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5647808 No.5647808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to go listen to a Richard Dawkins lecture in a few hours. When they take audience questions, I want to ask something, but I have no idea what. Any ideas?

>> No.5647815
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>> No.5647817

How can you believe in consciousness if it's untestable metaphysical magic?

>> No.5647818

Excellent question, I'll take it under advisement

>> No.5647821

Don't waste your time OP. Dawkins is pure 100% SWPL. you'd be better off going to whole foods-- at least there you might meet a cute hippy chick.

>> No.5647826 [DELETED] 
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it'd look a lot more like a chicken if south america wasnt there
wtf is that? the chickens beard??

ask him why he believes in evolution if it's just a theory (a geuss)

>> No.5647828 [DELETED] 
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>Dawkins is pure 100% Dawkins is pure 100% scottish women's premier league

>> No.5647839
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Ask him about this, and ask what the meanings of "human" relevant to the morality of abortion actually are.

>> No.5647843

Ask him whether zero is an even or an odd number.

>> No.5647845 [DELETED] 
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>Dawkins is pure 100% scottish women's premier league

>> No.5647847 [DELETED] 

> I want to ask something, but I have no idea what.

why do people do this.

>> No.5647848

Why do you breathe?

>> No.5647873

If he believes religious faith to be destructive, ask him if he has considered what people who must endure grevious hardships and critical danger do to comfort themselves enough to find the strength to do the right thing.

>> No.5647894

ask him if 0.999... = 1

>> No.5647896

Holy shit Dawkins is one edgy mofo.

>> No.5647909

I approve this message

>> No.5647920

Ask him hy there are still monkeys if humans evvolved from them.

>> No.5647929

Do you even need to ask?

'What happens when a sun made of ice collides with a sun made of lava?'

>> No.5647932 [DELETED] 

that's one that he's most frequently asked.
he just gives his stock answer of:
>'if americans came from european settlers, why are there still europeans? same thing'

and then he'l presume you're a retard, and move swiftly on.

if you're gonna troll dawkins, you'll have to be a bit more creative

>> No.5647947

What if I don't want to troll him? What if I want a legitimately impressive question, because I want him to think well of me, because he's unbelievably sexy?

>> No.5647953 [DELETED] 
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>because I want him to think well of me
hah, good luck, faceless audience sheep number 9034
you wont be remembered.

>> No.5647966

I will make it happen. My question will consist of, "Would you like me to perform oral sex upon you?", if necessary.

>> No.5647979 [DELETED] 
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i fucking dare you

>> No.5647981
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I support the motion of the senator

>> No.5647985 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5647987

I'm new here. Who's this EK person?

>> No.5647991

As long as there's an "ok" somewhere in that witty remark, I can handle his lashing wit. Time to go, wish me luck.

>> No.5647988

Dawkins would probably have a witty remark. He's not the old no sex jokes kind of man that he looks.

>> No.5648002


some fatass or collection thereof who bruteforce new tripcodes every several days that say "EK" in the first two characters.

>> No.5648032 [DELETED] 
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>who bruteforce new tripcodes every several days
erm, dude, this current tripcode has over 5000 posts
my old one has over 14000

>> No.5648029

Ask him how he feels about 4chan in regards to his meme theory.

>> No.5648050
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in the grand scope of the universe that is not even a quarter bat of an eyelash.

>> No.5648059

Or ask him if he's affraid his teachings might be misunderstood by future generations, and how he would feel if it turns into a dogmatic religion, where he would be considered this almost mythological half god.

>> No.5648061 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 398x360, 13645647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh i know
what's your pic? that off a game or something?

>> No.5648064

Are you really EK or an impersonator?

>> No.5648071

Let's say our civilzation nukes it self back to the stone age, and the only thing that remains is "the god delusion" and some guy decides to make a copy into stone, but than the english language will be slowly forgotten and after many translations there might be a completly different meaning. Maybe it becomes "the delusional god".

>> No.5648072
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nah that's a picture I took with my Nikon Coolpix when I looked out the window of the ISS

>> No.5648077 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 337x328, 1354129710758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, thou seemth a little cunfusiated

ok, i AM the real EK, but the reaction images arnt me, they're FvR.
(well, some of them. not this one)

>> No.5648079

The "real" Ek stopped posting in 2010. All new EKs are impersonators.

>> No.5648082

Couple of years we were having some serious debates with EK, am not sure if it's really you or a sad basement dwelling copycat that gets off from this.

>> No.5648086

Well, the consistency of pics and writing style match, from what i recollect from before you giving up your trip.

