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5674870 No.5674870[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hola.Mi amigos.

>> No.5675315

Hola, Father.

>> No.5675318

Hola, Filius

>> No.5675324

Hola, Spiritus Sanctus

Adepto vestri asinus ad >>>/x/

>> No.5675328
File: 54 KB, 630x630, getthefuckout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck off
sincerely, all of /sci/

>> No.5675336


>> No.5675335

shit fuck penis

>> No.5675347


>doesn't know spanish or latin

you get the fuck out.

>> No.5675353

and I thought EK was a zoologist.

how can these niggers get their taxonomy straight without latin?

>> No.5675356


hablas espanol OP? o simplemente solo dijiste eso por decirlo?

>> No.5675359


taxidermy and biology.

>> No.5675376

>dead languages
>fuck off, get with the times

yeh, i am a zoologist, but we dont fucking use latin

>> No.5675390

what does that make you? an overglorified cat lady? you're not even a scientist because you lack a unified analytical language! If you do not seek to seek and catalogue wisdom, what is your purpose?

>implying it's not hypocritical to not sage in a thread you previously saged in
>hurpadurp I changed my mind

>> No.5675393
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i'll sage when and where i fucking like! and i aint no hippocrite
alrite then, what's YOUR purpose!??

>> No.5675401

why, to accelerate the advancement of the human race, and to expand the influence of the human species, of course! would you like to join me? It's the opposite of the self-destructive hedonism which seems so prevalent right now!

>> No.5675407

>to accelerate the advancement of the human race, and to expand the influence of the human species, of course!
uhuh..specifically, what are you doing then?

>> No.5675415

Creo que solo lo dijo porque quizo.

>> No.5675416

>what are you doing then?
when? the task is never complete, until we have mastered the very fabric of space and time itself and wrought it into a fashionable hat.

do you not possess it, the virtue of inquisition? the drive to seek knowledge? the impulse to expand and enhance yourself and your periphery?

>> No.5675421

Hacer Cálculo me la pone dura.

>> No.5675422

meh, if it;s interesting, i learn it
if it aint, i then i aint gonna waste my fucking time with it
lifes too short, gotta have fun, rite?

>> No.5675444

>hurp durp life's too short
>no point in making it longer
>might as well lie down in the dirt and die
how about we all an hero right now

we're not animals, you know. we can at least try to get a handle on life.

>> No.5675463

i DO 'have a handle on life'
but even if immorality was possible (spoiler alert: it isnt!) then i probably wouldnt want it anyway coz living forever would get boring eventually.

and it's already 'longer', coz people used to only live till like 40, before modern medicine and shit, and now we live to like over a hundred.

as far as i see it, you just get one life, so just have fun and dont bother worrying about shit.

>> No.5675491

yah well fuck you, I wanna make suicide the status quo. i wanna live to 100 billion, see the galaxies merge, have my own little garden of eden, play god for a while, tug stars into black holes for the lulz, and be a general cosmic badass.

sorry you don't have any aspirations beyond your cats and no faith in technology beyond what happens to be created by people with knowledge you don't even attempt to grasp for.

yes I mad.

>> No.5675500
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>sorry you don't have any aspirations beyond your cats
erm, i dont actually have cats (well, my parents do, but i dont live there anymore)

also, do you REALLY think they'l invent immortality??
even if it were possible, would it be within your lifetime?

sorry hun, you get this one life, just a few decades
and get used to being all old and ugly towards the latter half of it as well

i hope u use it well, at least

>> No.5675503

>retarded trip tries to speak for all of /sci/

>oh wow.jpg

>> No.5675517


if you consider how far we have come in the last 50 years in therms of medical advancement, we can probably get to a point in 50 years where we can make ourselves last at least another 50 years until we can append another 100 years, etc.

close call, but feasible, imo. that's why I'm working hard at it.

not sure about "immortality" but we should definitely approach it.

I just don't think "accepting your fate" is "good usage"

>> No.5675528

>yfw you solve immortality and then get fatally run over by a bus the week after

>> No.5675538

HOLY fucking ballbags. Words cannot describe the feels i feel about this disgrace of human life.

>> No.5675550
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>> No.5675578

>iyfw not everybody's a complete and utter fucking idiot with the iq of a bleached sheet of printer paper.