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5675777 No.5675777 [Reply] [Original]

Try this /b/ !
What if the Bible wasn't thing generations and generations of naïve and undereducated people thought it was.
Hello /b/, I wonder how you people (I understand: critism) would react on my following idea.
I think the Bible can be compared with something like the Iliad, written by Homer or Chanson de Roland (Anonymous)l. Why? Because it survived 2000 years of human culture. By that I mean: diffrent cultures, ways of thinking, wars, etc... Question is: why do these books survive and how were they created? Here's my answer:
Like all great stories, the Illiad wasn't FOUNDED by Homer, it was COMPOSED by Homer. We know nowadays that Homer wrote down EXISTING ORAL LEGENDS, made up by a whole community of people (for all who didn't know, we speak of the year 800 b.C., so please do imagine communities of that time-period). This study was performed by famous linguist Joseph Campbell. He created in his "a hero with a thousand faces" the idea of an ARCHETYPICAL HERO and that of the "PROTOMYTH". the first represents the typical hero we see in for example "James Bond-movies", on wich we can analyze a scheme, The second is a scheme for the stories in wich hero's play they stories. Well, they're called ARCHETYPICAL because they exist in ALL PEOPLE MIND. Everyone knows a stories isn't "right" when some of the elements, that are nescessary for a myth (as Campbell describes it) are missing. It's a feeling we cannot seem to subdue. Just immagine James Bond dying. It won't happen niggas. Why not? It's simply because the scheme is violated, in other words: our way of thinking is violated (to exaggerate). If we then prolongue this idea, then we may say that these IDEAS OF STORIES are basic human mind elements. They keep on existing, because, mainly, they exist in ourselfs. That's why those famous stories didn't disappear in over 2800 years.Well, I think the Bible is one of those stories.
The life of Jezus was known to us before we could even read.

>> No.5675794

The first thing they teach in a theology class is that evangelists wrote parts of the Bible to stop the Christians from denouncing because of Rome

>> No.5675809

They all tell of the same exact story. I mean, how could they explain a self-thought highly complex story to a bunch of fanatic analfabetics? They told them a story they all knew.

>> No.5675822


Nobody ever took the stories in the Bible literally.
----G. Gordon Liddy

>> No.5675824

>Try this /b/

Obvious copy pasta is obvious.
No religious arguments on /sci/

Delete this thread.

>> No.5675845 [DELETED] 

Yes, delete it. This ain't go anywhere with this post!

>> No.5677795 [DELETED] 

Stopped reading at "what if the Bible"

>> No.5677799

oh man! look at the edge on this post! surely nobody has ever realized this explosion of knowledge before! Too bad we're all perpetually in high school. Mind if I borrow your post to go cut myself later?