you don't even make sure your ice cream is perfectly spherical, either.

>> No.5709092

What. That would mean I'm some kind of superhuman, able to breathe billions upon billions of times more deeply than any other creature in history?

>> No.5709105

Have fun with your Autism.

>> No.5709112

particles you breathe in > number of breaths ever taken

>> No.5709115

With each breath we take we inhale many molecules of the air which any person could've breathed during their life. Estimate how many such molecules of this person's breaths we inhale in each breath.

Use the following assumptions and be careful with units.

All the air which they've breathed in their entire life is by now completely mixed up in the atmosphere.
As determined by Avogadro, one atomic weight of any gas contains 6.02e23 molecules and occupies a volume of 22.4 Liters.
One square inch base area of an atmospheric column weighs about 454 grams.
Air is roughly 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen.

Fucking google it, dude. Basically, there's about 30% of one mole of air per each breath a person takes. Multiply that number by ~15 breaths a minute, then multiply that by 60 min/hour, 24 hours/day, 365.25 days/year, number of years they've lived. THAT number is bigger than the amount of breaths ever breathed on the planet. You're not a superhuman, you're just an idiot asshole.

>> No.5709153

Oh right. I cannot into reading comprehension.
I thought that guy was implying that I had taken more breaths than anyone on the planet.

>> No.5709159

the word zero ends with o, which looks almost exactly like a 0.

>> No.5709172

particles you shit > number of shits ever taken

Meh ...

>> No.5709177


>> No.5709179
File: 55 KB, 340x297, fffhhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post-Human Genome project
>ascribing importance to DNA beyond its role as instruction for protein folding

>> No.5709196

If you rearrange the % sign you get 100

>> No.5709211

Max Born is Olivia Newton-John's grandfather

>> No.5709223

Yet they could kick your ass all over the place sports wise and even just kick your ass in general.
They can even be mean motherfuckers with knowledge, given they weren't slacking in school

>> No.5709266

The brain named itself.

>> No.5709296

But he's right and your version is unfunny as shit.

>> No.5709305

Everyone does it's just most Africans have little neanderthal DNA

>> No.5709365


>> No.5709366

When visualizing an atom's electrons, is it accurate to think of the electron's orbit as just a cloud of "probability" of finding the electron? Doesn't the Uncertainty principle state that something as small as an electron doesn't even have a definite location?

>> No.5709373

brain == exploded

>> No.5709378


Yes. In Greek we say "minute" <whatever the word is, it doesn't matter to you for this>

And for seconds we say "second minute".

>> No.5709381


wait, actually "minute" is more formally called "first minute".

>> No.5709383


ah, and that's why you can say

10 minutes as:


and 10 seconds as:


>> No.5709386
File: 9 KB, 460x276, banana-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though we humans have 2 - 3% the genes of Neanderthals, we have 50% of the DNA of a banana.

Hence we are more like bananas than Neanderthals, and bananas are our closer relative.

(sources: Bananas, Steve Jones, Professor of Genetics at University College; Neanderthals. David Reich, a geneticist at the Harvard Medical School)

>> No.5709393

This is only mind-blowing to people who buy into the hopeless overestimation of DNA’s importance by modern biology.

>> No.5709397

>i can't into humor

>> No.5709403

>not important.


anon's post is just mixing up DNA and genes to fool the stupid.

>> No.5709405

What do you imagine biology would be like without DNA?

>> No.5709409

Why do you people even bother with these shitty ruses? You might have better luck fooling /b/.

>> No.5709415

For fun and play you miserable cunt.

>> No.5709417

>I don't understand what a joke is

>> No.5709423
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>> No.5709471

Your brain just blew my mind.

>> No.5709510

The time difference between when Tyrannosaurus and Stegosaurus lived is greater than the time difference between when Tyrannosaurus lived and now.

In other words, dayum, advanced life on this planet is old.

>> No.5709513

Fuck. You just ruined Dinosaurs for me.

