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File: 384 KB, 1600x1200, frozenTennisBall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5700953 No.5700953 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /sci/, my friend has bet me $100 dollars to dip my testicles into liquid nitrogen. They only have to dip in and out, but is this dangerous? Am I going to be infertile after doing this? I'm a poor college student and I need the money

>> No.5700955

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leidenfrost_effect
Watch some videos on youtube too

>> No.5700956
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op claiming name

>> No.5700963
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Thank you kind sir, I see now that the vapor barrier between my man rocks should protect them in the short while. Hello textbooks

>> No.5700967
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try that again

>> No.5700980

Just be aware that the vapor barrier ist weakend if your balls are not _completely_ dry.

Also if your skin touches the inner walls of the (metal) container, things will get nasty really fast.

>> No.5700982
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How would you suggest drying them? I am considering borrowing a blow dryer to give them a good once over before attempting this. I will also make sure to make the vessel wider so there is less chance of side-wall contact.

>> No.5700984

I wouldn't risk it for 100$.
A millisecond can be a life changer in your situation, don't wonder into the deadly unknown.

>> No.5700988

How quick do you think I need to be then? I really wouldn't want to run any test runs, at least not with my testicles.

>> No.5700990
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whoops, I'll be a good op and post pictures

>> No.5701006

Test with vegetables I guess and then with pork, beef or something. Do a lot of tests before you try on yourself and be sure to always get the timing right after completely dehydrating said substance (Veggies, meat, your bollocks).

>> No.5701019

Godfucking damnit OP. Have you ever dipped food into liquid nitrogen? It's unbelievably cold. Your testicles are fucked if you do this. Stop now before you ruin your life. The pain will be unimaginable.

>> No.5701026

blow dryer on no heat. heat may cause sweat.

but don't quote me on that. I'd never let my scrote near that shit, fuck what science says.

>> No.5701030

gonna sit and watch where this goes...

>> No.5701033

when you do it, please post vid OP

>> No.5701041
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Most definitely, but I have my friend in the thread, and the more words of encouragement he sees, the less he wants to pay up for when I go through with it.

>> No.5701069

So your friend wants to see you lose your balls for 100$? What a great friend you have there.

>> No.5701072

Fine, $150.

>> No.5701080

No, fuck off you ass hole.
If your friend is in financial trouble, you give/lend him the money, you don't fuck up his whole life.

>> No.5701082
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pic related, i earn my support

>> No.5701085

Fine, $200

>> No.5701087
File: 111 KB, 474x535, fuckYouMacFag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try

>> No.5701094

alright, 300.

>> No.5701105
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like i said, nice try but that isn't you

>> No.5701117

maybe 1000 bucks op, but 100? jesus good luck but its not worth the risk

>> No.5701118

Fine, 50BTC.

>> No.5701125
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ok i don't care anymore, i'll take your offer instead

see that cam? better step up your game, we got some high rollers in here

>> No.5701129

You're going to fuck up, flash freeze your balls and get frost bite. Castration may be necessary.

>> No.5701133
File: 8 KB, 250x250, cyrogloves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then cover them in the same stuff cryo-gloves are made from. I assume your bet doesn't require them to to touch bare liquid nitrogen?

>> No.5701139

OP, I'd recommend doing some heat transfer equations to make sure you're safe or maybe simulating it.

>> No.5701148

I hope you deliver OP.

Maybe have a hammer ready so if you do fuck it up you can make the video famous by exploding your balls.

>> No.5701173

All right, this my friend is where you go wrong.
Your balls will shrivel up when they get close enough to the liquid nitrogen. So for you to actually dip them, you would have to submerse your entire scrotum in.
Think about this before you break your seed generators for $100.

>> No.5701196

How would you even go about posturing yourself to dip yourself?

What is the container and it's dimensions?

>> No.5701202

Don't do it OP. Even if you shave the hair off your balls, some of the liquid can get in the folds of your scrotum, and that's not good.

>> No.5701208

Don't be such a pussy, his mate will give him $100 if he does it. That's about 10 000 cents!

>> No.5701211

I sense something very Darwinian may come of all this cryogenic-testes-plans.

>> No.5701220

his friends wants an opportunity to have sex with him, that's why he's getting him naked to watch him dip is balls in liquid nitrogen, he wants to see what he's working with.

>> No.5701244

and then destroy it

>> No.5701250
File: 177 KB, 600x400, 1336949792794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.5701256

You're going to fucking lose your balls.

