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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5656746 No.5656746[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Other than knowing mathematics and problem-solving, what skills could be learned to do well in a Computer Science course?

>> No.5656750

cock sucking

also gtfo

>> No.5656770

Why are you so butthurt? Does seeing CS threads make you upset? Also CS threads are meant to be here.

>> No.5656774

As someone who has studied CS before recognizing how low level it is and switching to a more intellectual major I can assure you that you won't need any knowledge or skills at all. Most of CS undergrad courses is happening on a level comparable to high school.

>> No.5656785

This. /prog/ is /pol/'s outpost and /g/ is just general technology.
/q/ is requesting for a /CS/ section.

>> No.5656792

I doubt that Computer Science will get its own board but it's quite difficult to disucss it here because everyone loves to troll CS.

>> No.5656847

This. A thousand times this.

>Also CS threads are meant to be here
No they are not. For the many reasons /sci/ dislike cs, just go through the archives of the various threads where we explain why cs fails compared to every other true science, engineering, or math field


>> No.5656932
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>> No.5656942
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so much butthurt

>> No.5656948

Out of curiosity, what did you switch to?

>> No.5656956

That thread only shows how autismal the hate for CS is. I have a hard time believing it's not just one angry kid spouting his hate everywhere for whatever odd reason. Maybe some CS kid stole your lunch money?

>> No.5656969

Who boy, what is with all the hate? I get it that most of you are narcissistic, but this is getting ridiculous.

>> No.5656976


>cs majors are the new engineers

>> No.5656984


Relax, it's just a joke like the engineers = fags thing.

However, some of the criticisms touch upon the basic dillemna facing would-be computer science students. A CS course will be either CS (math) or CS (Engineering). The majority of CS courses, and especially introductory ones will be CS or software engineering. If you had questions about that you'd be better off asking /g/. However the other half of CS is discrete maths and is totally unlike algebraic/calculus based math you may already be familiar with. This sort of thing is a better subject to broach on /sci/ but there is not really something you can prepare for besides bring lots of lube.

>> No.5657031

I don't understand the hate for CS either, or even the stereotype that CS students can't do any math. At my university, CS requires calc, linear algebra, diff eq, probability, discrete math/logic, and at least 2 higher level math courses too. Obviously it's not as much math as a math or physics major, but there's still quite a bit more than most majors.

I also can't imagine how in the world people with CS degrees are unable to do the fizzbuzz problems. I've taken one CS course and I could do them no problem.

>> No.5657038

CS discrete math is retardedly easy. It's a horribly water down version of a few math course.

>> No.5657048
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>I also can't imagine how in the world people with CS degrees are unable to do the fizzbuzz problems. I've taken one CS course and I could do them no problem.

Even so, it's a fact that 7/10 CS major cannot.

>> No.5657056

Because every school's curriculum is exactly the same, right?
And try taking a few English classes.

>> No.5657059

You're joking, right?

>> No.5657076
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I can make fake statistics about different majors as well. It's pretty fun isn't it?

>> No.5657081

Ever school uses the same 4 or so pathetic books.
It's late and the European master races have no need to use correct Engrish for 'merikan apes

>> No.5657083

I hate my computer science department. it's all autism/iKiddies/gaymers who smoke and have tattoos and do other deplorable things.

Fuck this shit i'm thinking of switching to geography or something.

>> No.5657089

I'm very abrasive and sexually frustrated.

>> No.5657087

Wow you sound like you're a great person to be around.

>> No.5657096

I'm already double majoring in math and philosophy. Do you guys think tacking on a math minor or maybe even major will be too much?

Will i have trouble in grad school if I'm a comp sci major? Should I just try and fit in as many maths as I can?

Everyone is making CS majors out to be math deficient. Should I focus on transferring to a better school? I currently go to SUNY Albany because I was initially a nanoscale science major, I'm not sure if my degree will be worth much in the fields I'm pursuing now.

>> No.5657093
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>mfw someone tried to call mindless code regurgitation a science near me

>> No.5657101

199/200 programmers can't

>> No.5657103

You must have went to a shit college

>> No.5657112

What wrong with tattoos?
Are you scared of them?

>> No.5657118

they're gross and for poor people

>> No.5657122

Huh, that's pretty weird if that whole isn't bullshit.
Fizzbuzz was one of our first problems and nobody had any trouble figuring it out, even those without previous programming experience.

>> No.5657124

>and philosophy
kill yourself
>Do you guys think tacking on a math minor
>I'm already double majoring in math

>> No.5657128

*whole article

>> No.5657132

Meant computer science, sorry.
What exactly is your issue with philosophy?

>> No.5657134

As in I'm double majoring in philosophy and computer science.

>> No.5657135
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Cool opinion.

I doubt a poor person could afford a decent tattoo.

>> No.5657143

>that's pretty weird if that whole isn't bullshit

You've never heard that most CSers can't code and plagiarize/cheat on any coding assignment they do? Fizzbuzz is a pretty famous example of this

>> No.5657144

Holy shit I hate you so much, and I'm not in CS nor do I smoke or have a tattoo

>> No.5657157

have I offended you in some way

>> No.5657160

I haven't heard that. I'm sure it happens but they aren't going to get very far.
Are you implying that people from some other subject make better programmers than CS majors?

>> No.5657163

You can't really plagarize your way through a final, can you?

>> No.5657168

Honestly just buy your textbook three weeks early and work through the whole thing. It is somewhat annoying at first just to be able to learn how to read the language because they move sorta fast, but three weeks of practice prior and you should easily get an A.

>> No.5657177



>> No.5657183

I've heard of employers looking at math majors a lot like CS majors.

>> No.5657189

I can see that happening if they took enough programming courses. But then again a CS major with a math minor would be pretty much equal. Honestly a lot of the engineering/science/math student I know don't seem to understand programming beyond the basics, because they don't need to. Of course there are exceptions.

Solid argument.

>> No.5657193

Maybe at a shit-tier university.

>> No.5657210

They should just change the name to computational studies or something so the autistic community can stop being analpained.

>> No.5657228


No they should just call it fucking programming, you major in fucking programming to fucking program. Not to do math, not to do science, but to fucking program.

>> No.5657241

You can't tell me what I can't do!

>> No.5657329

>have went

dropout detected

>> No.5657336


Undergraduate CS is a much closer to engineering than science.