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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5647752 No.5647752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Help me debunk this /sci/

Someone on facebook posted it on my wall, presumably to get me back after making a smart remark on his anti-gay status.

It's supposedly undeniable evidence that the Bible is 100% scientifically sound. I'm not gonna get into that but I want to debunk this list here. I can only think of the first one, knowing that the word used for "sphere" more likely meant disk and the Bible makes other references to a flat earth.

>> No.5647760

>evidence that the Bible is 100% scientifically sound
Can you friend demonstrate that the positions taken in the bible were arrived at via the scientific method?

>> No.5647765


>> No.5647767
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>isaiah 40:22
>He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth
nothing about a sphere there. circle is 2d, not 3d.

>science then
>only 1100 stars
wtf is this??

anyway, he's wrong on the first couple, i'd just ignore him

>> No.5647772

cite apocryphal

>> No.5647773

ask him about the whole copernicus thing.

>> No.5647780

fuck u ek

>> No.5647785

what was the name of EK's youtube channel

>> No.5647788

i dont have a youtube.
you probably want FvRs channel

>> No.5647791


>> No.5647829

Just remind him of the book of kings, and how there is a pool precisely 10 Cubits in diameter, and 30 cubits in circumference.

>> No.5647833

this is probably the least objectionable inaccuracy in the bible

>> No.5647837

facebook is a great networking tool. it connects you with all the lesser plebians that are willing to do all the work for your brilliant ideas so that they can put their name on a reputable paper.

I just sit and pitch, bro, the ants do the work. I produce papers, yet I've never written a single word since "introduction to scientific writing".

>> No.5647844

circle is 1d, friend

>> No.5647849

sphere is 2d

>> No.5647852
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>> No.5647856

Do you know what a manifold is?

>> No.5647857

I just... no. I won't fall for it.

>> No.5647858

>the bible
>man and women created


the bible gets it wrong on all the easy stuff and all of those are vague enough to be taken in multiple meanings.

>> No.5647855

Write out the equation for a cicle again?

>> No.5647860

High schoolers pls leave.

>> No.5647866


>> No.5647868

Thats eulers

Circle is x^2 + y^2 = 1

>> No.5647871

And what does the regular value theorem tell you about the dimension of the manifold described by that equation?

>> No.5647872

is this guy serious?

>> No.5647877

how about r=cos(theta)

>> No.5647878

nice going, showing again that you are completely retarded.

>> No.5647879
File: 178 KB, 460x640, intellectual_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x^2 + y^2 = 1
no, he's just joking
and so is wolfram alpha

>> No.5647881


<div class="math">f(\theta)=1</div>

>> No.5647886

>Earth sat on a large animal.
Wasn't there this Christian myth that the Earth was in the eye of a giant fish?

>> No.5647885
File: 58 KB, 143x150, 56785648534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking a circle is 2d
'completely retarded.'
[sarcasm] oh, yeah. how could i have been so stupid? [/sarcasm]

(no. you suck at trolling. fuck off)

>> No.5647888

just because it is an n-variable implicit equation doesn't mean it is an n-dimensional manifold

consider x^2+y^2=0... it is a point. is a point 2 dimensional? a point isn't even a manifold, faggot.

>> No.5647892

EK, you schrödinger's kitty cat, I'd like to see you split in two, be in two places at the same time for a while, and then remerge, please.

>> No.5647893

I was just writing out the equation for a circle

>> No.5647897

>Wasting your time arguing with a theist on Facebook instead of just, hiding/blocking/unfriending him

>presumably to get me back after making a smart remark on his anti-gay status
>wasting time starting arguments with theists in the first place

God you are either a fucking idiot or a troll.If you are actually going to use Facebook for something practical then do it and stop with the bullshit >>>/b/ tier arguing that neither of you will win.

>> No.5647899

yeah. you're retarded.

>> No.5647900
File: 112 KB, 960x747, TIWAAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Earth sat on a large animal.

>> No.5647903

1 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers.

2 I will make the descendants of David my servant and the Levites who minister before me as countless as the stars in the sky and as measureless as the sand on the seashore.

3 When he established the force (weight in many translations) of the wind and measured out the waters

4 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for star differs from star in glory.

5 Where is the way to the dwelling of light, and where is the place of darkness, that you may take it to its territory and that you may discern the paths to its home?

6 He stretches out [the north] over the void, and hangs the earth upon nothing.

7 The wind blows to the south, and goes around to the north;
round and round goes the wind, and on its circuits the wind returns.

Bored now, someone else can do the rest

>> No.5647906

Why not make a list of everything religion is wrong about in the past compared to everything wrong in the future? It should be the same (lel) and you can demonstrate that science will at some point lead to the correct answer (whereas religion may not).

>> No.5647905

>implying a circle on the complex plane is a circle.

>> No.5647912


>cannot into 2D projections in nD space

>> No.5647914
File: 242 KB, 474x357, 0129843084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bored now, someone else can do the rest
theres only 4 left you lazy piece of shit
get on with it

>> No.5647916

OP stop being a jackass and preen your friends list.

>> No.5647915

How about <span class="math">(r,\theta) = rcos(\theta)[/spoiler]

>> No.5647924


nice word, didn't know it existed, good to know.
"prune" might have been a better choice though.

>> No.5647930

>Implying "complex" is a dimension

>> No.5647933

> a point isn't even a manifold, faggot.

Yes, it is, you fucking pleb. Discrete manifolds are still manifolds.

>> No.5647937

In what sense isn't it?
As a vector space over R, C is isomorphic to R^2.
Topologically, they are identical. They are also isometric. The only difference is in the functions one typically associates over them, but that isn't a property of the circle itself.
A point is a manifold.
A circle has length, but no width. It's one dimensional, but cannot be embedded in one dimensional space. Likewise, the sphere has length and width (longitude and latitude) and is thus 2D. It can only be embedded in 3D space (or higher).
The notion of embedding is clumsy, and so manifolds are usually defined intrinsically, without reference to the space you put them in.

>> No.5647938

>implying "dimension" and "projection" are synonyms.
>implying I stuttered

>> No.5647970


>> No.5648128

The greeks new the earth was round. people began to believe the earth was flat because of the dark ages (cuased by christianity) because genesis describes it as flat.

>> No.5648159

only sphere is circle, no matter what angle you look at it.
Disk is rectangle sometimes

>> No.5648163

yupp, that big poster in the middle of Playboy.

Or was it centerfold?

>> No.5648167

Just look up any of those bible verses and you'll see that list is nothing more than an exercise in literary contortionism.

>> No.5648175

I think where this becomes fallacious is in the 'science then' category. It does not cite anything to back up its claims in that area. The Earth was thought to ride on the back of an animal? I doubt that this was believed anywhere outside of Asia, and possibly Africa.

Even still, the wording in the parts of The Bible cited is ambiguous at the very best.