>> No.5701266

Test your pinky first. Just the tip though.

>> No.5701398

>300k Starting

>> No.5701401

Did OP deliver?

>> No.5701435

Do it, OP. It's not like your offspring would be useful to mankind.

>> No.5701464
File: 10 KB, 179x269, House is waiting for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had that devil/angel thing for a couple of minutes after reading your post. You see, you're a complete idiot, one of them which make moronic video's on youtube about falling, self-burning etc. and think it's cool. And here you have your balls. A brilliant Darwin award candidate you are. I would be more than happy to see you suffer from your own stupidity (yes, sadistic, but hey, it's 4chan), but the moral thing bites me as you're not bad, just stupid.
So, you'll get horrible frostbites. You won't lose your balls but will need medical help, maybe even to the degree of skin transplant. Yes, Leidenfrost effect and all but this only works with a clear smooth surface. Obviously, scrotum differs from that. Liquid N2 has little viscosity, obviously no H-bonds and very little surface tension therefor in contrast to water it can get even in tiniest skinfolds/wrinkles causing immediate frostbites. Try it on your hand: first poor N2 on it as usual, than make a errr.... semi-compressed fist (english's not my native). Even worse yet more illustrative is to put your semi-compressed fist in a bowl of N2.
>chemist working with liquid N2 on a regular basis

>> No.5701538

I can't believe no one has mentioned Darwinism.

>> No.5701911
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But now, consider the following: what if i shave my testicles and pull back the excess skin to create a smooth surface? I'm aware that it is a ridiculously stupid thing to do, that's why I'm asking to see if there is a slightly less ridiculously stupid way to go about doing it.

There is a lot of truth in that statement

I really hope not

Not yet, I'm still considering it, but I'm beginning to lead towards a no-go unless someone on here can convince me otherwise, but>>5701464 makes a damn good point

I have good genes asshole, I just like doing stupid things to keep life interesting. Plus, fuck kids. Who needs them anyway?

lol'ed at that, just the image of (literally) shattered testicles made me lose it

>> No.5701917

>dip shorn balls into LN2
>balls contract because fucking cold
>contraction causes crevices to form
>crevices trap LN2 against skin
>mosaic-pattern of frostbite on the skin of your scrotum

I wouldn't be surprised if you end up bleeding like a pasta sieve as soon as your balls warm back up.

>> No.5701920

Do it, OP. You're obviously a fucking retard, so removing yourself from the gene pool is the most significant benefit to society you'll ever give.

>> No.5701923
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would it be possible to hold the skin taught enough to overcome the inevitable contraction though?

>> No.5701925

You are an idiot, and I am a 40-year-old biochemist working with N2 before you were shitting in your diapers.

#1, the Leidenfrost effect applies to objects that have no sharp edges. Not just "smooth".
#2, even if the Leidenfrost effect didn't take place when OP dips his sack, frostbite to human flesh from LN2 doesn't take place until 1 second of full immersion, due to the heat produced by the body. If OP is fast, he'll come out with frostnip maybe, but not frostbite.

OP, this is an easy $100.

>> No.5701926

>my friend has bet me $100 dollars to dip my testicles into liquid nitrogen

with friend like this you don't need enemies (cit.)

>> No.5701927

If he's in and out real quick it'd be the same as getting a quick coat of LN2. Since LN2 has low viscosity it should be a pretty thin layer, combine that with a low heat of vaporization and it should evaporate quickly without taking much scrotal heat with it. It'd probably be refreshing, like a blast of cool air.

>> No.5701928

This is what I was thinking. My friend said there is no specific amount of time that I need to keep them immersed, so if I fill a wide, shallow container with the N2, place myself directly over it and hang on to something so I can pull myself up quickly, it should be a quick (less than a second) in and out. Plus, this isn't a full immersion, I forgot to mention that. It's just a quick dip and I don't have to fully immerse them in N2, just a dip in and out.

>> No.5701929
File: 231 KB, 500x409, 1318096577218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, I'm slipping on the pictures

>> No.5701932
File: 97 KB, 524x384, 1312945476601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a second, nice try cam

>> No.5701937

Hey now! I expect full submergence! It doesn't count if you just graze the surface.