>> No.5709517

Mission accomplished.

>> No.5709552

Do you even facts?

>> No.5709594

I don’t think the Anon thinks he was serious but wants to know whether he came up with it or if he read this somewhere.

>> No.5709600

I live in the middle/upper region of NC. If our solar system was scaled down to the city where I live, the next closest star would be in Arizona.

Jupiter has a ring, it's hard to see from our perspective because of its composition. If you were to go "behind" Jupiter and turn toward the sun, it would become apparent.

Clouds on Neptune contain hydrocarbons. Under the extreme pressures of its atmosphere and gravity, it's possible for tiny diamond particles to sleet on the surface.

The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is between 2 and 3 Earth's wide and has been visible since man could first see it through a telescope. So this storm is much wider than our entire planet and has lasted 400 years so far.

Titan has methane clouds. When it rains, it rains the liquid form of methane. So there are rivers and lakes of natural gas. And it being a natural solvent, heavily erodes the icy surface.

Io is entirely volcanic. It experiences a lot of stress from gravitational forces and that causes it to heat up like bending a piece of metal. There are volcanoes everywhere. It's like that volcano world in Star Wars except full of sulfur.

Comparative planetology is great.

>> No.5709971


You'd have to drive around the Earth 9 and a half times to equal the distance to the moon.

>> No.5709976

I was talking about the "Europe/Asia" thing. Clearly he doesn't understand the route out of Africa.

>> No.5709978

>A brain decided on the name. Repeat for a couple languages. Big deal.

>> No.5709985

Africans have none. They couldn't.
Asians don't really either. Or the aboriginal peoples of SE Asia, India, or Russia.
Europe was the last place AMHs got to and that's where the Neandertals where.

>> No.5709998
File: 30 KB, 400x350, lowearth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The space station isn't as far away from the earth as, say, geosynchronous orbit is... but it's still reasonably far outside what we consider the atmosphere.

Fact: The nearest star is Proxima Centauri... but only for the moment. It orbits Alpha Centauri A and B which orbit each other. Once Proxima passes to their far side in about 30,000 years, they'll alternate as the closest star every 40 years.

>> No.5710001

There are more water molecules in a glass of water than there are glasses of water in all the oceans on Earth.

>> No.5710007

If you scale the age of the universe into one Earth year with the big bang on January 1st 00:00:00, humans will not have completed their evolution until December 31st, 11:59:52.

>> No.5710008

>implying humans have completed their evolution
check your privelege

>> No.5710032

And today would be 11:59:59
Damn I'm good.

>> No.5710045

Droplets can behave like Jesus.


>> No.5710068

The common belief of the left eye sending it's information to the right hemisphere and the right eye sending to the left isn't necessarily true.

Instead, there are visual fields and each halves of each eye get directed to the hemispheres. The left visual field of your left eye gets sent to the right hemisphere, while the right visual field of your left eye gets sent to your left hemisphere. Vise versa for the right eye

>> No.5710117

Just like >>5709112 I’m not really impressed by this. It’s just logical for such a subset to be more numerous. Show me an instance where entities on the macrolevel are more numerous than corresponding entities on the microlevel and you’d have a candidate for blowing my mind.

>> No.5710148

Before the era of fast computers, Fourier transforms and certain image filters (which gave the desired effect, let's say emphasized edges or contrast on a photograph) used to be done manually.

Thin lens gives a Fourier transform of your image, if the image is in the focal point. If you had two such lenses and between them a certain filter, you would get (after the second lens) an original image with the filter effect applied to it.

For example, a filter with varying transparency and thickness literally gave you a derivative of your original image, meaning that the result is the original image with very emphasized borders between colors (filter achieved that by varying the phase of the incoming light).
This was supposedly used by US army in years back for analyzing satellite photos.

