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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5679911 No.5679911 [Reply] [Original]

Ight /sci/ riddle time

I just had a dream about a kind of set and I wanna work out what it means

Will post more/oppinions

>> No.5679914
File: 5 KB, 720x351, 76878976987098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At first I saw it kind of like this, the equal sign was a way of saying that one side equaled the other and the other side equaled the other, but in the way that they transformed into the other, not that it was straightforward 'might as well look like this'

>> No.5679933
File: 7 KB, 720x351, 76878976987094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then I got to thinking, what if the transformation wasnt an implied, but a literal in terms of the circle aspect, it was shown just like that, with the equal signs coming in with a glow effect separately, but with a bit of a ding, made me remember it quite well when I wolk up, and that that notation was meant as a kind of invert (could someone maybe link a wiki with anything you could recognize of the sort?), and that got me to thinking that it was less of a momentary completion equation and more of a constant completion of eachother

>> No.5679954
File: 3 KB, 720x351, 76878976987097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At that point I was beginning to forget what the example was in the dream, so I just looked at the notations

The internal equation of the circle, and what it's environment entails with the presence of the strange equaling sign exaggeration and how that becomes the equation that becomes it, IE that the divisors get placed in a stance that just makes the circle responsible for, well a kind of inversion I just cant properly describe other than how they're shown, I know how to read math but I'm not very good at writing it, I always forget the equations that demonstrate things :/

Anyway, I got as far as the OP >>5679911 and I'm still not sure what it's describing, I havnt been looking at any mathematical stuff in the last couple weeks so it is kind of out of the blue

So I here I am tossing the ball to you /sci/

>> No.5679994
File: 7 KB, 804x351, Hadadreamaboutit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a little more about the dream, if you remember that couch gag in the simpsons where the camera zoom out from homer and went through to the edge of existence and then zoomed out of his eye, it was kind of like that, but it just started with a landmass and zoomed out, it was actually uber cool, and it kep going out but as it was showing between the cell and going beyond existence did this pop up, and stayed for a little while, and zoomed out a little more to, between the suckers of, a squid, which was just doing squid things in the ocean...

This was the first one I drew when I wolk up, I knew it wasnt correct but I was just trying to get the form down before i buggered off, the OP is almost exactly like how it was demonstrated although all of them hold a little about of how it was.

>> No.5680002

My Freudian interpretation is that you fantasize about your mother.

>> No.5680014
File: 31 KB, 438x400, 1358828529813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never have guessed! Must be Stockholm syndrom

>> No.5680239
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>> No.5680304
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>> No.5680634
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Considering the environment it was presented in I'm supposing it to be a math/physics fall between
>pic related

>> No.5681115
File: 362 KB, 940x1342, 1365792974358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump, can you guys really give no insight on this?

>> No.5682539
File: 35 KB, 231x205, 1355801037393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cummon gents!

/sci/gh last bump

>> No.5682544

No one cares about your set theory dreams. Go read a playboy or something.

>> No.5682567
File: 179 KB, 510x710, old-chinese-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did that, only temporary satisfaction... the intrigues not there when they still have their flesh on...

>> No.5682573

Interesting. Tell me more about this dream. Have you consider binary options?

>> No.5682617
File: 78 KB, 720x582, 306735_10151351576012873_1027392723_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that's kind of the thing I'm having an issue with, the way it's posed each side of the equation exponentiates into the other but doesnt equal back again without assuming that what your perceiving as the derivative is the origional, like the software equals hardware from both sides when equalling the other

I gotta go atm but I'll be back in a couple hours