>> No.5648087 [DELETED] 

well [!EKFQOBUFnQ] started in 2011 after someone worked out what my original tripode was, and i had to change it.

and that's the one that has the 14k posts, so it's 'the most well known EK' (if you insist on counting them as separate entities)
so that's the one that would be considered 'real'

>> No.5648091 [DELETED] 
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>some serious debates
remind me.

>> No.5648093

Why do you believe in emotions if they're untestable metaphysical magic?
Because it's just a word we've given to a thing which we recognize in ourselves and others recognize in themselves and we communicate to each other about these things and realize that even if they don't have physical bodies, that they are still real things.

>> No.5648095

Have you always posted as a tripfag?

>> No.5648097 [DELETED] 


>> No.5648099

Why did you start tripfagging?

>> No.5648105

Not him but we had some of that too, you were an arrogant selfentitled cunt, i was debating, you were arguing.

Examples, dunno, about evolution(you considered a snowball as a life form), big bang(you thought that big bang was an explosion of matter IN space rather than matter and space), all the entry level shit.

>> No.5648103 [DELETED] 

hmm, good question. dunno really
might have been partly because most of the anons at the time were fucking retarded, and i didnt really wanna be grouped with them

>> No.5648106

And now we know you're not the original EK. Thanks for playing. You lost.

>> No.5648110 [DELETED] 

If atheism is true, why only atheists believe it?

>> No.5648115

Nobody said atheism is true except retarded 15 year olds. Now, if we're talking what's logical to assume, since you can't prove a negative, and there is no evidence for a god, then we can, for the time being, just assume there is no god until evidence can be produced.
But to claim that there is no god is an insane statement.

>> No.5648116 [DELETED] 

>you considered a snowball as a life form
i vaguely remember that, but you're definitely misremembering
it was an analogy.

ah! that was it!
i was making a point that growing =/= being alive (viruses arnt alive, and it was in a thread discussing what does and doesnt count as being alive)

>> No.5648118

>what's logical to assume

You used the word "logical" incorrectly. You meant "rational".

>> No.5648119 [DELETED] 

oh and as for the big bang one, im still not toally sure about that
if the big bang is the start of all matter, space, and time, and the universe is expanding, then what are we expanding into?

>> No.5648120

That just sounds like nitpicking and pedantry, the definitions are pretty close and they seem almost like synonyms.
Please explain what you mean.

>> No.5648122

I remember actually, it's a lil ploy to test your authenticity.
There is a chance ofcourse you just got lucky finding that post but welp.

Why are you still dwelling this place? Don't have better things to do?

>> No.5648123

>then what are we expanding into?

On the slight off-chance that you're not trolling I'll explain it. "Expansion" in this context does not mean what most people associate with the word. The correct terminology is "metric expansion" and it refers to the time evolution of the metric tensor, given by Einstein's field equations.

>> No.5648125 [DELETED] 

>The correct terminology is "metric expansion"
and what's the difference? i still don t really understand, but if things are spreading out, as i understand it, then theres sort of more space than there was before, rite?
so where does it come from?

>> No.5648126

Logic means formalizing inference from axioms. In a non-axiomatic context the word doesn't make sense. I recommend taking a course on formal logic.

>> No.5648130

When you're talking about things "outeside" of the universe you're talking outside of conventional understanding of physics to say the least.

Casual and causal logic ain't gonna help you right now.

>> No.5648131

>but if things are spreading out, as i understand it

Things are not actually spreading out. You are thinking of the universe being embedded into a bigger space. The problem is that there is no bigger space. What is actually meant by "expansion" is a purely mathematical trick of modeling how distances are getting larger over time. It's harder to explain intuitively since you probably don't know what a metric tensor is.

>> No.5648135 [DELETED] 

>It's harder to explain intuitively since you probably don't know what a metric tensor is.
yeh, i dont
w/e, sounds complicated, i'll just take your word for it.

>> No.5648136
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Take a rock into the class and ask him how old the rock it.

>> No.5648139

>mathematical trick

>metric tensor

Aweyeah, gotcha.

>> No.5648141

Ask him what his comments are on this position.


Also Ask him what he thinks about Zen, Or Taoism.
Throw some monkey wrenches in there.

>> No.5648144

ask him how he can believe in evoluition if it';s only a theory (a guess?)

>> No.5648147

ask him: "What if you are wrong?"

>> No.5648148

Ask him how to solve for x.

x^2 + 3x = 2

>> No.5648151

In all seriousness ask him about Terence McKenna's Stoned Ape Theory


>> No.5648153

that's rude, he explicitly stated that he couldn't solve anything beyond arithmetic and uses personality types to understand genes

>> No.5648158

Is the lecture on actual biology or is he doing more atheist stuff? Because I'd love to hear him talk more about biology.