>> No.5710219
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i made it up on the spot
just like my other posts in this thread

>> No.5710233

Do you believe in the hierarchy of perception for example
Hot Hotter Hottest
Sweet Sweeter Sweetest
Cool Cooler Coolest
If you do than you must believe their is an order for things that go in accordance with set rules in place from laws of Physic and unchangeble circumstances. For example second by second is a unit of time measurement same goes for minute , hour , day, month, week , year , ect and ect. You HAVE to
Believe their is an order of things or else their would be no measurement and therefore no exact fact an truth THEREFORE what is life? Time is a very hard concept to grasp , Time Heat and Space I think we're the three hardest things to define, Netherlands God still loves you and Jesus longs for you to be saves

>> No.5710239


>> No.5710282


/thread, imo.

>> No.5710308
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>Netherlands God still loves you and Jesus longs for you to be saves

>> No.5710371

even if this isn't true it's still funny

>> No.5710422

It is true. The joke is that its a double-entendre. Nobody gets this. The chicken crossed the road to get to the other side of the road, however, unforeseen to the chicken, she became road kill and reached the spiritual other side. In this sense, ironically, although she died, she did achieve her goal of reaching the other side.

This has always been the joke, I'm not making this up.

>> No.5710430

>Jesus longs for you

>> No.5710431 [DELETED] 

If you staked elephants on top of each other from the surface of Earth to the Moon they would all die.

>> No.5710470


lol that doesn't mean god exists. There are too many logical fallacies to list here

>> No.5710925

>but it's still reasonably far outside what we consider the atmosphere
But that isn't true because they experience drag.

>> No.5710995
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>> No.5710997
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>> No.5711000
File: 56 KB, 500x682, the homosexual hydrology cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5711006

>"what we consider the atmosphere"
The atmosphere doesn't end. It just gets thinner and thinner until it's the same density as the rest of the solar system. Geosynchronous satellites experience drag, too.

The part that's as thin as the varnish on the globe is the biosphere... and that's only a dozen kilometers high or so.

>> No.5711012

In order to create a pie from scratch, you must first create a new universe. This is due to the fact that if you normally try to make a pie, all you're doing is rearranging already existing particles in the current universe and thus you're not creating it from scratch, but rather you are rearranging atoms.

>> No.5711013

Did You Know?

There are more cells in your body than atoms in the universe.

>> No.5711021

Abraham = Priest/Messiah
Brahma = Hindu God
Brahmin = Hindu Priest

They both share the similarity due to ProtoIndoEuropean language origins.
Therefore Abraham is most likely a priest in the village. Also in ancient times, there were multiple gods being worshipped by european ancestors.

>> No.5711033

>Clouds on Neptune contain hydrocarbons. Under the extreme pressures of its atmosphere and gravity, it's possible for tiny diamond particles to sleet on the surface.
Neptune confirmed for South Africa of 3013

>> No.5711044

Mind fucking blown

>> No.5711063

Did you know?
That there are as many stars in the universe as there are atoms in one cell?

Like this if u think science is cool and not nerdy!!!!!!

>> No.5711074
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>> No.5711093


In a similar vein, the time between the Pyramids being created and Cleopatras rule was longer than the time between the time between Her rule and present day.

>> No.5711108


I'll also back up OP on this one.

>"one-sixtieth of a minute," late 14c., from Old French seconde, from Medieval Latin secunda, short for secunda pars minuta "second diminished part," the result of the second division of the hour by sixty (the first being the "prime minute," now called the minute), from Latin secunda, fem. of secundus (see second (adj.)).


>> No.5711111

any clue where I can find the original image without the macro on it?

>> No.5711116

>Pie made of atoms
>PERFECTLY circular

Yeah, of course

>> No.5711124

Egypt was 1/2 of recorded history.

>> No.5711182

No clue at all. Sorry.

>> No.5711554

That's because those Jenkem-inhaling sandniggers didn't do much else than draw on walls.

>> No.5711756

If you read 3.14, Pi, as if flipped by a mirror it looks like it says PI.E

>> No.5711758

Aren't stars made of atoms?