>> No.5701938
File: 23 KB, 464x352, 1312441656780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I will not agree to that. I WILL agree to a predetermined depth that may approach, but not exceed half an inch. Otherwise this is a stupid bet and it's not worth losing both testicles to it

>> No.5701940

Why do some penises have slits for holes?

>> No.5701942
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because you have a weird shaped dick hole

>> No.5701944
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The top of your balls will maybe be in the shit for more than 1 second. If anything goes wrong you're fucked.

OP Why would you want to do shit like that. But then again, I don't even shave them, just hair down because fuck no there's no razors getting near Lord and Commisar

Also, your friend is a dick and clearly crave yours.

>> No.5701945

holy fuck you're retarded

a hundred bucks and you risk losing your testicles, your dick, and possibly slipping on the floor and spilling it all over yourself and dying.

>> No.5701948

I wanna see a fucking video of this shit

>> No.5701955

>he'll come out with frostnip maybe (on his balls)
>an easy $100

>> No.5701959

It'll hurt like hell, but he won't have lasting damage.

>> No.5701966
File: 190 KB, 1456x1072, 1357002502832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what will happen;

> OP's balls starts to descend
> As soon as 1/4 of the mass of balls have descended, it will feel like a polarbear shitting glaciers are chewing on his balls
> OP will panic and either fall or do something prolonging the duration of the nitrogen-on-balls action or rise them FTL
> His friend will say he didn't do it correctly for some bullshit reason, and OP is left with no money and mutilated balls, if he's lucky.

>> No.5701989

hopefully op signs a waiver before he does it

>> No.5701990

Not enough money. Far too fucking risky. Way too much that can go wrong.

>> No.5701992

I just hope he is there to film it...

>> No.5702046
File: 50 KB, 452x560, 000gq7yy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if i shave my testicles and pull back the excess skin to create a smooth surface?
It will help to some degree, the frostbites will be not that severe but...
>dip shorn balls into LN2
>balls contract because fucking cold
>contraction causes crevices to form
>crevices trap LN2 against skin
>mosaic-pattern of frostbite on the skin of your scrotum

>40-year-old biochemist working with N2 before you were shitting in your diapers
*my internet credentials*
Listen, my good man, just deep your bent hand in N2 and report your feelings and the look of the hand. White painfull spots where your skin was bent and traped N2, right? Nothing special, pain and whiteness goes away in ~10 seconds. But that's your hand, the most resistent part with rough skin. Now consider balls.
>until 1 second of full immersion
Correct. But the N2 will be traped in wrinkles for much longer. Anyway I can't imagine how OP can do it for less than a second.

They all do. It's to get a swirled pee stream and not a rain all over your legs/feet. Evolutionary thing.

OP, your friend is a perverted homo-sadist and you're an idiot. Ok, do it, go on, srsly.

>> No.5702063

I might consider it for 2000$ but for anything else, fuck your "friend".

>> No.5702076

Dude, please, I'll give you 100 dollars if you're that desperate.
Don't lose your manhood for a stupid bet.

>> No.5702127

You can do this with your hand pretty safely. I'd probably want to shave first, but besides that, just be quick and hope for the best.

I'd do a few test runs with your hand in liquid nitrogen to see how long you have and with your balls in normal water to practice your reflexes.

You should be fine, try and pretend it's harder than it actually is to get more money out of it. I'm betting if he'll do 100 he'll do 300.

>> No.5702143

Take the bet,

If you win it's one for science
If you lose its one for natural selection.

>> No.5702157

>this whole thread

Everyone in my lecture is staring at me but fuck it. My sides have exceeded 'c'.

>> No.5702161

enjoy turning into a trap OP

>> No.5702169

wow! this is a foolproof way to make big bucks, why hadn't i thought about it earlier? thanks OP!

and i repeat, foolproof! (the word foolproof echoes around the room).

>> No.5702173
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that isn't how traps work, learn2internet

>> No.5702207

That, too, is condensation.


>> No.5702228

>browsing 4chan in lecture

>> No.5702499

Don't worry about the moisture. I dipped my sweaty hand into nitrogen plenty of times and nothing happened. I even did that other thing that you see on science shows all the time when you hold the liquid in your hand for maybe a minute or so. It didn't burn or anything.

What I'd be worried about is that people tend to be skittish and do abrupt movements during their first encounter with Leidenfrost effect. The feeling is a bit strange, kind of tingling all over the submerged part of skin. So be careful not to spill the nitrogen down your pants when you jump up, that would hurt.