>> No.5648156


this is a good one

>> No.5648180

Yeah, he's a faggot and I'd like to see him actually answer that question

>> No.5648201


>> No.5648213

You should ask him why he makes profit of atheists, while in fact he's an agnostic

>> No.5648266

It wouldn't be that difficult to answer.
people always freak out when they are compared to animals because humans like to think they are a special gift granted upon this earth by god.
A fetus (especially in early stages) isn't really similar to a human. add some genetic material and you can make it into whatever you want.

>> No.5648277
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Ask him why humans make tables when we have perfectly good tummies to eat on.

>> No.5648299

Is he lecturing about religion or about zoology?

>> No.5648452


>> No.5648455

what the shit

>> No.5648460

Oohh, thats a good one. I wonder if he would get it.

>> No.5648466

when i saw tyson live i wanted to ask him something relevant to science and humanity but someone made a point that they get all those questions all the time.

Ask them about their personal life or something about their past they they like to reflect upon.

I was going to ask tyson what his favorite song to dance to was. (I never got to because there was a fucking long line)

do something similar for dawkins.

>> No.5648492

Inquire his opinion about the after life and the nature of reality. Reference Socrates 3 arguments and Xeno's Paradoxes.

>> No.5648496

Innovativefag here, yeah it's boring and annoying to be asked the same shit again and again, but asking pointless shit is just as bad. It's best to think of something that would actually require them to think and possibly even have to get back to you on, you might be able to make a high tier friend or improve academia.

>> No.5648497

Probably too late but remember this guy is an evolutionary biologist. He's used to all the normal philosophical and or metaphysical bullshit.

Ask him what he thinks about the discovery that humans share some neanderthal DNA.

>> No.5648500

Origins project is so gay

>> No.5648569

Ask him "How can you believe in evolution if it's only a theory, a geuss?"

>> No.5648784
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ask him what he thinks is the reason why religious faith is such a sucessfull cultural meme, what advantages it gave to believing groups over non-believers that caused its wide spread and if he thinks those aspects are still valid

>> No.5648799


The answer to that is in his book.

>> No.5648842


>atheist man: no children, no purpose but his own

>Catholic man: family of 10 children, most of whom will be Catholic too and make as many children

3 generations of atheists = 1 individual

3 generations of Catholics = 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000

Do you understand why you guys are doom? For believing in evolution, you show remarkably no understanding of how to use it.

>> No.5648844


Ask him if he'd rather have been born in a country whose basis aren't Christian.

>> No.5648847

Ask him how life started.

>> No.5648848


And soon the Catholic Church will have no nuns.

>> No.5648851


He's English. England's bases are Rule of Law.. what do you think Henry VIII was really fighting the Pope about?

>> No.5648905

which one?
i only read his "god delusion" and after that never bothered to read another, i simply don't like him

and btw, attending a lecture doesn't mean you have to know the books -> still good question

>> No.5648906


The one where he coins the word meme. Blind watchmaker.

>> No.5648912

i don't think that is true

the amount of children is way more related to education etc. than religion - just look at europe: there is no significant difference in birth rate between parts that are more or less secular

>> No.5648927

is this one better than "god delusion"?
or does he also have this missionary style there?

>> No.5648946
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Ask him if he thinks the whole human specie has stopped evolving now that the weak no longer die because we have developed so egilitarian ideas, and that plebs and lower class people get more kids than wealthy people.

>> No.5648950

he was born in Kenya.

>> No.5648981

>Have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like?

>> No.5648985
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Say this just for fun:

Most people believe the earth is round, and it is round.
Most people believe the sky is blue, and it is blue
Most people believe that God is real, therefore he is real.

>> No.5648988 [DELETED] 

Ask him what he hopes to gain by being a militant atheist.

Ask him why he cares what people believe in, ask him why it makes him feel good to attack others' beliefs.

God doesn't exist. Fine. Why do you care about what someone else believes? I was a militant atheist in grade 11. I grew out of it. I'm still an atheist, but I don't write books about why people are wrong.

Ask him if he's only trying to cash in on militant atheists.

>> No.5648992

ask him to stop being a dickhead

>> No.5648993

I don't think he is trying to cash in, but I do indeed think what he is doing is kinda pointless. Religion does cause problems but so does other ideologies In the middle east and africa people are losing their lives due to religious wars. If religion was gone these wars wouldn't be happening but we would still have wars over other ideologies so it wouldn't be that different.

>> No.5648994

ask him why animals dont use gasoline

>> No.5648997

Do you observe that La Illaha Ila Allah wa Muhammad Rasullullah?